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Posts posted by DevilEvil

  1. Open SPR in SPR Conview: Palette > Open > Open the palette which changes the color of your frames. Lesson III of the spriting academy has a video for that (even if you don't understand the language, you can still see the process, which is quite easy)

  2. No guide is really necessary for that


    1.1 Drop SPR is a basic sprite made up of 1 frame, the 24x24px bmp item image. Act is the same that other sprites use for drop sprites.

    1.2 Collection image is a BMP image of 75x100px size

    1.3 24x24px 8 bit BMP image, with a #FF00FF color as BG color (that must also be the first color in the color table. Make sure it is, otherwise there will be an error probably)

    2. Use another official/custom sprite&act as reference.

    3. You can't. Each job use it's own act.

    4. If you are using a reference, yes.

    4-2. Showcase section :P.

  3. I will privately talk with @dexter to verify the male sprites were made for nnfro.


    I encourage to start a new thread about his own Naruto-related female sprites project, as well as the original reworks he made for the male sprites.


    The topic will remain closed meanwhile.

  4. If you didn't use the official ro palette (which has all color ramps ordered), you will either have to modify colors one by one, in the color table (selecting the color), or by modyfing the general color values (ctrl+U).

  5. Yeah xD. I'm not sure why Sakura actually made so big sprites if she didn't plan some refinement! (or an animation).


    I believe the idea is just awesome (to have some sort of natural god or something like this as an aura evolving our character), but execution could be better. Actually, a properly refined and animated sprite based on the very same idea could be absolutely gorgeous *encourages Adel to make sprites like this* xD


    I'm also considering now making a set of the seven deadly sins like this, could be interesting :P.

  6. I must agree with Adel that recoloring helps:


    • You get a better technical understanding of BMP and PAL
    • You get in touch with color ramps and RO standard palette
    • You understand more about the RO spr format, without being involved with acts too much
    • You are seeing pixel art works while you do this, and how everything is pixelled. This is by far the best thing you can do.

    Anyway, even if you don't understand Spanish, you could check my videos in the Spriting Academy (in the siggie). Once you access them (in the bottom of the lessons), go to the youtube channel and you will find there several pixel guides that may be useful for you. I'm still working on the guides/videos, so soon there will be more  :P.

  7. Yeah, that's the best thing actually. Add a palette ID for a certain job so it doesn't need RO standard palette (nor RO standard palette's layout).


    In my former post I was only discussing the structure of RO palette and professional pixel artists' palettes. Not really important actually xD!

  8. You could create a custom palette ID specific for the custom jobs, which would work only for that custom job :P.


    And I understand your view. RO standard palette would be considered a palette full of errors in our current days. However, it's design, even if it's not that good from an artistic point of view, it's very good for game graphics production and recolor-making. It's main advantage (regarding production) and main disadvantage (regarding artistic color quality) is the fact that color ramps are separated, and somewhat individualized.


    If we see top-notch renowned pixel artist, they create palettes like this:

    ramps.png(By pixel artist Adarias)

    Which are definitely better than any palette with a similar organization like RO (separated color ramps). 



    This, however, doesn't apply to RO, since we are looking to make graphics production and flexibility (ie, creating recolors) faster and better.


    However, I believe we could get both advantages, fast production and flexibility with good artistic quality, if RO palette was somewhat like this:



    (Art and palette made by Japanese pixel artist Syosa, one of my favs)


    I'm wondering now if this could be also tried with RO palette (like making all 8th tones in all ramps the same color = blueish dark pink). Maybe Kamishi surprises us xD!

    • Upvote 1

    I've tried contacting sir Ipis and I think he's still waiting for Lilith's job to be done.

    Continue or not I will make the sprites and sell them to whoever want to buy it.

    I don't want to waste my efforts in making these for nothing.

    You would get a spriting badge if you release for free ;<. Your works look interesting, looking forward to seeing a finished job :P.

    What badge? /hmm I'm sorry but I have no idea what a spriting badge is. But I will SELL the sprites IF the server WON'T continue. Prob is the ones who will buy MIGHT get errors cuz I don't use RO color pallete 

    A spriting badge is the badge I have below my avatar (it's the 50x50 pixel badge image :P).


    Regarding the RO palette, yes, if you didn't maintain the standard RO palette, any palette change will be problematic. Yet you can reindexate the image to fit the standard palette #1 so at least it doesn't give errors if palette isn't changed. You can also repixel the colors to fit the RO palette, but that may be a pain in the neck... (however some people have took this measures in some cases: ie Usako's project to repixel all main official/custom hairstyles to make them use standard RO's brown color ramp)

  10. Frame 1's palette will be applied to all of the frames in the image. A sprite is a collection of 8 bit bmp images with a single palette file, which the whole frames read, and that palette is 1st frame's. Convert to RGB your frames, then indexate the first frame, go to PS: Image>Mode>Indexate (Select "Selective Palette" or "Custom">Load RO palette, if your sprite only uses RO colors, or if you want it to use only RO colors). Then Image>Mode>Indexate>Color Table>Save>As Microsoft Palette (.pal).


    Then, indexate the rest of the frames: Image>Mode>Indexate ("Select custom">Load palette)

  11. Oh yes, I was expecting this error. I'd like to see if another person knows if there is some way to avoid this error. It works sometimes, but not always (crashes).


    Apart from your current problem, I'd recommend you implement in BrowEdit all models you think you are going to use before making your map. I mean, check in BrowEdit the models, and if you like them, add them into your RO folder instead of keeping them in your Arcturus data. It will be easier for you in the long run.

  12. Molebox was pretty much used in the past, but you should read guides about it. If I recall correctly, in makes an executable that also includes your data, so it's protected under an .exe file extension. I'm not very familiar with Molebox, but there is a guide in Spanish about it in DivineRO (SP community, not a RO server :P). There are images so I guess it's easier to understand.


    If someone knows about other systems, would be nice to be suggested here.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Recolors are based on changes of a specific palette. We have no way to know what colors we have to change to apply the color change, nor we have a sprite to apply the recolor to it. Anyway, since I'm currently not at home I can't make it for you, but I can redirect you to some useful links:


    Spriting Academy Lesson 2 is about palettes (includes a video at the bottom). Lesson 3 includes a video at the bottom about sprite creation. Ask me if you have any doubts since I created these lessons.

    Palettes Wiki Page General information about palettes. In English. It also explains the sprite recolor creation.

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