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Posts posted by DevilEvil

  1. As some of you pointed me out (seemingly for years) my packs are no longer available. I have managed to build a single file with all my formerly shared work since the times of RUNE hahah. Nonetheless, I'm leaving them only for purchase now, it's a single purchase for a single file with all my work. Please contact me via personal email or twitter (profile)

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  2. I'd try to keep the least number possible of spoiler tags, it makes it hard for others to appreciate your work :P.


    In general is good, however, I'd use a different approach for the Susanoo sprite. As it is a combination of flames and ethereal armor, I'd look for a pixelated look in the armor and a separated flame animation over it, as the flame animation (which right now is basically a scale animation) is harming the quality of the sprite. If you are able to improve it that way, I'd go for it :). Good luck!

  3. Even if the service includes an NDA, any treatment you apply to the data of other people (emails, real names, etc.) must be communicated to those people, as well as having consent to apply that treatment. Actually, the real "blacklists" in which those who don't pay their debts are included, must have permission from those who are included. For example, if you don't pay your phone bills, you can be added to those lists by the company who you are in debt with (if they warned you in the contract you signed with them that you could be added to those lists if you don't pay your debts). Otherwise, it's illegal.


    As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong, since I may be), the very same laws would apply to us if the administration of rA published and maintained such a list (with personal data such as names, emails, etc.).



    I'm not against the list, I just simply don't see how it would be effective... We could write names on lists and burn them in public, but that wouldn't make any difference. It might help your anger, but for that reason we may start a flame topic instead :D

    We could actually be accused by the scammer for violating the Data Protection Act.


    I don't see how. The service would need a non-disclosure agreement and list everything that users are not allowed to discuss openly or publicly.. other than that it's nothing to do with us (which is why i've said staff will not get involved with this project) - therefore they can accuse us as much as they like, it won't change anything.


    Oh, I was actually talking about what could happen if rA decided to make an official blacklist.

  5. I'm not against the list, I just simply don't see how it would be effective... We could write names on lists and burn them in public, but that wouldn't make any difference. It might help your anger, but for that reason we may start a flame topic instead :D

    We could actually be accused by the scammer for violating the Data Protection Act.


    In the other hand Kido, we would have a lot of problems regarding the Data Protection laws, and I see no easy way to handle such data and apply such treatments to it.


    If you want less risk, then sign a contract. I do so with customers outside of the RO scene. I don't expect anyone to trust me nor I'm going to blindly trust my customers. When accepting certain payment terms (that translate into 100% risk on you) without even signing a contract, don't blame the scammer.


    Well seems that signing a contract like you said would be the best o: may i pm so you may lend me a hand in making one o: ?


    Huh a Blacklist for at least will give the members an idea of how they may be treated and how many scammers are around there, maybe a blog-like telling the experiences of scammed ppl may help too.


    There are many ideas that i think it may help. Thanks everyone for correcting me and answering to this o: with that effort i would like to hear ideas too, to do something agains this, the sign of a contract like DevilEvil said it's just a great idea.

    The text of a contract differs between countries, but there are general characteristics I could suggest you too add to your contract. There is always some type of risk when working with someone who's outside your country, but signing a contract is always better than doing nothing. Otherwise, choose favorable payment terms :P. Feel free to drop me a PM if you have any question.

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  7. Honestly, the "Hall of Shame" in RMS was a horrible idea and still is. I really don't feel that having this sort of thing on an emulator project is such a great idea.

    I must agree to Jman here. I remember there was one on RUNE, and it had a reason to be there (avoiding the release of sprites in those places). Besides, it fit the type of community RUNE was. I can't find any reason to have one in rA though. We have had took action against scammers but we have never had a blacklist in any athena community. I just feel it would be a pain in the neck to moderate properly such a list.


    In the other hand Kido, we would have a lot of problems regarding the Data Protection laws, and I see no easy way to handle such data and apply such treatments to it.


    If you want less risk, then sign a contract. I do so with customers outside of the RO scene. I don't expect anyone to trust me nor I'm going to blindly trust my customers. When accepting certain payment terms (that translate into 100% risk on you) without even signing a contract, don't blame the scammer.

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  8. I agree with Kisuka here. In open source software development the procedure works that way. The lifespan of a script is taken into consideration and edits are given a new version number, depending on the importance of that new modified version to the new script. There have been no copyright violation in any sense, authorship was fully respected, but I believe there would be no problem (and it's good practice and etiquette) to add a new version different from the 1.0. The fact is a different project shouldn't be a reason not to do so.

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    how will we know if our shared contribution is acceptable ?

    This isn't an automated system, everything is reviewed by human staff. So if you had contributed and decided to start a paid services thread, you would know if your contribution/s are accepted. You can also send a PM to a staff member who is in charge of the field you contributed to, in case you want to be sure about it before starting a paid services thread (I know these threads usually take time to get made).





    Just want to ask if how will we know if the administrator or mod in charge already reviewed our pending threads (paid services)? 'Cause it's been 2 or 3 weeks now, we still don't have any response from them.


    Sorry, but i just want to clarify this 'cause we don't know if our contribution is enough :)


    Thank you very much.


    More powers to rAthena  /ok

    Cheers!  /no1


    You can check in the rejected section, if your thread is there, it has been unapproved. Otherwise it's still under review or approved.

  10. Hello,


    how will we know if our shared contribution is acceptable ?

    This isn't an automated system, everything is reviewed by human staff. So if you had contributed and decided to start a paid services thread, you would know if your contribution/s are accepted. You can also send a PM to a staff member who is in charge of the field you contributed to, in case you want to be sure about it before starting a paid services thread (I know these threads usually take time to get made).

  11. I like the first one but I'm not a fan of the combination of the selected colours. I'd rather focus on primary and secondary colors only, instead of adding tertiary colors as well. Also, similar saturation levels (based on perception and not on digital saturation values; dark blue for saturated blues, bright yellow for saturated yellows) would make it look better.

  12. Exactly what Adel said. You can't add more than 8 frames per animation. You can, however, use some animation tricks to make everything faster. For example:


    Look at the deformation in the left side, which means the character is moving very fast. If you remove some frames and add that effect, it will look faster, but not worse.

    • Upvote 1
  13. I must agree with you xD! Choosing a color is already a difficult task, choosing it by adding numerical values to the RGB channel doesn't help at all, since you just won't have access to instant changes on saturation and luminiscence values. I'd rather suggest moving to HSL in future BrowEdit versions.

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