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Posts posted by DevilEvil

  1. I've tried contacting sir Ipis and I think he's still waiting for Lilith's job to be done.

    Continue or not I will make the sprites and sell them to whoever want to buy it.

    I don't want to waste my efforts in making these for nothing.

    You would get a spriting badge if you release for free ;<. Your works look interesting, looking forward to seeing a finished job :P.

  2. Neither I found it to be honest, but I remember it was in that site. I'm afraid link may be down though.


    However, in the English community and other international communities, these sprites were redistributed in several occasions. Try in DivineRO and brAthena, maybe it's there.

  3. It feels like a poor version of Sakurazuka's Dragon aura:


    Besides, in my opinion, Sakurazuka has already almost no refinement and pixel level efforts in her works. Good ideas, poor execution. Now, if you take these sprites and make an ever worse version with worse colors, you get what you showed us in yours screenshots. I see no reason to ask for such a poor quality work, sincerely. You could download Sakurazuka's, which is better, and apply a palette to it if you want it blue (I'm not sure if it's still downloadable from her site).

  4. I like it, but I'd personally add something what could make the map more natural-looking. See the edges of the isle? Since in ragnarok we have a square matrix, we can't simulate curves unless we smooth the ground or use models. In this case, I'd recommend to use a wall model to simulate a curve (I believe Yukitsuki used to do this, iirc now though). Good job, looking forward to seeing more! :)

  5. It should appear in the selected area, if it appears when you do the normal calculate lightmaps :/.


    Test it for another lightmaps and check if it's working properly. If it is, then the problem is related to the lightbulb. Maybe there is a model or something that is casting shadows.

  6. Select the area affected by that light (iirc, you can select it with Ground Selection Mode - aka F2), and then click on calculate selected lightmaps. I will only calculate the selected area.


    Check my guide on this. Translate it to English for better understanding.

    • Upvote 1
  7. That's a whole new question :P.


    SPR conview is a program that let's you extract as well as make spr files. You have to edit the bmp.


    As for pixel art, it's a whole different thing and there aren't many guides on the subject. Take references from RO sprites and refer to PixelJoint for general pixel art guidelines.

  8. the textrues can be seen and not black, everything is fine, just the lightmap colors below the torches isnt and the lightmap i pt in certain area, Never tried calculating with shadows since i use calculate map without any shadows in any lightmaps.

    Maybe the lightbulbs are illuminating the area below the floor :/. You could try putting them in a higher position.

  9. Pixel art is much more than a video tutorial. And even with good detailed tutorials on pixel art (there aren't in the RO English spriting community yet, I'm working currently in order to change that. Meanwhile, check in PixelJoint and WayOfThePixel/Pixelation), you won't be a good pixel artist without time and practice. You may understand the concepts, the methods, the theory, but how to place each pixel in your work, and how to select the exact color you want to make it fit your needs, that is just not easy. You have to try, fail, try, fail, try, have success.

  10. Wiki has replaced tutorials section back in eAthena days. I liked it but also disliked it, for several reasons. Tutorials have a personal view that a wiki article can't have. For example, in spriting, or RO pixel art in general, I'm sure I won't explain it as Adel or Gaypuff would do.

    However, obviously, wiki is way more organized.

    I suggested recently (via staff sections) to add IP content and this way people can create a place to post their guides. I have some guides I'd like to translate and add to rAthena, but I refuse to use the wiki since it doesn't look appealing to me as a place to post MY lessons xD. Not all graphics people may agree with my text and I wouldn't like it being modified by other people.

    I contributed to the wiki, but not as much as I'd like because of this.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I mean it would require further moderation efforts in all these sections, it should offer more than that xP.

    Usually someone wants something, reads documentation to reach his goal, fails, searches about it in the forum and:

    1- Reads a solved similar problem

    2- Asks

    Anyway, duplicate topics on questions aren't always bad, sometimes the same problem can be studied from different points of view.

    I do encourage the use of the "mark as solved" button though.

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