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Everything posted by MelMel

  1. thank you Emistry gonna try to edit it somehow trying to put the pricing control of the one i got inside... because i don't want the warping to be free. And i like how my previous script charge or maybe Emistry can help me implant them in the pricing gm control. anyway thank you for linking me the script.. Emistry is it possible if you help me implant the pricing of the script i have above into it? i don't wish the price to be all 5k if i were to set 5k the script i have above have different pricing control as for local town like prontera geffen morroc i can set them to 2k and as for overseas that need boat/ship to reach i can set to 12k and as for dungeon 10k and as it go deeper it will charge extra 1k. is it possible to help me implant the pricing system in of my first script to be in the script that you send me the link? looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.. hmmm will anyone help me on the script =/ hmmmm anyone help please TT_TT the GM control pricing of this script: function script Q_Warpra { // Quick hack for backwards compatibility pre 1.8 if (##QWS_UP < 18) callfunc "QWS_BackComp"; // Extra clear variables because marker is saved on all char servers and variables can be on multiple servers if (QWS_ExtraVARClear < 18) callfunc "Extra_Variable_Clear"; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Hello,"; mes "I can warp you to any town or dungeon, but you need to unlock them first."; mes "To unlock them, you have to visit us."; mes "What do you need?"; if(getarg(0) == 0) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",0; if(getarg(0) == 1) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",1; set @MMenu,select(@Mmenulist$[0],@Mmenulist$[1],@Mmenulist$[2],@Mmenulist$[3],@Mmenulist$[4],@Mmenulist$[5],@Mmenulist$[6],@Mmenulist$[7],@Mmenulist$[8],@Mmenulist$[9],@Mmenulist$[10],@Mmenulist$[11]); switch(@Mmenuref[@MMenu-1]+1){ case 1: goto GM_Menu; case 2: warp $QW_SP_WarpMap$, $QW_SP_WarpX, $QW_SP_WarpY; close2; debugmes "Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra"; end; case 3: goto L_town; case 4: goto L_dungeon; case 5: goto L_FewWarps; case 6: goto L_NoUnlock; case 7: goto L_heal_Full; case 8: goto L_heal_Part; case 9: goto L_Storage; case 10: goto L_GStorage; case 11: goto L_end; default: goto L_end; } //=====================GM-Menu=Functions=========================== GM_Menu: next; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) mes "Town warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 1) mes "Town warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) mes "Dungeon warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 1) mes "Dungeon warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Depth-Limit if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If on Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; //----------------ShowMapUsers if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) mes "Show Map Users = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) mes "Show Map Users = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) mes "Healing full = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) mes "Healing partly = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if (($QW_HF == 0)&&($QW_HP == 0)) mes "Healing = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_Stor == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_GStor == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------KafraPoints if ($QW_KPoint == 1) mes "Kafra points collect = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_KPoint == 0) mes "Kafra points collect = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GMmenu switch(select("Town Warping","Dungeon Warping","Dungeon Level Limit","Show Map Users","Healing full","Healing partly","Storage","Guild Storage","Kafra points collect","Set Prices","Special Warp","Exit")) { // Using callsub and a small check to not make 1 part of the script set it on and the other turning it off again case 1: if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_TW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_TW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 2: if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_DW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_DW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 3: goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 4: if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) { set $QW_MapUserShow,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_MapUserShow,0; goto GM_Menu; case 5: if ($QW_HF == 0) { set $QW_HF,1; set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 6: if ($QW_HP == 0) { set $QW_HP,1; set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; case 7: if ($QW_Stor == 0) { set $QW_Stor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_Stor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 8: if ($QW_GStor == 0) { set $QW_GStor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_GStor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 9: if ($QW_KPoint == 0) { set $QW_KPoint,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_KPoint,0; goto GM_Menu; case 10: goto Setprice; case 11: goto SpecialWarpMenu; default: close; end; } //======================GM-Menu=Pricing============================ Setprice: if ($QW_DW_FEE != 0) set $QW_DW_FEE,0; next; mes "Scroll thru the list to see all the options"; //----------------Warp-Basic-Price if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Advanced-Price if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Oversea-Price if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Basic-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Advanced-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Overseas-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Heal-Full if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Heal-Part if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Storage if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; //----------------Guild-Storage if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; switch(select("Basic - Warps","Advanced - Warps","Overseas - Warps","Basic Dungeon warp fee","Advanced Dungeon warp fee","Overseas Dungeon warp fee","Full Healing","Part Healing","Storage","Guild Storage","Back","Exit")) { case 1: next; if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter towns and related dungeons"; input $QW_BW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 2: next; if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Advanced - Warps are towns and dungeons on the same island but not close to any starter town"; input $QW_AW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 3: next; if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Overseas - Warps are towns and dungeons overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; input $QW_OW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 4: next; if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter town related dungeons"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_BW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 5: next; if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Advanced - Warps are dungeons not close to any starter town"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_AW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 6: next; if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Overseas - Warps are dungeons related to towns overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_OW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 7: next; if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Instant full healing 1 price"; input $QW_HF_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 8: next; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Healing price per 1 HP"; mes "Healing price per 1 SP"; mes "2 inputs, first HP then SP"; input $QW_HP_H_PRICE; input $QW_HP_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 9: next; if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; mes "Storage cost, if set to 60 Kafra pricing will be handled"; input $QW_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 10: next; if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Guild Storage, free on Guild Kafras"; input $QW_GS_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 11: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Special=Warp=Menu========================== SpecialWarpMenu: if ($QW_SP_Warpname$ == "") set $QW_SP_Warpname$,"Special Warp"; next; mes "Scroll down to see all the information"; mes "The Special warp menu option will show in the main menu when all towns & dungeons are unlocked"; mes "And when the map for special warping has been set"; mes "menu option name set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_Warpname$+"^000000"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ == "") mes "map is currently ^FF0000not^000000 set, and Special warp menu is off"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") mes "map is currently set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpMap$+"^000000 and Special Warp menu is on"; mes "coords are set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpX+","+$QW_SP_WarpY+"^000000"; switch(select("Set Special Warp name to show in menu", "Set WarpMap","Set Coords","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: next; mes "set the name to show in the menu as option"; input $QW_SP_Warpname$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 2: next; mes "set the map in the ^0000FFmapname^000000 format"; mes "when this warpmap is set the option for players will show once they meet the requirments"; mes "to disable Special Warp Menu option clear this !"; input $QW_SP_WarpMap$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 3: next; mes "First input = Xcoord"; mes "Second input = Ycoord"; input $QW_SP_WarpX; input $QW_SP_WarpY; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 4: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Dungeon=Level=Limit======================== DungeonLevelLimit: next; if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If^00FF00 On ^000000Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; switch(select("Toggle Dungeon Depth Limit", "Set Dungeon Depth Limit","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: if ($QW_DL == 0) { set $QW_DL,1; goto DungeonLevelLimit; } else set $QW_DL,0; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 2: next; mes "set limit of Dungeon Depth 0 = entrance"; mes "Depth 1 is a map connected to 0 and so on"; mes "Shortest Route to map counts as depth"; input $QW_DDL; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 3: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //===========================Towns================================= L_town: callfunc "QWS_Tarray"; // Expected maximum is set to 25 items, if you add more options add more ",@Tmenulist$[xx]" set @TWMenu,select(@Tmenulist$[0],@Tmenulist$[1],@Tmenulist$[2],@Tmenulist$[3],@Tmenulist$[4],@Tmenulist$[5],@Tmenulist$[6],@Tmenulist$[7],@Tmenulist$[8],@Tmenulist$[9],@Tmenulist$[10],@Tmenulist$[11],@Tmenulist$[12],@Tmenulist$[13],@Tmenulist$[14],@Tmenulist$[15],@Tmenulist$[16],@Tmenulist$[17],@Tmenulist$[18],@Tmenulist$[19],@Tmenulist$[20],@Tmenulist$[21],@Tmenulist$[22],@Tmenulist$[23],@Tmenulist$[24]); if (@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex if(Zeny<@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,0; set Zeny, Zeny-@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]/16); warp @pTmap$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTXcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTYcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; end; //=========================Dungeons================================ L_dungeon: callfunc "QWS_Darray"; // Expected maximum is set to 35 items, if you add more options add more ",@Dmenulist$[xx]" set @DWMenu,select(@Dmenulist$[0],@Dmenulist$[1],@Dmenulist$[2],@Dmenulist$[3],@Dmenulist$[4],@Dmenulist$[5],@Dmenulist$[6],@Dmenulist$[7],@Dmenulist$[8],@Dmenulist$[9],@Dmenulist$[10],@Dmenulist$[11],@Dmenulist$[12],@Dmenulist$[13],@Dmenulist$[14],@Dmenulist$[15],@Dmenulist$[16],@Dmenulist$[17],@Dmenulist$[18],@Dmenulist$[19],@Dmenulist$[20],@Dmenulist$[21],@Dmenulist$[22],@Dmenulist$[23],@Dmenulist$[24],@Dmenulist$[25],@Dmenulist$[26],@Dmenulist$[27],@Dmenulist$[28],@Dmenulist$[29],@Dmenulist$[30],@Dmenulist$[31],@Dmenulist$[32],@Dmenulist$[33],@Dmenulist$[34]); if (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @DwarpMenu, (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]); callfunc "QWS_DLarray"; next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Please select where you want to go"; // Expected maximum is set to 18 items, if you have dungeons with more levels add more ",@DWLmenulist$[xx]" set @DWLMenu,select(@DWLmenulist$[0], @DWLmenulist$[1], @DWLmenulist$[2], @DWLmenulist$[3], @DWLmenulist$[4], @DWLmenulist$[5], @DWLmenulist$[6], @DWLmenulist$[7], @DWLmenulist$[8], @DWLmenulist$[9], @DWLmenulist$[10], @DWLmenulist$[11], @DWLmenulist$[12], @DWLmenulist$[13], @DWLmenulist$[14], @DWLmenulist$[15], @DWLmenulist$[16], @DWLmenulist$[17]); if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @Darrayref, @DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]; set @warpprice, @pDprice[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+(getd(@pDfee$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]])*(@DDepth[@Darrayref])); if(Zeny<@warpprice) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,1; set Zeny, Zeny-(@warpprice); if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@warpprice/16); warp @DGat$[@Darrayref],@DXcoords[@Darrayref],@DYcoords[@Darrayref]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]; end; //=============================Healing============================= L_heal_Full: set @healfee, $QW_HF_PRICE; if(Zeny<@healfee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,4; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@healfee/500); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and I will Heal you."; close2; percentheal 100,100; end; L_heal_Part: set @healchoice,select("Full heal","Health Points only","Skill Points only","Exit"); if (@healchoice == 1) callsub PHeal,1,1; if (@healchoice == 2) callsub PHeal,1,0; if (@healchoice == 3) callsub PHeal,0,1; goto L_end; PHeal: next; set @Hp, MaxHp-Hp; set @Sp, MaxSp-Sp; set @HpPrice, @hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; mes "[Warpra]"; if(getarg(0) == 1) mes ""+@HpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Hp+" health points"; if(getarg(1) == 1) mes ""+@SpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Sp+" skill points"; set @total, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; mes "for a total of "+@total+" zeny"; if (select("Heal me","Let me see the choices again")==2) goto L_heal_Part; if(getarg(0) == 1)set @HpPrice, (MaxHp-Hp)*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if(getarg(1) == 1)set @SpPrice, (MaxSp-Sp)*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @healfee, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_Short_Both; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_HP; if (getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_SP; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 100,100; if (getarg(0) == 1) percentheal 100,0; if (getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 0,100; close; end; Zeny_Short_Both: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "choose another option, you can afford both."; mes "I can heal as much as you can afford too."; if (select("OK","Exit") == 2) goto L_end; goto PHeal; Zeny_short_HP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your HP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Hp, Zeny/$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @HpPrice, @Hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if (@Hp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Hp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@HpPrice; heal @Hp,0; close; end; Zeny_short_SP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your SP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Sp, Zeny/$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @Sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; if (@Sp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Sp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@SpPrice; heal 0,@Sp; close; end; //=============================Storage============================= L_Storage: next; if(basicskillcheck() > 0 && getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 6) goto L_StorageJBlow; set @fee, $QW_S_PRICE; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob == Job_Novice) set @fee, 30; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob != Job_Novice) set @fee, 60; if(Zeny<@fee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,2; set Zeny, Zeny-@fee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@fee/5); mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and i will open your storage."; callsub F_CheckKafCode; //check your storage password thru kafra coding, if set close2; openstorage; end; F_CheckKafCode: if(#kafra_code==0) return; mes "Enter your storage password:"; set @code_,0; input @code_; if(@code_ != #kafra_code) { dispbottom "Wrong storage password."; close; } set @kafcode_try,0; set @code_,0; return; L_StorageJBlow: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "I am sorry but you have to be at least Novice level 6 if you want to use the storage."; return; L_GStorage: if(@GID==0) goto L_NoGuild; if(Zeny<$QW_GS_PRICE) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,3; set Zeny, Zeny-$QW_GS_PRICE; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + ($QW_GS_PRICE/5); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and i will open the ^5533FF" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000 storage."; close2; guildopenstorage; end; L_NoGuild: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "You are not a part of a guild I can't help you."; close; end; L_end: close; end; //============================Few=Warp============================= L_FewWarps: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "You need to unlock locations before they come available to you."; mes "To unlock a location talk to my colleagues all over the world."; mes "Each account got it's own stamp card."; mes "Want me to check what stamps you have collected so far ?."; if (select("Yes","No")==1) callsub stampcard; close; end; //============================No=Unlock============================ L_NoUnlock: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "I don't unlock this location, my assistant deeper in the dungeon will unlock this place."; close; end; //=========================Short=On=Zeny=========================== L_Short_on_zeny: next; if (getarg(0) == 0) mes "you don't seem to have "+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@pTmenuitems$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 1) mes "you don't seem to have "+@warpprice+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@DLevelName$[@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]]+" at "+@pDmenuitems$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 2) mes "you don't seem to have "+@fee+" zeny, to pay for the storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 3) mes "you don't seem to have "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" zeny, to pay for the guild storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 4) mes "you don't seem to have "+@healfee+" zeny, to pay for your healing"; close; end; //===========================Stamp=Card============================ stampcard: // Counting of the ammount of places you have unlocked next; mes "Let me check what Towns you have"; callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; mes "you collected^00FF00 "+@Tstamp+" of "+@MaxTstamp+" ^000000Towns."; if (@Tstamp == 15) mes "They say there is an island you can only get to when married"; if (@Tstamp == 15) emotion 18; next; mes "Let me check what dungeons you have"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; mes "you collected^00FF00 "+@Dstamp+" of "+@MaxDstamp+" ^000000Dungeons"; mes "To unlock a dungeon, search for my colleague."; mes "You can usually find them near the middle or end of the dungeon"; return; } function script QWS_TownStamps { set @Tstamp,0; set @MaxTstamp,21; //maximum number of towns set @binvalue,1; set @Tstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Tstamp,@Tstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Tstamploop, @Tstamploop + 1; }while (@Tstamploop < @MaxTstamp); return; } function script QWS_DungeonStamps { set @Dstamp,0; set @MaxDstamp,29; //maximum number of dungeons set @binvalue,1; set @Dstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Dstamp,@Dstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Dstamploop, @Dstamploop + 1; }while (@Dstamploop < @MaxDstamp); return; } //======================Main=Menu=Array============================ function script QWS_MMarray { // Currently 9 items setarray @pMmenuitems$[0], "GameMaster Menu", $QW_SP_Warpname$, "Warp to Towns", "Warp to Dungeons", "Why so few Warps ?", "Why don't you Unlock this location ?", "Heal", "Heal", "Storage", "Guild Storage", "Cancel"; set @Mi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Mj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------GameMaster-Menu if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Special-Warp callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; if (@Tstamp == @MaxTstamp)&&(@Dstamp == @MaxDstamp)&&($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") { set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; } set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Why-So-Few-Warps set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------No-Unlock if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Cancel set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; return; } //======================Town=Menu=Array============================ //----------------Prontera // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; // Name of Town shown in Town select Menu // setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // // setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; // mapfilename of town // setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; // X warp coords // setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; // Y warp coords // // QWS_Make_Town_Menu XXX; // // the full wap commands send out by this script for these example would be //warp example_01 123 123 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own town warpra // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE TOWN FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 20, for Yuno function script QWS_Tarray { function QWS_Make_Town_Menu; set @Ti,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Tj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------Prontera setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 0; //----------------Alberta setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Alberta"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "alberta"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 27; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 236; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 1; //----------------Aldebaran setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Aldebaran"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "aldebaran"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 145; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 120; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 2; //----------------Amatsu: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Amatsu"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "amatsu"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 197; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 86; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 3; //----------------Ayothaya: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Ayothaya"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "ayothaya"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 57; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 4; //----------------Comodo: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Comodo"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "comodo"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 188; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 161; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 5; //----------------Einbech: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbech"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbech"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 172; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 126; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 6; //----------------Einbroch: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbroch"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbroch"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 230; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 191; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 7; //----------------Geffen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Geffen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "geffen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 119; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 66; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 8; //----------------Gonryun: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Gonryun"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "gonryun"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 9; //----------------Hugel: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Hugel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "hugel"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 95; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 121; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 10; //----------------Izlude: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Izlude"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "izlude"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 128; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 111; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 11; //----------------Jawaii: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Jawaii"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "jawaii"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 243; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 115; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 12; //----------------Lighthalzen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lighthalzen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "lighthalzen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 158; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 110; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 13; //----------------Louyang: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Louyang"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "louyang"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 210; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 108; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 14; //----------------Lutie setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lutie"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "xmas"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 148; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 131; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 15; //----------------Morroc: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Morroc"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "morocc"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 159; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 93; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 16; //----------------Niflheim: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Niflheim"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "niflheim"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 195; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 186; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 17; //----------------Payon: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Payon"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "payon"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 152; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 75; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 18; //----------------Umbala: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Umbala"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "umbala"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 130; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 19; //----------------Yuno: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Yuno"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "yuno"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 160; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 168; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 20; //----------------Cancel setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Cancel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], 0; set @Tmenulist$[@Tj],@pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Town Menu Function function QWS_Make_Town_Menu { set @temptownmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @templooptownmenu,0; do { set @temptownmenubin, @temptownmenubin * 2; set @templooptownmenu, @templooptownmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @templooptownmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@temptownmenubin & ##QWS_T_Unlock) != @temptownmenubin) { set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],@Ti; set @Tj,@Tj+1; set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } } //====================Dungeon=Menu=Arrays========================== //----------------A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Fake Dungeon"; // Name of Dungeon shown in Dungeon select Menu // setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; // Identifyer for the Dungeon fee caluclation (Basic ("$QW_BW_FEE"), Advanced ("$QW_AW_FEE"), Overseas ("$QW_OW_FEE")) please use setting in relation with option above (Don't forget "") // setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; //number of levels in dungeon (very important if set to high will shift all leveldata!!) // // setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "example_01", "example_02"; // mapfilename of dungeon level // setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Example Level 1", "Example Level 2"; // level name shown in dungeon level select // setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 123, 234; // X warp coords // setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 123, 234;// Y warp coords // setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; // relative depth to entrance to calculate extra warp fee // // QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu XXX // // the full wap commands send out by this scripts for these examples would be // for Example Level 1: //warp example_01 123 123 // // for Example Level 2: //warp example_02 234 234 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own dungeon unlocker (Warpra Helper) inside the dungeon // (usually half way near a warp to next level) // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra Helper 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 28, for Kiel Dungeon function script QWS_Darray { function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu; set @Di,0; set @Dj,0; set @Dref,0; //----------------ABYSS LAKE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Abyss Lake"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "abyss_01", "abyss_02", "abyss_03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 265, 275, 116; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 273, 270, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 0; //----------------AMATSU DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Amatsu Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ama_dun01", "ama_dun02", "ama_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 227, 32, 119; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 43, 15; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 1; //----------------ANT HELL setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ant Hell Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[2], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "anthell01", "anthell02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 34; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 262, 263; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 2; //----------------AYOTAYA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ayotaya Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[3], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ayo_dun01", "ayo_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 275, 150; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 13; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 3; //----------------BYALAN setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Byalan Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[4], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "iz_dun00", "iz_dun01", "iz_dun02", "iz_dun03", "iz_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 168, 41, 236, 32, 26; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 168, 37, 204, 63, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 4; //----------------CLOCK TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Clock Tower Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[5], 8; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "c_tower1", "c_tower2", "c_tower3", "c_tower4", "alde_dun01", "alde_dun02", "alde_dun03", "alde_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Clock Tower Level 1", "Clock Tower Level 2", "Clock Tower Level 3", "Clock Tower Level 4", "Basement 1F", "Basement 2F", "Basement 3F", "Basement 4F"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 200, 268, 64, 32, 197, 262, 276, 122; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 163, 26, 148, 63, 25, 41, 53, 125; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 5; //----------------COAL MINE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Coal Mine Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[6], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mjo_dun01", "mjo_dun02", "mjo_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 52, 381, 302; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 343, 261; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 6; //----------------CULVERT setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Culvert Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[7], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_sewb1", "prt_sewb2", "prt_sewb3", "prt_sewb4"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 132, 19, 180, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 248, 19, 169, 92; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 7; //----------------EINBECH DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Einbech Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[8], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ein_dun01", "ein_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 292; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 14, 290; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 8; //----------------GEFENIA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gefenia Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[9], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gefenia01", "gefenia02", "gefenia03", "gefenia04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 59, 201, 264, 33; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 167, 35, 236, 270; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 9; //----------------GEFFEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Geffen Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gef_dun00", "gef_dun01", "gef_dun02", "gef_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 104, 115, 106, 203; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 100, 236, 132, 200; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 10; //----------------GLAST HEIM setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Glast Heim Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 17; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "glast_01", "gl_church", "gl_chyard", "gl_in01", "gl_cas01", "gl_cas02", "gl_knt01", "gl_knt02", "gl_prison", "gl_prison1", "gl_step", "gl_sew01", "gl_sew02", "gl_sew03", "gl_sew04", "gl_dun01", "gl_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Glast Heim Entrance", "St. Abbey", "Churchyard", "Inside Glast Heim", "Castle 1", "Castle 2", "Chivalry 1", "Chivalry 2", "Prison 1", "Prison 2", "Steps", "Sewers 1", "Sewers 2", "Sewers 3", "Sewers 4", "Lowest Cave 1", "Lowest Cave 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 370, 156, 147, 121, 199, 104, 150, 157, 14, 150, 117, 258, 108, 171, 68, 133, 224; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 300, 8, 15, 59, 29, 25, 10, 287, 70, 14, 124, 255, 291, 273, 277, 271, 274; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 11; //----------------GONRYUN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gonryun Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gon_dun01", "gon_dun02", "gon_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 143, 17, 68; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 59, 114, 9; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 12; //----------------HIDDEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Hidden Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_maze01", "prt_maze02", "prt_maze03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 176, 94, 23; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 6, 19, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 13; //----------------JUPEROS CAVE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Juperos Cave"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "juperos_01", "juperos_02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 53, 36; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 247, 60; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 14; //----------------KIEL DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Kiel Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "kh_dun01", "kh_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "1st Floor", "2nd Floor"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 63, 42; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 197; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 28; //----------------LIGHTHALZEN BIO LAB setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lhz_dun01", "lhz_dun02", "lhz_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 140; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 287, 18, 137; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 15; //----------------LOUYANG DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Louyang Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lou_dun02", "lou_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Royal Tomb Level 1", "Royal Tomb Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 282, 165; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 20, 38; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 16; //----------------MAGMA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Magma Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mag_dun01", "mag_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 126, 47; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 69, 32; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 17; //----------------ODIN TEMPLE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Odin Temple"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 1; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "odin_tem01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 96; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 145; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 18; //----------------ORC DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Orc Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "orcsdun01", "orcsdun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 21; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 169, 185; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 19; //----------------PAYON DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Payon Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "pay_dun00", "pay_dun01", "pay_dun02", "pay_dun03", "pay_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 19, 19, 155, 201; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 180, 33, 63, 159, 204; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 20; //----------------PYRAMIDS setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Pyramids Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 6; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "moc_pryd01", "moc_pryd02", "moc_pryd03", "moc_pryd04", "moc_pryd05", "moc_pryd06"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Basement 1", "Basement 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 10, 100, 181, 94, 192; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 192, 92, 11, 96, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 21; //----------------SPHINX setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sphinx Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "in_sphinx1", "in_sphinx2", "in_sphinx3", "in_sphinx4", "in_sphinx5"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 149, 210, 10, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 81, 54, 222, 99; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 22; //----------------SUNKEN SHIP setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "treasure01", "treasure02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 69, 102; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 24, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 23; //----------------THANATOS TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Thanatos Tower"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 13; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tha_t01", "tha_t02", "tha_t03", "tha_t04", "tha_t05", "tha_t06", "tha_t07", "tha_t08", "tha_t09", "tha_t10", "tha_t11", "tha_t12", "thana_boss"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Level 7", "Level 8", "Level 9", "Level 10", "Level 11", "Level 12", "Thanatos Boss"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 220, 59, 62, 206, 35, 105, 88, 168, 90, 129, 85; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 35, 136, 158, 143, 11, 8, 166, 44, 145, 138, 36, 83, 76; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 24; //----------------TOY FACTORY setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Toy Factory Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "xmas_dun01", "xmas_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Factory Warehouse", "Classifying Room"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 129; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 16, 133; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 25; //----------------TURTLE ISTLAND setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Turtle Island Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tur_dun01", "tur_dun02", "tur_dun03", "tur_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Outside", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 161, 148, 132, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 34, 256, 190, 192; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 26; //----------------UMBALA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Umbala Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "um_dun01", "um_dun02", "yggdrasil01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Carpenter's Shop in The Tree", "Passage to a Foreign World", "Hvergelmir's Fountain"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 48, 40; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 26, 30, 63; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 27; //----------------Cancel setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Cancel"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], 0; set @Dmenulist$[@Dj],@pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Dungeon Menu Function function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu { set @tempdungeonmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @temploopdungeonmenu,0; do { set @tempdungeonmenubin, @tempdungeonmenubin * 2; set @temploopdungeonmenu, @temploopdungeonmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @temploopdungeonmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@tempdungeonmenubin & ##QWS_D_Unlock) != @tempdungeonmenubin) { setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) { set @tempmapusers,0; set @mapusersloop,0; do { set @tempmapusers,(getmapusers(@DGat$[@Dref+@mapusersloop]) + @tempmapusers); set @mapusersloop, (@mapusersloop + 1); }while (@DLevels[@Di] > @mapusersloop); if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"] -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"]"; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } } function script QWS_DLarray { //----------------Start building Menu set @DWref,@DLocRef[@DwarpMenu]; // That's our reference to the arrays with leveldata. set @DWi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @DWj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. cleararray @DWLmenulist$[0],"",20; // Clearing the array to get rid off ghost items in menu do { if ($QW_DL == 0)||($QW_DDL >= @DDepth[@DWref]) { set @warpprice, (@pDprice[@DwarpMenu]+ (getd(@pDfee$[@DwarpMenu])*@DDepth[@DWref])); if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]; if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"] -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"]"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],@DWref; set @DWj,@DWj+1; } set @DWref, @DWref+1; set @DWi,@DWi+1; }while (@DWi < @DLevels[@DwarpMenu]); set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], "Exit"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; } //=================Backwards=Compatibility=Pre=1.8================= function script QWS_BackComp { // reference where i put the towns: "Prontera"[0], "Alberta"[1], "Aldebaran"[2], "Amatsu"[3], "Ayothaya"[4], "Comodo"[5], "Einbech"[6], "Einbroch"[7], "Geffen"[8], "Gonryun"[9], "Hugel"[10], "Izlude"[11], "Jawaii"[12], "Lighthalzen"[13], "Louyang"[14], "Lutie"[15], "Morroc"[16], "Niflheim"[17], "Payon"[18], "Umbala"[19], "Yuno"[20]; // reference where i put the dungeons: "Abyss Lake"[0], "Amatsu Dungeon"[1], "Ant Hell Dungeon"[2], "Ayotaya Dungeon"[3], "Byalan Dungeon"[4], "Clock Tower Dungeon"[5], "Coal Mine Dungeon"[6], "Culvert Dungeon"[7], "Einbech Dungeon"[8], "Gefenia Dungeon"[9], "Geffen Dungeon"[10], "Glast Heim Dungeon"[11], "Gonryun Dungeon"[12], "Hidden Dungeon"[13], "Juperos Cave"[14], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"[15], "Louyang Dungeon"[16], "Magma Dungeon"[17], "Odin Temple"[18], "Orc Dungeon"[19], "Payon Dungeon"[20], "Pyramids Dungeon"[21], "Sphinx Dungeon"[22], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"[23], "Thanatos Tower"[24], "Toy Factory Dungeon"[25], "Turtle Island Dungeon"[26], "Umbala Dungeon"[27], "Kiel Dungeon[28]; // also clears variables so that the account file variables can be used for something else variable 0 = variable delete on next save // Towns set @towntemp,0; if (#prontera != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1; if (#alberta != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2; if (#aldebaran != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4; if (#amatsu != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8; if (#ayotaya != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16; if (#comodo != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32; if (#einbech != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 64; if (#einbroch != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 128; if (#geffen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 256; if (#gonryun != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 512; if (#hugel != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1024; if (#izlude != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2048; if (#jawaii != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4096; if (#lighthalzen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8192; if (#louyang != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16384; if (#xmas != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32768; if (#morocc != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 65536; if (#niflheim != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 131072; if (#payon != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 262144; if (#umbala != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 524288; if (#yuno != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1048576; // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_T_Unlock, (##QWS_T_Unlock | @towntemp); //because multiple account servers now stack on 1 variable i used a 'or' to stack them // Dungeons set @dungeontemp,0; if (#abyss != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1; if (#ama_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2; if (#anthell != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4; if (#ayotaya_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8; if (#iz_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16; if (#c_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32; if (#mjo_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 64; if (#prt_sewb != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 128; if (#einbech_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 256; if (#gefenia != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 512; if (#gef_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1024; if (#gl_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2048; if (#gon_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4096; if (#hid_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8192; if (#juperos != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16384; if (#lighthalzen_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32768; if (#louyang_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 65536; if (#mag_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 131072; if (#odintemple != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 262144; if (#orcsdun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 524288; if (#pay_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1048576; if (#moc_pryd != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2097152; if (#in_sphinx != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4194304; if (#treasure != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8388608; if (#thanatos_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16777216; if (#xmas_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 33554432; if (#tur_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 67108864; if (#um_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 134217728; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_D_Unlock, (##QWS_D_Unlock | @dungeontemp); //mark that this character has done the upgrade to 1.8 set ##QWS_UP,18; return; } //===================Extra=Variable=Clear=Pre=1.8================== function script Extra_Variable_Clear { // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; // as the account based variables are limited just run this on every character to save some variables set QWS_ExtraVARClear,18; return; } //================Dungeon=Warpras=That=Only=Unlock================= function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { function QWS_D_getbin; function QWS_D_setbin; if ((QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_D_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Sorry I can only unlock this location."; } else debugmes "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_D_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_D_Unlock,(##QWS_D_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_D_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //==========================Town=Warpras=========================== function script QWS_Town_Warpra { function QWS_T_getbin; function QWS_T_setbin; if ((QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_T_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ callfunc "Q_Warpra",0; } else debugmes "QWS_Town_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_T_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_T_Unlock,(##QWS_T_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_T_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //============================Warpras============================== alb2trea,73,101,4 script Warpra#1 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } ama_fild01,178,325,1 script Warpra#2 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } gef_fild10,71,339,4 script Warpra#3 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } izlu2dun,104,82,4 script Warpra#4 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } mjolnir_02,85,363,4 script Warpra#5 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild04,207,331,4 script Warpra#6 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild19,106,97,4 script Warpra#7 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_ruins,64,166,4 script Warpra#8 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } niflheim,197,192,3 script Warpra#9 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } pay_arche,39,135,4 script Warpra#10 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } prt_fild05,273,215,4 script Warpra#11 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } tur_dun01,148,239,4 script Warpra#12 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } valkyrie,48,35,8 script Warpra#13 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } yuno_fild03,37,135,4 script Warpra#14 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } alberta,32,240,4 script Warpra#15 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",1,"Alberta Town"; close; } aldebaran,146,118,4 script Warpra#16 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",2,"Aldebaran Town"; close; } ayothaya,216,171,5 script Warpra#17 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",4,"Ayotaya Town"; close; } amatsu,193,81,1 script Warpra#18 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",3,"Amatsu Town"; close; } comodo,195,158,4 script Warpra#19 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",5,"Comodo Town"; close; } einbroch,229,196,5 script Warpra#20 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",7,"Einbroch Town"; close; } einbech,173,131,5 script Warpra#21 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",6,"Einbech Town"; close; } geffen,116,66,4 script Warpra#22 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",8,"Geffen Town"; close; } gonryun,152,130,4 script Warpra#23 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",9,"Gonryun Town"; close; } hugel,90,127,5 script Warpra#24 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",10,"Hugel Town"; close; } jawaii,107,182,5 script Warpra#25 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",12,"Jawaii Town"; close; } izlude,132,116,4 script Warpra#26 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",11,"Izlude Town"; close; } lighthalzen,153,100,5 script Warpra#27 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",13,"Lighthalzen Town"; close; } louyang,211,106,4 script Warpra#28 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",14,"Louyang Town"; close; } morocc,157,95,4 script Warpra#29 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",16,"Morroc Town"; close; } nif_fild01,319,77,1 script Warpra#30 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",17,"Niflheim Town"; close; } payon,183,110,4 script Warpra#31 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",18,"Payon Town"; close; } prontera,147,172,5 script Warpra#32 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",0,"Prontera Town"; close; } umbala,133,130,4 script Warpra#33 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",19,"Umbala Town"; close; } xmas,151,136,4 script Warpra#34 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",15,"Lutie Town"; close; } yuno,138,162,4 script Warpra#35 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",20,"Yuno Town"; close; } abyss_02,274,266,1 script Warpra#36 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",0,"Abyss Lake"; close; } ama_dun02,192,118,5 script Warpra Helper#1 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",1,"Amatsu Dungeon"; close; } anthell02,170,165,3 script Warpra Helper#2 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",2,"Ant Hell Dungeon"; close; } ayo_dun02,258,193,5 script Warpra Helper#3 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",3,"Ayotaya Dungeon"; close; } ein_dun02,292,282,1 script Warpra Helper#4 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",8,"Einbech Dungeon"; close; } iz_dun03,202,47,2 script Warpra Helper#5 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",4,"Byalan Dungeon"; close; } c_tower3,129,106,4 script Warpra Helper#6 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",5,"Clock Tower Dungeon"; close; } mjo_dun02,39,25,4 script Warpra Helper#7 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",6,"Coal Mine Dungeon"; close; } prt_sewb2,176,30,3 script Warpra Helper#8 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",7,"Culvert Dungeon"; close; } gefenia03,137,34,0 script Warpra Helper#9 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",9,"Gefenia Dungeon"; close; } gef_dun02,218,61,2 script Warpra Helper#10 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",10,"Gefen Dungeon"; close; } glast_01,371,308,3 script Warpra Helper#11 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",11,"Glast Heim Dungeon"; close; } gon_dun01,167,273,4 script Warpra Helper#12 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",12,"Gonryun Dungeon"; close; } juperos_02,127,154,5 script Warpra Helper#13 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",14,"Juperos Cave"; close; } kh_dun01,14,224,3 script Warpra Helper#14 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",28,"Kiel Dungeon"; close; } lhz_dun02,156,151,5 script Warpra Helper#15 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",15,"Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; close; } lou_dun02,168,264,4 script Warpra Helper#16 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",16,"Louyang Dungeon"; close; } mag_dun02,46,41,3 script Warpra Helper#17 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",17,"Magma Dungeon"; close; } odin_tem01,115,148,3 script Warpra Helper#18 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",18,"Odin Temple"; close; } orcsdun01,185,11,3 script Warpra Helper#19 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",19,"Orc Dungeon"; close; } pay_dun03,162,143,3 script Warpra Helper#20 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",20,"Payon Dungeon"; close; } moc_pryd02,101,95,3 script Warpra Helper#21 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",21,"Pyramides Dungeon"; close; } in_sphinx2,274,268,1 script Warpra Helper#22 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",22,"Sphinx Dungeon"; close; } tha_t07,111,162,3 script Warpra Helper#23 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",24,"Thanatos Tower"; close; } treasure02,104,40,3 script Warpra Helper#24 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",23,"Sunken Ship Dungeon"; close; } xmas_dun02,124,131,3 script Warpra Helper#25 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",25,"Toy Factory Dungeon"; close; } um_dun02,44,28,3 script Warpra Helper#26 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",27,"Umbala Dungeon"; close; } tur_dun02,162,23,3 script Warpra Helper#27 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",26,"Turtle Island Dungeon"; close; } prt_maze02,102,69,4 script Warpra Helper#28 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",13,"Hidden Dungeon"; close; } to this script: http://pastebin.com/8rVuZpa9 anyone help me please = really need the script
  2. hello guys i have vps linux centos i was wondering where can i host my integrated fluxcp and also some patch files? and where would be best to upload installer for player to download full installer? any help or answer will be appriciated. thanks in advance for reading.
  3. @sai try this this should fix your error^^ prontera,127,110,5 script God's Realm 757,{ mes "Do you want to take Gods Items?"; if( select("Warp:Cancel") == 1 ){ if( countitem(20206) ){ warp "poring_w02",100,194; end; } }else{ mes "Do you want to quest for the Item ?"; if( select("Okay:Cancel") == 1 ){ mes "You need those items"; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Items ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes .Items[ .@i + 1 ]+" x "+getitemname( .Items[.@i] ); if( countitem( .Items[.@i] ) < .Items[ .@i + 1 ] ) set .@close,1; } if( !.@close ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Items ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) delitem .Items[.@i],.Items[.@i + 1]; getitem 20206,1; mes "You have made 1 "+getitemname( 20206 )+" ."; } } } close; OnInit: setarray .Items[0], 7442,200, 1009,200, 1059,200, 7035,20, 968,20, 7020,20, 7018,20, 7297,20, 7289,20, 7295,20, 7048,20, 7513,10, 7450,10, 7562,10, 670,10; end; }
  4. hello can anyone please help me to edit this script. function script Q_Warpra { // Quick hack for backwards compatibility pre 1.8 if (##QWS_UP < 18) callfunc "QWS_BackComp"; // Extra clear variables because marker is saved on all char servers and variables can be on multiple servers if (QWS_ExtraVARClear < 18) callfunc "Extra_Variable_Clear"; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Hello,"; mes "I can warp you to any town or dungeon, but you need to unlock them first."; mes "To unlock them, you have to visit us."; mes "What do you need?"; if(getarg(0) == 0) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",0; if(getarg(0) == 1) callfunc "QWS_MMarray",1; set @MMenu,select(@Mmenulist$[0],@Mmenulist$[1],@Mmenulist$[2],@Mmenulist$[3],@Mmenulist$[4],@Mmenulist$[5],@Mmenulist$[6],@Mmenulist$[7],@Mmenulist$[8],@Mmenulist$[9],@Mmenulist$[10],@Mmenulist$[11]); switch(@Mmenuref[@MMenu-1]+1){ case 1: goto GM_Menu; case 2: warp $QW_SP_WarpMap$, $QW_SP_WarpX, $QW_SP_WarpY; close2; debugmes "Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra"; end; case 3: goto L_town; case 4: goto L_dungeon; case 5: goto L_FewWarps; case 6: goto L_NoUnlock; case 7: goto L_heal_Full; case 8: goto L_heal_Part; case 9: goto L_Storage; case 10: goto L_GStorage; case 11: goto L_end; default: goto L_end; } //=====================GM-Menu=Functions=========================== GM_Menu: next; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) mes "Town warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 1) mes "Town warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) mes "Dungeon warping = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 1) mes "Dungeon warping = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Dungeon-Depth-Limit if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If on Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; //----------------ShowMapUsers if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) mes "Show Map Users = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) mes "Show Map Users = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) mes "Healing full = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) mes "Healing partly = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if (($QW_HF == 0)&&($QW_HP == 0)) mes "Healing = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_Stor == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_GStor == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------KafraPoints if ($QW_KPoint == 1) mes "Kafra points collect = ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_KPoint == 0) mes "Kafra points collect = ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; //----------------GMmenu switch(select("Town Warping","Dungeon Warping","Dungeon Level Limit","Show Map Users","Healing full","Healing partly","Storage","Guild Storage","Kafra points collect","Set Prices","Special Warp","Exit")) { // Using callsub and a small check to not make 1 part of the script set it on and the other turning it off again case 1: if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_TW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_TW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 2: if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) { set $QW_DW_OFF,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_DW_OFF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 3: goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 4: if ($QW_MapUserShow == 0) { set $QW_MapUserShow,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_MapUserShow,0; goto GM_Menu; case 5: if ($QW_HF == 0) { set $QW_HF,1; set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; case 6: if ($QW_HP == 0) { set $QW_HP,1; set $QW_HF,0; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_HP,0; goto GM_Menu; case 7: if ($QW_Stor == 0) { set $QW_Stor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_Stor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 8: if ($QW_GStor == 0) { set $QW_GStor,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_GStor,0; goto GM_Menu; case 9: if ($QW_KPoint == 0) { set $QW_KPoint,1; goto GM_Menu; } else set $QW_KPoint,0; goto GM_Menu; case 10: goto Setprice; case 11: goto SpecialWarpMenu; default: close; end; } //======================GM-Menu=Pricing============================ Setprice: if ($QW_DW_FEE != 0) set $QW_DW_FEE,0; next; mes "Scroll thru the list to see all the options"; //----------------Warp-Basic-Price if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Advanced-Price if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Warp-Oversea-Price if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Basic-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Advanced-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Overseas-Dungeon-Level-Warp-Fee if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; //----------------Heal-Full if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Heal-Part if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; //----------------Storage if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; //----------------Guild-Storage if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; switch(select("Basic - Warps","Advanced - Warps","Overseas - Warps","Basic Dungeon warp fee","Advanced Dungeon warp fee","Overseas Dungeon warp fee","Full Healing","Part Healing","Storage","Guild Storage","Back","Exit")) { case 1: next; if ($QW_BW_PRICE != 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_BW_PRICE == 0) mes "Basic - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter towns and related dungeons"; input $QW_BW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 2: next; if ($QW_AW_PRICE != 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_AW_PRICE == 0) mes "Advanced - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Advanced - Warps are towns and dungeons on the same island but not close to any starter town"; input $QW_AW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 3: next; if ($QW_OW_PRICE != 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_OW_PRICE == 0) mes "Overseas - Warps are = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Overseas - Warps are towns and dungeons overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; input $QW_OW_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 4: next; if ($QW_BW_FEE != 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_BW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_BW_FEE == 0) mes "Basic Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Basic - Warps are starter town related dungeons"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_BW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 5: next; if ($QW_AW_FEE != 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_AW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_AW_FEE == 0) mes "Advanced Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Advanced - Warps are dungeons not close to any starter town"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_AW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 6: next; if ($QW_OW_FEE != 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^00FF00 "+$QW_OW_FEE+" ^000000 zeny per level"; if ($QW_OW_FEE == 0) mes "Overseas Dungeon level warp fee = ^FF0000 NO ^000000 zeny per level"; mes "Overseas - Warps are dungeons related to towns overseas reachable by boat from alberta"; mes "Dungeon warp fees are calculated by maps away from entrance of the dungeon times Dungeon warp fee"; mes "These costs are on top of the regular Warp costs"; input $QW_OW_FEE; goto Setprice; case 7: next; if ($QW_HF_PRICE != 0) mes "Full Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HF_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_HF_PRICE == 0) mes "Full Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Instant full healing 1 price"; input $QW_HF_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 8: next; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE != 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_H_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_H_PRICE == 0) mes "^FF0000HP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE != 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^00FF00 "+$QW_HP_S_PRICE+" ^000000 a point"; if ($QW_HP_S_PRICE == 0) mes "^0000FFSP ^000000Part Healing = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Healing price per 1 HP"; mes "Healing price per 1 SP"; mes "2 inputs, first HP then SP"; input $QW_HP_H_PRICE; input $QW_HP_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 9: next; if (($QW_S_PRICE != 0)&&($QW_S_PRICE != 60)) mes "Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_S_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 0) mes "Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60) mes "Storage = ^0000FF Kafra Mode ^000000"; mes "Storage cost, if set to 60 Kafra pricing will be handled"; input $QW_S_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 10: next; if ($QW_GS_PRICE != 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^00FF00 "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" ^000000"; if ($QW_GS_PRICE == 0) mes "Guild Storage = ^FF0000 Free ^000000"; mes "Guild Storage, free on Guild Kafras"; input $QW_GS_PRICE; goto Setprice; case 11: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Special=Warp=Menu========================== SpecialWarpMenu: if ($QW_SP_Warpname$ == "") set $QW_SP_Warpname$,"Special Warp"; next; mes "Scroll down to see all the information"; mes "The Special warp menu option will show in the main menu when all towns & dungeons are unlocked"; mes "And when the map for special warping has been set"; mes "menu option name set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_Warpname$+"^000000"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ == "") mes "map is currently ^FF0000not^000000 set, and Special warp menu is off"; if ($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") mes "map is currently set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpMap$+"^000000 and Special Warp menu is on"; mes "coords are set to ^0000FF"+$QW_SP_WarpX+","+$QW_SP_WarpY+"^000000"; switch(select("Set Special Warp name to show in menu", "Set WarpMap","Set Coords","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: next; mes "set the name to show in the menu as option"; input $QW_SP_Warpname$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 2: next; mes "set the map in the ^0000FFmapname^000000 format"; mes "when this warpmap is set the option for players will show once they meet the requirments"; mes "to disable Special Warp Menu option clear this !"; input $QW_SP_WarpMap$; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 3: next; mes "First input = Xcoord"; mes "Second input = Ycoord"; input $QW_SP_WarpX; input $QW_SP_WarpY; goto SpecialWarpMenu; case 4: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //======================Dungeon=Level=Limit======================== DungeonLevelLimit: next; if ($QW_DL == 1) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^00FF00 On ^000000"; if ($QW_DL == 0) mes "Dungeon Depth limit is ^FF0000 Off ^000000"; mes "If^00FF00 On ^000000Dungeon Depth limit is set to ^0000FF"+$QW_DDL+"^000000"; switch(select("Toggle Dungeon Depth Limit", "Set Dungeon Depth Limit","Go Back to GM_Menu","Exit")){ case 1: if ($QW_DL == 0) { set $QW_DL,1; goto DungeonLevelLimit; } else set $QW_DL,0; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 2: next; mes "set limit of Dungeon Depth 0 = entrance"; mes "Depth 1 is a map connected to 0 and so on"; mes "Shortest Route to map counts as depth"; input $QW_DDL; goto DungeonLevelLimit; case 3: goto GM_Menu; default: close; end; } //===========================Towns================================= L_town: callfunc "QWS_Tarray"; // Expected maximum is set to 25 items, if you add more options add more ",@Tmenulist$[xx]" set @TWMenu,select(@Tmenulist$[0],@Tmenulist$[1],@Tmenulist$[2],@Tmenulist$[3],@Tmenulist$[4],@Tmenulist$[5],@Tmenulist$[6],@Tmenulist$[7],@Tmenulist$[8],@Tmenulist$[9],@Tmenulist$[10],@Tmenulist$[11],@Tmenulist$[12],@Tmenulist$[13],@Tmenulist$[14],@Tmenulist$[15],@Tmenulist$[16],@Tmenulist$[17],@Tmenulist$[18],@Tmenulist$[19],@Tmenulist$[20],@Tmenulist$[21],@Tmenulist$[22],@Tmenulist$[23],@Tmenulist$[24]); if (@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex if(Zeny<@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,0; set Zeny, Zeny-@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]/16); warp @pTmap$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTXcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]],@pTYcoords[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]; end; //=========================Dungeons================================ L_dungeon: callfunc "QWS_Darray"; // Expected maximum is set to 35 items, if you add more options add more ",@Dmenulist$[xx]" set @DWMenu,select(@Dmenulist$[0],@Dmenulist$[1],@Dmenulist$[2],@Dmenulist$[3],@Dmenulist$[4],@Dmenulist$[5],@Dmenulist$[6],@Dmenulist$[7],@Dmenulist$[8],@Dmenulist$[9],@Dmenulist$[10],@Dmenulist$[11],@Dmenulist$[12],@Dmenulist$[13],@Dmenulist$[14],@Dmenulist$[15],@Dmenulist$[16],@Dmenulist$[17],@Dmenulist$[18],@Dmenulist$[19],@Dmenulist$[20],@Dmenulist$[21],@Dmenulist$[22],@Dmenulist$[23],@Dmenulist$[24],@Dmenulist$[25],@Dmenulist$[26],@Dmenulist$[27],@Dmenulist$[28],@Dmenulist$[29],@Dmenulist$[30],@Dmenulist$[31],@Dmenulist$[32],@Dmenulist$[33],@Dmenulist$[34]); if (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @DwarpMenu, (@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]); callfunc "QWS_DLarray"; next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Please select where you want to go"; // Expected maximum is set to 18 items, if you have dungeons with more levels add more ",@DWLmenulist$[xx]" set @DWLMenu,select(@DWLmenulist$[0], @DWLmenulist$[1], @DWLmenulist$[2], @DWLmenulist$[3], @DWLmenulist$[4], @DWLmenulist$[5], @DWLmenulist$[6], @DWLmenulist$[7], @DWLmenulist$[8], @DWLmenulist$[9], @DWLmenulist$[10], @DWLmenulist$[11], @DWLmenulist$[12], @DWLmenulist$[13], @DWLmenulist$[14], @DWLmenulist$[15], @DWLmenulist$[16], @DWLmenulist$[17]); if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex set @Darrayref, @DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]; set @warpprice, @pDprice[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+(getd(@pDfee$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]])*(@DDepth[@Darrayref])); if(Zeny<@warpprice) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,1; set Zeny, Zeny-(@warpprice); if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@warpprice/16); warp @DGat$[@Darrayref],@DXcoords[@Darrayref],@DYcoords[@Darrayref]; close2; // this part safegaurds against errors/typos set Zeny, Zeny+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]; end; //=============================Healing============================= L_heal_Full: set @healfee, $QW_HF_PRICE; if(Zeny<@healfee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,4; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@healfee/500); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and I will Heal you."; close2; percentheal 100,100; end; L_heal_Part: set @healchoice,select("Full heal","Health Points only","Skill Points only","Exit"); if (@healchoice == 1) callsub PHeal,1,1; if (@healchoice == 2) callsub PHeal,1,0; if (@healchoice == 3) callsub PHeal,0,1; goto L_end; PHeal: next; set @Hp, MaxHp-Hp; set @Sp, MaxSp-Sp; set @HpPrice, @hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; mes "[Warpra]"; if(getarg(0) == 1) mes ""+@HpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Hp+" health points"; if(getarg(1) == 1) mes ""+@SpPrice+" Zeny for "+@Sp+" skill points"; set @total, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; mes "for a total of "+@total+" zeny"; if (select("Heal me","Let me see the choices again")==2) goto L_heal_Part; if(getarg(0) == 1)set @HpPrice, (MaxHp-Hp)*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if(getarg(1) == 1)set @SpPrice, (MaxSp-Sp)*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @healfee, @HpPrice+@SpPrice; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_Short_Both; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_HP; if (getarg(1) == 1)&&(Zeny<@healfee) goto Zeny_short_SP; set Zeny, Zeny-@healfee; if (getarg(0) == 1)&&(getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 100,100; if (getarg(0) == 1) percentheal 100,0; if (getarg(1) == 1) percentheal 0,100; close; end; Zeny_Short_Both: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "choose another option, you can afford both."; mes "I can heal as much as you can afford too."; if (select("OK","Exit") == 2) goto L_end; goto PHeal; Zeny_short_HP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your HP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Hp, Zeny/$QW_HP_H_PRICE; set @HpPrice, @Hp*$QW_HP_H_PRICE; if (@Hp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Hp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@HpPrice; heal @Hp,0; close; end; Zeny_short_SP: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "do you want me to partly heal your SP ?"; if (select("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; set @Sp, Zeny/$QW_HP_S_PRICE; set @SpPrice, @Sp*$QW_HP_S_PRICE; if (@Sp == 1) mes "your not worth the effort"; if (@Sp == 1) goto L_end; set Zeny, Zeny-@SpPrice; heal 0,@Sp; close; end; //=============================Storage============================= L_Storage: next; if(basicskillcheck() > 0 && getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 6) goto L_StorageJBlow; set @fee, $QW_S_PRICE; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob == Job_Novice) set @fee, 30; if ($QW_S_PRICE == 60)&&(BaseJob != Job_Novice) set @fee, 60; if(Zeny<@fee) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,2; set Zeny, Zeny-@fee; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@fee/5); mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and i will open your storage."; callsub F_CheckKafCode; //check your storage password thru kafra coding, if set close2; openstorage; end; F_CheckKafCode: if(#kafra_code==0) return; mes "Enter your storage password:"; set @code_,0; input @code_; if(@code_ != #kafra_code) { dispbottom "Wrong storage password."; close; } set @kafcode_try,0; set @code_,0; return; L_StorageJBlow: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "I am sorry but you have to be at least Novice level 6 if you want to use the storage."; return; L_GStorage: if(@GID==0) goto L_NoGuild; if(Zeny<$QW_GS_PRICE) callsub L_Short_on_zeny,3; set Zeny, Zeny-$QW_GS_PRICE; if ($QW_KPoint == 1) set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + ($QW_GS_PRICE/5); next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Close this window and i will open the ^5533FF" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000 storage."; close2; guildopenstorage; end; L_NoGuild: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "You are not a part of a guild I can't help you."; close; end; L_end: close; end; //============================Few=Warp============================= L_FewWarps: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "You need to unlock locations before they come available to you."; mes "To unlock a location talk to my colleagues all over the world."; mes "Each account got it's own stamp card."; mes "Want me to check what stamps you have collected so far ?."; if (select("Yes","No")==1) callsub stampcard; close; end; //============================No=Unlock============================ L_NoUnlock: next; mes "[Warpra ]"; mes "I don't unlock this location, my assistant deeper in the dungeon will unlock this place."; close; end; //=========================Short=On=Zeny=========================== L_Short_on_zeny: next; if (getarg(0) == 0) mes "you don't seem to have "+@pTprice[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@pTmenuitems$[@Tmenuref[@TWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 1) mes "you don't seem to have "+@warpprice+" zeny, to pay for the warp fee to "+@DLevelName$[@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1]]+" at "+@pDmenuitems$[@Dmenuref[@DWMenu-1]]+""; if (getarg(0) == 2) mes "you don't seem to have "+@fee+" zeny, to pay for the storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 3) mes "you don't seem to have "+$QW_GS_PRICE+" zeny, to pay for the guild storage fee"; if (getarg(0) == 4) mes "you don't seem to have "+@healfee+" zeny, to pay for your healing"; close; end; //===========================Stamp=Card============================ stampcard: // Counting of the ammount of places you have unlocked next; mes "Let me check what Towns you have"; callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; mes "you collected^00FF00 "+@Tstamp+" of "+@MaxTstamp+" ^000000Towns."; if (@Tstamp == 15) mes "They say there is an island you can only get to when married"; if (@Tstamp == 15) emotion 18; next; mes "Let me check what dungeons you have"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; mes "you collected^00FF00 "+@Dstamp+" of "+@MaxDstamp+" ^000000Dungeons"; mes "To unlock a dungeon, search for my colleague."; mes "You can usually find them near the middle or end of the dungeon"; return; } function script QWS_TownStamps { set @Tstamp,0; set @MaxTstamp,21; //maximum number of towns set @binvalue,1; set @Tstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Tstamp,@Tstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Tstamploop, @Tstamploop + 1; }while (@Tstamploop < @MaxTstamp); return; } function script QWS_DungeonStamps { set @Dstamp,0; set @MaxDstamp,29; //maximum number of dungeons set @binvalue,1; set @Dstamploop,0; do { if ((@binvalue & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @binvalue) set @Dstamp,@Dstamp+1; set @binvalue, @binvalue *2; set @Dstamploop, @Dstamploop + 1; }while (@Dstamploop < @MaxDstamp); return; } //======================Main=Menu=Array============================ function script QWS_MMarray { // Currently 9 items setarray @pMmenuitems$[0], "GameMaster Menu", $QW_SP_Warpname$, "Warp to Towns", "Warp to Dungeons", "Why so few Warps ?", "Why don't you Unlock this location ?", "Heal", "Heal", "Storage", "Guild Storage", "Cancel"; set @Mi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Mj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------GameMaster-Menu if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getgmlevel()>= 80) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Special-Warp callfunc "QWS_TownStamps"; callfunc "QWS_DungeonStamps"; if (@Tstamp == @MaxTstamp)&&(@Dstamp == @MaxDstamp)&&($QW_SP_WarpMap$ != "") { set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; } set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Town-Warp if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_TW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Dungeon-Warp if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_DW_OFF == 0) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Why-So-Few-Warps set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------No-Unlock if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healfull if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HF == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Healpart if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_HP == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Storage if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_Stor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------GuildStorage if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; if ($QW_GStor == 1) set @Mj,@Mj+1; set @Mi,@Mi+1; //----------------Cancel set @Mmenulist$[@Mj],@pMmenuitems$[@Mi]; set @Mmenuref[@Mj],@Mi; return; } //======================Town=Menu=Array============================ //----------------Prontera // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; // Name of Town shown in Town select Menu // setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // // setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; // mapfilename of town // setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; // X warp coords // setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; // Y warp coords // // QWS_Make_Town_Menu XXX; // // the full wap commands send out by this script for these example would be //warp example_01 123 123 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own town warpra // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE TOWN FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 20, for Yuno function script QWS_Tarray { function QWS_Make_Town_Menu; set @Ti,0; // That's our loop counter. set @Tj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. //----------------Prontera setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Prontera"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "prontera"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 156; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 187; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 0; //----------------Alberta setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Alberta"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "alberta"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 27; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 236; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 1; //----------------Aldebaran setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Aldebaran"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "aldebaran"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 145; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 120; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 2; //----------------Amatsu: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Amatsu"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "amatsu"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 197; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 86; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 3; //----------------Ayothaya: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Ayothaya"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "ayothaya"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 57; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 4; //----------------Comodo: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Comodo"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "comodo"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 188; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 161; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 5; //----------------Einbech: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbech"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbech"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 172; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 126; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 6; //----------------Einbroch: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Einbroch"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "einbroch"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 230; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 191; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 7; //----------------Geffen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Geffen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "geffen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 119; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 66; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 8; //----------------Gonryun: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Gonryun"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "gonryun"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 150; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 9; //----------------Hugel: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Hugel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "hugel"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 95; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 121; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 10; //----------------Izlude: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Izlude"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "izlude"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 128; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 111; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 11; //----------------Jawaii: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Jawaii"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "jawaii"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 243; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 115; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 12; //----------------Lighthalzen: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lighthalzen"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "lighthalzen"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 158; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 110; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 13; //----------------Louyang: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Louyang"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "louyang"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 210; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 108; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 14; //----------------Lutie setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Lutie"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "xmas"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 148; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 131; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 15; //----------------Morroc: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Morroc"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "morocc"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 159; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 93; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 16; //----------------Niflheim: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Niflheim"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "niflheim"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 195; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 186; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 17; //----------------Payon: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Payon"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "payon"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 152; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 75; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 18; //----------------Umbala: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Umbala"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "umbala"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 130; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 130; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 19; //----------------Yuno: setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Yuno"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pTmap$[@Ti], "yuno"; setarray @pTXcoords[@Ti], 160; setarray @pTYcoords[@Ti], 168; QWS_Make_Town_Menu 20; //----------------Cancel setarray @pTmenuitems$[@Ti], "Cancel"; setarray @pTprice[@Ti], 0; set @Tmenulist$[@Tj],@pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Town Menu Function function QWS_Make_Town_Menu { set @temptownmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @templooptownmenu,0; do { set @temptownmenubin, @temptownmenubin * 2; set @templooptownmenu, @templooptownmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @templooptownmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@temptownmenubin & ##QWS_T_Unlock) != @temptownmenubin) { set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"+" -> "+@pTprice[@Ti]; if (@pTprice[@Ti] == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @Tmenulist$[@Tj], @pTmenuitems$[@Ti]+" ["+getmapusers(@pTmap$[@Ti])+"]"; set @Tmenuref[@Tj],@Ti; set @Tj,@Tj+1; set @Ti,@Ti+1; return; } } //====================Dungeon=Menu=Arrays========================== //----------------A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE // I do this to find back sections quickly altho almost the same name is a line below it now // setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Fake Dungeon"; // Name of Dungeon shown in Dungeon select Menu // setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; // warp prices (Basic ($QW_BW_PRICE), Advanced ($QW_AW_PRICE), Overseas $QW_OW_PRICE) // setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; // Identifyer for the Dungeon fee caluclation (Basic ("$QW_BW_FEE"), Advanced ("$QW_AW_FEE"), Overseas ("$QW_OW_FEE")) please use setting in relation with option above (Don't forget "") // setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; //number of levels in dungeon (very important if set to high will shift all leveldata!!) // // setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "example_01", "example_02"; // mapfilename of dungeon level // setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Example Level 1", "Example Level 2"; // level name shown in dungeon level select // setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 123, 234; // X warp coords // setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 123, 234;// Y warp coords // setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; // relative depth to entrance to calculate extra warp fee // // QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu XXX // // the full wap commands send out by this scripts for these examples would be // for Example Level 1: //warp example_01 123 123 // // for Example Level 2: //warp example_02 234 234 // // use the same XXX number as you used when making your own dungeon unlocker (Warpra Helper) inside the dungeon // (usually half way near a warp to next level) // Read below how // // example: // //syntax: //mapname,xcoord,ycoord,directionfacing script Name of NPC NPC-ID,{ // // Full example using fake map & coords // //example_01,213,213,4 script Warpra Helper 112,{ // callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",XXX,"A FAKE DUNGEON FOR EXAMPLE"; // close; // } // use a free number for XXX, last used is 28, for Kiel Dungeon function script QWS_Darray { function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu; set @Di,0; set @Dj,0; set @Dref,0; //----------------ABYSS LAKE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Abyss Lake"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "abyss_01", "abyss_02", "abyss_03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 265, 275, 116; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 273, 270, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 0; //----------------AMATSU DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Amatsu Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ama_dun01", "ama_dun02", "ama_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 227, 32, 119; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 43, 15; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 1; //----------------ANT HELL setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ant Hell Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[2], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "anthell01", "anthell02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 34; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 262, 263; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 2; //----------------AYOTAYA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Ayotaya Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[3], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ayo_dun01", "ayo_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 275, 150; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 13; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 3; //----------------BYALAN setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Byalan Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[4], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "iz_dun00", "iz_dun01", "iz_dun02", "iz_dun03", "iz_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 168, 41, 236, 32, 26; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 168, 37, 204, 63, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 4; //----------------CLOCK TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Clock Tower Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[5], 8; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "c_tower1", "c_tower2", "c_tower3", "c_tower4", "alde_dun01", "alde_dun02", "alde_dun03", "alde_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Clock Tower Level 1", "Clock Tower Level 2", "Clock Tower Level 3", "Clock Tower Level 4", "Basement 1F", "Basement 2F", "Basement 3F", "Basement 4F"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 200, 268, 64, 32, 197, 262, 276, 122; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 163, 26, 148, 63, 25, 41, 53, 125; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 5; //----------------COAL MINE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Coal Mine Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[6], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mjo_dun01", "mjo_dun02", "mjo_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 52, 381, 302; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 17, 343, 261; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 6; //----------------CULVERT setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Culvert Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[7], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_sewb1", "prt_sewb2", "prt_sewb3", "prt_sewb4"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 132, 19, 180, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 248, 19, 169, 92; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 7; //----------------EINBECH DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Einbech Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[8], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "ein_dun01", "ein_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 292; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 14, 290; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 8; //----------------GEFENIA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gefenia Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[9], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gefenia01", "gefenia02", "gefenia03", "gefenia04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 59, 201, 264, 33; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 167, 35, 236, 270; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 9; //----------------GEFFEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Geffen Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gef_dun00", "gef_dun01", "gef_dun02", "gef_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 104, 115, 106, 203; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 100, 236, 132, 200; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 10; //----------------GLAST HEIM setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Glast Heim Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 17; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "glast_01", "gl_church", "gl_chyard", "gl_in01", "gl_cas01", "gl_cas02", "gl_knt01", "gl_knt02", "gl_prison", "gl_prison1", "gl_step", "gl_sew01", "gl_sew02", "gl_sew03", "gl_sew04", "gl_dun01", "gl_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Glast Heim Entrance", "St. Abbey", "Churchyard", "Inside Glast Heim", "Castle 1", "Castle 2", "Chivalry 1", "Chivalry 2", "Prison 1", "Prison 2", "Steps", "Sewers 1", "Sewers 2", "Sewers 3", "Sewers 4", "Lowest Cave 1", "Lowest Cave 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 370, 156, 147, 121, 199, 104, 150, 157, 14, 150, 117, 258, 108, 171, 68, 133, 224; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 300, 8, 15, 59, 29, 25, 10, 287, 70, 14, 124, 255, 291, 273, 277, 271, 274; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 11; //----------------GONRYUN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Gonryun Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "gon_dun01", "gon_dun02", "gon_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 143, 17, 68; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 59, 114, 9; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 12; //----------------HIDDEN DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Hidden Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "prt_maze01", "prt_maze02", "prt_maze03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 176, 94, 23; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 6, 19, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 13; //----------------JUPEROS CAVE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Juperos Cave"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "juperos_01", "juperos_02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 53, 36; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 247, 60; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 14; //----------------KIEL DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Kiel Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "kh_dun01", "kh_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "1st Floor", "2nd Floor"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 63, 42; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 10, 197; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 28; //----------------LIGHTHALZEN BIO LAB setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lhz_dun01", "lhz_dun02", "lhz_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 140; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 287, 18, 137; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 15; //----------------LOUYANG DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Louyang Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "lou_dun02", "lou_dun03"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Royal Tomb Level 1", "Royal Tomb Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 282, 165; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 20, 38; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 16; //----------------MAGMA DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Magma Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "mag_dun01", "mag_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 126, 47; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 69, 32; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 17; //----------------ODIN TEMPLE setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Odin Temple"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 1; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "odin_tem01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 96; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 145; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 18; //----------------ORC DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Orc Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "orcsdun01", "orcsdun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 32, 21; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 169, 185; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 19; //----------------PAYON DUNGEON setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Payon Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "pay_dun00", "pay_dun01", "pay_dun02", "pay_dun03", "pay_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 22, 19, 19, 155, 201; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 180, 33, 63, 159, 204; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 20; //----------------PYRAMIDS setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Pyramids Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 6; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "moc_pryd01", "moc_pryd02", "moc_pryd03", "moc_pryd04", "moc_pryd05", "moc_pryd06"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Basement 1", "Basement 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 10, 100, 181, 94, 192; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 192, 92, 11, 96, 8; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 21; //----------------SPHINX setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sphinx Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 5; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "in_sphinx1", "in_sphinx2", "in_sphinx3", "in_sphinx4", "in_sphinx5"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 192, 149, 210, 10, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 9, 81, 54, 222, 99; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 22; //----------------SUNKEN SHIP setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_BW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_BW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "treasure01", "treasure02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 69, 102; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 24, 27; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 23; //----------------THANATOS TOWER setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Thanatos Tower"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 13; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tha_t01", "tha_t02", "tha_t03", "tha_t04", "tha_t05", "tha_t06", "tha_t07", "tha_t08", "tha_t09", "tha_t10", "tha_t11", "tha_t12", "thana_boss"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5", "Level 6", "Level 7", "Level 8", "Level 9", "Level 10", "Level 11", "Level 12", "Thanatos Boss"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 150, 150, 220, 59, 62, 206, 35, 105, 88, 168, 90, 129, 85; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 35, 136, 158, 143, 11, 8, 166, 44, 145, 138, 36, 83, 76; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 24; //----------------TOY FACTORY setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Toy Factory Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 2; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "xmas_dun01", "xmas_dun02"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Factory Warehouse", "Classifying Room"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 129; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 16, 133; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 25; //----------------TURTLE ISTLAND setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Turtle Island Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_AW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_AW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 4; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "tur_dun01", "tur_dun02", "tur_dun03", "tur_dun04"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Outside", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 161, 148, 132, 100; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 34, 256, 190, 192; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 26; //----------------UMBALA setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Umbala Dungeon"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], $QW_OW_PRICE; setarray @pDfee$[@Di], "$QW_OW_FEE"; setarray @DLevels[@Di], 3; setarray @DGat$[@Dref], "um_dun01", "um_dun02", "yggdrasil01"; setarray @DLevelName$[@Dref], "Carpenter's Shop in The Tree", "Passage to a Foreign World", "Hvergelmir's Fountain"; setarray @DXcoords[@Dref], 205, 48, 40; setarray @DYcoords[@Dref], 26, 30, 63; setarray @DDepth[@Dref], 0, 1, 2; QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu 27; //----------------Cancel setarray @pDmenuitems$[@Di], "Cancel"; setarray @pDprice[@Di], 0; set @Dmenulist$[@Dj],@pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; //----------------Make Dungeon Menu Function function QWS_Make_Dungeon_Menu { set @tempdungeonmenubin,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto menu_item; set @temploopdungeonmenu,0; do { set @tempdungeonmenubin, @tempdungeonmenubin * 2; set @temploopdungeonmenu, @temploopdungeonmenu + 1; }while (getarg(0) > @temploopdungeonmenu); // check marker and make menu item menu_item: if ((@tempdungeonmenubin & ##QWS_D_Unlock) != @tempdungeonmenubin) { setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if ($QW_MapUserShow == 1) { set @tempmapusers,0; set @mapusersloop,0; do { set @tempmapusers,(getmapusers(@DGat$[@Dref+@mapusersloop]) + @tempmapusers); set @mapusersloop, (@mapusersloop + 1); }while (@DLevels[@Di] > @mapusersloop); if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"] -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" ["+@tempmapusers+"]"; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } if (@pDprice[@Di] != 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]+" -> "+@pDprice[@Di]; if (@pDprice[@Di] == 0) set @Dmenulist$[@Dj], @pDmenuitems$[@Di]; set @Dmenuref[@Dj],@Di; set @Dj,@Dj+1; setarray @DLocRef[@Di], @Dref; set @Dref, @Dref+@DLevels[@Di]; set @Di,@Di+1; return; } } function script QWS_DLarray { //----------------Start building Menu set @DWref,@DLocRef[@DwarpMenu]; // That's our reference to the arrays with leveldata. set @DWi,0; // That's our loop counter. set @DWj,0; // That's the menu lines counter. cleararray @DWLmenulist$[0],"",20; // Clearing the array to get rid off ghost items in menu do { if ($QW_DL == 0)||($QW_DDL >= @DDepth[@DWref]) { set @warpprice, (@pDprice[@DwarpMenu]+ (getd(@pDfee$[@DwarpMenu])*@DDepth[@DWref])); if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 0) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]; if (@warpprice != 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"] -> "+@warpprice; if (@warpprice == 0)&&($QW_MapUserShow == 1) set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], @DLevelName$[@DWref]+" ["+getmapusers(@DGat$[@DWref])+"]"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],@DWref; set @DWj,@DWj+1; } set @DWref, @DWref+1; set @DWi,@DWi+1; }while (@DWi < @DLevels[@DwarpMenu]); set @DWLmenulist$[@DWj], "Exit"; set @DWLmenuref[@DWj],57005; // 57005='dead' in hex return; } //=================Backwards=Compatibility=Pre=1.8================= function script QWS_BackComp { // reference where i put the towns: "Prontera"[0], "Alberta"[1], "Aldebaran"[2], "Amatsu"[3], "Ayothaya"[4], "Comodo"[5], "Einbech"[6], "Einbroch"[7], "Geffen"[8], "Gonryun"[9], "Hugel"[10], "Izlude"[11], "Jawaii"[12], "Lighthalzen"[13], "Louyang"[14], "Lutie"[15], "Morroc"[16], "Niflheim"[17], "Payon"[18], "Umbala"[19], "Yuno"[20]; // reference where i put the dungeons: "Abyss Lake"[0], "Amatsu Dungeon"[1], "Ant Hell Dungeon"[2], "Ayotaya Dungeon"[3], "Byalan Dungeon"[4], "Clock Tower Dungeon"[5], "Coal Mine Dungeon"[6], "Culvert Dungeon"[7], "Einbech Dungeon"[8], "Gefenia Dungeon"[9], "Geffen Dungeon"[10], "Glast Heim Dungeon"[11], "Gonryun Dungeon"[12], "Hidden Dungeon"[13], "Juperos Cave"[14], "Lighthalzen Bio Lab"[15], "Louyang Dungeon"[16], "Magma Dungeon"[17], "Odin Temple"[18], "Orc Dungeon"[19], "Payon Dungeon"[20], "Pyramids Dungeon"[21], "Sphinx Dungeon"[22], "Sunken Ship Dungeon"[23], "Thanatos Tower"[24], "Toy Factory Dungeon"[25], "Turtle Island Dungeon"[26], "Umbala Dungeon"[27], "Kiel Dungeon[28]; // also clears variables so that the account file variables can be used for something else variable 0 = variable delete on next save // Towns set @towntemp,0; if (#prontera != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1; if (#alberta != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2; if (#aldebaran != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4; if (#amatsu != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8; if (#ayotaya != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16; if (#comodo != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32; if (#einbech != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 64; if (#einbroch != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 128; if (#geffen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 256; if (#gonryun != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 512; if (#hugel != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1024; if (#izlude != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 2048; if (#jawaii != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 4096; if (#lighthalzen != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 8192; if (#louyang != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 16384; if (#xmas != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 32768; if (#morocc != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 65536; if (#niflheim != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 131072; if (#payon != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 262144; if (#umbala != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 524288; if (#yuno != 0) set @towntemp,@towntemp + 1048576; // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_T_Unlock, (##QWS_T_Unlock | @towntemp); //because multiple account servers now stack on 1 variable i used a 'or' to stack them // Dungeons set @dungeontemp,0; if (#abyss != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1; if (#ama_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2; if (#anthell != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4; if (#ayotaya_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8; if (#iz_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16; if (#c_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32; if (#mjo_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 64; if (#prt_sewb != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 128; if (#einbech_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 256; if (#gefenia != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 512; if (#gef_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1024; if (#gl_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2048; if (#gon_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4096; if (#hid_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8192; if (#juperos != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16384; if (#lighthalzen_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 32768; if (#louyang_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 65536; if (#mag_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 131072; if (#odintemple != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 262144; if (#orcsdun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 524288; if (#pay_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 1048576; if (#moc_pryd != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 2097152; if (#in_sphinx != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 4194304; if (#treasure != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 8388608; if (#thanatos_tower != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 16777216; if (#xmas_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 33554432; if (#tur_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 67108864; if (#um_dun != 0) set @dungeontemp,@dungeontemp + 134217728; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; // set Town warp unlock variable set ##QWS_D_Unlock, (##QWS_D_Unlock | @dungeontemp); //mark that this character has done the upgrade to 1.8 set ##QWS_UP,18; return; } //===================Extra=Variable=Clear=Pre=1.8================== function script Extra_Variable_Clear { // Clear Town variables set #prontera,0; set #alberta,0; set #aldebaran,0; set #amatsu,0; set #ayotaya,0; set #comodo,0; set #einbech,0; set #einbroch,0; set #geffen,0; set #gonryun,0; set #hugel,0; set #izlude,0; set #jawaii,0; set #lighthalzen,0; set #louyang,0; set #xmas,0; set #morocc,0; set #niflheim,0; set #payon,0; set #umbala,0; set #yuno,0; // Clear Dungeon variables set #abyss,0; set #ama_dun,0; set #anthell,0; set #ayotaya_dun,0; set #iz_dun,0; set #c_tower,0; set #mjo_dun,0; set #prt_sewb,0; set #einbech_dun,0; set #gefenia,0; set #gef_dun,0; set #gl_dun,0; set #gon_dun,0; set #hid_dun,0; set #juperos,0; set #lighthalzen_dun,0; set #louyang_dun,0; set #mag_dun,0; set #odintemple,0; set #orcsdun,0; set #pay_dun,0; set #moc_pryd,0; set #in_sphinx,0; set #treasure,0; set #thanatos_tower,0; set #xmas_dun,0; set #tur_dun,0; set #um_dun,0; // as the account based variables are limited just run this on every character to save some variables set QWS_ExtraVARClear,18; return; } //================Dungeon=Warpras=That=Only=Unlock================= function script QWS_Dungeon_Warpra { function QWS_D_getbin; function QWS_D_setbin; if ((QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_D_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_D_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Sorry I can only unlock this location."; } else debugmes "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_D_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_D_Unlock,(##QWS_D_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_D_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_D_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //==========================Town=Warpras=========================== function script QWS_Town_Warpra { function QWS_T_getbin; function QWS_T_setbin; if ((QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 0) && (getarg(1) != "")) { mes "[Warpra]"; mes getarg(1)+" unlocked!"; QWS_T_setbin(getarg(0)); return; } else if (QWS_T_getbin(getarg(0)) == 1){ callfunc "Q_Warpra",0; } else debugmes "QWS_Town_Warpra error, improper syntax ?"; return; function QWS_T_setbin { set @tempsetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binset; set @temploopsetbin,0; do { set @tempsetbindata, @tempsetbindata * 2; set @temploopsetbin, @temploopsetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopsetbin); binset: set ##QWS_T_Unlock,(##QWS_T_Unlock | @tempsetbindata); return; } function QWS_T_getbin { set @tempgetbindata,1; if (getarg(0) == 0) goto binget; set @temploopgetbin,0; do { set @tempgetbindata, @tempgetbindata * 2; set @temploopgetbin, @temploopgetbin + 1; } while (getarg(0) > @temploopgetbin); binget: if ((@tempgetbindata & ##QWS_T_Unlock) == @tempgetbindata) return 1; return 0; } } //============================Warpras============================== alb2trea,73,101,4 script Warpra#1 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } ama_fild01,178,325,1 script Warpra#2 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } gef_fild10,71,339,4 script Warpra#3 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } izlu2dun,104,82,4 script Warpra#4 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } mjolnir_02,85,363,4 script Warpra#5 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild04,207,331,4 script Warpra#6 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_fild19,106,97,4 script Warpra#7 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } moc_ruins,64,166,4 script Warpra#8 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } niflheim,197,192,3 script Warpra#9 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } pay_arche,39,135,4 script Warpra#10 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } prt_fild05,273,215,4 script Warpra#11 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } tur_dun01,148,239,4 script Warpra#12 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } valkyrie,48,35,8 script Warpra#13 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } yuno_fild03,37,135,4 script Warpra#14 113,{ callfunc "Q_Warpra",1; } alberta,32,240,4 script Warpra#15 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",1,"Alberta Town"; close; } aldebaran,146,118,4 script Warpra#16 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",2,"Aldebaran Town"; close; } ayothaya,216,171,5 script Warpra#17 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",4,"Ayotaya Town"; close; } amatsu,193,81,1 script Warpra#18 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",3,"Amatsu Town"; close; } comodo,195,158,4 script Warpra#19 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",5,"Comodo Town"; close; } einbroch,229,196,5 script Warpra#20 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",7,"Einbroch Town"; close; } einbech,173,131,5 script Warpra#21 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",6,"Einbech Town"; close; } geffen,116,66,4 script Warpra#22 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",8,"Geffen Town"; close; } gonryun,152,130,4 script Warpra#23 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",9,"Gonryun Town"; close; } hugel,90,127,5 script Warpra#24 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",10,"Hugel Town"; close; } jawaii,107,182,5 script Warpra#25 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",12,"Jawaii Town"; close; } izlude,132,116,4 script Warpra#26 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",11,"Izlude Town"; close; } lighthalzen,153,100,5 script Warpra#27 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",13,"Lighthalzen Town"; close; } louyang,211,106,4 script Warpra#28 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",14,"Louyang Town"; close; } morocc,157,95,4 script Warpra#29 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",16,"Morroc Town"; close; } nif_fild01,319,77,1 script Warpra#30 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",17,"Niflheim Town"; close; } payon,183,110,4 script Warpra#31 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",18,"Payon Town"; close; } prontera,147,172,5 script Warpra#32 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",0,"Prontera Town"; close; } umbala,133,130,4 script Warpra#33 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",19,"Umbala Town"; close; } xmas,151,136,4 script Warpra#34 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",15,"Lutie Town"; close; } yuno,138,162,4 script Warpra#35 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Town_Warpra",20,"Yuno Town"; close; } abyss_02,274,266,1 script Warpra#36 113,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",0,"Abyss Lake"; close; } ama_dun02,192,118,5 script Warpra Helper#1 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",1,"Amatsu Dungeon"; close; } anthell02,170,165,3 script Warpra Helper#2 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",2,"Ant Hell Dungeon"; close; } ayo_dun02,258,193,5 script Warpra Helper#3 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",3,"Ayotaya Dungeon"; close; } ein_dun02,292,282,1 script Warpra Helper#4 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",8,"Einbech Dungeon"; close; } iz_dun03,202,47,2 script Warpra Helper#5 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",4,"Byalan Dungeon"; close; } c_tower3,129,106,4 script Warpra Helper#6 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",5,"Clock Tower Dungeon"; close; } mjo_dun02,39,25,4 script Warpra Helper#7 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",6,"Coal Mine Dungeon"; close; } prt_sewb2,176,30,3 script Warpra Helper#8 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",7,"Culvert Dungeon"; close; } gefenia03,137,34,0 script Warpra Helper#9 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",9,"Gefenia Dungeon"; close; } gef_dun02,218,61,2 script Warpra Helper#10 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",10,"Gefen Dungeon"; close; } glast_01,371,308,3 script Warpra Helper#11 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",11,"Glast Heim Dungeon"; close; } gon_dun01,167,273,4 script Warpra Helper#12 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",12,"Gonryun Dungeon"; close; } juperos_02,127,154,5 script Warpra Helper#13 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",14,"Juperos Cave"; close; } kh_dun01,14,224,3 script Warpra Helper#14 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",28,"Kiel Dungeon"; close; } lhz_dun02,156,151,5 script Warpra Helper#15 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",15,"Lighthalzen Bio Lab"; close; } lou_dun02,168,264,4 script Warpra Helper#16 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",16,"Louyang Dungeon"; close; } mag_dun02,46,41,3 script Warpra Helper#17 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",17,"Magma Dungeon"; close; } odin_tem01,115,148,3 script Warpra Helper#18 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",18,"Odin Temple"; close; } orcsdun01,185,11,3 script Warpra Helper#19 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",19,"Orc Dungeon"; close; } pay_dun03,162,143,3 script Warpra Helper#20 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",20,"Payon Dungeon"; close; } moc_pryd02,101,95,3 script Warpra Helper#21 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",21,"Pyramides Dungeon"; close; } in_sphinx2,274,268,1 script Warpra Helper#22 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",22,"Sphinx Dungeon"; close; } tha_t07,111,162,3 script Warpra Helper#23 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",24,"Thanatos Tower"; close; } treasure02,104,40,3 script Warpra Helper#24 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",23,"Sunken Ship Dungeon"; close; } xmas_dun02,124,131,3 script Warpra Helper#25 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",25,"Toy Factory Dungeon"; close; } um_dun02,44,28,3 script Warpra Helper#26 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",27,"Umbala Dungeon"; close; } tur_dun02,162,23,3 script Warpra Helper#27 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",26,"Turtle Island Dungeon"; close; } prt_maze02,102,69,4 script Warpra Helper#28 112,{ callfunc "QWS_Dungeon_Warpra",13,"Hidden Dungeon"; close; } i like how this npc works... but can anyone help me edit it to show all the map in this script instead of going 1 by 1 to unlock them to be able to see without knowing where to unlock... once they can see all the map that this script can provide and if they haven't unlocked there will be word for example like this: izlude---> not unlocked in red colour so that the player know that izlude can be unlock and they will find the npc in izlude to register on the npc to unlocked the map. if possible i would like function to auto calculate the price to be more expensive example if from prontera to go to bio lab price will be 20k? and if from lighthalzen to bio lab it will be much cheaper?... if it's not possible is okay. sorry for my bad english, hope some one understand and help me with this.. looking forward for anyone reply/help thanks in advance for reading
  5. thank you so much Aerie for the maps....
  6. sorry didn't know i post twice so sorry....
  7. yup i've tried, they just wont show any other hair after 27 all the way to 127..
  8. hello rathena, Sorry if this is the wrong place....... can anyone share me their old morroc with the mini map with it please? really needed them badly.... looking forwards to anyone reply. thanks in advance
  9. the maximum hair i have using my client is only 27 and yes i enable more at the src and compile it but it does not work. the client just wont show the other hair after 27.
  10. Hello, Can anyone share me the diff to enalble 127 hairstyle please?.... really need them badly.. thanks in advance for those who's willing to help and share...
  11. hmmm kaykun how do we hex our own client any guide? i see in some other RO they already using the cash shop button that's beside the mini map anyway / any guide to hex our own client? i don't mind if the guides is complicated.... really wish to know how to do it hehe.... thanks in advance
  12. Yes i took it from there. But I cant seems to design it, my whole index.php turns to only shows the news and update. All my design inside is being overtake. Anyone know how to add design to the index pages after adding the news update adds on? solved.
  13. Aerie how do you change third job aura? for the 99/70 jobs i know how to do it but for the third jobs i don't know where they are.. Any guide? looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance
  14. i guess almost all of the 2011 client will cause that to happen.... maybe you should got for client 2010? or try finding out how to hex the client so it wont close but back to login screen if password is wrong.
  15. hmmm the script for the novending is error or only me O.o anyone mind uploading the working one. Thanks in advance
  16. yup i have same problem as ngek 202 >.< problem when setting list of maps Announce doesn't work. problems solved thanks^^
  17. Hi can anyone tell me or post a link for news&updates adds on for fluxcp? The one i am using currently is not working. =(
  18. hello guys, Will anyone kind enough to share me a complete data folder and lua/lub files for my client 2011-12-20b? need them badly. Looking forward to anyone reply Thanks in advance.
  19. thank you to all people in rathena for helping a noob like me too^^ peace.
  20. i am not using rathena i just mix all code around >.< from 3ceam and rathena and so on but i just don't know what causes this... any help will be much appriciated. thanks in advance
  21. Hello there as the title above say Please help me i have this trouble that everytime i use steelbody the visual effect remain even after the duration gone. shut server off and on back still the same problem. any idea on how to fix this problems? thanks in advance
  22. hello rathena, Can anyone help me with anti shake and no auto exit when want to go login screen for my client 2011-12-20b? every time i input wrong password it will auto close the client. looking forward to anyone reply thanks in advance Previous Existed Topic :
  23. Thanks for the link! Is in Div. =) Hi thanks for the post, but can you guide me on changing the div fluxcp to be put in --> free fluxcp http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2268-free-flux-cp-integration/ or to the lastest fluxcp?
  24. Hi, the free theme that i have is not in Div. Do you have any recommendation? Thanks.
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