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Everything posted by eboni001

  1. void pc_damage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { unsigned int tick = gettick(); int warpgodelaycd = 5000; //This is the delay in milliseconds you can set what ever delay you want if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); else return; if( !src || src == &sd->bl ) return; if(src->type == BL_PC) sd->warpgodelay_tick = tick+warpgodelaycd; //This is the timer if( pc_issit(sd) ) { pc_setstand(sd); skill_sit(sd,0); } if( sd->progressbar.npc_id ) clif_progressbar_abort(sd); if( sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && battle_config.pet_damage_support ) pet_target_check(sd,src,1); if( sd->status.ele_id > 0 ) elemental_set_target(sd,src); sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); } If that doesn't work perhaps the problem is somewhere else. Make sure your servers are all closed before recompiling etc etc. now is working, thanks for your help, you are really Awesome , Power to you, there's any way to apply this delay when you inflict damage to another player too? because this delay is working only when you receive damage from another players .
  2. Post the code from pc.c not the whole file though just the parts you edited, and tell me if the compliler has an errors. Edit: Move: if(src->type == BL_PC) sd->warpgodelay_tick = tick+warpgodelaycd; //This is the timer Below: if( !src || src == &sd->bl ) return; Or else command that do damage like @heal -1 or @die will crash the map server. this is my code, when i add this, recompile in putty said my compile may be incomplete: /*========================================== * Invoked when a player has received damage *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_damage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { unsigned int tick = gettick(); int warpgodelaycd = 5000; //This is the delay in milliseconds you can set what ever delay you want if(src->type == BL_PC) sd->warpgodelay_tick = tick+warpgodelaycd; //This is the timer if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); else return; if( !src || src == &sd->bl ) return; if( pc_issit(sd) ) { pc_setstand(sd); skill_sit(sd,0); } if( sd->progressbar.npc_id ) clif_progressbar_abort(sd); if( sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && battle_config.pet_damage_support ) pet_target_check(sd,src,1); if( sd->status.ele_id > 0 ) elemental_set_target(sd,src); sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); } int pc_close_npc_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { TBL_PC *sd = map_id2sd(id); if(sd) pc_close_npc(sd,data); return 0; } /* * Method to properly close npc for player and clear anything related * @flag == 1 : produce close button * @flag == 2 : directly close it */ void pc_close_npc(struct map_session_data *sd,int flag) { nullpo_retv(sd); if (sd->npc_id || sd->npc_shopid) { if (sd->state.using_fake_npc) { clif_clearunit_single(sd->npc_id, CLR_OUTSIGHT, sd->fd); sd->state.using_fake_npc = 0; } if (sd->st) { if(sd->st->state == RUN){ //wait ending code execution add_timer(gettick()+500,pc_close_npc_timer,sd->bl.id,flag); return; } sd->st->state = ((flag==1 && sd->st->mes_active)?CLOSE:END); sd->st->mes_active = 0; } sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; sd->npc_menu = 0; sd->npc_shopid = 0; #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER; #endif clif_scriptclose(sd,sd->npc_id); if(sd->st && sd->st->state == END ) {// free attached scripts that are waiting script_free_state(sd->st); sd->st = NULL; sd->npc_id = 0; } } }
  3. eboni001


    Thank you, Capuche, very sexy post. how to make this work?
  4. sir this is my dead branch db, where to add the message to work only outside the db room maps? i tried adding it in monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; "HERE" } but message was display everytime, even inside db room, i want message only display in not db room maps. 604,Branch_Of_Dead_Tree,Dead Branch,2,50,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_02" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_2-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_3-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_4-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_5-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_6-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_7-1" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_8-1" ) monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; },{},{}
  5. Oh I didn't know that's what you wanted. In pc.c After: int warpgodelaycd = 5000; //This is the delay in milliseconds you can set what ever delay you want Make sure you change that back to 5000... Replace: sd->warpgodelay_tick = tick+warpgodelaycd; //This is the timer With: if(src->type == BL_PC) sd->warpgodelay_tick = tick+warpgodelaycd; //This is the timer i did it, but now when i try to use any skill or try to pvp server get disconected and when i try to log in, server rejected me, to can log in i have to restart my server.
  6. As you can see in this image both of them are disabled. ~bump pleas esomebody help my woe is not working at all.
  7. ok i tried but now the delay has been removed in pvp too, i want the delay when you hit or hited for another player, but i want you can warp if you are facing only mobs.
  8. sry sir emistry im newbie in this im not sure about what mods are you talking about. to enable @warp and @go delay i just follow steps in this guide @go_delay_when_hit. but now people complaining they can't warp when a mob hit them.
  9. ok sir emistry is working now, 2 more questions, how i can add this message:("You cannot use branch in this map, Please use the DB Room!") when somebody try to use any branches outside db room? and there is any way to stop consuption of branches outside of db room?
  10. this guide is to enable the delay, but i need to know how to disable delay when facing mobs, i only want it works for pvp.
  11. Sir emistry i tried again, and still the same, now when i try to use a dead branch no mobs is spawned, the dead branch got consumed but no mobs spawn.
  12. ok i found this on my map server, i noticed it said was runing agitstart when supposed to be agitstart2 because woe 2.0 was runing:
  13. bump for development news
  14. this is the last version 1.5, i dont know why my emperiums its not showing.
  15. it was a sample add your message in each case switch(.@rand) { case 1: mes "Hello "+ strcharinfo(0) +" how are you today?"; break; case 2: mes "Hey it's a Nice day to Play (Server Name)"; break; etc.. this is my one, i think some tabs are missing but im not sure, npc does appear but when i click it nothing happen. prontera,146,165,6 script Rocker Girl 714,{ set .@rand,rand(1,10); switch(.@rand) { case 1: mes <Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" how are you today?>; break; case 2: mes <Hey!! it's a nice day to play Kyojin RO>; break; case 3: mes <Uff, Isn't cold in here?>; break; case 4: mes <Wow! Many people coming often to this town>; break; case 5: mes <In the end, it doesn't even matteerr!, I love Rock N' Roll, Yeah~lmL~Yeah>; break; case 6: mes <This server should change the name to Kyojin Rock!>; break; case 7: mes <Did you knew?, this server is based on an anime called Shingeki No Kyojin?>; break; case 8: mes <Spanish,English,French,Portuguese,Filipino,Japanese, "OMG" is surprising how many languages there are in the world.>; break; case 9: mes <Did you knew?, when you enter the Kyojin RO mall it feel like you has entered in a world of a different dimension!!>; break; case 10: mes <Enjoy Playing Kyojin RO>; break; default: mes "Invalid choice"; break; } }
  16. hey Patskie can you add in the 1st message the mod to npc automatically recognice char name? like in my example, please this npc its not working at all. xD
  17. please somebody share an npc like this **With some random text's like this: -Hello (Charname) how are you today? -Hey it's a Nice day to Play (Server Name). -Uuf isn't cold in here? -Wow! many people coming to this town. -Lalala!, i love to sing, Dance~Dance. -Have a nice day (charname)
  18. eboni001

    Vote npc

    yesterday i was looking an npc like this and somebody recommended this survey Npc, i dont know if this is working with ip, but i know people can't vote twice with same account, when you set a new survey npc will announce it, its very nice try it: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Survey NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Zafer //===== Modified By: ========================================= // = Mysterious //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Allow players to vote on a question through a Survey. //===== Other Information: =================================== // Gamemasters can create topics/questions while players are // able to vote on such a question/topic. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 - Intitial Re-release [Mysterious] //= v1.1 - Language structures [Mysterious] //= v1.2 - Added divisions [Mysterious] //= v1.3 - Added proper information [Mysterious] //= v1.4 - Structured the script better [Mysterious] //= v1.5 - Fixed German wordings? [Mysterious] //= v1.6 - Cleaning [Mysterious] //============================================================ prontera,161,185,3 script Survey NPC 831,{ set @np$,"[ ^7401DFSandra^000000 ]"; if ( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { if ( $survey_running ) { switch ( select ( "- Survey Result","- Delete Survey" ) ) { case 1: mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; case 2: mes @np$; mes "Are you sure that you want to delete the survey: "; mes ""; mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "- No","- Yes, pretty sure" ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_running,0; set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)+2; set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],""; set $survey_option_votes[@b],0; } mes @np$; mes "The survey has been deleted successfully."; close; } } // Ending bracket to Survey running if ( select ( "- Exit","- Create Survey" ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$); set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],"";} while ( 1 ) { set @subtract,2; if ( getarraysize($survey_option$) > 1 ) && ($survey_title$ != "NOT SET") && ( $survey_question$ != "NOT SET") { set @menu_string$,"- Complete"; set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; set @subtract,3; } else { set @menu_string$,"Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Question ["+@question_set$+"]"; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +": "+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":^0AE143+^000000 Add Option"; mes @np$; mes "Do your Survey settings."; next; set @selected, select ( @menu_string$)-@subtract; if ( @selected == -2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Title:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; mes "Question:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; mes "Options:"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @b,@b+1 ) { mes (@b+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@b]+"^000000"; } next; if (select( "- Not correct","- Correct" ) == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Your Survey started successfully"; set $vote_id,$vote_id+1; set $survey_running,1; getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,1); announce "Please see the Survey NPC in "+@map$+" and give us your Vote.",bc_all; close; } } if ( @selected == 0) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey's leading question."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; if ( $survey_question$ == "" ) { mes "^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; } else { mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; } next; input $survey_question$; set @question_set$,"^0AE143SET^000000"; } if ( @selected == -1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey title."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; next; input $survey_title$; } if ( @selected == getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in a new option."; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; set @selected,@selected+1; } if ( @selected >= 1 ) && ( @selected < getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { set @selected2, select ( "- Back","- Change","- Delete" ); if ( @selected2 == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the new option:"; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@selected-1]+"^000000"; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; } if ( @selected2 == 3) { for ( set @a,@selected-1; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @a,@a+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@a],$survey_option$[@a+1]; } set $survey_option$[@a],""; } } } end; // ========================= // Gamemaster Settings-End // ========================= } else { // ========================= // Player's view // ========================= if ( !$survey_running ) { mes @np$; mes "There are no surveys running at the moment."; close; } if ( !getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes @np$; mes "Please choose an option for the following Survey:"; next; while (1) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes ""; mes $survey_question$; set @menu_string$,""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":"+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } next; set @select, select ( @menu_string$ )-2; mes @np$; mes "Are you positive with your choice?"; mes ""; mes "- ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@select]+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "- Nope","- Yeah" ) == 2 ) { set getd("##survey_id_"+($vote_id-1)),0; set getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id),1; set $survey_option_votes[@select],$survey_option_votes[@select]+1; mes @np$; mes "Thank you for your Vote."; next; break; } } } if ( getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; } } }// Ending bracket
  19. its not dead i already downloaded right now.
  20. Hey Patskie this survey npc is almost the same i want, not the same, but almost, its pretty enough ty very much it really helped me .
  21. yes xD npc is in game as you can see in the pictures, it start the woe at correct time, it say when a castle is inactive and kick you off, when woe finish it announce name of castles are unoccupied, but no emperiums in the castle xD omg hahaha this is really strange right? bump please
  22. edited post: Hello guys, can somebody make or share a script like this? please .: **Development News NPC: My idea is an npc where "Admin" can leave information(prefer in game but if not is welcome too) about any changes in server such as: - xx/xx/xxxx: Broadcast npc already fixed now you can blah blah blah. - xx/xx/xxxx: New custom items/quest has been implemented. - etc. etc. i decide when to stop writing my news xD. - i can edit posted news, such as delete them, remove some or add more. hope somebody please help me with this npc , thanks in advance guys.
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