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  1. If I want infinite, do I just change it to "-1"? i think on this line https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.c#L7840 Do I just change that to -1? Sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing.
  2. As the title says, I've discovered that the Eddga card actually stops providing the player no-flinch when under a large amount of attacks. This number seems to be 7, the same as the normal amount it takes before endure wears off. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so you do not flinch at all under any circumstance when you have the Eddga card equipped. Help would be appreciated.
  3. If I want infinite, do I just change it to "-1"?
  4. I'm trying to change the hits required before endure ends. I want to know how to either change the number of hits or disabling it all together to get old endure back. I know there's some endure stuff in status.c, but I have no idea what I'm doing in there. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. I am currently in the process of removing auras from the game. I've gotten to everything except the purple bubbles from the trans aura. It's not ring_blue.tga, pikapika2, cir002, freezing_circle, nor any of the w_bubble files. I've tried searching through a bunch of different forums, but I haven't been able to find anything. Does anyone know the file name?? My OCD is eating away at me by the second. EDIT: So I was pushing my google-fu to the limits and found the file was named "whitelight.tga" Solution: WHITELIGHT.TGA
  6. There's this button/tick box thing in the inventory next to "Party Alarm." What is it actually suppose to say and how to do I fix it? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. I've recently installed the latest rev with a SQL database. I can log into the game and play, but when I log off a character, the stats, levels, exp, map and position all get reset. Inventory and skills get saved properly, but not the things mentioned before. Help would be appreciated, this is very annoying. EDIT: Changing of jobs seems to save as well. Fixed: Downloaded newest revision, changed packets in mmo.h, and recompiled. Sorry for pointless thread.
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