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Posts posted by Olrox

  1. !!! I think this is my first map with such a sucess. I did this one almost 3 months ago, and it is still receiving more feedback, and more! :o

    I did it with a lot of inspiration. :P it was a lot of work. But... actually I have learned a lot of new things in mapping. I'm sure now I could make it even better :3



    9999999999*999999999 points :D

    What I will do with such quantity of points!!! :D thanks a lot!!!

    good work^^

    Thanks mister :P

    incrivel!! '-'

    Thanks pal. Yeah it took me a lot of... time and effort.

  2. I think weemapcache app has a tool to generate a big texture grid that has to do with gat walkable and no walkable cells, just as that grid.

    Maybe you can place that big image into the entire map, and then, just erase all the models. I think this would be the simplest way.

  3. Okay, I started writing the structure in C and I'm approximately at 50% of that part. I'm glad many people support this project :)

    People is really excited to see if this will be possible as you can see. Thanks a lot for your time.

    I saw a lot of people saying about new interactions of the 3d models with the environment, you guys know that you can't simple do this only exporting the 3d model, right? I say, you need basically to intercept packets and hook the model manager to do such things..

    I guess I must give you thanks for clarify that, but, as we said in the first post. -We are at a very early state- and we are doing this with correlative steps.

    What we need by first is being able to bypass the granny version, thankfully Ricky is helping us with that. What we will encounter second (maybe) is what you said... and I say maybe, because at this day none of us can say it for sure, if we are not even being able to test other gr2 models than the default ones to see what happens.

    So please allow us time to try figure the first thing. All people would say years or even days ago, that it wasnt possible to make a granny converter, and now, look it is on the way to be real.

    I think We should not worry about something that we can't even try right now without having the tool.

  4. Thanks Kamishi for your feedback and interest <3. And Syouji is right, those are good examples of what can be done.

    Back to the project, ;We talked with ricky92 today and he is allready working on this tool... We truly appreciate his time with this. As you might noticed, we are updating our thread too, though it is not ready yet, and there are sections that are still in progress.

    Also, we will add a link to a site that ricky92 will host, were updates and logs of this progress will be added periodically. Really, big thanks for this :D

    On another note, this tool will take time. But, as far as I'm concerned I'm sure it will take less, if people here shows interest with this. So, if you want this to happen, please, dont hesitate to post your feedback here.

    Stay tunned for more info about.

  5. Amazing but i love Ragnarok because of 2d sprite and pixel art not in 3d model as same as Maplestory and Latale one...

    If ragnarok full or many of 3d mob, this game is not classic anymore.

    And very less people that open/public ragnarok server got knowledge about 3d programing.....

    And about something in THAILAND,.... This 3d etcs is for paid service 1000000% for sure.

    You guy work hard but result will like this word: Exploit

    Sorry about English and my comment, I'm asian.

    Let me ask you: The Emperium is a monster?

    we are not talking only about mobs, this can be applied to enviroment, as houses, as objects, as models... to say an example: making a prontera house explode, make boom by only click or say a word

    This is Real Interaction.that can benefit the whole gaming experience as Lemara said: making a system of growing a plant, etc. we are talking not only about monsters, also enviroment, and eviroment in ragnarok is allways 3D, you understand?

    You should read that this project is made by someone more than just Lemara?, it includes Myself now.... take a look at your words truly. The tool will be released under the terms of Ricky92, that he will decide at the time is ready.

    You said that very less people knows about 3D AND WE KNOW... but even for people like us that we know about this, without the tool this is not possible. If you expect progress from this, releases for the community for this, then, support the topic in a good way....

    Anyway. Now that you know that this can be applied to also ragnarok 3d enviroment, and not only monster, (to say one thing... because there are a lot of more possibilities) you should say at least your apologies. Truly you are not helping us.

  6. To everyone:

    ricky92 is the author of the amazing tool to convert Granny 2.6 to 2.4. He was so nice to accept our request ***yes I say "our" and not "mine" request, because this is a project for the benefits of the whole RO private community*** to develop the same tool to import to version

    For all those people that maybe are a bit confused about... this tool will allow us to Import custom Ragnarok 3D Monsters with animation, as walking/attacking/standing/etc.

    You might remember the Ragnarok WoE Guardians in Castles let me tell you that, those mobs, are the ones we are refering about:


    WoE Guardians are an example of 3D default Ragnarok Monsters that uses what are we talking about.

    If this tool is possible, we will be able toE Import animated monsters just as WoE Guardians, but from different games, as for example: Ragnarok 2 ones:


    Or maybe the one my Partner Posted Here

    Just to say an example, because the amount of GAMING resources available to work with this, is ENORMOUS. The list of games that uses granny2 is big. and I'm sure this will be a great step forward to what is about RO private development.


    What we need is support from the community. We need your feedback. We need your Rating. A single post that you care this to make it possible is enough.

    ricky92 is from another gaming community that doesnt has to do that much with Ragnarok. He was really nice to join this project, but he ask at least, recognition from all, so he will feel motivated to work into this.

    Please all, support our project, and post your feedback about. Thank you, and we will keep you updated about the progress of this.

  7. What Lemara said, is, that he could find someone being able to make a tool for Importing granny2.dll 2.6 version *aprox* to 2.4 in the second link. A very recent one from almost a month ago:

    --- http://www.progamercity.net/game-files/3987-tool-metin-granny2-animations-converter-gr2-2-6-gr2-2-4-a.html

    The first link that lemara posted (and I will not post it again, because it is not that useful for our purpose) refers of making possible to use a further version of granny in the same game named as "metin2" but, ... to being honest what we are trying to find is, just go on with the old, so I will pass out that phrase.

    Anyway, for now, we contacted the author of that tool, explaining our situation and asking how possible it is to make a converter to , just as he did a backward converter to 2.4.x.x

    We will post here what news we have about. Also, anyone who wish to try the converters, there are available to being downloaded attached in the thread.

  8. @Shinryo

    The screenshot that was posted before showed the part where the function "GrannyVersionsMatch" was called by the client. The conditional check was replaced with NOP instructions in order let the client always accept the version, regardless of the result returned by "GrannyVersionsMatch". I think you might know yourself that this is not a good solution, unless new Granny3D versions really support those files from version (I don't know much about Granny3D).

    Basically, you have to find out to which virtual address the function "GrannyVersionsMatch" is gonna be relocated upon client startup. E.g. 0084D860 (for RagexeRE 2012-05-08). Somewhere within the client, there must be a call to this address. So you have to search with a hex editor for "FF 15 60 D8 84 00". The first two bytes are the call, the last 4 the address (reversed order). If you have found the correct position, skip 8 bytes and replace the next coming byte with EB. This should be sufficient. You can also replace the whole call (FF 15 60 D8 84 00) with B0 01 90 90 90 90. GrannyVerionsMatch fills the lower part of the AX register with 1, when the version is correct. The previous edit will force it to be always 1.

    It's pretty hard to get the correct virtual offset of the "GrannyVersionsMatch" function on your own, if you are not experienced with import tables and dll files. Therefore, you should first read some notes on google (import tables rva dll, etc.). E.g. http://www.sunshine2...s/tut_rvait.htm.

    You could also get your hands on IDA (The Interactibe Disassembler) and let it calculated all needed offsets for you (search for the function afterwards and jump to the position where it is being called).


    Here are also some screens that might help you:

    This is how it looks like in IDA:


    This is how it looks like if you replace the conditional jump:


    And this is how it looks like when you replace the call itself:


    My friend and me appreciate your time to find out where the addresses where the granny verification is. We know you are busy person.

    But sadly we are not that -skilled- when it cames to client packets, or hacking the client by hexing. Those are terms that me and my friend know very basically. We are just get used to work with 3D, and actually Lemara knows very well to edit/render imported animated models with granny.

    The only thing is stopping us to continue forward this, is, the granny verification. That in fact Yommy helped us yesterday with it:



    I did some testing of using a newer granny2.dll with the ragexe, and the ragexe creates unhandled exception.

    probably due to function changes in the dll


    Basically that is our issue now. It is not about the granny verification that, Yommy helped us yesterday. Is about the function changes that there are quite a lot.

    For granny changelog -- http://www.radgameto...ny/history.html is a very obsolete one I assume

    @EvillEvil ):<

    Ancyker tried this and client was unable to read newer versions of dlls. When you buy Granny 3D, you get the new dlls, you won't have access for older dlls.

    Didnt know there was someone who tried is, but it is never late to try again :P and try make it possible.

  9. Me and my friend appreciate your reply and your time.

    It is amazing that you could find where the client stores that check of this Granny that fast :P we are stunned.

    Lemara and I, wants to ask you what possibilities are there to change that check, to being able use a recent granny2.dll, in case of course if it is possible...

    In the first post we attached a pack, which has a good amount of recent granny versions. Just to make the client being able to read one of those, would solve our issue to continue forward to add custom 3D ragnarok animated monsters

  10. I think we have a misunderstanding.

    The image that Lemara posted is as an example. He has not being able to hex edit and test. But I believe he tried with no luck?


    How it is possible that, your amazing RO Client you are doing, could handle a recent version of granny2.dll? You think by a chance that could be possible?

  11. Lemara is my friend, and he wants help with this (if possible). He is from thailand, and he is not used to english, so, you can allways contact me or him, and I will try to explain to him.

    What Lemara is doing, is, the possibility to add granny .gr2 3D models with animations, as monsters. You might remember some of those RO monsters... as, WoE Castles Emperium Guards

    The problem he had since almost a year ago, is, that the granny2.dll version of Ragnarok is an old one. I can't remember of what year, but it is impossible to have it, even if you purchase granny for a licence of thousands of $$$ green ones :P.

    What he is refering with this link --- http://www.elitepvpe...er-80xxx10.html is that there are people capable to bypass the granny2.dll. What he is trying now is Hex editing the granny2.dll in Ragnarok Version to bypass the check and being possible to use a further version as, the current days ones.

    He posted examples of his testings in images. Those 2 images are about hex editing the granny2.dll original and after the hex edit. But, seems that the client has some kind of another verification and we are stucked in that step.

    Any kind of help will be really appreciated. This is a project that will be for the community, and Lemara is just asking help from the community to make it possible. I know we have people really good in client reingenering, and the possibility to add custom Ragnarok 3D Monsters would be incredible. Just imagine the possibilities.

    Please any questions about, ask here, and me or Lemara will reply you back as possible. Thanks

    • Upvote 2
  12. @Ind

    First of all, Thank you very much for taking your time and enable the feature. Will do my first donation for a developer in days, guess who :P

    About the thanks matter, yes I support that, but I think that one will take more time, because it is more complex. Hope you will consider it.

    Though for now what it will be really good to add, is what he said:

    Why dont we just have a link under our profile (topic wise) stating: "Donate to Me!" or "Wanna Donate to Me?" which then can links to our profile or our "Donation" paypal page with Ind's integration?

    Actually the original idea of the donation button was, to be under the avatar of each dev. I know in the profile is good, but, a topic has thousands of views more than visiting a profile of someone.

    Maybe the administrator, can enable this. Though if that will take more time, and if you consider is enough with the profile one, I will understand, but I believe each dev has more daily visits on their topics than in their profiles. Having both will make the feature be even better

    • Upvote 2
  13. I think this should be better to be moved into "projects" (here http://rathena.org/board/forum/34-projects/). I will contact a moderator to consider moving it if possible.

    The idea is pretty good. Sorry to not being able to help that much because I'm not involved into coding... but, I remember that in one post you were looking for someone experienced in Ragnarok Maps particulary in browedit software. In that case I can help for sure.

  14. Actually they were the only ones interested on it. Though it was only one month ago that they dropped the project in "stand by" because they are focussing into the new "Ragnarok Rebellion of Valkyrie" one.

    I mean this project -- http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1706435

    A video:



    A very new ragnarok game for mobiles , though I like much better the first one named as "Mobile story". But this one is very promising, since they will add for ex. WoE in the upcoming patches and there are allready some second classes. Same skills, and same way of applying status... it is like playing a simplified RO :P

    Btw they did a topic here in rAthena, interested in developing again, but now for that new game... here --- http://rathena.org/b...verdevelopment/ because the actual project is about translating the patch... the server is still in japanese.

    Sadly, as I said before, those kind of projects would take a life for sure, and considering no one posted on the topic then, I assume devs are really busy to being interested in something like that.

    Anyway actually those 2 games are only available for japan. Though you can play the new one... I'm allready playing it, and let me tell you it is good.

  15. I heard that an android game is being developed, but just rumors till now. sorry olrox.

    would be awesome if you could play it, then we could convert the whole game into a addon ;P with you as mapper and me as scriptor of course, since your skills are far better than mine^^

    Wish they will release it someday.... and thank you very much, hope we can work together in something one day.

    There is allready a ragnarok online game for android though.

    But only available in Asia, and it cames with something like a promotional case as a freebie by having something like a bank account or whatever.

    Though people were able to run it in the past here -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=889965 the bad part is, that they have encountered with problems at the end, because the official server asked the game to some kind of validation that was a pain in the ass.

    Anyway, I remember people on that forum, (dont remember exactly that thread) mentioned that they knew about eAthena emulator, and about how wonderfull would be to grab that app, and make it run on a private server. Idea almost impossible as also that would take a life for sure

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