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Everything posted by Ronald

  1. You are probably looking for this one http://rathena.org/board/topic/78242-custom-drop-rate-on-certain-item/
  2. Is that your main conf? There might be a other copy of that conf. Better check some of your files. Because I don't see any errors in your configuration.
  3. Maybe it's in your client's data. I mean it may not be loaded in your GRF. Have you loaded in your grf and updated infos. in eA?
  4. Do you mean trading some items? Like trade restriction of some sort of items like VIP Items?
  5. This is actually we're encountering how to fix this Sir Zeal? @Cydh What should we do then? Thank you in advance Sir
  6. Ronald

    Storage bug.

    rAthena 20120418 Client
  7. Ronald

    Storage bug.

    What do you mean repair table Sir iZeal? I'm also encountering this.
  8. I've wiped storage because of the item duplication issues but then after that it fixed the issue of having 2 same Items in storage. But whenever I get item in the storage and re-login. The item I get in storage is still there and the item that I get from storage is also existing. So there's still a item duplication problem. Do you know where would be the bug? Please help. Thank you.
  9. Same happens to mine. Hope to have it fixed. I just changed mine into a fresh SVN and loaded previous database and then poof! Storage bug.
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