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Posts posted by Reborn

  1. can anyone help me with this one?


    here are the details.


    - a party will be warped to a certain map and theres an MVP that they need to kill.

    - once the MVP was killed a party leader will get a special item (only a party leader will get this).

    - once the MVP was killed the Reward NPC will appear at the middle part of the map that contain an items that the party members and leader can get.

    - before they get the item here what will happen first.

         = the party leader will have 2 options once he/she clicked the Reward NPC

                 1st option: Put item to Loot ( in which all the party member can get this certain item depends on the higher percentage. only the higher percentage can get the item.)

                 2nd option: Give this Loot (in which the party leader can either have a choice to give this specific item to a certain party member or to the leader itself so that he/she can have it automatically.)


    - they only have 2 minutes to distribute the items or get it because whether the leader is done distributing the items or not only those finished distributed item will be distributed to a player that has a higher percentage.

    - after 2 minutes they will be warped back to the main town.


    please help me with this script.


  2. can anyone make me a custom item script for a heal skill?


    for example:


    if I heal a player it will heal the other players that was within a 3x3 area.


    can anyone know how to do this?

  3. its not working.


    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unable to parse, probably a missing or extra TAB in file 'npc/sample.txt', line '1'. Skipping line...
     * w1=prontera,150,150,5
     * w2=cashshop
     * w3=836,536:20
     * w4=
    i tried this one, there's a tab but still error.
    prontera,150,150,5 cashshop 836,536:20;
     i tried to put npc name but there's a warning
    [Warning]: Player 150000 sent incorrect cash shop buy packet (len 14:10)!

    is there something that needs to be done in the src? its been a month since I tried to a cash shop but I cant create one because of the same error..


    Please help me out with this.

    ***B U M P***

  4. can anyone help me with the cashshop that i was trying to make?



    prontera,150,150,5 cashshop npc 836,536:20


    when i am making a cashshop npc, i cant buy the item instead i am receiving this kind of warning to the server


    [Warning]: Player 150000 sent incorrect cash shop buy packet (len 14:10)!



    Can anyone fix this script for me? I tried to create my own SQL script but its really hard. Here what I want to this script to happen to my RO.


    Once the GM click the NPC it will ask to enter the 'char_id' that's under the 'quest' SQL system, then after entering the 'char_id' that was in the 'quest' SQL system it will gonna give them the information of the player. And if the GM entered a wrong 'char_id' under the 'quest' SQL system, NPC will give the error message.

    Script together with SQL.txt


    Could be done better with menus instead...

    prontera,100,100,1	script	test_npc	100,{
    	.@len = getarraysize(.gm_list$);
    	mes "[ test_npc ]";
    	if( !.@len ) {
    		mes "Sorry no gms are online right now.";
    	mes "Input the gms charid to view information.";
    	for(.@a = 0; .@a < .@len; .@a++ )
    		mes ""+.gm_list$[.@a];
    	mes "[ test_npc ]";
    	for(.@a = 0; .@a < .@len; .@a++ )
    		if( .gm_list[.@a] == .@input )
    			mes .gm_info$;
    	if( .@a == .@len )
    		mes "I couldn't find that ID Sorry...";
    	deletearray .gm_list$;
    	deletearray .gm_list;
    	deletearray .gm_info$
    	if( getgmlevel() >= 60 ) {
    		.gm_list$[getarraysize(.gm_list$)] = strcharinfo(0)+" - "+getcharid(0);
    		.gm_list[getarraysize(.gm_list)] = getcharid(0);
    		.gm_info$[getarraysize(.gm_info$)] = "Class: "+ Class +", Base Level: "+ BaseLevel +", Job Level: "+ JobLevel +".";


    the script that you provided to me is quite near with what I want for the script. Like what my post is. all the GM on the message should appear automatically under the menu window.

  7. Can anyone has an idea for making a script for this?


    for the correct char_id entered in the *input:


    NPC ==> Message that contains all the GM ==> next ==> input (char_id) ==> message box that contains the information for the selected GM's char_id ==> close...


    for the incorrect char_id entered in the *input:


    NPC ==> Message that contains all the GM ==> next ==> input (char_id) ==>  message box saying that this ID is invalid ==> close...


    Is there anyone that can create this NPC for. even the sample NPC is simple as long as all the details above included to that NPC I can modify it.. I am hoping that someone understand the detail above..

  8. thanks for the help Luciar but this is not the one that I am looking for. This Online players should appear in the menu options. cause after the NEXT button a menu will appear automatically and it should contain all the online players.


    I am doing this for almost a week but I really cant make it. Please help me with this.

  9. Can anyone help me with this script?

    I am creating an NPC Script that when a player logged in it will appear as Online in the Red box showing in the image and if the player logged out it will appear as Offline automatically.


  10. Hi guys,

    Can anyone create or help me with this script?


    I want a script that on the message box, I want to create a menu options that will automatically appear on it.



    a menu that will automatically read the names on the message box. the one that dont need some modification.


    i hope someone got the idea that i have and apply this into a script. I hope someone could help me with this...


    thanks for future help guys.


  11. no i did not make any changes. actually i tried to re install the database and the RO files and when i tried to create the cashpoint npc the problem/error is still there. please help me out with this. im dealing with this problem for almost 3 months try to solve this with my own and get some help with others but still no progress... :(

  12. when i tried to make a custom mob instead of appearing my custom mob ingame it always appear as a poring. i followed the guide on how to make a custom mob but it always ended up like this. always poring is the sprite appearing ingame. can anyone help me with this please...

  13. I dont know where to put this.. How can i make my RO

    client in English version. All the skill and explanations to

    my server is in a Korea Version I guess. But how to make it

    into an English Version. All the explanations, Skills Name,

    and even the chat tab. Please help me with this....

  14. I dont know where to put this.. How can i make my RO client in English version. All the skill and explanations to my server is in a Korea Version I guess. But how to make it into an English Version. All the explanations, Skills Name, and even the chat tab. Please help me with this....

  15. i already found the answer about multiple shops in one npc. however i have another problem here when got multiple shop in one npc i cant buy the item instead i got a gravity error..

    heres my script. hope someone can help me

    -cashshop premium01 -1,501:1000,502:1000,503:1000;
    -cashshop premium02 -1,504:1000,505:1000,506:1000;
    prontera,150,150,6 script Premium 123,{
    mes "[Premium Point Redemption]";
    mes "Please select a category";
    menu "Items",L_01,"Cards",L_02;
    L_01: callshop "premium01",0;
    npcshopattach "premium01";
    L_02: callshop "premium02",0;
    npcshopattach "premium02";

    im sorry if i just post my script her. i cant download the file using my phone. i hope someone can help me ..


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