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Everything posted by JoseRicart

  1. Hello, im getting this error, just in case you can give a support
  2. Hi, First of all, it doesn't work quite right, when I fixed all the errors that I could see, I did a test and entered payon dungeon floor 1, I got the message that floor 1 was unlocked, then I kept going and It didn't unlock the other floors , I tried to see in cli mode but it does not give me any error, I add the script in case someone have time to help me. warpereovlution.txt
  3. Now it worked, seems like the Emistry package dont work ...
  4. I tried 3 diff sprite and still got the same issue
  5. Hi, First of all I am very sorry if the place where I should post this type of support is not correct but I feel that it is a client problem or at least my inexperience tells me that, the issue is that I am having a problem with hairstyle, I have added correctly and following the instructions of some packages here, but when I go from hairstyle 37 in female characters, and men I get a completely black head. Some images so that you understand me much better.
  6. wow man you give me a fucking idea and sorry for the word ffs, your a fking legend. Basically i can add custom items wiht % of drop whenever you kill an MvP omfg asjhkdhjksfjhdsfjhkdashfnbjkh im so excited
  7. oh wow your amazin, was missing a curly but now all work, tysm in case someone wants the script working, here the script NOTE: IGNORE THE COMMENT ON THE CODE mvpdropcoin.txt
  8. Still the same, i add an image, Red Reference means i killed an MvP = Drop coin and announce it Green referente means i killed poring = drop coin no announce it
  9. good morning, my name is Jose and it is a pleasure to return to these whereabouts of the world of rathena after a long break for personal reasons, as usual I come to disturb a bit here. About 4-5 years ago I had a script which when you killed an MvP gave you a coin automatically, it turns out that when I added it to the server's custom scripts it is, let's say, "half-working" since it is true that the script when you kill an MvP, it drops the coin, but also when you kill a poring, a skeleton, a zombie, a plant, a spore, in short, when you kill everything. Could someone help me or give me some support? I upload the script with an imagen for example mvpdropcoin.txt
  10. I tried this script but let's say it barely works for me, I would like it to drop the poring coin only when I kill an MvP, but it turns out that when I kill an MvP, when I kill a skeleton, a poring, whatever it is, it drops the coin here an imagen
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