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Everything posted by Critica

  1. Nope its in itemdesc.txt hanapin mo lng ung ID number ng Ygg box, tas sa bandang baba nkalagay un 14232# A box containing 10 Yggdrasil Berry, a fruit that is well-known for longevity. ^ffffff_^000000 ^000088[b]Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.[/b]^000000 ^ffffff_^000000 Weight :^777777 1^000000
  2. ic.. is there a way i can put points everytime a player kills an mvp..?
  3. thanks Euphy,, ok one last quesntion.. if i used and MVP boss as an monster here, does it count as an MVP too? i mean, does the MvP Tomb will work if the MVP dies?
  4. OnInit: //monster "2@cata",0,0,"Gold",1840,300,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; monster "ra_temsky",49,137,"Gold",1002,2,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; end; OnMobKill: monster "ra_temsky",49,137,"Gold",1002,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; set $Earn,$Earn + ( 100000 * $Tax / 100 ); set #GoldPoint,#GoldPoint + 1; dispbottom "Total Gold Point = "+#GoldPoint+" Points."; end; } is there a way i can put a mob time respawn here? just like on normal spawning..? kinda like this Kiel D-01 1734,1,7200000,3600000,0
  5. <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; if (Flux::config('UseCaptcha') && Flux::config('EnableReCaptcha')) { require_once 'recaptcha/recaptchalib.php'; $recaptcha = recaptcha_get_html(Flux::config('ReCaptchaPublicKey')); } $title = Flux::message('AccountCreateTitle'); $serverNames = $this->getServerNames(); if (count($_POST)) { require_once 'Flux/RegisterError.php'; try { $server = $params->get('server'); $username = $params->get('username'); $password = $params->get('password'); $confirm = $params->get('confirm_password'); $email = $params->get('email_address'); $gender = $params->get('gender'); $code = $params->get('security_code'); if (!($server = Flux::getServerGroupByName($server))) { throw new Flux_RegisterError('Invalid server', Flux_RegisterError::INVALID_SERVER); } // Woohoo! Register $result = $server->loginServer->register($username, $password, $confirm, $email, $gender, $code); if ($result) { if (Flux::config('RequireEmailConfirm')) { require_once 'Flux/Mailer.php'; $user = $username; $code = md5(rand()); $name = $session->loginAthenaGroup->serverName; $link = $this->url('account', 'confirm', array('_host' => true, 'code' => $code, 'user' => $username, 'login' => $name)); $mail = new Flux_Mailer(); $sent = $mail->send($email, 'Account Confirmation', 'confirm', array('AccountUsername' => $username, 'ConfirmationLink' => htmlspecialchars($link))); $createTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.AccountCreateTable'); $bind = array($code); // Insert confirmation code. $sql = "UPDATE {$server->loginDatabase}.{$createTable} SET "; $sql .= "confirm_code = ?, confirmed = 0 "; if ($expire=Flux::config('EmailConfirmExpire')) { $sql .= ", confirm_expire = ? "; $bind[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (60 * 60 * $expire)); } $sql .= " WHERE account_id = ?"; $bind[] = $result; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute($bind); $session->loginServer->permanentlyBan(null, sprintf(Flux::message('AccountConfirmBan'), $code), $result); if ($sent) { $message = Flux::message('AccountCreateEmailSent'); } else { $message = Flux::message('AccountCreateFailed'); } $session->setMessageData($message); $this->redirect(); } else { $session->login($server->serverName, $username, $password, false); $session->setMessageData(Flux::message('AccountCreated')); $this->redirect(); } } else { exit('Uh oh, what happened?'); } } catch (Flux_RegisterError $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case Flux_RegisterError::USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN: $errorMessage = Flux::message('UsernameAlreadyTaken'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::USERNAME_TOO_SHORT: $errorMessage = Flux::message('UsernameTooShort'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::USERNAME_TOO_LONG: $errorMessage = Flux::message('UsernameTooLong'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT: $errorMessage = Flux::message('PasswordTooShort'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::PASSWORD_TOO_LONG: $errorMessage = Flux::message('PasswordTooLong'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::PASSWORD_MISMATCH: $errorMessage = Flux::message('PasswordsDoNotMatch'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::EMAIL_ADDRESS_IN_USE: $errorMessage = Flux::message('EmailAddressInUse'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS: $errorMessage = Flux::message('InvalidEmailAddress'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::INVALID_GENDER: $errorMessage = Flux::message('InvalidGender'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::INVALID_SERVER: $errorMessage = Flux::message('InvalidServer'); break; case Flux_RegisterError::INVALID_SECURITY_CODE: $errorMessage = Flux::message('InvalidSecurityCode'); break; default: $errorMessage = Flux::message('CriticalRegisterError'); break; } } } ?> Hi siR, i read it over and over, but im not sure where is the code to you were saying.. thank you for your help sir ok i just notice,, its not just the registry.. all the menu in my Cpanel are directing me back to my website.. can anyone help me.. =( ok i just notice,, its not just the registry.. all the menu in my Cpanel are directing me back to my website.. can anyone help me.. =(
  6. Hi guys,, i dont really know much about PHP and Cpanel's all i know is copy and paste the themes into my flux, anyways.. here's my prob. in my website.. www.darksoulro.com everytime i got to register, it always get me back to my website.. i dont know why, but when i take out my web. and use the default flux cpanel. it works perfectly fine.. so anyone here know whats wrong? help me plssssss ( T - T)
  7. yeah same here, gmanspipe, blue pajamas and other zodiac Hg's and some official Hg's are not in my game,, where could we download a latest lua files?
  8. Hii Euphy!! i have a suggestion, is it possible to add "saving the style on the Class Manual? like save the cloth color, head sprite and hair color,,
  9. im using 3ceam.. if its not compatible with both.. then.. its useless..?
  10. Critica

    Green Aura

    oh im mean the effect name* na name of it in /texture/effects thanks.
  11. Anyone here knows the ID or effect name of this green aura??
  12. Is it possible to add a custom aura? or be able to use custom aura's? coz it would be really epic if we can use different custom aura in different races >:]
  13. Is anyone here can code this costume (robe and floor) to make it read item bonuses?? coz item bonuses in costume "top mid and lower are all working fine except for this two... anyone here is good enought to script this? cant we just add another EQP_AMOR_C or EQP_FLOOR_C and add it to the costume diff?? something like that??
  14. that will work!! i just need something different, can i have it pleaaaaaaase!!
  15. Hi sir thanks for the reply, here's what I'm talking about by the way... http://rathena.org/board/topic/62419-asking-for-costume-system/ Costume Tab 2^10 1024 = Costume - Upper Headgear 2^11 2048 = Costume - Middle Headgear 2^12 4096 = Costume - Lower Headgear 2^13 8192 = Costume - Armor <<<<< this upper/middle and lower effects are working properly, but on "costume amor" item bonuses doesnt work
  16. on the costume, how come top lower and mid the bonus effects are working, but on the armor (robe) bonuses are not working. :| if possible is there anyone here can code the armor and make the bonuses works on armor(robe part) because i think false suits or disguise suits would be really usefull if the amor costume is working... thank you sirS.!
  17. Hi guys!! can anyone here can make me a recolored card sprites? coz it would be better if Mvp, sealed, and normal cards have different color of cards right..? can you make me a red and blue or green pleeeeeaasee xD
  18. gReat works like a charm!! thanks again Eunphy!! you're so awesome haha!
  19. Before Decision: Bradley:"I tried but couldn't beat the guy" Post Fight Interview: Bradley:"He rocked me a few times" " I think I won the fight" Post Fight Press Conference: Bradley:" He did not hurt me with any of his punches" Full of crap, especially Bob Arum, Nuff said. MMA>>>>Boxing
  20. yea it was you who did this haha!! thanks to you again, this horadic cube" actually kinda like what the first script is, its just like guessing what item requirments are" to build the item, but i want it to modified like Joseph did, but will only show the items that you have full requirments, and the other items that you have missing requirments wont show on the menu list.. its kinda like this, Item1 - needs itemA itemB Item2 - needs itemA itemB itemC item3 - needs itemA itemB itemC itemD on my inventory i have itemA itemB and itemC so in the menu list of the NPC only item1 and item2 will show, item3 wont be on the list because i dont have all the requirments, sorry if its really hard to understand my idea,, xD
  21. Hi thanks for the reply, your script is working fine, but is there a way that it will only list* the items that you have a complete requirments, on the menu,?
  22. Hi guys this script works like "Horadic Cube" in diablo which will combine your item if you have the correct requirment.. but can i have a request to edit this script and add this: if i have the requirments, it wil list the items that i can build or combine in a menu,, so players may know which item they could possible combine prontera,152,166,5 script Rune Master 498,{ mes "[Rune Master]"; mes "Hi there young warior, I'm the Rune Master! I have the skill to combine Rune Stones in one."; next; mes "Combining your Rune Stones can make it more powerfull, but make sure you only carry the Runes you want to combine."; next; mes "Would you like to combine some Rune Stones?"; if(select("Yes","No")==2) { close; } // these are examples if (countitem(512)>=50 && countitem(513)>=60) { delitem 512,50; delitem 513,60; getitem 5116,1; mes "Done! Here's your "+getitemname(5116)+"!"; set .@failmessage,1; } if (countitem(514)>=2 && countitem(515)>=54) { delitem 514,2; delitem 515,54; getitem 5075,1; mes "Done! Here's your "+getitemname(5075)+"!"; set .@failmessage,1; } // etc. if (.@failmessage != 1); mes "You need to carry atleast two Seal or Glyph Runes."; close; }
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