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Everything posted by Asura

  1. Hi simpletempleton, Please provide us with some details; perhaps error messages, or screenshot of where you are having an issue with.
  2. Hi BugsLIFE, Run login-server, map-server, and char-server instead. Without the _sql extension in the file names.
  3. Hi BugsLIFE, Remove the _sql extension in the name of the files to run. It should work fine.
  4. Hi ZeiyanRO, Ticket has been replied to, thanks.
  5. Asura

    Help rAthena

    Hi RelaX, Seems like your MySQL server is blocking you. Check the MySQL account to see if the host is set properly in order for your computer to connect to.
  6. Asura

    Help rAthena

    Hi RelaX, Import the '/sql-files/logs.sql' into your RO MySQL database.
  7. Hi ZeiyanRO, I know you're a client; so just submit a ticket and we'll perform the fix for you, thanks.
  8. Hi Zeiyan, rAthena has dropped the *_sql extensions for the map/char/login; you would have to start for example: map-server instead of map-server_sql.
  9. Hi Raijin, Why can't you install it via php? Simply drop all the cp_* tables from your RO database in MySQL and then proceed to install.
  10. Hi tifa11, I can only recommend try getting a router and then connecting it to your cable modem, then port forward from the router to your computer.
  11. Hi Raijin, Eh, perhaps this guide will help you out in resolving your issue; https://asurahosting.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3-mysql-password-reset/
  12. Hi tifa11, I don't believe your cable modem has that function available. No software firewall enabled?
  13. Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd share something I found on one of my friend's Facebook posts. It's called 'Phonebloks', an idea for a new upgrade-able/self repair-able phone. http://www.phonebloks.com/ I thought it was a cool concept for phones, and decided to show some support. The design/look is pretty rough... but I think the whole concept of being able to upgrade/change hardware on your phone is pretty awesome. What do you guys think of it?
  14. Hi Raijin, Since you are using the command terminal; then try doing this in SSH/Terminal. Log into MySQL using this command (replace USERNAME) mysql -u USERNAME -p Then begin to modify your MySQL user to allow any host to connect (replace USERNAME, and command is CaSe-SeNsiTivE) use mysql; update user set host='%' where User='USERNAME'; flush privileges; quit After this, try using the MySQL user for your FluxCP.
  15. Hi tifa11, Is your computer the only one connected to your cable modem? Also, do you have any software firewall installed on your computer?
  16. Hi tifa11, For starters, you should be using your WAN IP for the char/map/login .conf files and not your LAN. After you do that, try running the emulator to see if your server starts successfully; if it does, then that means your ports are opened and works fine.
  17. Hi Raijin, This issue has been gone over, so many times; did you use the search function? The MySQL user you are using, requires to have the host set as '%' or at least duplicated with the IP of your webhosting as the host. That's why it's un-able to connect, because the MySQL user you are using, is not allowed to be accessed by your webhost.
  18. Hi Mentalist, If you have no issues with making your permissions all available; then I would suggest you run... chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/cp
  19. Hi ffman22, Make sure your MySQL port is opened for your server, and also that your webhost has the capability to connect; I would recommend that you contact your webhosting provider and ask them to whitelist your RO server IP.
  20. Hi monzki3, Find out what revision your eAthena is at; then go into your rAthena's sql-files and run all the SQL updates starting from your eAthena revision # and up. This would convert your SQL database to what the rAthena emulator requires. Please perform a backup of your database before doing this, thanks.
  21. Hi jaycee016, What I can recommend is edit '/trunk/src/map/harmony.c' and find the following; int _harmony_localfix_pc_group_id2level(int id) { GroupSettings* group = pc_group_id2group(id); if (!group) return 0; return pc_group_get_level(group); } And then comment it out by doing the following; //int _harmony_localfix_pc_group_id2level(int id) { // GroupSettings* group = pc_group_id2group(id); // if (!group) // return 0; // return pc_group_get_level(group); //}
  22. Hi Raijin, Your './configure' looks fine... maybe try running 'make clean' before doing 'make sql'.
  23. Hi leertaste, I'm not sure what Thor v2 is talking about. This can be accomplished with frames and links with the target specified as the label of the frames. Basic HTML. <a target="frame_name" href="information.html">Link</a> http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_iframe.asp http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_iframe_target
  24. Hi Raijin, If you are okay with using the console/SSH, stick with it. GUI does require more resources.
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