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Posts posted by Olrox

  1. Lol this is adorable. Love the trees you used. :D 10/10

    Thanks <3

    Hah, just days before you post this I was also sketching an island for Poring King quest :P

    Awesome by the way.

    What a concidence, please show us yours at the time it is ready :D

    As always, an excellent map coming from you. I like the map specially the poring monument (or whatever you may call it). This can be used as a quest map or an map for events (of some sort).

    But it's quite odd to see the small objects (grass, trees) placed on a little off (and almost random) for me. It could have been much better. Nevertheless, this is an excellent map, as what I have said. 8/10 for me.

    Thanks for your comment. I highly appreciate it :P

    OMAIGAWD! That is soo cute!!! cuteness overload! >< This map is perfect for a poring event of some sort. I love it!! Good job Olrox!

    Adel, thank you :3! we have to talk, look for me in MSN when you have time.

    Looks really good Olrox. Great job.

    Thanks bud. I'm glad that you like it.

  2. Briefing & Concept

    Hello all.

    I'm back to the map showcase forum, specifically into RO style maps, to bring you a map I did some weeks ago. Named as "King Poring Island"


    Here is it the sketch provided by the client. This map particulary has something new I have tried.

    Well, it is my first map where I do a real poring texturize like the image you are looking at. Yeah, Left Side Shows the original poring that my client provided. But the Right Side shows exactly the Poring made of Sand I did by myself, that is applied all across the map.

    The poring has 5 different shadows on its surface. 2 areas with more light, one midle light area, another light area with lower tones, and low brightness area near the mouth, and a really darker area on the right.

    All of these was something I really considered to do the Poring made of Sand by taking the sand texture and adding to it more light or less light in image editor. So, particulary this poring uses 5 different types of sand, to make it look as that.

    Last, there is quite a a lot of work with small details in the botanic areas. My customer told me to focuss with small details like little flowers, little branches, little leaves, all of that.

    About this map

    So, what do we have new on this map?


    The purpose of the map is a dungeon. It was necessary to do open areas, since my customer asked me to keep on that way.

    The lights has to do with pink tones, to recreate the poring... well... all of this map has to do with that: Making it look like a poring.

    The server I worked for is using this map as an anniversary. The back line story has to do with a group of rebel porings that builded an island in commemoration of their Poring Lord.

    Video ... Watch it in 720p!


    HD Screenshots


    I made a mistake. At the time I did the SS I didn't noticed I was in hide mode. So my character doesn't shows. It was my fault, but the palette is promoted in the video.

    Overview 1

    Shows finally the poring island style. The idea is there and for me it really looks like a poring shape. Remember afterall, it is an island.



    Detailed Screen 1


    Detailed Screen 2


    Detailed Screen 3


    Detailed Screen 4


    Detailed Screen 5


    Detailed Screen 6


    Detailed Screen 7


    Detailed Screen 8


    Detailed Screen 9


    Detailed Screen 10


    What I like most in this map... is the music I used. It is from SoundTemp *same RO bgm autors* ... maybe someone knows which game is it? :D

    I have another map too, that I just finished yesterday. But I will wait some days or weeks to show it here.

    Thank you all for your comments, ratings and suggestions.

    Have a nice day!

    • Upvote 1
  3. The project is not dead, I'm sorry. I haven't been able to work on it much, and, quite honestly, I had almost forgot about it.

    The converter is working (at least I hope), but it can just convert one file at a time, and it is still full of memory leaks. I will need just a week or so to tweak it and maybe make a graphical interface for it.

    In the meantime, if anyone wants to donate for my work:


    I've put a lot of effort into this converter, and I will offer it free of charge. Any donation is greatly appreciated.

    Sent you a small incentive. I'm willing to donate more if you show us some updates about.

    Thanks for your time.

  4. Very life like Olrox. Your Prontera map really brings the comfort of Christmas to players. I love the variety of new models you implemented such as the Santa figure in the center of Prontera and Cookie dudes. Your blending of lighting is also fantastic complimenting the textures, models, and theme very well. The use of the light rays beaming down the trees is an excellent idea and worked out nicely. As everyone says, your maps are always a delight to see as you go beyond the norm in producing maps. Great job and I look forward to seeing more of your work =]

    Thanks a lot for those words. And, one of your free releases helped me greatily with lights. This is the first one with some new paramters I saw from yours :P


    oh :3 may I ask why?

    • Upvote 1
  5. and ... this topic is inside script request section btw

    Maybe you should move it to script releases. I think it would be better on there. This forum is more about people looking for self scripts, and what are we doing is a release.

    About the map I did some time to rip some trees from World of Warcraft, and ported them into RO.


    I believe those are from the Original Arathi BG Map. From the outsides areas. Next time I will port the mills and barns.

    Sadly for some days I can't afford more time on this (I actually have another project for public and a heavy amount of custom maps for some customers). But I promise that if I have some free hours around I will continue it.

    • Upvote 2
  6. personally I'll go for a smaller 150x150 for script testing purpose

    also, with Ragnarok battleground system that only supports the score board from 0~100 numbers

    having too big will just encourage the players drag on the match to win

    ( because with Ragnarok client, score can only display so little range 0~99 points,

    compare to the official WoW client that can count up to 1600 points )

    so ... I guess small map is enough

    unless you want a suggestion to break out displaying more than 3 digits

    which might spam using *announce ... though

    confirm I should follow this


    PS: damn ... now I need to learn how to install custom texture, me client noob >,<

    Yes that is the correct link.

    Regarding the scores, you are asking to the wrong guy. I'm noob at scripting :P my knoweledges with that are very limited.

    I can't decide. Making it as a x200 map would make it really aside as how the wow map is (as also the map size would allow me to recreate the areas with more liberty) ... but in the other part I really don't like a big sized map for bg reasons. even, when the map "bat_b01" in RO is a x200 size.

    But a fact that is very important that even if the map is a x200 one, it will not use all the area. The sketch shows a big area of mountains that it is necessary to be added. In short words, a x200 arathi basin wow map with this sketch, will be like 20% ~ 30% smaller than "bat_b01". in terms of walkable area. Due to the outside mountains.

    The x150 size will be affected to, like the outside mountains. So reduce it around 20%. That will make the map very likely how "bat_c01" is. Since bat_c01 is affected to with an outside border.


    In conclusion, we have 2 sizes for now.

    - First Choice: 30% smaller than "bat_b01"

    - Second Choice: 10% or 5% smaller than "bat_c01", cant say a value, but I have to be honest it will be smaller at its longer. But our map will be bigger in its height. compared to "bat_c01" that is rectangular, +40~% height our map.

    Which one?

    ^ Forget all I said in that spoiler. I'm an idiot. Across the area there is no mountains (corner to corner) so the map preserves a big walkable area. The x150 size is the choice.

    With that being said I move onwards with that size.

  7. I have been really busy but I did sometime today to get back on this map.

    Before anything I have to need your feedback about the map size we should use. Usually it is up to my customers to tell me what map size they want, but since this is a public release I assume I have to ask to the scripters involved or people with experience in Ragnarok BG.

    The previous work (mid 2011 year) is deprecated. It will be only work as a reference in the new map release.

    Before anything the sketch *taken directly from WoW arathi basin map* is placed on the map.


    There are two sizes affordable to a Battleground map: x150 (kvm battlegrounds) and x200 (Terra Valley Ones).

    Please answer quitely. It is not good to do BIG sized maps. This is not like ordering a Burger King Whopper *The bigger the better*. The size is really important in maps for matches purposes. PvP maps are small maps (usually x50 if I can remember well) due to the reason to have rivals nearly.

    A comparisson of x200 and x150 Arathi basin sketch with RO sprites below:

    x200 size-

    - Those small dots are real sized ragnarok sprites. You have the idea map is really big.

    - 5% remanent (yellow area on borders) due to sketch texture resize limitations and equality for x200 size. Insignificant.


    x150 size-

    - Those small dots are real sized ragnarok sprites. You have the idea map is somewhat good. but not sure.

    - 10% or 12% remanent *yellow area* due to the same reason as x200. Considerably, that makes the 150 size even smaller. Not that bad though.


    I will not say my opinion until I read people say what they think. If I do, mostly you will support what I would use, so I will better wait for your opinions and then and only then tell you which size I think I would use.

    Some Models and Elements from World of Warcraft game will be used on the map. Some samples of them will be added in the upcoming days. This is serious work and it will look really good, you have my word.

    • Upvote 1
  8. awesome! It looks very lively and cheerful =)

    Nice lookin santa and gingerbread man haha

    great work as always Olrox

    Thanks bud :D wish I can map for you again.!

    very nice! another great map from olrox.. /heh

    i like the big gingerbgread! :o

    Thanks, I love gingerbread too >:P I was not sure to add them but at the time I did and tested I was very proud of how they look!

    Wow nice map olro keep it up dude...awesome

    Thanks a lot!

    Those giant christmas cookies remind me of that one from Shrek xD

    Epic map as always :3

    =D! wait... yeah they look as those ones :> I'm just figuring it right now! XD what a coincidence.

    Thanks all for your feedback!

    • Upvote 1
  9. thumb-dd128793c3ebb2c25f90a38ff79a65da-xmas1.png

    File Name: Deck The Halls Prontera Christmas

    File Submitter: Olrox

    File Submitted: 02 Nov 2012

    File Category: Maps & 3D Resources


    Content Author: Olrox

    Like my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps

    First and only one Prontera Christmas edition made by me in all this time!

    It was the 2011 year when someone requested a prontera christmas edition to me. Now a year later I take that work and Imake a completely revamped version available to all.

    Deck the Halls Prontera is a prontera edition with a christmas style with a lot of "life" and "happiness" around. A very great work of patience and now comes at its second version.

    A big santa holding a poring on the center of Prontera, Giant Gingerbread man shaped cookies, Jingle Bells Angels, Giant Xmas Cards customizables with your server logo, enormous ribbons, real shaped winter style trees.... Is just a taste of what this prontera has to offer to your server!.

    Map Includes:

    * BGM used in video

    * Prontera Christmas Edition

    * Minimaps

    * All files ready to be patched in your data folder or GRF.


    -- To use your custom server logo in the cards:

    Look for data/texture/jz_xmas/xmas_card1b.bmp file and edit photoshop, save it .bmp format 24 bits.... IMPORTANT: save it Flipped Horizontaly just as how the original file is and done.

    Click here to download this file

    • Upvote 3
    • Like 1
  10. I discovered the lord of the rings today, YES I AM LATE I KNOW! And then I saw the elves town... And I was like "Omg it looks totally like the Olrox map!" (<== find the error).

    It's too awesome!

    My caps master!

    Wow kamishi, my dearest friend around here! I discovered your post just today XD I think I have to say my apologies?...

    ... ok I will not! And yeah I found the error on your phrase! :3

    ... beware of the tyranitars.

    I love all of your works Orlox! I envy your skills... /droll

    Thanks a lot for your words. I just try my best, and this was a really exceptional work for me.

    It was really heavy work.

  11. Icecrown Citadel Main + Interior Dungeon

    View File

    Like my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps

    You read it well! Icecrown Citadel Main Map + Interior Dungeon Map ... Equals 2 big sized maps with custom 3D content from World of Warcraft game at a very special price!.

    < -- For Video of this Map Click Me-->

    *Note: Due to time reasons, video only shows icecrown exterior. For the Interior Map references, look at the Screens*

    The first available for public map under the cathegory of "map ports" is here. A World of Warcraft map, using real elements from the game, and doing a dungeon that consist of a citadel inspired in the main icecrown citadel area.

    A total of ... 70+! models and 60+ textures extracted from the game and used to make this dungeon look ubelievable!. The dungeon exterior consists basically about: entrance, 2 towers, center, wrathgate, and icecrown fortress. The dungeon Interior is about a ring shaped area, with necromancy elements, decoration and with an ice tower central structure!

    An original work that I did with a lot of inspiration and effort.

    Map Includes:

    * BGM used in video

    * Icecrown Citadel Exterior [big Size Map]

    * Icecrown Interior Dungeon [big Size Map]

    * Minimaps

    * All files ready to be patched in your data folder or GRF.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category


  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2631

    File Name: Icecrown Citadel Main + Interior Dungeon

    File Submitter: Olrox

    File Submitted: 26 Oct 2012

    File Category: Maps & Textures


    Content Author: Olrox


    You read it well! Icecrown Citadel Main Map + Interior Dungeon Map ... Equals 2 big sized maps with custom 3D content from World of Warcraft game at a very special price!.

    < -- For Video of this Map Click Me-->

    *Note: Due to time reasons, video only shows icecrown exterior. For the Interior Map references, look at the Screens*

    The first available for public map under the cathegory of "map ports" is here. A World of Warcraft map, using real elements from the game, and doing a dungeon that consist of a citadel inspired in the main icecrown citadel area.

    A total of ... 70+! models and 60+ textures extracted from the game and used to make this dungeon look ubelievable!. The dungeon exterior consists basically about: entrance, 2 towers, center, wrathgate, and icecrown fortress. The dungeon Interior is about a ring shaped area, with necromancy elements, decoration and with an ice tower central structure!

    An original work that I did with a lot of inspiration and effort.

    Map Includes:

    * BGM used in video

    * Icecrown Citadel Exterior [big Size Map]

    * Icecrown Interior Dungeon [big Size Map]

    * Minimaps

    * All files ready to be patched in your data folder or GRF.

    Click here to download this file

    • Upvote 3
  13. I think this will be my first post in the script forums. Thanks to Annnie ;D

    I think you will need more than 1 mapper to do this :P

    Making 8 separated woe themed small size maps, will be quite of work. Unless you want to make them look pretty similar of the original WoE 1.0 castles, but there are still 8 maps either.

    Doing this alone will take me a lot of time. And I'm not sure but maybe other mappers will encounter the same.

    To me, my only way to make this possible is by working on it as a cooperative work with other mapper. Working on it with Syouji would be okay with me, unless Syouji considers and has the time to do this amount of maps by his ownself I would let him do it alone.

    So please ask Syouji to post here and tell us what he thinks.

  14. ;D The throne terrain edition is pretty detailed.

    I'm glad to be the first one to point out the detail of being a "red" and a "blue" throne areas (flags, sits, carpets etc). A very good one that I believe it is intentional as a kingdom vs kingdom dual match area or something like that.

    I would try something different, and make the lights follow that way. Half Blue and Half Red Lights across the map. Or maybe a mix of those 2.

    Maybe it is a crazy idea, so forgive me :P. Map is good either way.

  15. @Yuki

    Oh, hello!!! <3 how are you doing?. Thanks a lot for your kind words. I'm glad that you like the idea! please come back to this thread to see more examples of the first morroc castle.


    I know that you hate me~ :3 and of course you can help. I have to think about it and I will look for you.


    Today in the morning I did some tests with the sograt desert area, Hope I will be able to show something about it one of these days.

    • Upvote 1
  16. @Zel

    Thanks. It is still in scratch mode though. Hope you will be around to see the final work!


    Oh pleeeeease use it, that would make me so happy <3 come on :3!!! and yeah please do yours, I'm sure a lot of people will use it (Me Included.


    Thanks!. Please look further at the final result. Hope your server will use this release when it is done.


    Thanks for your offer. Actually I'm more with diffussing and low intensity lights with this one. Maybe when the map is ready and released you can give a try with your way of lights, if you consider it the map deserve it.

    As for the designs, I'm working very sporadical with this release, my time is very limited and when I do, it is a matter of trying things, get back with others, try again... etc. For ex. I do a small area one day... and the other day I remove it and try other thing. It would be hard and time consuming to be in common agrement with another mapper in this particular work.

    Maybe with the gat tiles (more than walkable/no walkable, this goes serious with shootable cells), or some tips with interiors (like shadows on walls) would be really helpful. I will hit you up in gtalk to talk about one of these days :P

  17. Thank you a lot for supporting it. The sograt dessert area will be awesome I'm sure. And I think that one will be next to move on into the inital state.

    What it is becoming kind of complex is about mixing the styles into a single concept. Afterall, we are talking of different style maps~ The idea became when I saw how the lighthalzen main castle with the biolabs area on the sides and the main yuno style area on the center came all mixed up well.

    At least what I'm sure that I will put my heart on the morroc one. Because I love morroc really. :P I'm not sure to move on glast heim or brasilis next time.

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