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Dev Blaze

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Everything posted by Dev Blaze

  1. Fixed thanks emistry already resolved you can close this thread...
  2. Anyone help me how to fix this bug?! when i equipped shield the damage of the monster became 1 only bug? im using PRE-RE
  3. @hendra814 Is there any option using 2012 client or 2013 old creation character??
  4. Hello, Can i ask what client version need character creation like the image below
  5. Hello anyone help me.. i disbled normal cards already , my question posible changes only MVP and Miniboss cards only? credits script Euphy thanks MVP cards and MINI boss card and if they trade Rare boss card points is different from the original 5 point each mvp to 10points please help me thank you in advance.
  6. Hello can i ask how to add hourly points (will not work for people vending/auto-trading) script link https://pastebin.com/ry0JJp6U credit Emistry / https://rathena.org/board/topic/108276-hourly-points/ - script hourly_point_main -1,{ OnInit: .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(3); bindatcmd "check",.npc_name$+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: dispbottom "Accumulated "+#daily_minute_count; end; OnUpdate: #daily_minute_count++; deltimer .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; dispbottom "Accumulated "+#daily_minute_count+" minute(s)"; switch ( #daily_minute_count ) { default: break; case 60: // 60 minutes #CASHPOINT += 1; getitem 512,1; break; case 120: // 120 minutes #CASHPOINT += 2; getitem 512,2; break; case 180: // 180 minutes #CASHPOINT += 3; getitem 512,3; break; case 240: // 240 minutes #CASHPOINT += 4; getitem 512,4; break; case 300: // 300 minutes #CASHPOINT += 5; getitem 512,6; break; case 360: // 360 minutes #CASHPOINT += 6; getitem 512,7; break; case 420: // 420 minutes #CASHPOINT += 7; getitem 512,8; break; case 480: // 480 minutes #CASHPOINT += 8; getitem 512,9; #daily_minute_count = 0; // reset. break; } OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer ( 60 * 1000 ), .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; end; }
  7. I agree much better clean and white
  8. Fixed Im using hex editor i already i solved it thanks again cyro
  9. @Cyro i changed already nothing hanppen can you please specify what line im using c++ uploaded check my files msgstringtable.txt
  10. Hello can i ask where i can change this langauge thanks im using 2013-12-23cRagexe
  11. Hello Rynbef~ Allows players who afk and pubbing to gain points except players who use @autotrade or Vending if (!checkvending() && !checkchatting() && !checkidle()){ <------------------------ This line
  12. Question Allows players who afk and pubbing to gain points except players who use @autotrade or Vending I see this script any one help me??
  13. Allows players who afk and pubbing to gain points except players who use @autotrade or Vending I see this script any one help me - script hourly_point_main -1,{ OnInit: .max_hour = 5; .duration = 3600; .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(3); bindatcmd "hourly", .npc_name$ + "::OnCheck"; end; OnClock0000: query_sql( "DELETE FROM acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#daily_hour_count' AND `account_id` IN ( SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `login` = 0 GROUP BY `account_id` ) " ); addrid(0); #daily_hour_count = -1; OnUpdate: deltimer .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; #daily_hour_count++; switch ( #daily_hour_count ) { case 1: #KAFRAPOINTS += 1; getitem 512,1; break; case 2: #KAFRAPOINTS += 2; getitem 512,2; break; case 3: #KAFRAPOINTS += 3; getitem 512,3; break; case 4: #KAFRAPOINTS += 4; getitem 512,4; break; case 5: #KAFRAPOINTS += 5; getitem 512,6; break; default: break; } OnPCLoginEvent: if ( #daily_hour_count < .max_hour ) { @timer = gettimetick(2) + .duration; addtimer ( .duration * 1000 ), .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; } if ( #daily_hour_count ) dispbottom "[ Hourly Rewards ] " + #daily_hour_count + "/" + .max_hour + " hour" + ((#daily_hour_count > 1)?"s":"") + " played!",0x9ae2d7; end; OnCheck: .@min = (@timer - gettimetick(2))/60; .@sec = (@timer - gettimetick(2))%60; dispbottom "[ Hourly Rewards ] Your next reward will be achieved in " + ((.@min)? "[ " + .@min + " ] minute" + ((.@min > 1)?"s":""):"") + ((.@min && .@sec)? " and ":"") + ((.@sec)? "[ " + .@sec + " ] second" + ((.@sec > 1)?"s":""):"") + "!",0x9ae2d7; end; }
  14. hello chibi can you explain what do i need to change??
  15. hello how to adjust the Size of SA_LANDPROTECTOR ???
  16. anyone have a Script VIP account system? how to add this script? 85% HP and SP restoration when respawn
  17. anyone have a Script VIP account system? how to add this script? 85% HP and SP restoration when respawn
  18. Check my message thanks

  19. capuche how to include 1 party in your script??
  20. - script MVPPOINTS -1,{ OnNpcKillEvent: if( killedrid && ( getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 21) & 0x0020 ) && ( killedrid <= 3000 ) ) { if( getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 22) ) .@R = rand( 1, 10 );//-- MVP #MVPPOINTS = #MVPPOINTS + .@R; set .@party_id,getcharid(1); if( !.@party_id ){ set #MVPPOINTS,#MVPPOINTS + .@R; dispbottom "Gained "+.@R+" points."; }else{ getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { // what happens if someone in the party member is offline =/ .@partymemberaid[.@c] = $@partymemberaid[.@i]; .@c++; } } announce "Party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" at "+ strcharinfo(3), 0; dispbottom "Gained : "+ .@R +" points. Total : "+ #MVPPOINTS +" points."; } announce "[ Player ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed [ "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+" ] at the map of [ "+strcharinfo(3)+" ]",0, 0x47EEAC; dispbottom "Gained : "+ .@R +" points. Total : "+ #MVPPOINTS +" points."; } } end; } Party points not working help me thanks
  21. I did already MR Chibi same nothing happen still 1HP
  22. I tried more >.< nothing happen still 1HP when i respawned
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