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Everything posted by Reborn

  1. is there a way that there will only be one player is allowed to transact or talk to the NPC? If there is already transacting a conversation to the npc other player wont be able to talk to the NPC unless the current player is done with the transaction or if the player cancel the transaction to the NPC then by then the other player will be able to transact to the NPC but one at a time only. If this is possible can anyone share the code? I have already tried the getattachedrid and playerattached but this 2 doesnt work. other player still able to transact to the NPC even though there is already doing a transaction to the NPC.
  2. please close this topic. I was able to implement this and find the right code by playing in src codes ^_^
  3. Would it be possible to attack a specific monster if the player is has a specific item in his inventory? For example: A player can only attack a poring if the player has an item stone in his/her inventory. Thanks
  4. This one actually not working sir. The Group ID more than 0 and less than 99 they can still create a character more than 1.
  5. Is it possible to limit a character creation for a GM? Like all GM account can only create 1 character.
  6. I think no one knows how to make it but I was able to figure out the right codes and its working exactly the way I wanted it to be. thanks. please close this topic
  7. Hi @boeyskie may I know how you were able to make the skill heal an aoe?? I am actually looking and seeking for help to make the skill heal aoe but I have no luck. I just need to make the skill heal aoe by 3x3 cell range from the target player. thanks
  8. Is there a way to modify it directly at src map/skill.cpp. because this 3x3 cell will only trigger if there the player is wearing a special item and if the player is not wearing this item the heal effect will work as the original.
  9. Hi guys. I just wanted to know, how can I make the regular heal to be an aoe heal by 3x3? For example if I use a skill to my party member or guild member the heal and the effect will be spread by 3x3 cell from the target member of the guild or party. and if someone uses the heal to a non member of the party or guild the effect of the heal will be the same as the normal heal... I know this is something that needs to be modified in src/map/skill.cpp and I really dont know how to make it aoe. I tried to use this code and its not working. map_foreachinrange(skill_area_sub, bl, skill_get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv) * 3, BL_CHAR, src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag | BCT_PARTY | BCT_SAMEGUILD | 1, skill_castend_nodamage_id); the compilation is successful but when I tried it the server is shutting down without giving me any error. I hope someone can help me. thank in advance.
  10. [UPDATE] I finally got the right code and its working fine exactly the way I wanted it to be. Thanks for the help ?
  11. but how about the effect it should be 3x3 cell from a target player and there should be no requirements. whether you are on the same party/guild or not the skill should still work.
  12. BCT_ALLY is for party and guild right so meaning you wont be able to use this skill to a target player if that player is not member of your party or guild. Is there a way to make it work for every target player? whether they are not you party or guild mate? and also one more thing. the effect should also affect those within the 3x3 cell of the target player.
  13. Can anyone help me modifying the Assumptio Skill? Current Assumptio Skill can only be casted to 1 player at a time but can it be possible to cast it to a player then the effect will spread by 3x3 cell from the target? I think it is a src code that you need to do. Please help me I tried to modify the skill code from map/skill.c I tried to modify this line 6793 int splash = skill_get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv); map_foreachinallrange(skill_area_sub, bl, splash, splash_target(src), src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag | 1, skill_castend_nodamage_id); clif_skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, sc_start(src, bl, type, 100, skill_lv, skill_get_time(skill_id, skill_lv))); This one is working fine and I am not getting any error or the client is not crushing however the issue is the effect is same as the old one. It can be casted to 1 player only and the effect is not spreading by 3x3 cell. I know I have a mistake here but I dont know how to fix it and make it the way I needed it to be. Please help me ?
  14. @Patskie I dont have a map named ay_fild04.rsw because I am using an existing map pay_fild04.rsw. its an instance so basically it should create a copy map from an existing map right [UPDATE] This is not just happening to some existing map but this also happens to all new maps that I have. When I tried a repository prior on changing the instance_db.txt to instance_db.yml everything works fine. Now that its in yml file, am I missing some steps that's why its not working on my end?
  15. Is there anyone knows hows to fix this?
  16. I am having a problem with the instance especially for maps. I tried to use the instancing.txt inside the Doc folder and its working fine, but when I changed the instance map "abyss_03" to a different map like "pay_fild04" I am getting a client error. PS: When I change the mapname inside the script into "pay_fild04" I also changed the mapname in instance_db.yml Script: prontera,151,190,6 script Sample Instance 101,{ .@instance$ = "Abyss Lake Instance"; if (instance_live_info(ILI_NAME, instance_id(IM_PARTY)) == .@instance$) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You are already part of an instance."; next; switch(select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You don't want to try again?"; emotion ET_CRY; close; } } else if (instance_id(IM_PARTY)) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You are part of the instance " + instance_live_info(ILI_NAME, instance_id(IM_PARTY)) + "."; close; } else { mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Would you like to try the sample instance in Abyss Lake 3?"; next; switch(select("Create Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: .@create = instance_create(.@instance$); if (.@create < 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@create) { case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break; case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break; case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Instance created."; mes " "; mes "Now entering the instance..."; next; break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time!"; close; } } .@enter = instance_enter(.@instance$); if (.@enter != 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@enter) { case 1: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case 2: mes "ERROR: Party does not have an instance."; break; case 3: mes "ERROR: Unknown error."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance entry ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } close; } // Instance Scripts //============================================================ pay_fild04,131,207,3 script Instance NPC#start 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Are you ready to begin?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:No.")) { case 1: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Good luck."; close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("#ins_abyss03_mobs")+"::OnEnable"; delwaitingroom; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; case 2: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Take your time."; close; } end; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: waitingroom "Click here to start!",0; end; } pay_fild04,0,0,0 script #ins_abyss03_mobs -1,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: The Abyss Lake instance has begun.",bc_all; end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: Smash the Treasure Chest in the center of the map for a prize.",bc_all; end; OnTimer5000: stopnpctimer; .@map$ = instance_mapname("pay_fild04"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; .@label_boss$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyBossDead"; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Poring",1002,20,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Drops",1113,15,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Poporing",1031,10,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Marin",1242,10,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Tiny Zombie",1015,30,.@label$,1; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Mime Monkey",1585,2,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,97,102,"Treasure Chest",1732,1,.@label_boss$,2; end; OnMyMobDead: dispbottom "What am I doing? I should be attacking the Treasure Chest!"; viewpoint 0,97,102,0,0xFF0000; switch (rand(6)) { case 0: sc_start SC_STONE,5000,0; break; case 1: sc_start SC_FREEZE,5000,0; break; case 2: sc_start SC_STUN,5000,0; break; case 3: sc_start SC_SLEEP,5000,0; break; case 4: sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0; break; case 5: sc_start SC_BLIND,5000,0; break; } end; OnMyBossDead: specialeffect2 EF_MVP; getitem 512,1; .@map$ = instance_mapname("pay_fild04"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; killmonster .@map$,.@label$; mapannounce .@map$,"Instance NPC: Good work! Please speak to me as soon as possible.",bc_all; donpcevent instance_npcname("Instance NPC#finish")+"::OnEnable"; end; } pay_fild04,246,197,4 script Instance NPC#finish 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Congratulations! You've finished the instance."; mes "I'll send you back to town now."; emotion ET_BEST; close2; warp "prontera",156,191; instance_destroy(); end; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); specialeffect EF_HIDING; end; } instance_db.yml Header: Type: INSTANCE_DB Version: 1 Body: - Id: 100 Name: Abyss Lake Instance TimeLimit: 3600 IdleTimeOut: 0 Enter: Map: pay_fild04 X: 130 Y: 200 After the NPC warped me to the map I am getting this client error message And then the client will close. Am I missing something here? What I am thinking is there might something that I need to compile within yml? Im not sure. Please help me out.
  17. @sader1992 I just tested it today and its working the way I want it to be. Thanks...
  18. Ill try this one. Ill update you what happen
  19. @sader1992 But this one should be run by a script right and it will function only each time the player touches the npc. The Monster 1 should have a target so that the monster 2 will be vulnerable because as soon as the Monster 1 become idle or not attacking a player, the Monster will be taking 1 damage only.
  20. How can I be able to check if a monster is attacking a player? I have this kind of script wherein if monster 1 is in idle or not attacking a player, the monster 2 will only receive 1 damage. But if the monster 1 is attacking a player, monster 2 will take a damage.
  21. @Emistry Do you mind providing the steps? I actually did it but nothing is happening. I followed this step but nothing happen https://rathena.org/board/topic/116483-tutorial-multi-servers/#comment-349371 I was able to make a 2 server in 1 client but I cant login to the 2nd server. Im not getting any error message from both server. Why is that?
  22. i am using sclientinfo but its still the same patcher > play button > select server > login is it not possible to login firat before choosing a server?
  23. Hello guys I would like to know how to make a dual server with just 1 client with a format like this patcher > play > login > select server the samples I am seeing here is actually patcher > login > select server > login which is not I am looking for. thank in advance guys.
  24. Hello everyone Can I request for a Heal skill that will splash by 3x3 from the first target of the skill. Like if I do Heal skill on a player it will also heal the other players that is within the 3x3 radius from the target player.
  25. Hello guys. I am creating a selection scripts and I would like to know how to remove duplicate results from the list. prontera,154,150,5 script SampleTest 123,{ .@bonus0 = 1; // Reflect 10% Short-Range Damage .@bonus1 = 3; // Reduce 10% Aftercast Delay .@bonus2 = 0; .@bonus3 = 0; setarray .@ItemBonus$[0], "Reflect 10% Short-Range Damage",1100000,7561,690,1063,730, "8 Mdef",1500000,7118,275,7162,700, "Reduce 10% Aftercast Delay",1700000,7567,500,1036,800, "Full HP/SP on Resurrection",2000000,951,730,7149,750, "10% Damage more with Shield Chain",2000000,7194,580,7215,890, "10% Increase Healing Power",1400000,6032,400,1096,790, "Uninterruptable Cast",1400000,7125,400,7263,480, "Increase Holy and Grand Cross Damage by 20%",2000000,7223,300,7215,900, "Indestructible",1400000,6023,380,7197,800; mes "Sample"; for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.@ItemBonus$); .@i=.@i+6){ for (.@k=0; .@k<4; .@k++){ if (getd(".@bonus"+ .@k)){ if (.@ItemBonus$[(getd(".@bonus"+ .@k)-1)*6] != .@ItemBonus$[.@i]){ if (getd(".@dup"+ (.@i/6) +"$") != .@ItemBonus$[.@i]){ mes "~ "+ .@ItemBonus$[.@i]; } } setd(".@dup"+ (.@i/6) +"$", .@ItemBonus$[.@i]); } } } close; } If I run this script the bonus 1 will be remove from the list but when the selection continue the bonus 2 is still showing up from the list. Its like to bonus 2 onwards is not being recognize by this script. I want the bonus 1 and 2 not appear from the list. Its like removing the duplicate result. Thanks in advance.
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