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Posts posted by Reborn

  1. I already did this step but still nothing happened.. How about making it as an instance like this? will you please fix this one for me?

    prontera,154,175,5    script    testtestest    1002,{
        set .@id,instance_create("prt dup02",0,IOT_NONE);
        instance_attachmap("prontera", .@id,1,"prontera02");
        instance_init .@id;
        warp "prontera02",154,166;

    and besides the link for mapcache_maker is already down. how can I get one?

    @Elsa Mist

    I already tried the link that you provided to me and it quite working because when I tried to warp to the map it warped me to it however I am getting this error after it loaded to the duplicated map

    Module Name: C:\Users\ahLDs\Desktop\NexusRO Server\NexusRO.exe
    Time Stamp: 0x4d7f06a5 - Mon Mar 14 23:26:45 2011
    Exception Type: 0xc0000005
    0x005ca330	NexusRO.exe
    0x75656168	SHELL32.dll
    eax: 0x04c2a9d8	ebx: 0x00000000
    ecx: 0x00000000	edx: 0x00dcb038
    esi: 0x0a0f7ba8	edi: 0x0a0f7ba8
    ebp: 0x0a0f7c14	esp: 0x0018fb28
    stack 0018fb28 - 0018ff28
    0018FB28 : A8 7B 0F 0A 14 7C 0F 0A 8C FC 18 00 BF E2 75 00 
    0018FB38 : FF FF FF FF 30 34 5E 00 5D CE 62 A8 40 D5 7E 00 
    0018FB48 : 10 D5 7E 00 18 D5 7E 00 00 00 00 00 10 05 B9 02 
    0018FB58 : 60 01 B9 02 F0 FA 18 00 60 6D D6 04 A8 E1 52 04 
    0018FB68 : A8 7B 0F 0A 25 DF B6 00 B8 5B 2D 05 6C E3 13 77 
    0018FB78 : D2 E0 13 77 C8 7D 0F 0A 20 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 
    0018FB88 : 25 DF B6 00 FE FF FF FF 6C E3 13 77 D2 E0 13 77 
    0018FB98 : C8 7D 0F 0A 0C 00 00 00 26 E0 13 77 50 F4 22 05 
    0018FBA8 : A8 7B 0F 0A A3 7B 0F 0A 00 00 00 00 18 8D C1 00 
    0018FBB8 : 00 00 CE 02 00 00 00 01 08 FB 18 00 4C 00 00 00 
    0018FBC8 : B4 FC 18 00 CD 1E 18 77 0D C5 B6 00 FE FF FF FF 
    0018FBD8 : 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 88 06 00 00 
    0018FBE8 : 08 FC 18 00 B8 3D BD 72 00 00 CE 02 00 00 00 00 
    0018FBF8 : 1C 00 00 00 C8 7D 0F 0A 00 00 00 00 FC 7D 0F 0A 
    0018FC08 : 20 FC 18 00 B8 3E BD 72 1C 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 
    0018FC18 : 5C FC 18 00 94 5E EE 61 00 00 00 00 78 81 0F 0A 
    Launch Info 
    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
    Job : Priest

    Whats the meaning of this? Please help me making a duplicate map.

    bump ***

  2. Hi guys,


    How can I duplicate a map without adding any additional map in my database? lets say for example I want to duplicate the map of prontera. How can I do that without adding additional prontera map in my Database? Will you please provide to me the procedures on how to do it?



  3. Hi everyone...


    Does anyone know how to do this?


    Green Area = where only GM's can stay and watched the Players.

    Orange Area = Normal Players can stay

    Red Area = where dead players teleported and be resurrected

    Black Lines = Non walkable area




    Heres the things that I want:


    In the green Area only the GM's can stay and watch all the players playing the event.




    the player will speak to the npc in prontera to join the event and they will be teleported to the event area in which they will be landed randomly in the orange area.


    before the event start, the script will count all the players that is standing in the orange area. If there is only 1 player standing in the orange area the event will be halted and that player will be warp back to prontera. But if there's more than 1 player standing in the orange area the event will start. And after that theirs a monster that will appear and the players need to flee from the monster. once the player was killed by the monster they will be teleported randomly to the red area in which that player will be resurrected so that they can watch the game. Once there is only 1 player left in the orange area that player will receive a prize automatically.


    the game will have 2 rounds. In the 2nd round all the players that are standing in the red area will be teleported randomly to the orange area again and the last round will begin and the process will be the same. Once theirs a winner in the last round the winning player will receive a prize and and all the players standing in the red and orange area will be teleported back to prontera.




  4. all cards are in the query with a corresponding points.


    let say OnClock0200: the npc will pick a card randomly in the query along with the corresponding points. The picked card will stay in the NPC for about 5 minutes then after 5 minutes is up the NPC will pick another card from the query along with the corresponding points again. the card will change on every 5 minutes.


    card_id = this will be the card id number

    card_names = this is the name of the card

    cedi_points =  this will the point corresponds to the card

    id = this will be the ID in which the ( .number = rand(1,494) )

    How about this.. Is there a way to keep the selected card on the NPC for about 5 minutes and change it after 5 minutes automatically?

    Please fix this script. The only thing that I want to this script is to make the selected card from the query with corresponding points to stay in the NPC for about 5 minutes and after that the NPC will change the card to a different card...


    The script that I have is making it pick a random cards every time that I click the NPC which is not what I want.


    Here is the new script.

    prontera,150,150,5	script	Sample	89,{
    .number = rand(1,494);
    .@cards = query_sql("SELECT `cards`,`card_name`,`points`,`id` FROM `cards` WHERE `id` = "+.number+"",.@ccards,.@cnames$,.@cpoints,.@cid) ;
    if( .number == .@cid ) {
     npctalk "I'm missing a " +.@cnames$+ ". I can offer " +.@cpoints+ " premium points in return. # "+.number+" ";

    Please help me with this.

  5. Hi everyone. Does anyone know how to fix this script?


    Here are the things that I need for this script..


    1st: I want this script pick a card from the system and in every 2 hours it will change to another card. picking a card should be random and all the cards in the system should be available.


    2nd: While the time is not up yet the picked card can be seen from the NPC and it will just change to another card when 2 hours is up. 

    prontera,150,150,5 script Sample 89,{

    mes "No available cards at the moment.";



    .number = rand(1,494); // this are the number of cards available in the system

    .@cards = query_sql("SELECT `card_id`,`card_names`,`cedi_points`,`id` FROM `cards` WHERE `id` = "+.number+"",@ccards,@cnames,@cpoints,@cid) ;

    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@cards; .@i++ )

    if( .number == @cid[.@i] ) {

    mes "I'm missing a " +@cnames[.@i]+ ". I can offer " +@cpoints[.@i]+ " premium points in return.";



    I hope that anyone understand what I mean. Please help me. Thanks...

  6. I already seen this script Roxess, however that is not what i am looking. Thanks anyway for the help.


    Please attached the right codes for the script that I make. Theres some options there that i want to be exactly as the description on the script is. Can anyone help me with this?

  7. Hello guys, I make a script which is a Stylist but it is not yet finished. Can anyone finish this for me? Here is my script. Thanks

    prontera,150,150,5	script	Stylist	878,{
    set .@n$,"[Stylist]";
    query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`clothes_color` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@charid$,@name$,@hair$,@haircolor$,@clothcolor$);
    mes .@n$;
    mes "You are currently wearing:";
    mes "Cloth Color: "+@clothcolor$+"";
    mes "Hair Color: "+@haircolor$+"";
    mes "Hair Style: "+@hair$+"";
    mes .@n$;
    mes "What would you like to change?";
    switch(select("Clothes Color:Hair Color:Hair Style:Saved Dyes:Randomize")) {
    	case 1:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Choose a style to begin from between 0 to 699.";
    		input (.@clothcolor);
    		switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like it!:[Save Clothes]")) {
    			case 1: // will show the next clothcolor
    			case 2: // will show the previous clothcolor
    			case 3:
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!";
    			case 4:
    				switch(select("Set 1:Set 2:Set3")) {
    					case 1: // will save the clothcolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto clothcolor;
    					case 2: // will save the clothcolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto clothcolor;
    					case 3: // will save the clothcolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto clothcolor;
    	case 2:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Choose a style to begin from between 0 to 126.";
    		input (.@haircolor);
    		switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like it!:[Save Clothes]")) {
    			case 1: // will show the next hair color
    			case 2: // will show the previous hair color
    			case 3:
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!";
    			case 4:
    				switch(select("Set 1:Set 2:Set3")) {
    					case 1: // will save the haircolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto haircolor;
    					case 2: // will save the haircolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto haircolor;
    					case 3: // will save the haircolor that you want to this set
    						mes .@n$;
    						mes "Your style has been saved.";
    						goto haircolor;
    	case 3:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Choose a style to begin from between 0 to 27.";
    		input (.@hairstyle);
    		switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like it!")) {
    			case 1: // will show the next hairstyle
    			case 2: // will show the previous hairstyle
    			case 3:
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!";
    	case 4:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Here are the color sets you saved:";
    		mes "Which one do you want to wear ?";
    		mes Slot 1 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>";
    		mes Slot 2 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>";
    		mes Slot 3 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>";
    		switch(select("Set 1:Set2:Set3")) {
    			case 1:
    				// it will automatically wear the cloth color and hair color that you have saved before in this set.
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Here is the set you like! See you later.";
    			case 2:
    				// it will automatically wear the cloth color and hair color that you have saved before in this set.
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Here is the set you like! See you later.";
    			case 3:
    				// it will automatically wear the cloth color and hair color that you have saved before in this set.
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Here is the set you like! See you later.";
    	case 5:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "What would you like to change?";
    		switch(select("Next:I Like It!")) {
    			case 1:
    				// it will going to give you a random cloth color, hair color and hair style.
    			case 2:
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!";
  8. Hi everyone. Im trying to make a script however im having a trouble with the script that i make.
    I want to make all the options be available. I mean as you can see only the first option is the only one that can be selected. it cannot be skipped. I want all the available options be selected by only entering the correct id number. as long as the id is available whatever id comes first i want the second or the other id can be selected as well.
    I hope you get what i mean.
    here is the script. please fix it for me. thanks a lot..

    prontera,150,150,5	script	Usagi	89,{
    set .@n$, "[Miss Usagi]";
    query_sql("SELECT char_id,account_id,name,class,base_level,job_level FROM `char` ",@charid,@accntid$,@name$,@class$,@blevel$,@jlevel$);
    mes .@n$;
    mes "This are the Players that is already reached the max level. Please choose the player that you want to check the information.";
    mes "===================================";	
    			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@blevel$); .@i += 1) {       
    				if ("99" == @blevel$[.@i]) {	
    					mes ""+@charid[.@i]+" || "+@name$[.@i]+"";
    	input ( .@level );
    			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@charid); .@i += 1) {
    			if ( .@level != @charid[.@i] ) {
    			mes .@n$;
    			mes "The Character ID that you enter is not available. Please enter the correct Character ID.";
    			switch(select("Re-enter Character ID")) { goto checkstatus;	}
    mes .@n$;
    mes "Account ID: "+@accntid$[.@i]+"";
    mes "Character ID: "+@charid[.@i]+"";
    mes "Name : "+@name$[.@i]+"";
    mes "Class Type: "+@class$[.@i]+"";
    mes "Base Level: "+@blevel$[.@i]+"";
    mes "Job Level: "+@jlevel$[.@i]+"";

    and also if in case that there is no available player that reached lvl 99. I want this text be appeared.



    "There's no Player/s reached level 99 yet."


    Please help me. Thanks again.


    hello ??

    does anyone knows how to fix this??

  9. Hi... There are some things that you need to be done if your just renaming a map. 





    if your familiar with Browedit thats good. You should open the map that your trying to rename and save as the map to your desired name. If not here's the link of the Browedit that I am using. You can use it if you want.




    and here's the Guides for Browedit if you want to know more 







    After renaming the map to hean_fld01 put this things.





    map: hean_fld01












    inside the "# #" it will give you the name of the current map when you use the /where command.



    I hope that this will help you.  /no1  /no1  /no1


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