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Everything posted by Tepoo

  1. @Neslea your words are a little bit rude, but you are correct. so i wont try to talk with you about it, but what i can tell you. that the developer of Internal Guard is still hard working on internalguard, and already is planing to recreate the anti cheat tool similiar to harmony. without a exe file and so on. im optimistic that internalguard will succseed one day. its just a matter of time, as harmony is already bypassed and there is no other option.
  2. what a bullshit, harmony is also bypassed. its completly unimportant if you are using harmony or internalguard. and internalguard is still in development, while harmony is not. its true that adelay is atm the only full functional tool, but internalguard is also improving. and adelay just protects for skill spammer and nothing more. creating such a logic, is not a big deal. harmony was the first year also unstable and made many problems.
  3. alles was mit buttons in dieser richtung zutun hat, wird nicht durch den diff abgedeckt. der diff von neo übersetzt nur alle hardcodierten sachen. Die Buttons sind aber bmp files die im data ordner liegen.
  4. xroute hat recht, da du neu in der szene zu sein scheinst solltest du einen client verwenden der von der community supportert wird. und da ist das späteste datum 2013-08-07. Alles was danach kommt, solltest du nur verwenden wenn du selbst weist wie du fehler beheben kannst. Was ich dir aber als lichtblick sagen kann, ich benutzte aktuell für meinen server eine 2014-02-05 ragexe und sie läuft ohne probleme. Wenn du also genug wissen angesammelt hast, kannste beruhigt beginnen dir nen 2014er client zu basteln.
  5. i am more and more loving your project :-D
  6. it was not negative meant to be about the robrowser o.o i love it. i was just curiour how you want to protect the files from beeing ripped while getting loaded over javascript for the browsers.
  7. i dont think that we will ever see some of the clients are full functional and usable. everyone is cooking his own soup instead working together on one big project. i realy hoped for a solution for the future where we can more easily implement new features or secure the client better against exploits. but the only project who is still in lightly active development is robrowser. and this one doesnt seems to be safe for protected files. :-( Sad but true...
  8. srsly, do you know the meaning of "Client Release"?
  9. Tepoo


    Ich möchte nur mal anmerken. rAMod ist illegal. es verstößt gegen die lizenz unter der rAthena, eAthena und hercules stehen.
  10. you can not decrypt grfs who are encrypted with SecureGRF. bad luck for you guy.
  11. i dont think that neoncube is able to patch an encrypted grf file. as the patcher doesnt know how to work with the encrypted packets as he doesnt know the key for the encryption.
  12. try learn to code, no need for harmony
  13. Thats Pretty Nice Annie, i dont need it but you showed me some new tricks for writing npcs. thanks you very much :-)
  14. but harmony is the most protected , but i think the owner is busy. he is not replying any support. i know there is written that i should contact the harmony and i already did, but they never reply four days now harmony just does what everyone else is to lazy for. (using the brain)
  15. the easiest way to use rathena under windows 7 64bit is to use xampp as your mysql system.
  16. 1. there are other ways to protect your server except with harmony. 2. there is written you should contact the harmony support. we are not the harmony support.
  17. If it is a test, you should do it for yourself. without help bro. there are enought tutorials how to use o9lydbg, xvi32, peexplorer or asmdebug.
  18. this is not possible as the client function would have to be completly rewritten. the only chance i see is that someone writes a plugin for one of the custom clients. but the main function works as intended and should not be changes. otherweise is loose the sense of this function.
  19. Hey all, i am writing a programm to create lub files for navigation, iteminfo etc for prerenewal based on the servers database. now i am stucking at the navigation part and i hope you can help me. "abbey01", <-- mapname 17104, <-- counting id, 300, <--- everywhere 300 1036, <-- mobid "Ghoul", <--MobName "GHOUL", <--SpriteName 61, <-- MobLevel 3211521 <-- ??? }, what is this last number? its a unique id for every mob. but i cant figure out if it is just a random generated number or if it depends on something.
  20. @freeman: in the login table there is a creation date. so you can differ which account is new and which one is old. me personaly would also implement a secure system which checks if a completly new account is trading with a allready existing old account, as they could abuse the status of the new account to buy items cheaper for older players. so the system would recognize if a old player is giving much money or items to a new account. then the new accounts gets removed from the protection system and is also a "inflation" account.
  21. Es gibt bereiche im Client die Hardcoded sind. sowas geht dann nur mit einer aktuellen Exe von kRO
  22. Ich kann dir aus guter Erfahrung sagen das der fRO Client dreck ist. Nutze am besten nur die übersetzten Files und bau deine eigene GRF. Dann kannst du ganz in ruhe einen aktuellen KRO Clienten benutzen. Gruß Tepoo
  23. this sort of script is allready existing, if you would use the search function you would find it.
  24. your work is pretty awesome, i wish i would have such knowledge about the sourcecode and implementation of rathena. me for myself, implemented into my server a npc who can convert zeny into credits for the cash shop. i created a economy system where the balance of zeny > credits gets calculated. there more zeny are on the server, there more you have to pay for 100credits. i think this is a good start to prevent a inflation. but its not a work like yours. i tought about how to improve this possiblity, i think a new player indicator would be a good solution. as you know, kids are having advantages compared to adults. cheaper tickets for the train for example. as the database stores the registration time, you could imlement a check (when account is junger then 1-2months dont inflict this account to the inflation system) maybe this could solve the problem.
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