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Everything posted by eboni001

  1. hello guys, i have a problem with 2 npc's, Guild Manager and Berry Trader: -- The problem with the guild manager is i want before he make a guild he ask for 3 items, 1pc TCG Card, 5 Platinum Coins and 1 emperium, he ask for the items but if player dont have the 5 platinum coins he still make the guild(if player have them it will delete them but if player doesn't have it it will make the guild anyway) does somenone can fix it please? prontera.gat,171,227,3 script Guild Manager#1::GM 531,{ set .item1, 7227; // Item ID 1 set .item2, 677; // Item ID 2 set .itemreq1, 1; // Ammount of item number 1 (9 since an emp is also consumed naturally upon guild creation) set .itemreq2, 5; // Ammount of item number 2 set .name$, "[^0000ffGuild Manager^000000]"; mes .name$; mes "Hello there ^FF0000 "+strcharinfo(0)+" ^000000."; mes "I can help you form a guild or disband your current one."; next; menu "Sign-up for Guild Creation.",L_approve,"Disband Guild.",L_disband,"Any requirements?",L_req,"No thanks.",L_cya; L_approve: next; mes .name$; mes "Alright, I need you to tell me the name you want for your guild."; sleep2 1500; input @gcreatenm$; mes "Are you sure that's what you want?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case1: if(countitem(.item1) < .itemreq1) && (countitem(.item2) < .itemreq2) { goto L_nope; end; } mes .name$; mes "Alright then let's try this..."; atcommand "@guild "+@gcreatenm$; next; if(getcharid(2) == 0) { mes "Woops, seems like that guild already exists...try another name."; goto L_create; end; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" has created "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild!",0; mes .name$; mes "Congrats."; delitem .item1, .itemreq1; delitem .item2, .itemreq2; close; end; case2: goto L_create; end; } L_disband: if(getcharid(2) == 0) { goto L_noguild; end; } if(getguildmaster(getcharid(2)) == strcharinfo(0)) { next; mes .name$; mes "Type this:"; mes "^FF0000 @breakguild ^000000 ''^0000ff "+strcharinfo(2)+" ^000000''"; close; end; } else { mes .name$; mes "You're not the guild leader."; close; end; } L_req: next; mes .name$; mes "To make a guild you'll need ^0000ff 1 ^000000 ^FF0000 Emperium ^000000 + ^0000ff 1 ^000000 piece of ^FF0000 TCG Card ^000000 and ^0000ff 5 ^000000 pieces of ^FF0000 Platinum Coins ^000000."; close; end; L_nope: next; mes .name$; mes "Bring me the items first!"; close; L_noguild: next; mes .name$; mes "You're not even in a guild!"; close; L_cya: next; mes .name$; mes "Next time then!"; close; } payon,164,219,2 duplicate(GM) Guild Manager#2 531 -- The problem with this Berry trader is i want people can pack their ygg into boxes of 10 ygg and i want npc only accept if people enter multiples of 10, when somebody talk to the npc he ask how much ygg you want to pack, if you put 0 he still give you the 10 ygg box people was getting free ygg from this npc only by enter they want to pack 0 ygg. prontera,144,173,3 script Berry Trader#1::BT 91,{ set $@npcname_mpq$, "^4000C0[Trader]^000000"; mes $@npcname_mpq$; mes "Hi, I'm the Yggdrasil Berry Trader, I can pack them into boxes for easir trading! Would you like to do some packing?"; next; menu "Yes, Please!",L_Berry,"No Thanks.",L_Exit; L_Berry: mes $@npcname_mpq$; mes "Input the amount in multiples of 10 of yggdrassil berry you want to pack."; next; input .@amount; if( ( .@amount % 10 ) > 0 ){ mes $@npcname_mpq$; mes "What the hell? are you trying to scam me?"; mes "Get out of here and next time use mutiples of 10 >,>"; close; } delitem 607, .@amount; mes $@npcname_mpq$; mes "You really have " +.@amount+ " berrys? Okay, Let's trade!"; getitem 14232,1; mes ". . ."; mes "Thank you sweety. Dont ygg too much!"; close; LNotEnough: mes "You dont have the required items...?"; mes "Come back when you are actually ready. Now gtfo!"; close; Lnotenuff: mes "Wtf, come back when you got the goods!"; close; L_Exit: close; } mall,122,108,3 duplicate(BT) Berry Trader#2 91 lighthalzen,177,89,1 duplicate(BT) Berry Trader#3 91 please help me here
  2. i really dont know how to do this you posted, im newbie: ok let me explain what i want to do, this break the seal quest you have to break the seal to can make the 4 valkyrie items(armor,shield,shoes and manteau) when you finish this 4 items you go to the last npc and it will give you a sleipnir ywith your name because you already made the 4 items after break the seal. Now, what i want is to add 4 more npc's to this quest without break the chain(i mean people will only can get the named sleipnir if they make this 4 more items): Valkyrie Armor Valkyrie Shoes Valkyrie Shield Valkyrie Manteau Nile Rose Bunch Of Carnation 2nd Aniversary Hat Vidar's Boots
  3. Hey @Brian this will only delete all items and chars of each account right? is like to reset all the accounts of the server but it wont delete any other files right? if this is like that can i ask how to run this table please? Edit: Solved, thank you this was awesome.
  4. What? as you can see i posted my datainfo/jobname too
  5. hello guys im trying to implement lhz dun F5 in my server, i add sprites mob_db2, mob_skill_db2, jobname and npcidentity, the map is working good but when i implemented the mobs i got gravity, i cant spawn any mobs of them or i'll gravity, does somebody know how to fix this please? this is the information i used: mob_db2: //2534,Brooke,Brooke Magaretha,Brooke Magaretha,142,77280,0,170000,186470,1,497,1697,10,74,1,5,77,180,110,39,10,12,1,7,80,1173,150,1152,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2535,Seville,Seville Windsor,Seville Windsor,141,118402,0,170000,186460,1,2100,2530,63,12,90,89,72,20,99,25,10,12,1,8,66,405,170,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2536,Roots,Roots Damon,Roots Damon,133,108690,0,170000,182540,14,1890,2390,59,10,90,62,99,35,98,66,10,12,1,7,82,149,180,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2537,Mao,Mao Keyron,Mao Keyron,142,77280,0,170000,186470,1,497,1697,10,74,1,5,77,180,110,39,10,12,1,7,80,1173,150,1152,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2538,Ren,Ren Guile,Ren Guile,137,90199,0,170000,169800,1,2020,2320,23,12,45,138,31,19,99,30,10,12,1,1,89,405,180,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2539,Kennet,Kennet Guile,Kennet Guile,137,90199,0,170000,169800,14,2020,2320,23,12,45,138,31,19,99,30,10,12,1,1,89,405,180,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2540,Farrah,Farrah Sorin,Farrah Sorin,137,90199,0,170000,169800,1,2020,2320,23,12,45,138,31,19,99,30,10,12,1,7,86,405,180,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2541,Wieder,Wieder Keyron,Wieder Keyron,142,77280,0,170000,186470,1,497,1697,10,74,1,5,77,180,110,39,10,12,1,7,80,1173,150,1152,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2542,Chloe,Chloe Alt-Eisen,Chloe Alt-Eisen,140,91282,0,170000,187800,1,1300,2053,35,60,1,9,97,145,88,40,10,12,1,7,63,1173,180,1152,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2543,Nergal,Nergal Alt-Eisen,Nergal Alt-Eisen,140,91282,0,170000,187800,1,1300,2053,35,60,1,9,97,145,88,40,10,12,1,7,63,1173,180,1152,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2544,Ivan,Ivan Windsor,Ivan Windsor,141,118402,0,170000,186460,1,2100,2530,63,12,90,89,72,20,99,25,10,12,1,8,66,405,170,76,384,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 mob_skill_db2: //==2534 Arch Bishop 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_JUDEX,attack,2038,7,3000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_JUDEX,chase,2038,7,3000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_ADORAMUS,attack,2040,9,3000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_ADORAMUS,chase,2040,9,3000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_DUPLELIGHT,attack,2054,6,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_DUPLELIGHT,chase,2054,6,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,attack,2051,10,1000,0,5000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,60,,,,,,, 2534,Brooke Magaretha@AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,chase,2051,10,1000,0,5000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,60,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2535 Rune Knight 2535,Seville Windsor@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_DEATHBOUND,chase,2003,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_DEATHBOUND,attack,2003,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_DEATHBOUND,chase,2003,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,longrangeattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_DEATHBOUND,attack,2003,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,longrangeattacked,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_SONICWAVE,attack,2002,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,attack,2004,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_WINDCUTTER,attack,2005,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_IGNITIONBREAK,attack,2006,10,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_SONICWAVE,chase,2002,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,chase,2004,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2535,Seville Windsor@RK_WINDCUTTER,chase,2005,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2536 Ranger 2536,Roots Damon@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2536,Roots Damon@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2536,Roots Damon@RA_ARROWSTORM,attack,2233,6,5000,0,500,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2536,Roots Damon@RA_ARROWSTORM,chase,2233,6,5000,0,500,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2536,Roots Damon@RA_AIMEDBOLT,attack,2236,8,5000,0,500,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2536,Roots Damon@RA_AIMEDBOLT,chase,2236,8,5000,0,500,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2537 Sorcorer 2537,Mao Keyron@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,1000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_EARTHGRAVE,attack,2446,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_EARTHGRAVE,chase,2446,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_DIAMONDDUST,attack,2447,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_DIAMONDDUST,chase,2447,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,attack,2449,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,chase,2449,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_CLOUD_KILL,attack,2450,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_CLOUD_KILL,chase,2450,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_VARETYR_SPEAR,attack,2454,2,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2537,Mao Keyron@SO_VARETYR_SPEAR,chase,2454,2,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2538 Guilotine Cross 2538,Ren Guile@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_VENOMIMPRESS,attack,2021,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_VENOMIMPRESS,chase,2021,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_CROSSIMPACT,attack,2022,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_CROSSIMPACT,chase,2022,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_DARKILLUSION,attack,2023,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_DARKILLUSION,chase,2023,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_COUNTERSLASH,attack,2029,10,1000,0,5000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2538,Ren Guile@GC_COUNTERSLASH,chase,2029,10,1000,0,5000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2539 Shadow Chaser 2539,Kennet Guile@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_FEINTBOMB,attack,2304,9,1000,0,2000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_FEINTBOMB,chase,2304,9,1000,0,2000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_FATALMENACE,attack,2284,2,1000,0,2000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_FATALMENACE,chase,2284,2,1000,0,2000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_TRIANGLESHOT,attack,2288,6,4000,0,2000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2539,Kennet Guile@SC_TRIANGLESHOT,chase,2288,6,4000,0,2000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2540 Sura 2540,Farrah Sorin@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_SKYNETBLOW,attack,2327,5,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_SKYNETBLOW,chase,2327,5,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_EARTHSHAKER,attack,2328,3,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_EARTHSHAKER,chase,2328,3,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_TIGERCANNON,attack,2330,7,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_TIGERCANNON,chase,2330,7,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_RAMPAGEBLASTER,attack,2332,4,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_RAMPAGEBLASTER,chase,2332,4,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_RIDEINLIGHTNING,attack,2518,5,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2540,Farrah Sorin@SR_RIDEINLIGHTNING,chase,2518,5,4000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2541 Warlock 2541,Wieder Keyron@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_JACKFROST,chase,2204,3,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_JACKFROST,attack,2204,3,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_STASIS,chase,2209,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_STASIS,attack,2209,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_WHITEIMPRISON,chase,2201,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_WHITEIMPRISON,attack,2201,5,500,1000,5000,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_DRAINLIFE,attack,2210,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_CRIMSONROCK,attack,2211,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_HELLINFERNO,attack,2212,10,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_SOULEXPANSION,chase,2202,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_DRAINLIFE,chase,2210,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_CRIMSONROCK,chase,2211,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_HELLINFERNO,chase,2212,10,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_SOULEXPANSION,chase,2202,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_SIENNAEXECRATE,attack,2207,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2541,Wieder Keyron@WL_SIENNAEXECRATE,chase,2207,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2542 Mechanic 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_PILEBUNKER,attack,2257,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_PILEBUNKER,chase,2257,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_FLAMELAUNCHER,attack,2259,9,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_FLAMELAUNCHER,chase,2259,9,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_COLDSLOWER,attack,2260,10,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_COLDSLOWER,chase,2260,10,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_POWERSWING,attack,2279,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_POWERSWING,chase,2279,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_AXETORNADO,attack,2280,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2542,Chloe Alt-Eisen@NC_AXETORNADO,chase,2280,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2543 Genetic 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_BLOOD_SUCKER,attack,2480,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_BLOOD_SUCKER,chase,2480,4,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_CRAZYWEED,attack,2483,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_CRAZYWEED,chase,2483,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_DEMONIC_FIRE,attack,2485,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_DEMONIC_FIRE,chase,2485,6,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_HELLS_PLANT,attack,2490,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2543,Nergal Alt-Eisen@GN_HELLS_PLANT,chase,2490,8,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, //================================================= //==2544 Royal Guard 2544,Ivan Windsor@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_CANNONSPEAR,attack,2307,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_CANNONSPEAR,chase,2307,7,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_BANISHINGPOINT,attack,2308,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_BANISHINGPOINT,chase,2308,5,1000,0,5000,yes,target,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_REFLECTDAMAGE,attack,2311,6,1000,0,5000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_REFLECTDAMAGE,chase,2311,6,1000,0,5000,yes,self,closedattacked,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_MOONSLASHER,attack,2320,5,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_MOONSLASHER,chase,2320,5,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_EARTHDRIVE,chase,2323,7,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,, 2544,Ivan Windsor@LG_EARTHDRIVE,attack,2323,7,1000,0,5000,yes,self,always,,,,,,,,, jobname: [jobtbl.JT_Brooke] = "Brooke", [jobtbl.JT_Seville] = "Seville", [jobtbl.JT_Roots] = "Roots", [jobtbl.JT_Mao] = "Mao", [jobtbl.JT_Ren] = "Ren", [jobtbl.JT_Kennet] = "Kennet", [jobtbl.JT_Farrah] = "Farrah", [jobtbl.JT_Wieder] = "Wieder", [jobtbl.JT_Chloe] = "Chloe", [jobtbl.JT_Nergal] = "Nergal", [jobtbl.JT_Ivan] = "Ivan", npcidentity: ["JT_Brooke"] = 2534, ["JT_Seville"] = 2535, ["JT_Roots"] = 2536, ["JT_Mao"] = 2537, ["JT_Ren"] = 2538, ["JT_Kennet"] = 2539, ["JT_Farrah"] = 2540, ["JT_Wieder"] = 2541, ["JT_Chloe"] = 2542, ["JT_Nergal"] = 2543, ["JT_Ivan"] = 2544, this are the name of the folder and the name of the sprites: //==== folder name: ¸ó½ºÅÍ //===sprites names and .act: 1- Brooke.spr and .act 2- Chloe.spr and .act 3- Farrah.spr and .act 4- Ivan.spr and .act 5- Kennet.spr and .act 6- Mao.spr and .act 7- Nergal.spr and .act 8- Ren.spr and .act 9- Roots.spr and .act 10- Seville.spr and .act 11- Wieder.spr and .act I think im doing all ok, but still giving me gravity i really don't know why.
  6. Wow this was awesome, i never heard about this trcik before xD, Really Thank you.
  7. there is any guide to learn more about hexadecimal?
  8. hello guys, can somebody please explain this goo? i dont understand how to mix jobs on here: (S.) Novice (2^00): 0x00000001 Swordman (2^01): 0x00000002 Mage (2^02): 0x00000004 Archer (2^03): 0x00000008 Acolyte (2^04): 0x00000010 Merchant (2^05): 0x00000020 Thief (2^06): 0x00000040 Knight (2^07): 0x00000080 Priest (2^08): 0x00000100 Wizard (2^09): 0x00000200 Blacksmith (2^10): 0x00000400 Hunter (2^11): 0x00000800 Assassin (2^12): 0x00001000 Unused (2^13): 0x00002000 Crusader (2^14): 0x00004000 Monk (2^15): 0x00008000 Sage (2^16): 0x00010000 Rogue (2^17): 0x00020000 Alchemist (2^18): 0x00040000 Bard/Dancer (2^19): 0x00080000 Unused (2^20): 0x00100000 Taekwon (2^21): 0x00200000 StarGladiator (2^22): 0x00400000 Soul Linker (2^23): 0x00800000 Gunslinger (2^24): 0x01000000 Ninja (2^25): 0x02000000 All Classes : 0xFFFFFFFF Every Job Except Novice : 0xFFFFFFFE explication in wiki say 0x2+0x4=0x6, but i tried to add hunter,rogue bard and dancer, rogue value is 20k, bard/dancer is 80k and hunter is 800 so i did 0x00100800(80k+20k+800) but still not working , somebody please explain better this, thank you.
  9. @Capuche, nope i dont have those mapflags these are my mapflags: // -------------------------------------------------------------- // - Map Flags - // -------------------------------------------------------------- npc: npc/mapflag/battleground.txt npc: npc/mapflag/gvg.txt npc: npc/mapflag/jail.txt npc: npc/mapflag/night.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nightmare.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nobranch.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nodrop.txt npc: npc/mapflag/noicewall.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nomemo.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nopenalty.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nopvp.txt npc: npc/mapflag/noreturn.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nosave.txt npc: npc/mapflag/noskill.txt npc: npc/mapflag/noteleport.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nowarp.txt npc: npc/mapflag/nowarpto.txt npc: npc/mapflag/partylock.txt npc: npc/mapflag/pvp.txt npc: npc/mapflag/pvp_noguild.txt npc: npc/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt npc: npc/mapflag/reset.txt npc: npc/mapflag/restricted.txt npc: npc/mapflag/town.txt npc: npc/mapflag/noloot.txt npc: npc/mapflag/effects.txt // -------------------------------------------------------------- @Brynner, my min_npc_vendchat_distance is default (3) and also check your conf\battle\player.conf min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3 and also check your conf\battle\player.conf min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3 when i changed this #3 by a #2 it got solved Thank You.
  10. Hello guys i dowloaded emistry Vendor Control, it was setted up for prontera but i moved to my mall (turbo_room) i moved it succesfully but the problem is when i take 1 spot and try to apen a vending i get a message saying: Current location of the shop and chat room creation is disabled. can somebody help me fix this please? this is the already edit script: turbo_room,93,81,7 script Vending Helper 903,{ for( set .@i,1; .@i <= .count; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1,"#vend_slot"+.@i ); if( !getareausers( .map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) && .@x > 1 && .@y > 1 ){ set .@available,.@available + 1; set .@menu$,.@menu$ + "Slot - "+.@i+":"; }else{ set .@menu$,.@menu$ + ":"; } } if( !.@available ){ mes "Dont have any available slot."; }else if( !getskilllv("MC_VENDING") ){ mes "You dont have ^0055FFVending Skill^000000."; }else{ mes "Available Slot : "+.@available; mes "Please select a slot to vending."; set .@i,select( .@menu$ ); getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1,"#vend_slot"+.@i ); if( .@x == 1 || .@y == 1 ){ mes "This NPC at invalid location..."; }else{ warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; hideonnpc "#vend_slot"+.@i; } } close; OnInit: sleep 1000; // Map for vending set .map$,"turbo_room"; setcell .map$,0,0,284,365,cell_novending,1; // x and y horizone .. setarray .x_line,88,91,108,111; setarray .y_line,110,107,104,101,98,95,92; set .x_line_size,getarraysize( .x_line ); set .y_line_size,getarraysize( .y_line ); set .count,1; for( set .@x,0; .@x < .x_line_size; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,0; .@y < .y_line_size; set .@y,.@y + 1 ) if( checkcell( .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_chkpass ) ){ movenpc "#vend_slot"+.count,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y]; setcell .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_novending,0; set .count,.count + 1; } npctalk "Vending Spot : "+.count; donpcevent "::OnSetup"; end; } - script vend_slot -1,{ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 ); if( !getskilllv("MC_VENDING") ){ mes "You dont have ^0055FFVending Skill^000000."; }else if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ mes "Someone already selected this spot."; }else{ mes "Spot : ^777777Available^000000"; mes "^0055FF[ Vending Area Rules ]^000000"; mes "^FF0000 ~ Use proper Shop Name.^000000"; mes "^FF0000 ~ Never sell Junk/Gifts.^000000"; mes " "; mes "^777777Player will failed to follow these will be punished.^000000"; if( select( "Select this Spot","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); } } close; OnSetup: getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 ); set .@npcname$,strnpcinfo(0); while( .@map$ != "" ){ if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ hideonnpc .@npcname$; }else{ hideoffnpc .@npcname$; // specialeffect 313; } sleep 5000; } end; } // Add more if needed. turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot1 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot2 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot3 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot4 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot5 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot6 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot7 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot8 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot9 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot10 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot11 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot12 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot13 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot14 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot15 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot16 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot17 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot18 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot19 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot20 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot21 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot22 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot23 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot24 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot25 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot26 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot27 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot28 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot29 858 turbo_room,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot30 858
  11. set .@npcname$, "[ ^FF0000Trader^000000 ]"; make sure it's the variable name .@ variables are integer not string look i have it like this prontera,183,194,2 script Sunglasses Expert 528,{ goto T_Main; // -------- The Configuration ----------- // Item 1 // ^ // | Players can trade this item Vice Versa // v // Item 2 OnInit: //setarray .item1[1],8048,8049,8050,8051,8025,8053,8054,8055,8056,8057,8058,8059,8060,8061,8062,8063,8064; //setarray .item2[1],8128,8129,8130,8131,8132,8133,8134,8135,8136,8137,8138,8139,8140,8141,8142,8143,8144; // -- Just to test don't uncomment this line or you can just delete it anyway... -- setarray .item1[1],8048,8049,8050,8051,8052,8053,8056,8054,8055,8057,8058,8059,8060,8061,8062,8063,8064; setarray .item2[1],8128,8129,8130,8131,8132,8133,8136,8134,8135,8137,8138,8139,8140,8141,8142,8143,8144; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set .@npcname$, "[ ^FF0000Sunglasses Expert^000000 ]"; end; // -------------------------------------- // -------- The Main Script ------------- T_Main: mes .@npcname$; mes "Hi I am the Sunglasses Expert, I Can Help You Trading Some of Your Hats or Headgears, If They Are Coming From Another Country."; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Do You Want To Make Any Deal Relating With Glasses?"; next; // Generating Menu for (.@i=1; .@i < getarraysize(.item1); .@i++) { set .@menu$,.@menu$+"^DD0000"+getitemname(.item1[.@i])+"^000000 <-> ^0000DD"+getitemname(.item2[.@i])+"^000000:"; } .@menu$ = delchar(.@menu$,(getstrlen(.@menu$)-1)); set @choice,select(.@menu$); next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Hmm which item you want to trade ?"; // Generating Menu pt 2 set .@menu$,"^DD0000"+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+"^000000 <-> ^0000DD"+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+"^000000:^DD0000"+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+"^000000 <-> ^0000DD"+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+"^000000:"; //---------menu ""+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+" to "+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+"",choice1, //--------- ""+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+" to "+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+"",choice2; set @choice2,select(.@menu$); next; mes .@npcname$; getinventorylist; if (@choice2 == 1) { if(countitem(.item1[@choice]) == 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000"+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+"."; end; } if(countitem(.item1[@choice]) > 1) { mes "Please make sure you only have 1 ^FF0000"+getitemname(.item1[@choice])+"^000000 on your inventory."; end; } for (@i=0; @i <= @inventorylist_count; @i=@i+1) { if(@inventorylist_id[@i] == .item1[@choice]) { set @itemid,@i; break; } } getitem2 .item2[@choice],1,1,0,0,@inventorylist_card1[@itemid],@inventorylist_card2[@itemid],@inventorylist_card3[@itemid],@inventorylist_card4[@itemid]; delitem .item1[@choice],1; mes "Thanks for the deal."; end; } else if (@choice2 == 2) { if(countitem(.item2[@choice]) == 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000"+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+"."; end; } if(countitem(.item2[@choice]) > 1) { mes "Please make sure you only have 1 ^FF0000"+getitemname(.item2[@choice])+"^000000 on your inventory."; end; } for (@i=0; @i <= @inventorylist_count; @i=@i+1) { if(@inventorylist_id[@i] == .item2[@choice]) { set @itemid,@i; break; } } getitem2 .item1[@choice],1,1,0,0,@inventorylist_card1[@itemid],@inventorylist_card2[@itemid],@inventorylist_card3[@itemid],@inventorylist_card4[@itemid]; delitem .item2[@choice],1; mes "Thanks for the deal."; end; } // -------------------------------------- }
  12. You Are Awesome!! Really thank you this npc work Very Good WoW im very happy with this npc hey i have a question, why the .@npcname is not working? npc shown dialog but not the name
  13. yes what i mean is this break the seal have i think 5 npc: VA,VM,Vshield,Vshoes and the last one is the one who give you the sleipnir, but to get the sleipnir you have to made all 4 items before last npc can give you the sleipnir, what i want is to add 4 more npc's to the quest that you have to made this 4 more items before you can get the Sleipnir (before i said 3 but now i remember i need 3).
  14. Hello guys this is the Break The Seal Quest i have implemented on my server, what i want is to add 4 more items without break the chain, 4 more items people have to make before they can get it's Sleipnir, the items i want to add to the seal are this: Nile Rose: id# 2658 Bunch Of Carnation: id# 2646 2nd Aniversary Hat: id# 5106 Vidar's Boots: id# 2418 i can edit the requirements just need somebody add them without break the chain this is my script: //=============Valkyrie Quest============== //===================== BTS ===================================================== prontera,157,198,4 script Emely 811,{ if(bry_bry >= 1) goto L_taposme; if(hen_hen >= 1) goto L_taposna; if(hen_hen < 1) mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "I will foretell you about Breaking the Seal Quest"; mes "I am the guardian of the seal, break it and recieve my treasure."; next; mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "These are what I need"; mes "100 Pcs of Ancient Lips"; mes "20 Pcs of Peridots"; mes "10 Pcs Pyroxene"; mes "10 pcs Muscovite"; mes "10 Pcs of Biotite"; next; mes "10 Pcs Talon of Griffon"; mes "10 Pcs Rose Quartz"; mes "10 Pcs Agate"; mes "10 Pcs Young Twig"; mes "10 Pcs Mother's Nightmare"; mes "10 Pcs Fragment of Rossata Stone"; next; mes "10 Pcs Skeletal Armor Piece"; mes "10 Pcs Matchstick"; mes "10 Pcs Phlogopite"; mes "200 Pcs Hand of God"; mes "300 Pcs Cursed Seal"; mes "That's all"; next; mes "So, are you up to do my quest dear child?"; menu "Yes!.",-, "No, I'm sorry.",L_later; mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "Are the items ready? Let me check."; next; if(countitem(1054) < 100 || countitem(7289) < 10 || countitem(7296) < 10 || countitem(7292) < 10 ||countitem(7297) < 10 ||countitem(7048) < 10 || countitem(7293) < 10 || countitem(7291) < 10 || countitem(7018) < 10 || countitem(7020) < 10 || countitem(7211) < 10 || countitem(7450) < 10 || countitem(7035) < 10 || countitem(7290) < 10 || countitem(1009) < 200 || countitem(7442) < 300) goto L_later2; delitem 1054,100; delitem 7289,20; delitem 7296,10; delitem 7292,10; delitem 7297,10; delitem 7048,10; delitem 7293,10; delitem 7291,10; delitem 7018,10; delitem 7020,10; delitem 7211,10; delitem 7450,10; delitem 7035,10; delitem 7290,10; delitem 1009,200; delitem 7442,300; mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "Another brave one succeded."; set ron_ron,1; next; switch (select("Your Welcome")) { case 1: // Castle Drops set .@gamble1,rand(1,500); if ((.@gamble1 > 200) && (.@gamble1 < 205)) { set .@gamble2,rand(1,10); if ((.@gamble2 > 0) && (.@gamble2 < 3)) set .@item,7086; // esg else if ((.@gamble2 > 2) && (.@gamble2 < 5)) set .@item,7090; // ripple else if ((.@gamble2 > 4) && (.@gamble2 < 7)) set .@item,7091; // billow else if ((.@gamble2 > 6) && (.@gamble2 < 9)) set .@item,7077; // silver else if ((.@gamble2 > 8) && (.@gamble2 < 11)) set .@item,7078; // wov } else if ((.@gamble1 > 0) && (.@gamble1 < 201)) set .@item,7086; // esg else if ((.@gamble1 > 204) && (.@gamble1 < 301)) set .@item,7090; // ripple else if ((.@gamble1 > 300) && (.@gamble1 < 401)) set .@item,7091; // billow else if ((.@gamble1 > 401) && (.@gamble1 < 481)) set .@item,7077; // silver else if ((.@gamble1 > 480) && (.@gamble1 < 501)) set .@item,7078; // wov break; } getitem .@item,1; mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "Ah, you have out done your self!"; mes "Thank you for your aid."; mes "Now start your journey to find my Nephews who hold the Valkyries"; announce "Wow! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has just broken the seal to become the ultimate warrior, wish him/her luck!","0x33FF66"; close2; end; L_taposna: mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "Go out and search the Fields of Payon the Fields of Geffen and the Towns of Lighthalzen and Comodo for the Valkyrie Equipments"; close; L_taposme: mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "You've already surpassed this quest and there is no point in doing it again."; close; L_later: mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "Well too bad"; mes "Child, I don't like to call you a coward, but you are."; close; L_later2: mes "[ Emely ]"; mes "*piff*"; mes "You lack some items."; mes "I do not accept cowardice, come back to me when you're brave enough."; close; } prt_monk,96,195,4 script Kimuel 619,{ if(bry_bry >= 1) goto L_udone; if(kim_kim >= 1) goto L_tapospopo; if(ron_ron >= 1) goto continueq; if(ron_ron < 1) { mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "Are you the delivery boy of Pizza Hut?"; mes "If not go away I don't need you!"; close; } continueq: mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "Oh Gracias, Santisimo!!"; mes "You have spoken to aunt Emely!?"; next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "By the way I am Kimuel of Payon the Crafter of the Valkyrie Armor"; mes "Would you like to possess it?"; menu "Yes, I deserve it!",-,"No, I'm not good enough.",L_ayaw; next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "This Great Armor is very complicated, it needs very rare materials to craft it. If you really want to possess it gather these items for me"; next; mes "4 pcs Ripple"; mes "4 pcs Silver Ornament"; mes "100 pcs Three-Headed Dragon's head"; mes "100 pcs Treasure Box"; mes "30 pcs Platinum Coins"; next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "I will be waiting for you chosen one!"; if(countitem(7090) < 4 || countitem(7077) < 4 || countitem(7443) < 100 || countitem(7444) < 100 || countitem(677) < 30) goto koolang; if(countitem(7090) >= 4 || countitem(7077) >= 4 || countitem(7443) >= 100 || countitem(7444) >= 100 || countitem(677) >= 30) goto kontinueq; close; L_ayaw: mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "Wacha Wachi Wacho... Go! Shoooo"; mes "Just speak to me if you want it already"; close; koolang: next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "As I said, one missing material and all the others go to waste"; close; kontinueq: next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "Very well done my friend you have finished the quest and acquired the Valkyrie Armor."; delitem 7090,4; delitem 7077,4; delitem 7443,100; delitem 7444,100; delitem 677,30; next; getitem 2357,1; set kim_kim,1; next; mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "Good Job! Enjoy your precious item."; mes "Now, go ahead and seek my Brothers and Cousins to finish the quest"; mes "And when you gain the Valkyrie Set speak to Karina"; mes "If you have no clue about their location, my brothers and cousins are scattered around Rune-Midgard and Bryan is in Valkyrie"; announce "Wow!"+strcharinfo(0)+" has just made the mystical Valkyrie Armor.",8; close; L_tapospopo: mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "As I said, complete the Valkyrie Quest"; mes "And then speak to Karina"; close; L_udone: mes "[ Kimuel ]"; mes "This quest, once done there is no more repeating"; close; } izlu2dun,116,186,4 script Jhep 617,{ if(bry_bry >=1) goto L_bulmadone; if(jhe_jhe >=1) goto L_bulmatapos; if(ron_ron >=1) goto B_ulma; if(ron_ron < 1) { mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "I am sight seeing, don't disturb me"; mes "Go far far away from me!!"; close; } B_ulma: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Oh, you know my Aunt?"; mes "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Jhep"; mes "I craft the Valkyrie Shield"; mes "Would you like me to craft the said shield for you?"; menu "Okay",-,"Nope",M_ofo; next; mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "The Valkyrie Shield is a very difficult item to craft and the materials are rare. Well if you're sure you want to make it.."; mes "Then these are the items I need."; next; mes "4 pcs Wrath of Valkyrie"; mes "4 pcs Snow Crystal"; mes "50 pcs Fire Dragon Scale"; mes "100 pcs Treasure Box"; mes "30 Platinum Coins"; next; if(bulma >= 1 || countitem(7078) < 4 || countitem(7088) < 4 || countitem(7451) < 50 || countitem(7444) < 100 || countitem(677) < 30) goto K_ulangot; if(bulma >= 1 || countitem(7078) >= 4 || countitem(7088) >= 4 || countitem(7451) >= 50 || countitem(7444) >= 100 || countitem(677) >= 30) goto K_umpleto; close; M_ofo: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Okay, talk to me later."; close; K_ulangot: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "You don't have the items!"; close; K_umpleto: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Wow, thanks!"; delitem 7078,4; delitem 7088,4; delitem 7451,50; delitem 7444,100; delitem 677,30; getitem 2115,1; next; mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Nicely done isn't? Enjoy the shield"; mes "So now, continue to search for my friends."; mes "And when you gain the Valkyrie Set speak to Karina"; mes "If you have no clue about their location, my brothers and cousins are scattered around Rune-Midgard and Bryan is in Valkyrie"; announce "Wow! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has just made the mystical Valkyrie Shield.",8; set jhep_jhe,1; close; L_bulmatapos: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Complete the Valkyrie Quest and speak to Karina"; close; L_bulmadone: mes "[ Jhep ]"; mes "Dude, you can only do this quest once!"; close; } hugel,160,222,5 script Frame 618,{ if(bry_bry >=1) goto L_chichix; if(fra_fra >=1) goto L_chichi; if(ron_ron >= 1) goto tsitsi; if(ron_ron < 1) { mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "I miss Donna"; mes "I wish I could see her again"; close; } tsitsi: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "You have spoken to my great Aunt Emely?"; mes "I am Frame, the crafter of Valkyrie Shoes"; mes "Would you like me to craft you the shoes?"; next; menu "Sure",-,"Maybe Later",L_basho; next; mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "The shoe is quite brittle."; mes "So it needs some items to harness it."; mes "I require you to give me these items"; next; mes "4 pcs Spirit of Fish"; mes "4 pcs Drifting Air"; mes "20 pcs Skeletal Armor Piece"; mes "100 Treasure Box"; mes "30 Platinum Coin"; next; if(countitem(7083) < 4 || countitem(7092) < 4 || countitem(7450) < 20 || countitem(7444) < 100 || countitem(677) < 30) goto M_wala; if(countitem(7083) >= 4 || countitem(7092) >= 4 || countitem(7450) >= 20 || countitem(7444) >= 100 || countitem(677) >= 30) goto M_eron; mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Hurry up! I have something to do."; close; L_basho: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Talk to me when you want it already."; close; M_wala: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "You lack some few items."; close; M_eron: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Oh thank you!"; delitem 7083,4; delitem 7092,4; delitem 7450,20; delitem 7444,100; delitem 677,30; getitem 2421,1; set fra_fra,1; next; mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Good one boy! Enjoy the shoes"; mes "And continue the holy Valkyrie Quest"; mes "And when you gain the Valkyrie Set speak to Karina"; mes "If you have no clue about their location, my brothers and cousins are scattered around Rune-Midgard and Bryan is in Valkyrie"; announce "Wow! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has just made the mystical Valkyrie Shoes.",8; close; L_chichi: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Search my cousins and after that, find Karina!"; close; L_chichix: mes "[ Frame ]"; mes "Nice to meet you again brave warrior. How is life treating you with your new godly equips?"; close; } lighthalzen,321,322,3 script Mavis 611,{ if(bry_bry >=1) goto L_puten; if(jmk_jmk >=1) goto L_buten; if(ron_ron >=1) goto M_buten; if(ron_ron < 1) { mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Hi?."; mes "Now fly, you noob!"; close; } M_buten: mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "So you know my Aunt Emely? Wow that's great!"; mes "I can make the Valkyrie Manteau for you!"; mes "You surely want it noob?"; menu "Yeye",-,"Nevermind, thanks.",karpenter; next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Oh, holy! Give me these items right away!"; next; mes "4 pcs Omen of Tempest"; mes "4 pcs Emblem of The sun God"; mes "50 pcs Matchstick"; mes "100 pcs Treasure Box"; mes "30 pcs Platinum Coins"; next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Don't miss your chance, I will be waiting for you."; if (countitem(7089) < 4 || countitem(7086) < 4 || countitem(7035) < 50 || countitem(7444) < 100 || countitem(677) < 30) goto Kewlung; if (countitem(7089) >= 4 || countitem(7086) >= 4 || countitem(7035) >= 50 || countitem(7444) >= 100 || countitem(677) >= 30) goto Kempleto; close; karpenter: next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Huhu *sob*! You've wasted my time! Get lost noob!"; close; Kewlung: next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Incomplete items, noob!"; close; Kempleto: next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "I see, you're a trustworthy one."; delitem 7089,4; delitem 7086,4; delitem 7035,50; delitem 7444,100; delitem 677,30; getitem 2524,1; set jmk_jmk,1; next; mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Rawr! Take this robe and continue the Valkyrie Quest,"; mes "And when you gain the Valkyrie Set speak to Karina."; mes "If you have no clue about their location, my brothers and cousins are scattered around Rune-Midgard and Bryan is in Valkyrie"; announce "Wow! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has just made the mystical Valkyrie Manteau.",8; close; L_buten: mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Finish my Aunt's quest and speak to Karina at the Valkyrie"; close; L_puten: mes "[ Mavis ]"; mes "Wow, you're one of the Mega-Warrior! How is life treating you my friend?"; close; } valkyrie,48,86,4 script Karina 856,{ mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "Hello there child, I am Karina."; next; if(bry_bry >= 1) goto L_kalbo; if(countitem(2524) < 1 || countitem(2421) < 1 || countitem(2357) < 1 || countitem(2115) < 1) goto Karina; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "Good you have the Valkyrie Set if you must know I am the crafter of the Sleipnir."; next; if(jmk_jmk >= 1) goto Karinaquest; if(jmk_jmk < 1) goto Karina; Karinaquest: mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "I see, You really have spoken to my brothers."; mes "Very well then!"; next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "By the way I am Karina of the Valkyries and you already know what I make."; mes "Do you desire to have the Sleipnir?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nono; next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "The Great Sleipnir named after Odin's trustee"; mes "Steed, is the most powerful shoe in the land"; mes "Gather these items so I may craft it"; next; mes "300 pcs Handcuffs"; mes "200 pcs Box of Thunder"; mes "1 pc Variant Shoes"; mes "1 pc Angel Wing Ears"; mes "100 Treasure Box"; next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "I will be waiting for you great one."; if(countitem(7345) < 300 || countitem(12028) < 200 || countitem(2423) < 1 || countitem(5074) < 1 || countitem(7444) < 100) goto kikiki; if(countitem(7345) >= 300 || countitem(12028) >= 200 || countitem(2423) >= 1 || countitem(5074) >= 1 || countitem(7444) >= 100) goto killhim; close; L_nono: mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "Go away! If you don't want it. You're wasting my time already."; mes "Just speak to me if you're ready."; close; kikiki: next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "You lack of items, complete it!"; close; killhim: next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "Very well done child."; mes "You are very good!"; delitem 7345,300; delitem 12028,22; delitem 2423,1; delitem 5074,1; delitem 7444,100; getitem2 2410,1,1,@ref,0,254,0,getcharid(0)&0xffff,(getcharid(0)>>16)&0xffff; set bry_bry,1; next; mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "As for my excellency, take care of that Sleipnir"; mes "You are now a Mega-Warrior of Temptation Ragnarok Online"; mes "Go wild and free, you noble man"; announce "Raise the Roof! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has just become the Ultimate Warrior Respect him/her from now on.",8; close; L_kalbo: mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "You have already gained Sleipnir"; mes "How dare you speak to me again!? Now, I order you to go back to Prontera!"; next; percentheal -100,0; warp "prontera.gat",0,0; close; Karina: mes "[ Karina ]"; mes "Oh my bad, I see you are just another newbie."; mes "Go fly away"; close; } Thanks in advance.
  15. Hello guys, as title say i need an npc like this: In my server i have Naruto Headprotectors, All kage hats and Naruto Sunglasses, each kage is twice, Slotted[1] and no slotted[0], i also have 1 Naruto Sunglasses by each Headprotector and each kage hat, What i want is an npc that have this options: -Change my Headprotector for a Sunglasses. -Change my sunglasses for a Headprotector. -Nothing at this moment, I'll be back later. i want npc can change slotted kage by slotted sunglasses, non-slotted kage by non-slotted sunglasses, and if possible (I saw this in another server) if i try to change a HP or kage and it have a card compounded on it the sunglasses/HP i received from the npc have the same card. id's >>--<< id's id #1-8048 <--viceversa--> id #18-8128 id #2-8049 <--viceversa--> id #19-8129 id #3-8050 <--viceversa--> id #20-8130 id #4-8051 <--viceversa--> id #21-8131 id #5-8052 <--viceversa--> id #22-8132 id #6-8053 <--viceversa--> id #23-8133 id #7-8054 <--viceversa--> id #24-8134 id #8-8055 <--viceversa--> id #25-8135 id #9-8056 <--viceversa--> id #26-8136 id #10-8057 <--viceversa--> id #27-8137 id #11-8058 <--viceversa--> id #28-8138 id #12-8059 <--viceversa--> id #29-8139 id #13-8060 <--viceversa--> id #30-8140 id #14-8061 <--viceversa--> id #31-8141 id #15-8062 <--viceversa--> id #32-8142 id #16-8063 <--viceversa--> id #33-8143 id #17-8064 <--viceversa--> id #34-8144 Somebody please help me with this npc and thanks in advance. Bump
  16. Sorry late respond, i have en error in line #38: bindatcmd "@warp",strnpcinfo(3)::"OnWarpCmd"; how to fix this?
  17. ty npc is working good, but there is any way how to make npc grant acces to can warp to the dungeon after buy the permit? i mean after you pay for the permit you can just type @warp lvl_dun01 and dont need to use the npc to get warped on there.
  18. hello guys does somebody can make or share an npc like this?: i have 4 special maps to lvl up called, lvl_dun01,02,03,04 what i want is to restrict this maps to regular use, i want this npc give permision if you want to have regular acces to this maps you have to pay 1m to can warp to lvl_dun01 to 03, but if you want access to all dungeons lvl_dun01 to lvl_dun04 you have to pay 10m, after pay for this service you will can warp normally like any other map forever, but i want players have to buy same permision for each character to can enter this maps, thank you hope somebody help me with thiw npc .
  19. Really thank you guys, this is working nice
  20. Yomigaeru already posted the solution. Size can be 0 (medium), 1 (small), or 2 (big). ok i dont understand this because im newbie, thx guys when i learn how to do it i will take this as reference.
  21. so there's no way on how to do this?
  22. this is the angeling, to change size what value should i change? 1096,ANGELING,Angeling,Angeling,20,55000,0,163,144,1,120,195,0,70,1,50,20,75,68,200,10,12,1,8,86,0x37B5,200,1072,672,672,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2254,100,2324,60,610,500,2282,1,509,2000,512,28,714,40,0,0,0,0,4054,1
  23. there is any way how to make all mvp's except lhz mvp at same time? example any script?
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