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Files posted by Emistry

  1. Free

    Manage @alootid - @alootid2

    Due to the limitation of alootid that can only loot up to 10 items by default. (can change at /src/).
    However players are always greedy, they want to loot almost everything, but not every items, so 10 slots can't fill their desires.
    So this custom manager are introduced.
    It help player to setup different combination of alootid settings. (Different hunting monster/maps could switch to different settings) player no longer worry what their previous alootid settings was. player can switch/save any settings whenever they want. alootid settings could be auto loaded when they join the game. * In short, just a macro to use to the alootid atcommand. To make it less confusing to player, disable the alootid and start using alootid2 instead.
    @alootid2 list @alootid2 <save/add/remove> <#> <item1> ... <item10> @alootid2 <load/clear/reset> <#> @alootid2 set <#> name <name> @alootid2 set <#> autoload <1/0> Example:
    chatbox: @alootid2 save 3 609 608 607 Usage: @alootid2 save <3> - save successfully. chatbox: @alootid2 load 1 Your autolootitem list has been reset. Autolooting item: 'Green_Herb'/'Green Herb' {511} Autolooting item: 'Apple'/'Apple' {512} Autolooting item: 'Banana'/'Banana' {513} Autolooting item: 'Grape'/'Grape' {514} Autolooting item: 'Carrot'/'Carrot' {515} Usage: @alootid2 load <2> - loaded successfully. chatbox: @alootid2 list <1> - 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510 <2> - 511, 512, 513, 514, 515 (autoload upon login) <3> - 609, 608, 607 Usage: @alootid2 list - found 3 settings. Preview:




  2. Free

    Monster Counting Game

    A mini event where a numbers of monsters will be spawned within a specified area. Players have to count for the monsters that exist within that area and tell the NPC to win the event.
    Btw, this is just a new version of event based on my previous Flower Counting Event.
    Thank you @AnnieRuru for delivering me the idea of using "live" monsters.
    OnInit: // how many rounds .max_round = 3; // minute each round .max_duration = 3; // dummy mob id represent wall .wall_mob_id = 1085; // ( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) area for event setarray .xy_area, 151,169, // ( x1,y1 ) 161,179; // ( x2,y2 ) // monster list used in event setarray .monster, 1002, 1031, 1836, 1595;
    Preview :

    Feel free to share your idea/opinions to improve this.



  3. Free

    Multi Currency Shop

    This is a Shop that Allow Players to buy Items using Different type of Currency.
    The Currency used can be Items , Zeny , Cash , CustomVariable.
    Topic Detail :



  4. Free

    Normal + VIP Storage

    Enable Account with GM Level 20 and above ( default ) to have extra slot for Storage.
    the GM Level are configurable in the diff..
    Original Post Link
    made by AnnieRuru at eAthena



  5. Free

    Poring Collection

    this is the poring collection that i previously grabbed from The Sprite Repository.
    inside got about 25 custom poring sprites ...
    previously i have edited the name of each sprites which allow me to install all the mob sprite into the test server of mine easily.

    I dont own any of these sprite .. and I dont know who are the original users who start to distribute it since the source no longer available.
    Do remain any credits of respective author if you know.



  6. Free

    Race Of The Day

    This Script will provide players extra EXP , Item or Zeny to Players if they killed designed monsters for the day.
    Player will get extra EXP randomly everyday for each race of monster.
    Player might have chances to get some items from the ROTD when they killed the monsters.



  7. Free

    Random News

    This Script will auto Announce / Broadcast a Messages randomly every interval of times.
    Configuration :
    Delay to announce:
    OnTimer60000: // announce every 60 seconds. Announcement List:
    OnInit: // Random Message to be Announced setarray .news_list$, "Updated News 1 every X Minute", "Updated News 2 every X Minute", "Updated News 3 every X Minute", "Updated News 4 every X Minute", "Updated News 5 every X Minute", "Updated News 6 every X Minute", "Updated News 7 every X Minute";  



  8. Free


    A Script command that extent the usage of

    it work just like item2 command..but with rental period.

    *rentitem2 <item id>,<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>; *rentitem2 "<item name>",<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;
    original post link :



  9. Free

    SQL Job Changer

    Tired of searching for a job changer that never satisfied your need ? Try this out !!
    It allow any combination of classes-tree that you can imagine with your brain.
    Example: Common Job Change Sequences

    Novice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> All
    * Standard NPC that commonly found in the forum.
    Example: Rare Job Change Sequences
    Novice >> First >> Second >> Second >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> Third >> Third >> Third
    * Suitable for server who decide to plan for story-lines that allow players to switch to each jobs before they can reach the final class.

    Setup Guide:
    OnInterIfInitOnce: query_sql( "TRUNCATE `e_jobchanger`" ); // dont remove this line if you're not sure what's it. // Add any combination that you like. AddJob( <current job>,<min. base lv>,<min. job lv>,<bonus statpoints>,<bonus skillpoints>,<resetlvl>,<required zeny>,<next job>,...,<next job> ); end;
    Put any combination that you want, and let the NPC done the rest of the setup.
    *current job - current char job class
    *min. base level - minimum base level to qualify for the job advancement.
    *min. job level - minimum job level to qualify for the job advancement.
    *bonus status point - amount of extra status point given to char for the job advancement.
    *bonus skill point - amount of extra skill point given to char for the job advancement.
    *resetlvl - option to reset based on resetlvl.
    *req_zeny - amount of zeny required for the job advancement.
    the rest - all possible option for classes that you intend to allow current job to change to.

    If you don't know how to setup it using the NPC script above, you can remove/disable all the lines within the OnInterIfInit lines.
    You can modify and execute this sample of SQL Database - Job Changer to generate the data required once and for all eternity.

    * Basic knowledge on using SQL Database are required.
    * Don't remove the TRUNCATE line if you're not sure what you're doing.
    * The script suppose to load the setup part once, clear table and re-insert everything. If you removed that, your SQL tables will be a goddamn mess when you loaded for second times and onward.
    * It was suppose to be 2 separated individual script, but I merged it since I am sure there are always some member ask for how to setup the things. Too lazy to answer/spoon-feeding all these questions. So I merged it.
    Future Development:
    If you have any nice suggestion that are useful/interesting, I may consider to implement it in the future.
    Thank in advance.



  10. Free

    Super Convex Mirror

    Description :
    The NPC are capable to search for MVP in the whole server or specific maps.
    Back in eAthena, there exists a script command (forgotten the name, perhaps a mobcount(...) with parameter changed) which allow us to check for specific monster id exists in the map or not, but it was removed.
    Then we could use mobcount(...) script command to get similar results, but we need to manually append an NPC event to each monster.
    Now, we could also do the same by using getunits(...) / getmapunits(...) script commands.
    Of course there are pro and cons for each version, I'll just leave it to you to decide for yourself whether to use it or not.
    The origin of script came from @Brian
    Preview :

    Settings :
    // Enable player to warp to MVP? // 0 = disabled // 1 = enabled // 2 = enabled + SC_BOSSMAPINFO .warp_to_mvp = 2; Enable this setting if you wish to allow NPC to warp into the monster map.
    // enable this setting to fully utilize the NPC script. (use at your own risk) // read more info at /conf/battle/monster.conf setbattleflag("dynamic_mobs", 0); By default, the dynamic_mobs configuration are set to yes. This help you save some server resources if the maps aren't access by any players recently by saving the monster data into the cache.
    The downside of using dynamic_mobs, monsters are cached, NPC can't search for the monster data if they are cached. FYI, monsters that spawned by NPC scripts aren't cached.
    // list of MVP map. setarray .map$, // enable this if you want it search whole server. (unable to use warp to mvp option) // "all", Enable this if you wish to enable to NPC to search the whole server, incase you missed what other maps have MVP (including showing mvp from restricted areas, like Guild Dungeon) 
    FYI, searching the whole server would take a longer time, use at your own risk.
    Notes :
    The NPC are capable to search any MVP monsters in the map, including monster summoned by Bloody Branch, or Class Change Skill (from Sage's Abracadabra), as long as the monster have MVP EXP.
    Why do we need this if we already have Convex Mirror Item?
    I am sure everyone has used Convex Mirror before, but there are few reason that its frustrating to use it:
    Each convex mirror only can search current map of player. Convex mirror are wasted if the map doesn't have any MVP or killed. Convex mirror can't search for monster that summoned by NPC script. This NPC could serve as compensation for player, imagine the use case where you spend a Convex Mirror to know which MVPs are still alive instead of letting it go wasted knowing that the MVP in current map is dead or not found.



  11. Free

    Usable Enchant Item

    Description :
    Players are able to click on the Enchant items to provide custom bonus to the selected equipment.
    Varies of bonus could be done especially use together with a *getequippedon script command to provide a wide range of bonuses.
    The current items and bonuses display in the video is just a sample for demo.
    The origin of the idea come from Diablo and 張阿神.
    Sample Usage:
    callfunc("F_UsableEnchantItem", <delete_item_id>, <enchant_item_id>{, <card_index>});  
    Item Database :
    Create a custom item for enchant
    - Id: 501 AegisName: Red_Potion_Enchant_Usable Name: Red Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Script: | callfunc("F_UsableEnchantItem", 501, 909, 3); Create a custom enchant item with special bonuses.
    - Id: 909 AegisName: Jellopy_Enchant_Item Name: Jellopy Type: Etc Buy: 6 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | .@eqp = getequippedon(); if (.@eqp & EQP_ARMOR) { bonus bVit,100; } if (.@eqp & EQP_HEAD_TOP) { bonus bInt,100; } if (.@eqp & EQP_SHOES) { bonus bAgi,100; }  
    Preview :



  12. Free

    Usable Refinery Ores

    Players are able to click on the Ores items to refine the selected equipment. They can refine their Equipment at anywhere anytime they want.
    Based on requirement of Weapon Level and Type, different ores might be needed as well as Zeny.



  13. Free

    Vendor Control

    A script that basically used to control messy vendors in your server.
    Included one helper npc that enable Vendor to pick their spot easily.
    Some minor settings and math calculations are required to setup this.
    // x and y horizone .. setarray .x_line, 52, 49, 46, 43, 40; setarray .y_line, 68, 71, 74, 77, 65, 62;   ( A Screenshot from a Server that using this scripts )

    use at your own risk ~



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