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Everything posted by Auryn

  1. Ok, so, this is a simple basic question about SQL. I'm noob at it, so please be cool. How to add a dynamic Table ? I mean, I don't know how to do for a query to execute at each view of the councerned table.
  2. On a Necromancer for exemple, I can hit him only 2 or 3 times if i'm in luck, instead of 10, Storm Gust, even with quagmire and GTB card. I can't figure out how to solve it, I don't know if it is renewal, I desactivated the renewal system already from the start.
  3. I'm getting a gravity error ah this part of the script : mes "[Mana]"; mes "Quel est le nom du premier homme dans la mythologie nordique ?"; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "Ask" || .@input$ == "ask"){ mes "[Mana]"; mes "Tu as répondu avec justesse à toutes nos questions."; set fee,3; set ques,0; set testhp,0; close2; What does could cause that ? Edit : Not solved !
  4. [solved] -> For a solution, pm me.
  5. I get warped whatever my job is. yuno,145,196,0 script seau#arch 139,4,4,{ if ((BaseJob == Job_Priest) && (roi == 2)) { OnTouch: sleep2 1500; warp "job3_arch01",29,27; end; } }
  6. Effectivly I missed it, thanks Euphy for your presence & support.
  7. I think my question said it all, i'm asking myself how to do it. I suppose there is a simple command to do it.
  8. Ok, I think I get it. So, is it correct this way ? mes "[Rain]"; mes "Reviens me voir plus tard s'il te plait, j'ai besoin de me concentrer."; set q_timer, gettimetick(2); set refat,1; close; } if((refat == 1 && .@timer < 9000)){ mes "[Rain]"; mes "Reviens me voir plus tard s'il te plait, j'ai besoin de me concentrer."; close; }else{ // (...)
  9. Could someone explain to me what did I do wrong about timer ? Cause once I gave my item, I can't talk to him anymore. Short part : mes "[Rain]"; mes "Please come back later, I need to concentrate."; set .@timer, gettimetick(2)-q_timer; set .@wait, 9000-.@timer; //15 minutes set refat,1; close; if((refat == 1 || .@timer < 9000)){ mes "[Rain]"; mes "Please come back later, I need to concentrate."; close; }else{ set rain,2; mes "[Rain]"; mes "Oh, it's you !"; next; mes "[Rain]"; mes "Here for you."; getitem 6090,1; close;
  10. How to put a timer between those two ones ? mes "[Rain]"; mes "Please come back later, I need to concentrate."; mes "[Rain]"; mes "Ah, c'est toi !"; next; mes "[Rain]"; mes "Oh, it's you. Here it is."; getitem 6090,1; close; If someone know a good way, I would like to learn about it, cause it's being hard to find out.
  11. I manually edited scaraba hole mobs in pre-re/mob_db.txt for the pre-renewal stated scaraba hole mobs. The problem is that since I did it, loading the mob database, every mob is missing at scaraba hole. I get no error in log. Here is the scaraba hole part of my mob_db.txt : // Scaraba Hole 2083,HORN_SCARABA,One-Horn Scaraba,One-Horn Scaraba,130,51100,0,34220,25011,1,5633,8724,45,10,1,111,59,55,71,33,10,12,0,4,22,4489,150,332,332,260,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6324,7000,12735,30,7939,10,1433,2,15000,2,993,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2084,HORN_SCARABA2,Two-Horn Scaraba,Two-Horn Scaraba,134,58900,0,36780,27549,1,5690,8795,50,18,1,124,68,72,85,51,10,12,0,4,22,4489,150,332,332,260,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6323,7000,12735,30,7939,10,13061,2,15000,2,993,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2085,ANTLER_SCARABA,Antler Scaraba,Antler Scaraba,136,62600,0,40330,32225,1,10412,17822,52,48,1,91,59,99,129,45,10,12,1,4,42,14229,220,768,768,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6322,7000,12735,30,7939,10,985,10,1930,2,16010,2,15000,2,993,2,0,0,0,0 2086,RAKE_SCARABA,Rake Scaraba,Rake Scaraba,139,67700,0,42990,34995,1,11830,18942,65,30,1,112,66,145,92,77,10,12,1,4,42,14229,200,768,768,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6321,7000,12735,30,7939,10,985,10,1930,2,16010,2,15000,2,993,2,0,0,0,0 2087,QUEEN_SCARABA,Queen Scaraba,Queen Scaraba,140,2441600,0,1810220,912200,1,15890,23129,75,50,1,211,88,82,149,144,10,12,2,4,62,14261,200,768,768,576,100000,10000,617,5500,603,5000,616,3000,6326,7000,1191,500,1196,500,18103,500,1186,1000,2364,1000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2088,HORN_SCARABA_EGG,One-Horn Scaraba Egg,One-Horn Scaraba Egg,125,63000,0,2500,1500,1,1,2,65,40,1,1,100,130,34,80,10,12,0,4,20,0,1000,24,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7032,3000,518,200,985,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2089,HORN_SCARABA2_EGG,Two-Horn Scaraba Egg,Two-Horn Scaraba Egg,126,66000,0,2500,1500,1,1,2,67,42,1,1,100,130,48,80,10,12,0,4,20,0,1000,24,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7032,3000,518,200,985,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2090,ANTLER_SCARABA_EGG,Antler Scaraba Egg,Antler Scaraba Egg,127,69000,0,25000,15000,1,1,2,65,65,1,1,100,130,82,80,10,12,0,4,20,0,1000,24,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7032,3000,518,200,985,100,2153,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2091,RAKE_SCARABA_EGG,Rake Scaraba Egg,Rake Scaraba Egg,128,72000,0,25000,15000,1,1,2,70,35,1,1,100,130,39,80,10,12,0,4,20,0,1000,24,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7032,3000,518,200,985,100,2153,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 NB : I'm using rAthena snv 16534.
  12. Thanks you all for your help, and thank you emistry for this exemple. I have one more questions to add : How can I temporary desactivate the teleport skill / use of fly wings/butterfly wings ?
  13. Here is the councerned part of the script. I would like the player get a chance to die with the final heal -100,+0; . But when I try dying during the script, I get stuck and when i try do add a break; , I get an error. mes "[Antitée]"; mes "Laisse nous evaluer tes forces."; skilleffect 812,5000; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; // repeating x100 percentheal -1, -1; heal -100,+0; next; mes "[Antitée]"; mes "Très bien."; next; mes "[Antitée]"; mes "A présent, nous allons te poser quelques questions."; next; [...] Edit : I have a secound question : Can I make the script continue out of the NPC ? Like : mes "[Antitée]"; mes "Laisse nous evaluer tes forces."; close; // keep going skilleffect 812,5000; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1; sleep2 50; percentheal -1, -1;
  14. This was dumb. Thanks for your light.
  15. Hi there, I'm having a problem with a simple NPC, using .@input$, here it is : ivo_fild,102,50,0 script Antitée 452,3,3,{ mes "[Mana]"; mes "Comment appel-t'on le marteau de Thor ?"; next; [b]input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "Mjolnir" || "mjolnir"){ mes "[Mana]"; mes "C'est ça."; close; } } The error I get : [Error]: script:op_2: invalid data for operator C_LOR [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Data: string value="mjolnir" [Debug]: Source (NPC): AntitÚe at ivo_fild (102,50)
  16. [solved by reading scripts_commands.txt] ...
  17. Hi, I would need some support on my script. I'm only getting the last reward ID from the reward item list, I don't understand why. I assume I don't need $ after the variable here. setarray .RewardList[0],969,607,7539; setarray .RewardAmount[0],2,5,15; OnKilled: getitem .RewardList[.Reward],.RewardAmount[.Reward]; announce strcharinfo(0)+" a croisé la route d'un Gold Poring.",0;
  18. Ok, so this is part of an update I need to get. Could you tell me where to download updates from ? This way I will see what the updates are about and affect only the modifications I need for my client.
  19. This a second topic about guild's castle resetting. I had a very nice answer from you Emistry and had not as much time to thank & answer to you. I was able to test this script yesterday, and found it doesn't took effect the way wanted : In SQL database, the castle that was supposed to be removed from any guild occupation was occuped by guild with ID "0", and InGame, there still were the emblem of the previous guild on the flag. Here is your script once I edited it for a personal reset system : - script creset -1,{ OnClock2130: switch( gettime(4) ){ Case 3: // Mercredi setarray .@Map$[0], "aldeg_cas04"; break; Case 0: // Dimanche setarray .@Map$[0], "payg_cas05"; break; default: end; } if( getarraysize(.@Map$) ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Map$); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) setcastledata .@Map$[.@i],1,0; end; } Did I miss something ?
  20. I think you changed your 32x32 &/or 48x48 icon, but not the 16x16 one. Witch software are you using to change it ?
  21. I'm looking for this gold poring, he is present in server but when I spawn it, I get a gravity error. I would need to get the gold poring sprites & act. I also found this : http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/Angevon/rosprites/monsters/noBG/Gold_Poring_noBG.png But it feels hard to make a mob myself, I'm nor sure about how to do it.
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