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Everything posted by Auryn

  1. Weird problem, priests can't /memo on fields or town. I havent any idea on where to look about it. Could someone light me on ?
  2. Here is my problem, this is my second post about it. I will try to explain myself the best as I can for you to be able to help me (not EN there). I really need help about it ... I'm having gravity errors, sometimes, randomly, while i'm taking a warp to another map, or at teleportation. It doesn't happen often, but regulary, without any reason. I thought my problem was solved after I put all my palettes in a GRF, but this definetly is still here. My mapache is OK (not sure this can be associated to a mapcache problem), my client is like, really OK ... I'm really sad about this problem that seems haven't been resolved, and for so long. I don't know what to say more, I use 06.08.2010 client. Fact is I opened my private server some days earlier, thinking this horrible problem of random gravity at warp was resolved. This is why I would need to be fixed about it. If someone had the very kind wish to have a conversation with me about it, I am really disposed. This way, I could probide more details, give a DLL to the client ...
  3. This is my problem. I'm worried about it, I'm asking myself why do it don't save these changes ? Edit : Skin change saves well. But ! commands don't. Also, music sometimes don't start when entering a map :S.
  4. No, I don't. I simply forgot upping guild skills . I'm now able to damage Emperiums. Thanks both for your support, I really appreciate.
  5. [solved] I can't damage any emperium during WoE. I probably messed something ? First time I look at WoE's configurations ... And there is this problem. I feel lost. I'm using Woe Time Settter v3 by [GM]Xeon.
  6. Full error message : [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: strcharinfo (1 parameter): [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Source (NPC): Agit#prtg_cas02 at prtg_cas02 (158,174) Here is what the line I added in my agit_main.txt : // Respawn the Emperium, and display new owners. sleep 500; // Slow down script execution slightly. if( agitcheck() ) donpcevent "Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnStartArena"; sleep 7000; sleep 500; announce "[" + getcastlename(strnpcinfo(2)) + "] a été pris par la guilde [" + getguildName(.@GID) + "].",bc_all|bc_woe; announce "Breaker : "+strnpcinfo(2),strcharinfo(0)+".",bc_map|bc_woe; end; Btw : I'm using Woe Time Settter v3 by [GM]Xeon.
  7. Yes, a char without any equipement can sometime crash logging in a map or at map change. We are four to connect regulary, and we all sometimes crash . The most of my files are in a grf. I generated my map_cache.dat again yesterday, correctly, I don't think it could come from here . And about palettes, this is the only thing I didn't modified yet, I just added randomly a GRF conaining new ones .
  8. Okay. It already had the problem with hairstyle, cloth color, etc., but in the present case, i can log in after several try. Is it normal ? Can it come from a bad mapcache ?
  9. Hi there, Reposting, three weeks and problem still here. Here is my problem, it's happening since like two weeks, I don't really now why. This happened before in capital, but it was a long time ago. I tought it was due to a bad map modification implantation. But now, this is different, I randomly crash entering any map of the serveur. I'm condused .
  10. What if you use "Show License Screen Always" diff ? What is your exe ?
  11. I'm getting the following errors launching my game : Here are my updates councerned lines : (From Black Feather Beret to White Feather Beret).. accname.lua : accessoryid.lua : Btw : - Increase custom viewID to 2000 diff is on. - I'm using ragexere 2010.06.08.
  12. Hi there, Here is my problem, it's happening since like two weeks, I don't really now why. This happened before in capital, but it was a long time ago. I tought it was due to a bad map modification implantation. But now, this is different, I randomly crash entering any map of the serveur. I'm condused .
  13. Hi again, I have edit my last post for you to better understand me.
  14. I would need to understand where the problem is comming from .
  15. Ingame, quest window displays : ID=7182, active =1 In my questid2display.txt : 7182#Sapha's Visit#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# The Sapha tribe has decided that we are reliable, the wife of the ambassador from the Sapha tribe is waiting to on the 2nd floor to speak with you.# Meet with the Sapha# What's wrong with my quest window ? Where did I go wrong about something ? I probably did, but I feel like it will take me eternity to find it. Thanks for any support about it.
  16. I think you didn't understood me. I mean that when a Law enforcer, for exemple, tries to use !goto (for exemple again) when he don't own it in groups.conf, the command shows up, cause it exhists even if he can't use it. I would like that in this situation, a message returns that the command can't be used, in the same way of "(command) is Unknow command.", for the players not to see this command displaying (avoid a flop). Like, for exemple "(command) cannot be used.".
  17. Thanks, - My langtype is OK, - No special characters in their name, And everything seems normal in configuration.
  18. [solved] Hi there, I'm beginning scripting, and I'm asking myself 1001 questions about it all.I've been reading & learning slowly but surely, but there is something I'm asking myself right now, and I don't know how to do it : Taking this script for example : - script PoringEvent -1,{ OnMinute00: monster "prontera",0,0,"Poring",1002,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnPoringDead"; announce "A special poring has spawned in Prontera!",0; end; OnPoringDead: // announce strcharinfo(0)+" has killed the Poring !",0; getitem 7539,1; end; } How can I make the poring spawn in any fields map from a list ? And how about setting more random rewards, and different monsters ? I guess this is similar.
  19. True, they aren't . Most stable are from 2010 to end 2011, personally, i'm using 08/2010 and it's perfectly working. The only thing is that there is some stuff that I will be unable to get. But no problems, i'm not found of new stuff .
  20. Here is my actual problem. Command !who displays characters name like this : ?????? ?????? 2 players found. Strange, or totaly normal ? Did I miss something ?
  21. [solved] -> /effect was Off. I don't even know what I did do make it happen. Any idea ? It would be helpfull .
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