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Everything posted by Ridley

  1. Maybe should inform yourself about the reason beforehand. Also I disagree with the "benefit the community" part since 95% of it are leechers. Be happy they all do their projects open source.
  2. "lifetime license" how long were they arround? 10 or 11 months? xD
  3. You encrypt the grf (as you probably already did) If you want to patch it, you create gpf files (same as .grf, just name them .gpf). Then you encrypt those gpf files with the same password as the main grf. Afterwards you put them into your thor patcher (same as a normal thor patch)
  4. phone autocarrot op on Topic: and are you sure the pet_db2 is loaded? Im not sure if rathena has one by Default. You can try to add it's Content to the Import/pet_db
  5. Did you add it to your pet_db/pet_db2 as well? How many custom pets you have? The Default Limit in pet.c is 300
  6. I am not the only one having the problem that my adress is not accepted. Also i don't even have my street and postal code in my profile. Can't you just disable the billing information in the acp? I don't think rA use this anyways.
  7. I use Thor Since several years now, But never had a problem like this: I set up a new thor patcher for a friend. gpf and encrypted gpf work fine, but thor files (example bgms) are not applied. I First thought its maybe my thor maker but tried it with different ones and its always like this. Any ideas about this? Sorry for typos, sent from my phone edit: seems it's something inside the skin which causes .thor files not beeing applied
  8. Yeah, in the download section
  9. When trying to purchase a file, it keeps displaying me Street Adress and my Zip/Postal Code are required, even i provided the info there. I filled in all my info, but no matter what, it won't accept my street or postal code any idea?
  10. Never thought of this. I own 2 licenses of ipb by myself. I scripted for 4 servers using ipb. None of them was nulled.
  11. The gm appearance is Set clientside in data/clientinfo.xml Just dont add them there edit: didnt read the part about the font. still in the clientinfo.xml, find <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> //this is the part you don't add, so you wont appear as gm </aid> add below for the font <yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000004</admin> <admin>2000005</admin> </yellow> note, the numbers are your account ID's
  12. Since the creator keeps telling me to enable rss in the projects settings (which was obviously done Or i wouldnt have pmd him) i thought someone of the community has an idea what to do. /index.php?app=core&module=global&section=rss&type=tracker&id=1 Should lead to the trackers rss. But all I get is You are seeing this error message, either because the project doesn't have a title, or RSS isn't enabled for it. if( ! $p_check['title'] || $p_check['enable_rss'] == '0') { $this->registry->output->showError( 'The RSS feed you tried to access does not exist!', '20T110' ); } How it comes rathena's or herc's works? Any special permission i need to set to make it work on my site? here a screenshot of one of the projects (sql view) Thank you for reading
  13. er meinte damit: ändere deinen client damit er den data order liest. Meistens hat es sich mit einem eifachen diff patch getan. PS: Nein ich poste hier keinen Link oder sonst was, nutze die Suchfunktion und mach dich selber schlau. Solche Fragen gibt es zig mal am Tag
  14. srsly guys why you always recommend internal guard? it does nothing you can't do without lol it's not even compatible with all clients and very unstable on rAthena @kami your software looks pretty neat
  15. if you use the search function you find a few thousand topics about this
  16. Ridley


  17. Ridley


    freu mich hier nur immer wieder über die vielen schlauen menschen
  18. Ridley


    meiner meinung nach gehört das ins rAmod oder herc forum und nicht hier her, mal davon abgesehen dass man sowohl die herc als auch die rAmod datenbanken daür ja muss offtopic: warum nen server "leiten" wenn du sowas nicht selbst kannst?? worin besteht die logik eine herc&ramod frage hier zu posten?
  19. ^ btw harmony can block bot? are you dumb or lazy to read? Another problem i currently see with IG is the compatibility, since it doesn't really work with all clients, and need a manual update for the most. On the other hand, it doesn't do anything you can do without it.
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