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Status Updates posted by jTynne

  1. Welcome to rAthena, Gaypuff! Big fan of your work! :)

    1. Gaypuff



      Also wtf. This profile feed confuses my poor brain! Why when I post stuff in other people's profile feeds, does it end up in mine? QQ

    2. jTynne


      XD! I think it simply stays on the profile you post on.. Not 100% certain how it all works either myself!

    3. Gaypuff


      Yeah it does. Haha, I just saw. But for a while I thought I was speaking to myself. That would've been a bit embarrassing.

  2. Kids, learn to host your servers off of a VPS/dedicated company NOT associated with RO. You're giving full access to your files to these idiots running "RO Hosting" companies, when 9 times out of 10, there's no "company" about these hobbyist hack jobs. Get your shit together, and you'll be so much better off because of it.

    1. Brainsteal
    2. Olrox


      I love the way how you say these facts :3

  3. Five stars for having such a cute avatar! ^_^ Have a great day, Bagel!

    1. Dori


      haha thanks :3

  4. Working on my personal site today to get all my releases centralized in one location. :)http://www.jtynne.com - Check back periodically throughout the day!

    1. Arcenciel


      Looks nice. Text is a bit hard to read though cause of its size.


    1. Arcenciel


      Thanks for the nomination. <3

  6. Off in IRL-land. Working and school full-time, on top of a metric ass-ton of duties on campus. See you guys February!

    1. Eurydice


      IRL land is ebil. :< Taking chuuu away.

  7. HAY GIRL HAY! <3 iRO

    1. ragnazorg


      Hiya jTynne long time no see :)

  8. Someone PLEASE write a step by step guide on the 2012-04-10a client/server setup. I can't get it to work for the life of me.

  9. [22:41] <+jTynne|Busy> Because we all just silently facepalm'd, and I'm pretty sure 1/10th of baby Jesus just died when you asked that question

  10. Happy Holidays!

    1. Arcenciel


      Happy Holidays to you as well!

  11. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA AND MORE FUCKING DRAMA. Jesus fucking Christ. GOOD GOD GET A GRIP GIRL @ rAthena administration.

  12. Everyone, calm your fucking tits and stop this emulator war/bickering. It's childish on both sides. Grow up EVERYONE and do your work rather than bitching about x y and z. For fuck's sake, you're adults, act like it.

  13. School and work are back in session unfortunately, so you'll see a lot less of me throughout January! Shoot me a forum PM if you need anything specific in the meantime! <3

  14. I made a sprite! Yay! :D Check the Arts section of the forum to see it! :3

  15. Finally updated my portfolio site.. sheesh. http://www.justintynne.com

  16. You're fantastic! Thanks for all you do!

  17. Ready for finals to be OVER! Ugh!

  18. Hey there and happy birthday! FIVE STARS! :D

  19. Just gayed up my user profile! Be sure to check it out! <3

  20. Thanks for stopping by my profile! Have a great day!!

  21. You think you can out gay MY profile?! PSH! Rainbows?! I'm sharting rainbows! <3

  22. D'aww, you rock bb! <3

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