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Posts posted by Peopleperson49

  1. I havn't read all this, so sorry, but any chance it autodetects textures, models, and sprites in the specified grf and generates the selection list instead of needing to update romodel and such...


    I can't speak for anybody else but if we start a fund here I will donate 10 dollars for borg to be received once the finished version is released. If people donate also it might help him with time. I'm sure he has a life and family to provide for which involves working. This takes from that!


  2. When you make a purchase in the cashshop it does the check to ensure you have sufficient points and then makes sale. However, it never actually reduces the points so you can do that over and over again. Same with adding cash points. You can use @cash to add points but they don't update until you relog. Once you logout and back in they are magically there. Also if you make a purchase and relog the points will then be deducted. Thanks.



  3. Followup for the skilleffectinfo_f issues i extacted the one from the data.ini and put in my grf. Error fixed with no problems. All other errors were fixed by adding the rdata.grf to my server, even know I am running a pre-re setup, go figure.



  4. I'm having what I think is a similar problem with mine. The setup is trying to update the optioninfo.lub which it cannot update. The older ones used the optioninfo.lua which could be updated. So when the setup tries to change settings the lub folder or even changes the lua version it effectively does nothing. I'm trying to figure out a way for the setup to update the optioninfo.lua instead.



  5. There are several topics here for problems with 2013 clients. I'm using 2013-08-07. I have a couple issues I can't seem to track down. I'm getting the error in the picture below and I added the lua and lub version of the skilleffectinfo_f posted from another topic. Also about every other time I change maps I have to click off the screen and back on it to move. It's probably a bunch of lua issues, so hopefully somebody can help. Also I cannot change my screen size or any of the option items using the setup. Thanks.





  6. For those of you who know my work here on rA this might be an opportunity. I have been working a lot lately so I haven't had time to work much on scripting or other projects, however, I'm looking to slowly get back into it and I would like to help out a server with scripting and other mods I have made. Specifically I'm looking for an American server that is that has an active population of >100 (less change you won't just shutdown one day) and would welcomes changes such as custom scripts etc... I want to be a active member and not just give all my stuff to a server and say good luck. After my Ragnarok Underground server went with Ashura hosting vanishing I don't have the heart to make another one just yet. If anybody is interested message me. Thanks.

  7. I suggest you use something like bindcommand to do that. You can have it do the check just like a script would and then allow that command to be used if they meet the conditions. Requires no src mods.



  8. I didn't try your script out, but try changing the format of your progress bar to something like this: progressbar "RRGGBB",3;




    I believe yoru color format is wrong.

    *progressbar "<color>",<seconds>;
    This command works almost like sleep2, but displays a progress bar
    above the head of the currently attached character (like cast bar).
    Once the given amount of seconds passes, the script resumes. If the
    character moves while the progress bar progresses, it is aborted and
    the script ends. The color format is in RGB (0xRRGGBB). The color is
    currently ignored by the client and appears always green.

    Also message strcharinfo(0),"Text"; should be more like below. But it is also easier for me to just use mes "strcharinfo(0)+" TEXT."; command.

    *message "<character name>","<message>";
    That command will send a message to the chat window of the character specified
    by name. The text will also appear above the head of that character. It will not
    be seen by anyone else.
    • Upvote 1
  9. Nowhere in the script has it delete from the players storage.




    query_sql("DELETE FROM `atcommandlog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `BalanceRank` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `bonus_script` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `branchlog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `buyingstore_items` WHERE `buyingstore_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `buyingstores` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `cashlog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `cp_charprefs` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `cp_choko_rename_log` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `elemental` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `emprank` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `friends` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `guild` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `guild_member` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `homunculus` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `hotkey` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `memo` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `mercenary` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `mercenary_owner` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `mvplog` WHERE `kill_char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `mvprank` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `npclog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `pet` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `picklog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `pvprank` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `quest` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `sc_data` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `skill` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `skillcooldown` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `vendings` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `zenylog` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `cart_inventory` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
    query_sql("DELETE FROM `char` WHERE `char_id`='"+escape_sql(.@char_id)+"'");
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