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Posts posted by DevilEvil

  1. I don't know about imported models, since that depends on the model you import from the other games. I can only tell you about the models you create from scratch.


    Regarding the animation, IIRC, Olrox made a guide for FBX import (I may be wrong though) . You can animate your model and save it as a FBX.

  2. Save the UV map as a texture (TGA) (You can render the UV texture in the UV window tools menu).


    Then apply an AO map to your model (make sure you are using mental ray renderer)


    Then press '0' to open the render to texture window. Select AO map, the size of the render (must be equal to the size of the UV map render) and render the AO map.


    Then open both textures in PS. Start with a plain color base layer, add the UV texture layer in Overlay mode. Then add the AO map in Multiply mode. Start drawing :P.


    Look for a guide online for the render to texture, since it has some options you should know before trying to make it.

  3. Prontera's house (as well as all RO models) already have an UV map configuration. For example:



    Obviously, any model you create in Max MUST have the UV map configured, so you can create a texture that fits the model properly. Headus UV Layout is a program that lets you load an OBJ (model) and easily cut the mesh to make a 2D plane containing all the mesh (see right window in the example).


    Once you have the UV texture, I recommended (though it's not obligatory) to do a 'render to texture' with an Ambient Occlusion material, so you will get basic information of illumination.


    Once you have got your UV map with the shadows and lights information from the AO map, you have to start drawing your texture in Photoshop. You can get some material textures from google (there are tons of sites with nice textures to use in your texture (I wouldn't copy-paste them, only get some detail from them for some textures, such as metal or cloth, and put them with low opacity).


    If you make a house, of course, you will have to draw the windows and doors of the house, even if you model them. I wouldn't add more polygons for a window to be honest, drawing it will be better (you can still make a high poly model and project it on the low poly to get extra info, but that's only if you like modelling more than drawing).

  4. I have no clue about what you've just said :/. Could you say it in Portuguese? I will probably understand better (I'm Spanish).


    If you are asking about how to add the texture, I usually just add the model and open it in the RSM Editor (part of BrowEdit). Here you can select the texture the model has to read.

  5. That's the UV map. You first create the model in 3D max, and once you are done, you export it as an object. Load it in UV Layout and start projecting the quads in the UV map. There are nice guides about it that will explain how to use the program efficiently, but with that you should be having the UV map set up. In UV layout, once finished, save the model as an obj, load it in Max, add an ambient occlusion texture to the model and press '0', you will open the render to texture window (guides about it in internet), this way you will get an ambient occlusion map. In Photoshop you will have to add it in Multiply mode, so all the white areas are transparent (in my example, I lowered the opacity of the AO map because I didn't want too much contrast between dark and bright areas).


    Final render has 2 additional textures (Normal and Specular Map, plus a Gloss map for the eye) and a basic three point light system.

  6. Max is a 3D modelling software, you can't use it to draw textures. What you can do in max is configuring the UV maps and then render to texture to get general texture information. For example, you can set an Ambient Occlusion to the material and do a 'render to texture'. This way you won't start with an empty map. An example of one of my works (it shows the way I developed the texture maps):



    If you notice the first map (which is the one making everything way easier to do) has been done in Max. Once you get the UV Map (in this case I obviously needed to use another program, like UV Layout), you can just add an ambient occlusion render to your map and you will get a lot of info regarding shadows (and areas that are supposed to be black). It's way easier than to start from scratch with only some UV lines telling you where to draw.

  7. The term recolor has no original link to TGA images, but 8 bits ones. 8 bit images have an additional file that stores color information, which is the so called palette or color table. An 8 bit image is a matrix of pixels with an index, a pointer to the color stored in the color palette (if the third color in the color palette is red, for example, a pixel with index 3 will be red). Color isn't stored in the image. Thus, modifying the color palette means the frames that read that color palette will change their color. This way you create recolors or palette swaps for animations (as can be seen in tons of retro games). 


    Since TGA sprites aren't 8 bit, you can't make recolors. You can only modify the sprite by modifying each frame, because the color info is stored in each single frame.


    You can open the file up in Actor (1 or 2 I'm not sure which one)

    Both, iirc.

  8. I've always wanted to see a RO map of Konoha, and this is quite similar to it. I like the design work a lot, but I have 3 nitpicks xD:


    - The head statues are casting a shadow and giving the feeling they are no part of the mountain (mainly because of the contrast between the texture illumination values and the ground texture.

    - Texture maps (mainly the ones in the ceiling) have low resolutions or aren't being efficient enough.

    - Some models (especially the ones with curves) are too sharp in their edges (a shared smoothing group will fix that (put it to 45 in 3D max - Then autosmooth the whole model). In case that's not the issue, probably the textures aren't tiling correctly :/.


    8.5/10, the map is awesome, but I'm sure you can upgrade it! (it actually doesn't require any change in browedit except for the statues shadow). You only have to modify models/textures.

  9. I would first polish the sprite before asking for an act.


    The headgear design looks nice overall, but the shading work is making it hard to understand. You have pillowshaded (especially in first and last frame):



    As a side note, enlarged versions must be natural numbers (2x, 3x, etc.), since what you are doing is enlarging a pixel matrix, and if you enlarge it 1.5x, not all pixels will be enlarged, only some of them, which makes the image distorted.

    • Upvote 1
  10. That's quite obvious.


    If the material is not registered, having the PSD is still a way to prove you are the original owner of the work. I don't register all the stuff I make for companies, but I only give them the final assets (pngs, bmps, whatever), but not PSDs (except in special situations). The PSD is a proof you can use in a legal issue.

  11. Since it's an NPC, I recommend you to fix it via ActOR2 instead of modifying the bmp itself.


    Open the spr&act file in ActOR2 (these must have the same name, open the sprite file if you are in ActOR, and the act file if you are in ActOR2, the programs will automatically open both files at the same time). Modify the YOffs (Vertical axis offset) in order to move the NPC image to its proper position. Since you want it to be higher, turn the YOffs value to a more negative value. If it's ~0, try with -40 (and so on, until you see the frame is located where you want it to be). The image must be a few pixels below the horizontal (floor) line, X axis. This way the NPC won't look like it's floating. Don't forget to do this for all the views (though you can save the act and open it in ActOR, then copy/paste views using the Edit Act menu).

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  12. Sprites (.spr) are supposed to be made up by bmp files (indexed color mode, 8bits/256 color pallete). However (and only if it is really necessary) you can make sprites with 32 bit TGA files (this format is considerably bigger, and has no color pallet, thus you can't make recolors by modifying a .pal file (color info is stored in the image and not in a pallete file/.pal)). It's actually not better imo:



    TGA files allows you to use more than 256 colours (I have never seen a pixel art piece using more than 256 colors).

    Allows modification of the alpha channel.



    Bigger size

    No indexed color


    Only use TGA sprites for effects, and not for headgears, mobs, etc. You can add TGA images to a sprite using ActOR/ActOR2. Make sure SPR Type is 1 (this means the frame uses 32 bit images. ActOR2 has a built-in script to modify all the SPR Type values to 1 from 0).

  13. I'm relieved this was able to be resolved, and pleased to see no content loss took place. Congratulations on recovering, and best wishes for the future of the project!

    This! It's nice to see there was no need to lose any content :P.

  14. I can't check the files since I'm not on my PC, but probably the problem is related to the image format. A basic thing in RO spriting (even more important that pixeling skill itself) is understanding the bmp format. All RO sprites (except for TGA sprites, which aren't going to be considered in this post) are made up of a collection of 8-bits bmp images, with a single shared palette file.


    This means that if you aren't experienced enough, if you don't start with a 8-bit bmp you will most likely get errors. Each one of those images probably have it's own palette (not a shared one), so when you create the sprite, all the images except the first one will look weird, because all the images will use the palette file located in the first bmp image.


    Besides, the BG color is not transparent. If you keep track of your palette pixeling your sprite in a 8 bit bmp (working with a Pixel Art friendly software is the best way to use your palette properly) you will easily apply the background color (transparent color) by getting the first color in your palette and draw the background with it. Other way to get a transparent color without using the first color in the palette (though I dislike it) is drawing the BG with magenta (#FF00FF). It's better to use the first color since you can choose any color you like (makes pixeling easier and better, since you can choose a neutral non-saturated color instead of magenta).


    To fix the error: In Photoshop: Convert all your images to RGB (Image-Mode-RGB), then index (selective) the first image, get the color palette (Image-Mode-Color Table-Save (as Microsoft Palette)), index the rest of the images (click custom index, instead of selective), load the palette you've recently saved, save the image as bmp (8 bit). Create the sprite again using the new images.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Si es un proyecto de colaboración, el problema de la localización es fácilmente solucionable. Que haya una revisión de los textos antes de darles el visto bueno para ver cómo encajan.

  16. I believe I could be considered a neutral voice in the Spanish community (have no affinity to any server).


    I myself recommended Leeg for a simple reason: Proven real experience and qualification. In most companies, they follow the very same way to select their workers. I appreciate your effort, but if we can have a professional translator with good qualifications we should select him over other translators (there is no favouritism at all).


    My views on this:

    • There wasn't any effective revision of this translation as it was proved before.

    Work together if you all are able to have a professional attitude and don't get hurt by this recent change. Don't try to be the best, just kill the ego and try to work together

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