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Posts posted by Peopleperson49

  1. How do I modify the lua files for adding player class skills to homun characters. I can easily do it for adding or modify player class skills to other classes, but I can't seem to get the homun lua format correct. I tried this below with no luck. Any ideas? Thanks.




        [SKID.AL_HEAL] = {
            SkillName = "Heal",
            MaxLv = 10,
            SpAmount = { 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40 },
            bSeperateLv = true,
            AttackRange = { 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 },
            NeedSkillList = {
                [JOBID.JT_CRUSADER] = {
                    { SKID.CR_TRUST,10 },
                    { SKID.AL_DEMONBANE,5 }
            _NeedSkillList = {
                { SKID.HLIF_HEAL,5 }
  2. If two characters had the same ID it would have deleted all items for that ID for both characters, nothing would have remained. But if they did somehow share the same ID you would know it because they would have pulled data from the same SQL tables. So both characters would have the exactly the same name, class, stats, items, zeny, etc... Sort of like the same character just happen to show up in two character slots. I don't think that would be an rAthena issue, but more of a SQL or phpadmin database issue of the server.


    Since the script sets the .@char_id to that of the currently logged in character I still don't believe its possible. All actions following would be strictly limited to that character only. I have tested it and I cannot figure out a way to get it to mess up as described.

    set .@char_id,getcharid(0);



  3. I could do that however with the deletecharacter command it deletes everything like they never existed. To have the server perform one more action like store everything wouldn't really be the best course. People using this command should know that they are deleting everything they have and to store what they want to keep. Anyways, maybe I missed what your intent was. Thanks for replying.



  4. Thats not a bad suggestion sandbox. I thought about it but the point for me was to supplement the fact that for some reason my client won't let me delete characters. So any player would need to be able to use it if needed. I could make it so a GM could use it on players only, but hopefully people arn't on other peoples accounts. If they safe guard it then there won't be any problems. But whose to stop somebody from getting on an account and dropping everything they have or other stuff?



  5. It will still work just fine with the other tables added there. Just check the map server log when somebody uses it and post here. I believed I removed them all. I will remove them as soon as I see it. Won't affect the scripts operation or your server. I had already added your to skype earlier, lol.



  6. Thanks for that. Since your using check your map server and tell me if it says cannot find a table. That probably means that I included one of my custom ones and I need to remove that portion. You said you had that problem, were you able to fix it? Thanks.


    In a funny note if your going to up up + post you should use the, "If you like this post click the "Vote this post up" button rep_up.png to the right of the post.". Anyways thanks again for using.




    yup i had that problem too D: well thank you t's an amazing release for clients that have deletion problems o:!


    up up +

  7. Yes this command removes everything from the players account for that character. However the sql is easy to modify if you just wanted to delete something specific. I created this because nomatter how much I try with the 20130807 I cannot get it to delete a character from an account. This is an easy solution. I hope you enjoy!



  8. Delete Characters
    This script allows you to delete characters in-game. When used it will ask the player to confirm and then kick them out of the server. When they log back their character and in all variables will be gone forever. It is handy since some of the new clients won't properly delete characters. The map server will get an error that says, "charif_ack_login_req failed - player not online". However all functions work great. I'm working on what error but I think it has to do with the script still going after the player is kicked. If anybody has any ideas let me know.

    Delete_Character.txt Version 1.0

    Delete_Character.txt Version 1.1

    Delete_Character.txt Version 1.2

    • Upvote 3
    • Love 1
  9. My console is recieving a couple errors that I havn't been able to track down. The mapindex error I have went through ever custom script I have looking for a map reference not listed in the index, however, I litterally have hundreds of custom scripts so it is very possible that I have missed something somewhere. The itemdb_searchrandomid I'm not sure about. I have custom items added but I have checked group 5 and moved everything from it but still get that error. I think group 5 used to be the jellopy drop which I reapproated. Thanks.





  10. So I had to go back to basics with my sql and I figured it out on my own. The only issue I get is a map server error that says, "[Error]: charif_ack_login_req failed - player not online. Any suggestions with fixing that. Otherwise it works perfectly!




    Had to replace this:

    query_sql("DELETE FROM char WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@char_id+"'");

    With this:

    query_sql("DELETE FROM `char` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
  11. Good catch on the .@char_id. I had it that way origonally so I'm not sure why I changed it. How do I make sure I have the proper privilege to delete information. I know it deleted some data so I should have permission. The ban works but not the unban section, so the sql might be erroring some how to stop the function. My map server shows no errors though.




    -    script    Test    -1,{
    if(strcharinfo(3) == "aeir_beach") {
        set .@char_id,getcharid(0);
        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
        atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0);
        sleep2 3000;
        query_sql("DELETE FROM char WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@char_id+"'");
        atcommand "@unblock "+strcharinfo(0);
  12. I'm trying to make a script so that on certain maps if a character is killed it will kick the character and delete it permantently. I put it as a bindcmd for ease of testing. I can't seem to get the sql for some tables to carry out this task. I am familiar with using sql and part of the functions are carried out, but deleting stuff such as char, inventory, cart inventory, and a couple other tables will not delete. I supect it is blocked in some way by the character server. I went through the entire table database to look for anything that retained specific character data to delete, but some of the tables below may be specific to my server. I don't remember which ones at the moment.




    -    script    NightTerror    -1,{
    set NTCheck,1;
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    if(playerattached()==0) { end; }
    if(NTCheck!=1) { end; } else { set NTCheck,0; }
    set .char_id,getcharid(0);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM atcommandlog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    //query_sql("DELETE FROM BalanceRank WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM bonus_script WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM branchlog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM buyingstore_items WHERE `buyingstore_id` = "+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM buyingstores WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM cashlog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM cp_charprefs WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM cp_choko_rename_log WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM elemental WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM emprank WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM friends WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM guild WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM guild_member WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM homunculus WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM hotkey WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM memo WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM mercenary WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM mercenary_owner WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM mvplog WHERE `kill_char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM mvprank WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM npclog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM party WHERE `leader_char` = "+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM pet WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM picklog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM pvprank WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM quest WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM sc_data WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM skill WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM skillcooldown WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM vendings WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM zenylog WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM cart_inventory WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM global_reg_value WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
    query_sql("DELETE FROM char WHERE `char_id` ="+.char_id);
  13. Thanks man that worked perfectly! I never knew it was so easy to change. It looks so much better with the item number gone. Is there a way to remove the statement saying that you didn't have enough zeny if you don't have enough of the required item? It seems like a logical change for everybody.



  14. True that it does help in some cases for the time number since there are items such as weapons that have different number of slots. However if your making a items shop it tells you the item, and it should be something people can use in quanity. If you trading a godly sword for another item in the shop it really doesn't make sense, you should probably use a script for that. However if your trading a "server coin" for items its pretty obivious what the item is when it say so. Items shops should be items that people can hold lots of such as etc type items. There are not too many of them that have the same name but different versions and if you are making a cash shop you should use a special items that much be collected or donated for etc... I asked the players on my server and a lot of them didn't know what the number mean't they just thought it looked weird. However, they knew right away what a 'RoUG Coin' was. Aside from that I hope they fix the itemshop bugs when calling it with callshop!



  15. I guess I'm not sure how you did that, but thanks for the image. It kept telling me it did not support that format and after a while I got really frustrated! Any thoughts on my suggestions? I wasn't sure if it now showing the item when used in a callshop would be considered a bug, but it might just be one.



  16. I suggest that the source for the shop list be modified to not include the item number. Most players don't understand the items numbers and the name should be sufficient. Also, if you use the callshop script command for an itemshop it works fine however, it does not show the 'Item Shop List:' and what the item actually is. All other features of the itemshop works fine with callshop.





  17. I'm trying figure out how to do a pull request, but even with this topic I'm lost. I am at the page https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pulls and it shows me who has made them and their status, but nothing about letting me add. I have tried to use TortoiseGIT (with msysgit installed), but I get errors such as Invalid git.exe path. It says check help file, but that don't seem to help either. I am able to download the github for rathena, but from that point on its not working. What is it I'm missing here? Thanks.



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