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Posts posted by Peopleperson49

  1. Is there a way to increase it to a much larger number or have the item fill additional inventory slots when it is greater than 30,000? A lot of servers use custom item/coins for various things and with the extended cash shop its easier than ever to use your own currency. Being such a small number is very limiting. Thanks.



  2. What is the maximum I can set for MAX_AMOUNT without errors? I want to implement a coin system as a special type of currency, however, it doesn't make sense for players to only be able to carry around 30,000 of them. After some playing around with it, it seems like anything above 32767 gets weird. Thanks.



  3. Thanks you basically confirmed what I already figured. If there is no variable then it makes it much harder to use custom banking scripts. Now I have to use sql tables in my scripting, lol. Anyways, thanks.



  4. Thanks Annie for the reply. I really don't think that adding another mapflag would be the best answer either, but it would cover the hole that is there for restricting all types of item uses. Merging the item_trade.txt, mapflag/restriction.txt, and item_noequiip.txt would be the best way to go about it. You could even replace the Flag with the actual map which then eliminates the need for several files that all perform similar functons.

    // Forbidden Items Database
    // Defines restrictions on equipment, items, and cards in a given map or mapflag.
    // Structure of Database:
    // ItemID,Flag/Map,Type,Group Level Override
    // Legend for 'Flag' field (bitmask):
    // 1    - restricted in normal maps
    // 2    - restricted in PVP
    // 4    - restricted in GVG
    // 8    - restricted in Battlegrounds
    // Legend for 'Type' field (bitmask):
    // 1   - consumed/used/worn
    // 2   - item can't be dropped
    // 4   - item can't be traded (nor vended)
    // 8   - wedded partner can override restriction 2
    // 16   - item can't be sold to npcs
    // 32  - item can't be placed in the cart
    // 64  - item can't be placed in the storage
    // 128  - item can't be placed in the guild storage
    // 256 - item can't be attached to mail
    // 512 - item can't be auctioned
    // Examples:
    // 1201,1,1,50   // Knife can't be worn on normal maps
    // 1201,prontera,1,50   // Knife can't be worn in prontera
    // 608,4,1,50    // Yggdrasil Seed can't be consumed in both GvG and WoE Castles
    // 608,4,7,50    // Yggdrasil Seed can't be consumed, dropped, or traded in both GvG and WoE Castles
    // 4174,6,1,50   // Deviling Card has no effect in every PVP or GVG map, and during WoE
  5. I will have to take a further look into the KoE script as I havn't used it on a working server in some time. It probably needs updating really bad. For the time I will removed it for download. I will fix and post a tested version when I get some time. Thank you.



  6. Thanks for the reply lighta.

    1. The problem with item_trade.txt is that it doesn't restict enough. If there was a bitmask option with it to speciffy everything that you might want to restrict it would be nice. Also if you could make your own custom zone that would help to not have to modify the ones already created for one reason or another.
    2. The KoE patch worked perfectly to prevent killing an emperium by the owner. Its a pretty simple mod that prevents a lot of posts that say your koe script is broken I can kill the emperium twice. However if you have the guildmonster script then you could use that instead and this patch is really pointless.
    3. Well the sc_repel mod is already made so it just needs to be added and updated to the latest files if necessary. It doesn't take anything away from the emulator so I figured I would suggest it.
    4. Seeghp is just a nice script that gives advantages to being in a guild, however, a battleflag to restrict it to certain maps (gvg/gvg_castle) actually makes sence!
    5. I know that there are lots of custom scripts out there, but I suggested these for a reason. There solid commands that could be very useful. His mods are bIndOnAtkCast, bIndMatkEvasion, bIndDispellResist, bIndSelfDmgOnSpell, bIndAnkleSnareImmunity, bIndNoNinjaOrbReq, bIndDispellDeflect, bIndHealMaxHPBoost, bIndPerfectDodgeIgnore, bIndAtkElemBoost, bIndAspdLimitIncrease. On attack cast is freaking awesome anyways! For example everytime you do a physiacl attack it casts a skill instead. I made all my rods do fireball on normal attack for casters.
    6. The problem with guardian is that you need all the setdata for it to work. Guildmonster basically works just like monster but the mob cannot hurt somebody in the same guild. You could spawn a guild monster in prontera if you wanted with just the guildmonster command. It would be cool to have the option to specify their health and damage though or just use default.
  7. The KoE patch prevents somebody from killing an emperium after they already own it. Works specifically outside of normal WoE scripts. Sc_repel and Ind's mods may be custom items, but they are solid features that don't take away from the emulator in any way. Greenbox's mod goes farther than just custom WoE and event scripts. It would be very useful for actually spawning the emperium for the actual WoE scripts.



  8. There are a few mod that I think might be good to add. I still can't figure out for the life of me how to do a pull request or I would give that a shot, so I hope the devs understand. Anyways, back to my suggestions.


    1. The noitemtrade mapflag that Annie created is actually very useful for limiting use of certain items on the server.
    2. The koe patch that prevents hitting an emperium more than once when created outside of a woe script would be a good addition as people are always complaining about that and incorrectly thinking its a bug. A simple addition and the problem could be fixed for good. I believe that was also created by Annie awhile back and would need updating.
    3. A nice sc effect is sc_repel. First created by goddameit, but never finished or made to work. I paid to have it fixed by somebody else once though and worked fine. When the effect is started all monsters of a lower base level will ignore you even if aggressive, allows you to specifiy normal, boss, mvp, or guardian mobs.
    4. Seeghp is a nice feature that any woe heavy server can use. Its activated through the use of an @ command.
    5. I know its all on Ind since he created a lot of great source mods for script commands, but they are outdated which makes them just sit unused for long time since most people wont pay for a mod just to pay somebody else to update it. With his permission of course I suggest adding his mods. I have already purchased them myself and run into that when I want to continue to use them.
    6. Greenbox created a mod called guildmonster a long time ago, which allowed you to create a mob loyal to a specific guild and its allies. It also prevented a guild from hurting there own mobs. This mod is perfect for the emperium system as well as making custom woe scripts. There are a couple similar mods out there, but with his permission it would be a great addition.


    I know this is a lot to take in from one message (especially since I typed it), but this is what the source discussion topic is for... Thanks for reading and I hope others have good feed back! I put links at the bottom for the topics.






    See Guild HP

    Ind's OnAtkCast

    Ind's Bonus Pack 1

    Ind's Bonus Pack 2

  9. I really really appreciate the time your taking to try to get this to work. That looks like a very good mapflag and I will install it and give it a shot, but it goes back to my original problem. I don't want to restrict the use of storage, trading, etc completely from the entire map. I need to make it so you can't use, store, trade, or drop specific items on that map. Since I'm using custom maps for most of my mall this might actually work overall. Any change you can do a pull request and have it added to the svn for everybody to use? Thanks again.



  10. Thanks for the reply. I saw that command before and I even use it for some of my daily freebies, but it allows some stuff to be stored and even traded (which is kind of the same as dropping it). I need a command that prevents any use, dropping, storing, or trading on a certain map. My suggestion would be to make a new db document like item_noremove. It would prevent dropping, storing, or trading and work just like item_nouse when the restriction mapflag is set for that zone. Or modify the item_nouse somehow (which would probably be the best option). I still can't figure out the pull request so making that is way above me! Thanks.



  11. This potion will do what you wanted. Enjoy.




    IDNUMBER,Protection_Potion,Protection Potion,0,0,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 204; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; }",300; },{},{}
  12. Why not just let it go as long as people keep guessing until somebody gets the number correct? Every guess is two potions and some people will pick the same number as others so the pot will actually build. I suggest elimiating the 6 hour requirment and let it start another as soon somebody wins the pot. Anyways I don't have time to script it, but whoever does I offer those suggestions.



  13. I made a dynamic mall script that give the player the items and then they take them to the counter to pay for them. Its very cool however it is a major exploit until I can prevent any items available there from being used, dropped, or stored in any way. If there was a mapflag to prevent any item from being used, dropped, traded, stored, or anything else it would be awesome. Or if the item restriction limited trading and dropping also. Thanks.



  14. You have to modify the src/map/pet.h and recompile. I'm not sure what the upper limit is for the number of pets is.




    // Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    #ifndef _PET_H_
    #define _PET_H_
    #define MAX_PET_DB    300
    #define MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE    30
    struct s_pet_db {
        short class_;
    • Upvote 1
  15. Is there a way to prevent an item from being used, dropped, traded, stored, or anything else on a specific map? I understand how item_treade, item_noequip, and item_nouse works, but they don't quite do what I need. I want a way that prevents a player from doing anything with an item on a specific map only. Like a mapflag or something. Thanks.



  16. I see what your saying, but that leads me to ask one question? Why do we have to remove that check? Can't we just modify to check for two conditons at the same time. I know src modification is different, but its seems kind of like scripting where you would use, if(one==1 || two==1) { }. Anyways, yea I wouldn't want to do anything to possibly overwork the server.



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