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Posts posted by Kido

  1. Hmm i don't see any problem there. Then it should be the sprite, please provide how you added them in the following text files






    data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/accessoryid.lub

    data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/accname.lub


    Also, the name of the sprite.

  2. /swt i'm telling you to psot the whole script of your item


    i mean this part


    so i can see why it changes your character outfil  D:


    put something simple like

    bonus bStr,1;
    { bonus bStr,1; },{OnEquip_Script},{OnUnequip_Script}
    • Upvote 1
  3. thx helped alot trying now

    ok last question and sorry for asking u much i added     many hats now and all    ok but when i try to add the luffy hat and wear it  and error happens not when i wear it when  but  becuz  it change the charcter  outfit so is  that another guide


    whenever you get an error or an unwanted result, post the script or the error with a screen, if the hat in changing the outfil of your character is more like an item_bonus script error


    np you can ask as much as you want, just try to provide evidence so the problem can be more clear and fixed quickly

  4. crowmaster 

    -_- i already understood  the guide and the bouns i  only dont understand what does the code do 

    + i cant wear the thingsi already added so i was assking about the  cood cuz its possible to be from it


    by code i mean the item_db code



    hmm alright, look here




    for yur wings, asuming that it should go in a lower headgear, it would be like this:

    YOURDitemDI,YourITemNameWith_AsSpace,YourItemNameWithSpace,5,0,0,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,1,0,YourViewID,{ YourItemBonusScript },{ YourItemOnEquipBonusScript },{ YourItemOnUnEquipBonusScript }

    The important thing here is the Job, class and gender, in the example above i made it for all classes any job can be wearned by male and female





    YOURDitemDI,YourITemNameWith_AsSpace,YourItemNameWithSpace,5,0,0,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,1,0,YourViewID,{ YourItemBonusScript },{ YourItemOnEquipBonusScript },{ YourItemOnUnEquipBonusScript }


    0xFFFFFFFF: All Jobs


    YOURDitemDI,YourITemNameWith_AsSpace,YourItemNameWithSpace,5,0,0,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,1,0,YourViewID,{ YourItemBonusScript },{ YourItemOnEquipBonusScript },{ YourItemOnUnEquipBonusScript }


    63: All Classes


    YOURDitemDI,YourITemNameWith_AsSpace,YourItemNameWithSpace,5,0,0,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,1,0,YourViewID,{ YourItemBonusScript },{ YourItemOnEquipBonusScript },{ YourItemOnUnEquipBonusScript }


    2: Any gender


    Use the Wiki as reference:





    Uh yeah, before launching a server you should must have at least basic knowledge like adding items, changing the drops and exp, changing the max level, Basic Scripting http://rathena.org/wiki/Basic_Scripting , basic SRC modifications like setting up a client or defining if renewal or pre.renewal, how to change the login background http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/ , how to make a loading screen http://rathena.org/wiki/Loading_Screens , how to make a logo for your server http://rathena.org/wiki/Scr_logo.bmp etc.


    If players notice your lack of knowledge they may quit your server.


    Well good luck, if you have any questions repply with your issue, if what i said above doesn't work, please post your item script.

    • Upvote 1
  5. hey  can u tell me if i wanted to add a wing what should i change this code to be ??

    22024,nekoring_hat,nekoring_hat,4,,,0,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,1,1,960,{ bonus bAgi,3; bonus bFlee,2; bonus bAspdRate,1; },{ },{ }

    oh and u missed sthg ACCESSORY_Nekoring_Hat = 960, here u should make it to be ACCESSORY_Nekoring_Hat = 960  with no comma or am i wrong ?

    now i had a problem i corectly added the item but when i try to wear it it  says i cant   wear it    with a socr job any answer ??

    and cant u just     talk about the code i put in the item_db  ??  cuz if i wanted to add another item  it cant be the same code right ?

    and i also tried to wear the item a added with all the jobs and  cant wear it sorry for all of this questions :P


    use this a reference http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items there's how to make it wings, and which jobs can use them


    hmm not sure about the coma in accessory part, for me it works liek that o: 


    well uh ehre's a trick


    wings are locate in lower headgear right? then search in your item_db (no custom) for a lower headgear that can be used by any job 

    for example a flu mask


    then copy it and in the end jsut change the id and the names

    ID,name,name <-- 


    yeah you can't sue the same view id and/or the same id of another item, they need their own ids and names


    tell if it worked, if not let me know the script of your item o:

  6. is there a way to change what the item do  ? i mean if i want it to add 40 agi or 10 str  or sthg ?


    yeah, you have to edit the item description and then do the item script so it will grant that bonus




    to change the description of your item do the step 2 of my guie text side

    • Open data/idnum2itemdesctable.txt and add inside ID#<Enter>Description<Enter>#

    add me :)

    how   to fix that ?

    it says unknow item and now collecton or item pic  just an apple pic

    any help

    Kido kido  any help ??



    Make sure that you have done the steps correctly, check your text files, if you don't have any lub or lua problems then it's more like you mispelled the name of the item in your text files o: if you can show me any pic. that would be of help o:



    Well...Same Error



    [Error]:  Loading NPC file: npc/custom/missionfilds.txt

    script error on npc/custom/missionfilds.txt line 1019

        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function

      1014 :        // max mission per npc take by character

      1015 :        .max_mission_per_char = 4;

      1016 :

      1017 :        // predefined values.

      1018 :        .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0);

    * 1019 :        .server_max_level = getserverdef( 'V'AR_MAX_LEVEL );

      1020 :        setarray .base_job,

      1021 :                EAJ_SWORDMAN,

      1022 :                EAJ_MAGE,

      1023 :                EAJ_ARCHER,

      1024 :                EAJ_ACOLYTE,



    I've updated my rAthena, and no work.


    i got that same error too so i'm not using it ):


    Replace * 1019 :        .server_max_level = getserverdef( 'V'AR_MAX_LEVEL ); 


    .server_max_level = MAX_LEVEL; 

    as you are no longer able to use VAR_MAX_LEVEL to call for max level as it is not in the in db/const.txt anymore but moved to src/map/script.c as MAX_LEVEL. There are still other errors in this script however.



    Yeah i already did that, my players got a problem, when they relog they lose the kill count of some mobs, i can't set properly the quest time and so on @_@ thanks for ther help btw o:!



    can you make a tutorial for 2013 client ? forgot already :(


    i don't liek that client, nothing personal agains it or anyone lol, i don't know how to use it or to set it up


    if someone teaches me i will make the guide ;o



    aw.. why you dont like ? its good lorr. hahaha. 



    i know it's a good client, my problem is that i can't set it up properly, i followed the steps, i think i did mistakes in the diff, the guide should say which diffs are must to make it work. Sorry for the late repply D:


    Excellent guide!


    Thank you, it took me sometime, i'm glad you guys like it :DD


    if want to compare that Asura slide between rA & eA, please try use same client ver, date, files.

    believe or not, eA & rA use same behavior, uisng unit_movepos() /hmm


    EDIT: /heh

    except in eA skill_castend_damage_id(), that makes unit walking instead of moving

    if(unit_walktoxy(src, dx, dy, 2) && ud) {
    //Increase can't walk delay to not alter your walk path
    ud->canmove_tick = tick;
    speed = status_get_speed(src);
    for (i = 0; i < ud->walkpath.path_len; i ++)


    so, what she would need to do to make the asura go as she wants o: ?

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