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Posts posted by Reborn

  1. yea. .. but only the required items are accepted just like making an item but through trading it with npc.

    for example im making valkyrian armor

    and the npc required 2000 jellopies to be traded after the trade is done there will be a cast time sometimes slow sometimes fast .. after the cast time finished the item will have a chance to be successful or failed tobe created.

    and if the character puts an incorrect or more or less than the required value of item when the player clicks on ok button in trade window the deal will automaticalky cancelled.

    i hope you undrstand i really mean for this...

  2. no its not working... it does not automatically change the card once the defined hour has reach its just stick on the first card which is the poring card, 


    u wanted the card will be automatically changed.

    once i unload and reload the script there it change the card but now automatically.

    okay i have found the answer bymyself. thanks for the help patskie and capuche your script helps me alot to fix this problem your the best.....


    it change automatically.. thanks again...

  3. it doesnt change the card every 2 hour..

    everything is settle on this script except for automatically changing the cards every minute/hour...


    please help me i really wanted this script to be done..

    please anyone solve this the only problem is it doesnt automatically change the card every 2 hour.. anyone please fix this problem. my head is cracking for trying to know how to solve this. im not that good in scripting please help me..

    no one knows???
  4. on my editted script from patskie it doest change the card every two hour i change it every 2 minutes but it doesnt change... this script is working except for changing the cards in every hour/minute. kindly pls help me with this? that is the only problem on this script. thanks.

  5. this is what i am talking about. theres a npc and once a character click on it a trade window will appear automatically... if the item is correct it will be traded with a new item but before that a progressbar will appear first.. 


    whether the player is near or far from the npc as long as they click on it a trade window will appear...



  6. I don't have my laptop now for testing. So i suggest that you test this first before deployment on your server if any :

    prontera,150,150,0    script    Sample    100,{
        if ( !.start ) {
            mes .npc$;
            mes "The event has not been initiated by any Game Master.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "So, " +strcharinfo(0)+ " do you have " +getitemname(.random_card)+ "?";
        if ( select( "Yes:No" ) - 1 ) end;
        for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 )
            if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == .random_card )
                set .count, @inventorylist_amount[.@i];
        if ( !.count ) end;
        mes .npc$;
        mes "Alright then. You have " +.count+ "x " +getitemname(.random_card);
        mes .npc$:
        mes "Here is your reward!";
        delitem .random_card, .count;
        set #PREMIUMPOINTS, #PREMIUMPOINTS + ( .random_reward * .count );
        dispbottom "You now have " +#PREMIUMPOINTS+ " premium points.";
        set .start, 0;
            if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) != 0 ) end;
            set .index, rand( getarraysize( .Cards ) );
            set .random_card, .Cards[ .index ];
            set .random_reward, .Rewards[ .index ];
            announce "I need " +getitemname(.random_card)+ " card for " +.random_reward+ " premium points.",0;
            sleep 2000;
            announce "Talk to me at prontera 150 150 if you have one!",0;
            set .start, 1;
            setarray .Cards[0],4001;
            setarray .Rewards[0],20;
            set .npc$, strnpcinfo(1);

    The configuration part : 

    setarray .Cards[0],4001;
    setarray .Rewards[0],20;

    Meaning item id 4001 corresponds to 20 premium points. You can put cards and rewards as many as you want with the limitation of 128 array content only. Make sure also that the both array have the same size. Meaning if you add a card id in the .Cards array then it is mandatory to put a corresponding prize to it. Set the prize on the .Rewards array


    Why it does not change every two  hour the cards? and besides..


    can you correct this one cause i change some of this in this one..

     prontera,150,150,0    script    Marvin    100,{
        mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "Excuse me, I was wondering if you would mind helping me. You see, I collect cards and curently I'm missing a " +getitemname(.random_card)+ ". If you could provide me with some pristine examples of this card, I can offer " +getitemname(.random_reward)+ " Cedi in return.";
        menu "What is Cedi?",L_what,"I have your cards!",L_check,"Nevermind",L_close;
    L_what:    mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "Cedi is an ancient currency that is still quite valuable in the right circles. I hear Tim-Tom down the road only takes Cedi at his shop.";
        mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "How much I can give you per card varies, but I'll be sure to tell you how much I'm offering if you bring me some.";
        if (countitem(.random_card) < 1)goto L_nothing;
        for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 )
            if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == .random_card )
                set .count, @inventorylist_amount[.@i];
           mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "Would you like to trade those in now?";
        menu "Sure thing!",L_sure,"No, thanks",L_close;
        mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "I'm sorry, I dont believe you actually have any " +getitemname(.random_card)+ " for me.";
            mes "[Marvin]";
        delitem .random_card, .count;
            set #CEDIPOINTS, #CEDIPOINTS + ( .random_reward * .count );
        mes "Thanks! These will look great in my collection. Oh, and you seem to have a balance of " +#CEDIPOINTS+ " Cedi now.";
            dispbottom "You now have " +#CEDIPOINTS+ " Cedi Points.";
        mes "[Marvin]";
        mes "Alright, if you change your mind, come back and see me.";
            if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) != 0 ) end;
            set .index, rand( getarraysize( .random_card ) );
            set .random_card, .random_card[ .index ];
            set .random_reward, .random_reward[ .index ];
            setarray .random_card[0],4001,4002,4003,4004,4005;
            setarray .random_reward[0],20,20,50,50,50,50;
            set .npc$, strnpcinfo(1);




    i want the random card will be change every two hour.  i add four cards to know if this work but it doesnt change and it just only requiring the first card which is the poring card (4001)....


    in this one i have some difficulties with this because in this one i want to show the players whoever click on this npc i want to show them also that how much does the card cost.... but in my preview of this one it became the word "null"... like this:


    Excuse me, I was wondering if you

    would mind helping me. You see, I

    collect cards and currently I'm

    missing a Poring Card. If you could

    provide me with some pristine

    examples of this card, I can offer

    null Cedi in return.


    i want that null to be the cost of the card....


    can you please correct that script i really need this one....

  7. can anyone give me a script for the npc that gives a premium points.

    the npc required a random card every two hours then a card has a specific amount of point rewarded.

    for example the npc needs a poring card and it will reward a character a 20 premium points. but the npc will take all the poring card in your inventory but rewarded each card a 20 points.

    every two hour the npc will change the required card.

    hope you understand what i mean.

  8. not a shop window... exactly a trade window. when you click on a custom npc a trade window appear.. you will put on the window the required item then if the items are correct and you press the ok button the other ok button will automatically be clicked then you can trade the item, then after that a cast time appear on the head of the character and after that he/she will get an item.. do you understand what i mean? i hope you do.. i cant upload a photo now cause the server i am playing is temporary down

  9. everytime i open my ragnarok exe this is the one appearing making the exe close



    Problem signature:

      Problem Event Name:    BEX

      Application Name:    SharpienoRO.exe

      Application Version:

      Application Timestamp:    4d7f06a5

      Fault Module Name:    MSVCR90.dll

      Fault Module Version:    9.0.30729.4974

      Fault Module Timestamp:    4b7a226f

      Exception Offset:    0003e517

      Exception Code:    c0000417

      Exception Data:    00000000

      OS Version:    6.1.7601.

      Locale ID:    1033

      Additional Information 1:    6d45

      Additional Information 2:    6d45d7359c63971ba0dc7a4249445808

      Additional Information 3:    9e26

      Additional Information 4:    9e267a0747d3810c49be3c20be40500e


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  10. it is possible cause the ro the one i am playing have this one...

    Like this :

    prontera,150,150,0    script    Sample    100,{
        mes "I need the following items : ";
        mes "500 Jellopy";
        mes "200 Fluff";
        mes "200 Sticky Mucus";
        mes "Do you have this items?";
        if ( select("Yes:No") - 1 ) end;
        if ( countitem(909) < 500 || countitem(914) < 200 || countitem (938) < 200 ) {
            mes "You don't meet my requirements";
        getitem2 2357,1,1,rand(1,10),0,@card1,@card2,@card3,@card4;

    can an auto trade window open once i click on the npc?

  11. own points... for example i want an npc that can only buy the items using the premium points.... in ragnarok there is a kafra points and cash points... but i want to make a premium points.

    You can easily create your own points by simply making it either account or character based variables. For example


    Giving your own points to player :

    set #OWNPOINTS,#OWNPOINTS + <amount>; // acount base
    set OWNPOINTS,OWNPOINTS + <amount>; // character base

    Checking own points to any player : 

    dispbottom "You now have " +#OWNPOINTS+ " own points."; // account base
    dispbottom "You now have " +OWNPOINTS+ " own points."; // character base

    i dont get it. can you pls explain and make a step on it? sorry ....

  12. is it possible to put a name in an created item by the character?


    for example dfabsgwapings creating an assassins robe in a creation npc.. then this would be the outline


    +7 dfabsgwapings's Assassin's Robe


    exactly like that...


    does anyone know? can you tell me please?


    like one in the picture


  13. OK! Can anyone give me a script for this NPC?




    required items are:

    500 jellopy

    200 fluff

    200 sticky mocus


    items that you will get for this required items is Valkyrian Armor.


    For example when i click on the npc a trade window will appear automatically then a
    character must put a required items to get a new item.. when the character puts the corrrect required item then he will get a random refined valkyrian armor.. (+1 to +10).


    but when the character puts wrong items the trade will be cancelled when he/she clicks on the ok button on the trade window.



    i hope all of you understand what i mean.... i hope someone know about this.... really need your help...

  14. ok guys thanks to all of people that helped me. i finally solved my problems.. all is correct except of one thing... i was just put a wrong number for its location... now i have known how to put custom equips.. thanks for all the help people


    PROBLEM SOLVED.......................

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