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Everything posted by casteryee

  1. I heard 2011 clients have many problem like motion delay, click delay. 2010 clients are stable and just not support the new features.
  2. Thanks emistry, I have removed it, thanks.
  3. Great jobs, if the clients come with packet_db and lua will be greater.
  4. Can anyone teach me how to remove fail rate in this script, I have tried many ways, but not working. Thanks in advance L_CardRemoval: UPGRADEROOT: mes "Card Removal it is."; next; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I see you desire some cards taken from your equipment,or does this sound like what your looking for?"; next; menu "Yes, it does.",REMOVEMENU,"What do you charge?",REMOVEPRICE,"No thanks.",CLOSEOUT; REMOVEPRICE: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I charge a flat fee of 5000 zeny, plus 5000 zeny for each card I remove from the item."; next; menu "Alright. Let's do it.",REMOVEMENU,"No thanks.",CLOSEOUT; REMOVEMENU: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Very well. Which item shall I examine for you?"; next; menu "I changed my mind.",CLOSEOUT, getequipname(1),SLOT1, getequipname(2),SLOT2, getequipname(3),SLOT3, getequipname(4),SLOT4, getequipname(5),SLOT5, getequipname(6),SLOT6, getequipname(7),SLOT7, getequipname(8),SLOT8, getequipname(9),SLOT9, getequipname(10),SLOT10; SLOT1: set @part,1; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT2: set @part,2; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT3: set @part,3; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT4: set @part,4; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT5: set @part,5; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT6: set @part,6; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT7: set @part,7; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT8: set @part,8; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT9: set @part,9; goto CARDNUMCHECK; SLOT10: set @part,10; goto CARDNUMCHECK; CARDNUMCHECK: if(getequipcardcnt(@part) == 0) goto DENYCARDCOUNT; set @cardcount,getequipcardcnt(@part); if(@cardcount > 1) goto CARDNUMMULTIMSG; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "This item has " + @cardcount + " card compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need 5000 zeny."; goto CARDNUMPOSTMSG; CARDNUMMULTIMSG: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "This item has " + @cardcount + " cards compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need " + (5000+(@cardcount * 5000)) + " zeny."; CARDNUMPOSTMSG: next; menu "Very well. Do it.",REMOVECARDWARNING,"Never mind.",CLOSEOUT; REMOVECARDWARNING: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Before I begin, I must warn you--I may fail. If I do, you will only lose what you have invested?"; menu "Go Ahead",PRIORITYITEM,"I changed my mind about this.",CLOSEOUT; PRIORITYITEM: set @failtype,0; goto REMOVECARD; REMOVECARD: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Very well. I shall begin."; next; if((zeny < (5000+(@cardcount * 5000)))) goto DENYMATERIAL; set zeny,zeny - (5000+(@cardcount * 5000)); // Replace the constants in the next 3 lines with failure chance values defined in refine_db.txt // First value = Total failure chance (item and cards destroyed) // Second value = Partial failure chance (one or the other is destroyed, player decides which one is safe) // Third value = Harmless failure chance (all that's lost is your investment) set @failchance,rand(100); if(@failchance < 2) goto FAILREMOVECARD0; if((@failchance < 8) && (@failtype == 1)) goto FAILREMOVECARD0; if((@failchance < 8) && (@failtype == 2)) goto FAILREMOVECARD0; if(@failchance < 1) goto FAILREMOVECARD0; successremovecards @part; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "The process was a success. Here are your cards and your item. Farewell."; close; FAILREMOVECARD0: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "The process was a total failure. I am afraid the item and the cards were destroyed."; failedremovecards @part,0; close; FAILREMOVECARD1: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "While I have managed to remove the cards from the item, they were destroyed in the process. The item, however, is okay."; failedremovecards @part,1; close; FAILREMOVECARD2: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Most unfortunate. I succeeded at removing the cards, but the item itself was destroyed in the process."; failedremovecards @part,2; close; FAILREMOVECARD3: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I have failed to remove the cards. Better luck next time."; failedremovecards @part,3; close; DENYCARDCOUNT: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "There are no cards compounded on this item. Quit wasting my time."; close; DENYMATERIAL: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You do not have enough zeny, go get some cash. My work isn't for free."; close; CLOSEOUT: mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; close;
  5. What script you having in item_db.txt
  6. Welcome to rAthena's family.
  7. Just inject the files that Guide stated, if errors come out, just ignore about them. Errors happened may be because of the main.sql already has them, so you can just ignore if you having error when injected additional files.
  8. Just check the src, but I had forgotten which I edited.
  9. Thanks, how about the continuous part? Anyone? Still waiting for someone to teach, and I willing to learn.
  10. rayray I think is off, we now using Miruku. try miruku.rathena.org
  11. //Author : goddameit(DeathFire) //Assist : .g(NihilityFire) //Test : .g(ShuraFire) //Web : http://www.okay.hk/?fromuser=goddameit //Version : 3 prontera,150,180,4 script dps 990,{ function reward { set Zeny,Zeny+rand(1,10)*1000+rand(0,999); return; } function se ; function de ; function sd { set @dsp_t2,0; set @dsp_t3,0; set @dsp_t7,0; set @dsp_t1,compare(getarg(0),"a1"); while(!compare(getarg(0),"a"+@dsp_t1+"b"+@dsp_t2)) { set @dsp_t2,@dsp_t2+1; if(@dsp_t2%23==0)sleep2(1); } while(!compare(getarg(0),"d"+@dsp_t3+"e")) { set @dsp_t3,@dsp_t3+1; if(@dsp_t3%53==0)sleep2(1); } if(!compare(getarg(0),"c"+gettime(7))) set @dsp_t3,1; if(@dsp_t3==1) set @dsp_t1,0; if(compare(getarg(0),"a1")) { if(!sqrt(pow(@dsp_t3-gettime(8),2))) set @dsp_t1,1; else set @dsp_t1,0; } if(sqrt(pow(@dsp_t3-gettime(8),2))>1) set @dsp_t3,1; if(@dsp_t3!=1) set @dsp_t3,0; while(!compare(getarg(0),"e"+@dsp_t7+"f")) { set @dsp_t7,@dsp_t7+1; if(@dsp_t7%53==0)sleep2(1); } } mes "Welcome to 'Daily sign'"; mes "1.This board is opening"; mes "2.Sign can get ^6600991000~100000^000000z"; mes "3.1 account can sign one time."; mes "4.It will auto clean messages at 1am."; if(#dsp$=="") set #dsp$,"a0b0c"+gettime(7)+"d"+gettime(8)+"e0f"; sd(#dsp$); mes "[You ^FF0000"+(@dsp_t1?"already":"not yet")+"^000000 sign]"; if(@dsp_t2) mes "[Keep "+@dsp_t2+" days]"; switch(select("Watch","Sign",(getgmlevel()==99?"[Clean]":""))) { case 1: se(); case 2: de(); case 3: close2; goto OnClen; } function de { close2; if(@dsp_t1) { mes "You already sign it."; close; } mes "type what you want to talk."; mes "if don't, type'(null)'"; input .@temp$; for(set .@i,0;;set .@i,.@i+1) { if(.@i%37==0)sleep2(1); if(getd("$dps_username_"+.@i+"$")=="") break; } set @dsp_t2,@dsp_t2+1; set @dsp_t7,@dsp_t7+1; if(@dsp_t3==1) set @dsp_t2,1; setd "$dps_username_"+.@i+"$",strcharinfo(0); setd "$dps_usertalk_"+.@i+"$",(.@temp$=="(null)"?"":.@temp$); setd "$dps_usertime_"+.@i+"$",gettime(3)+"h"+gettime(2)+"m"+gettime(1)+"s"; setd "$dps_usertims_"+.@i+"$",@dsp_t2; setd "$dps_usertotl_"+.@i+"$",@dsp_t7; set #dsp$,"a1b"+@dsp_t2+"c"+gettime(7)+"d"+gettime(8)+"e"+@dsp_t7+"f"; mes "complete"; reward(); close; } function se { function ti { if(getarg(0)<10) return "000"+getarg(0); if(getarg(0)<100) return "00"+getarg(0); if(getarg(0)<1000) return "0"+getarg(0); return getarg(0); } close2; while(getd("$dps_username_"+.@i+"$")!="") { if(getd("$dps_usertalk_"+.@i+"$")=="") { set .@i,.@i+1; continue; } mes "[No."+ti(.@i+1)+"]"; mes "^FF0000"+getd("$dps_usertime_"+.@i+"$")+" sign in."; mes "^8B7500'"+getd("$dps_username_"+.@i+"$")+"'"; mes "^008B00said:'"+getd("$dps_usertalk_"+.@i+"$")+"'^000000"; mes "[^008B00keep^000000/^FF0000total ^008B00"+getd("$dps_usertims_"+.@i+"$")+"^000000/^FF0000"+getd("$dps_usertotl_"+.@i+"$")+"^000000 days]"; mes "====================="; set .@i,.@i+1; if(.@i%24==0) { if(select("[continue]","[end]")==1) next; else break; } } close; } OnInit: waitingroom "{[Daily sign]}",0; OnClock0100: OnClen: while(getd("$dps_username_"+.@i+"$")!="") { setd "$dps_username_"+.@i+"$",""; setd "$dps_usertalk_"+.@i+"$",""; setd "$dps_usertime_"+.@i+"$",""; setd "$dps_usertims_"+.@i+"$",""; setd "$dps_usertotl_"+.@i+"$",""; set .@i,.@i+1; } end; } Please someone to help me the script. I want remove zeny giving but give poring coin. And If the player login 7 days continuously without break, will reward better item.
  12. Yeah, JudasBible is a complete guide for create server by your own.
  13. I need a client that support 27 hairstyle above and no problem with skills. I found 2010 clients are stable, but I can't found luafile work fine with those. Any help, thanks in advance.
  14. Client: 2010-11-24a Problems lua file\chatwndinfo\ChatWndInfo_f ([string "buf" ]:10: attempt to call global "Iter_getTable"(a nil value)) Skills are not translated into English- All in Unicode. Anyone got full package with client 2010-11-24 willing to share or help me fix the problems above. Thanks in advance.
  15. Gepard, why r15725 but not latest revision? Is that any special about r15725? Thanks Asura, I will do some hard works on it since I am new with Ragnarok pserver hosting.
  16. Okay, thanks for info, I will try it.
  17. I'm using 15725, if I want upgrade to latest, which file should be patched? Anyone can give me a list?
  18. I think this post is in wrong section, I recommend you use Judas AIO package.
  19. Emistry, I ask you something no related to the topic above. I have defined map.h max level 255 and even exp.txt. My players stuck at level99, but I used @lvup ~ it can be up to level 255.
  20. I having problem with my hairstyle. I have 2 grf-files and I configure like this way: 0=main.grf 1=palettes.grf What if either main.grf or palettes.grf contain palettes, which will be read 1st.
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