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Everything posted by madtoyz

  1. any solution to give the player after play that game,will autosave back to prontera,155,168 ? whats the matter ?
  2. sory i dont understand the details about, so i need do like this?. getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y); if(.@m$!="prontera") then after the event end,player will @save at prontera back right ?. because now all players save at KOTH map.
  3. iam i correct ?..so after this,when the event is end,player will back save at normal place right ? //Made Goddameit //Web http://goo.gl/q9sej //Vsersion 2012/01/08 - 01:50 AM prontera,147,172,4 script KOTH#RRnpc 100,{ if(.pid[1]||!getcharid(1))end; set .pid[.pid[0]?1:0],getcharid(1); if(.pid[1]) warpparty "koth01",23,7,getcharid(1); else warpparty "koth01",23,88,getcharid(1); if(.pid[1]) { stopnpctimer; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "koth01","[KOTH]:Game Start!!",0; initnpctimer "KOTH_CheckArea"; initnpctimer "#Kothwaitroom"; initnpctimer "KOTH#AreaT"; }else initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1: announce "[KOTH]: Party ["+getpartyname(.pid[0])+"] start the koth!!",0; end; OnTimer30000: donpcevent "KOTH#RRnpc::OnEndd"; end; OnPCDieEvent: //Add below getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y); if(.@m$!="koth01") end; if(!getcharid(1)) end; //Add above if(getcharid(1)==.pid[1]) { warp "koth01",23,7; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,7,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else if(getcharid(1)==.pid[0]) { warp "koth01",23,88; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,88,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else end; sleep2 7000; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@z) unitkill @z; end; OnInit: setwall "koth01",47,29,2,4,0,"kothwall11"; setwall "koth01",47,71,2,4,0,"kothwall22"; OnEndd: stopnpctimer; stopnpctimer "KOTH_CheckArea"; stopnpctimer "#Kothwaitroom"; stopnpctimer "KOTH#AreaT"; setarray .pid[0],0,0; set getvariableofnpc(.defhp,"KOTH#AreaT"),25; set getvariableofnpc(.defghp,"KOTH#AreaT"),180; set getvariableofnpc(.hp,"KOTH#AreaT"),getvariableofnpc(.defhp,"KOTH#AreaT"); set getvariableofnpc(.rhp,"KOTH#AreaT"),getvariableofnpc(.defghp,"KOTH#AreaT"); set getvariableofnpc(.bhp,"KOTH#AreaT"),getvariableofnpc(.defghp,"KOTH#AreaT"); set getvariableofnpc(.loca,"KOTH#AreaT"),0; set getvariableofnpc(.area,"KOTH#AreaT"),0; set getvariableofnpc(.spee,"KOTH#AreaT"),0; mapwarp "koth01","prontera",150,180; end; } - script KOTH_CheckArea -1,{ function InArea { getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,0,getarg(0)); if(.@m$=="koth01"&&.@x>=46&&.@x<=53&&.@y>=46&&.@y<=53) return 1; else return 0; } OnTimer1: setarray .@bo,0,0; for(set .@i,0;.@i<=1;set .@i,.@i+1) { deletearray $@partymemberaid[0],128; getpartymember getvariableofnpc(.pid[.@i],"KOTH#RRnpc"),2; copyarray .@paid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],set(.@pnum,$@partymembercount); for(set .@j,0;.@j<.@pnum;set .@j,.@j+1) if(isloggedin(.@paid[.@j])) if(InArea(rid2name(.@paid[.@j]))) set .@bo[.@i],.@bo[.@i]+1; } if(!.@bo[0]&&!.@bo[1]) { set getvariableofnpc(.area,"KOTH#AreaT"),0; set getvariableofnpc(.spee,"KOTH#AreaT"),0; } else if(!.@bo[0]&&.@bo[1])||(.@bo[0]&&!.@bo[1]) { set getvariableofnpc(.area,"KOTH#AreaT"),.@bo[0]?1:2; //½Ö¥¿¦b¦û»â set getvariableofnpc(.spee,"KOTH#AreaT"),.@bo[0]?.@bo[0]:.@bo[1]; //¦û»â³t«× }else set getvariableofnpc(.area,"KOTH#AreaT"),3; initnpctimer; end; } koth01,50,50,4 script #Kothwaitroom 1083,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom " ",0; end; OnTimer500: delwaitingroom; waitingroom "["+getvariableofnpc(.hp,"KOTH#AreaT")+"][b"+getvariableofnpc(.bhp,"KOTH#AreaT")+"][R"+getvariableofnpc(.rhp,"KOTH#AreaT")+"]",0; initnpctimer; end; } - script KOTH#AreaT -1,{ OnFlagD: if(getarg(0)==2) set .bhp,(.bhp<=0?0:.bhp-1); else if(getarg(0)==3) set .rhp,(.rhp<=0?0:.rhp-1); else return; return; OnTimer1000: if(!.loca&&!.area) { if(.hp<.defhp) set .hp,.hp+1; set .area,0; set .spee,0; initnpctimer; end; }else if(.loca&&(.loca==.area||!.area)) { if(.hp<.defhp) set .hp,.hp+(.spee?.spee:1); }else if(.area&&.spee&&.area!=3&&.area!=.loca) { set .hp,.hp-.spee; if(.hp<=0) { set .loca,.area; set .hp,.defhp; set .rhp,(.rhp?.rhp:1); set .bhp,(.bhp?.bhp:1); } }else { sleep 1; } callsub OnFlagD,.loca+1; if(.rhp<=0||.bhp<=0)&&(.area==.loca||.area==0)&&(.hp==.defhp) { sleep 1000; announce "["+(.rhp?"Blue":"Red")+".Team Win!!]",0; donpcevent "KOTH#RRnpc::OnEndd"; end; } initnpctimer; end; } koth01,44,26,4 script #koth01_warp_1-1 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",53,28; end; } koth01,34,72,4 script #koth01_warp_1-2 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",27,65; end; } koth01,44,80,4 script #koth01_warp_1-3 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",72,65; end; } koth01,44,73,4 script #koth01_warp_2-1 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",53,71; end; } koth01,34,26,4 script #koth01_warp_2-2 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",27,34; end; } koth01,44,17,4 script #koth01_warp_2-3 45,2,2,{ warp "koth01",72,34; end; } koth01,23,7,4 script NPC#koth01 100,{ if(select("Heal","Storage")==1) percentheal 100,100; else openstorage; close; } koth01,23,88,4 duplicate(NPC#koth01) NPC#koth02 100 koth01 mapflag pvp //The Exit to Prontera koth01,49,48,5 script Exit#2 902,{ warp "prontera" ,155,181; OnInit: waitingroom "Prontera",0,0; end; } and can explain this function ? getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y); if(.@m$!="koth01")
  4. change the original this ? OnPCDieEvent: if(getcharid(1)==.pid[1]) { warp "koth01",23,7; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,7,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else if(getcharid(1)==.pid[0]) { warp "koth01",23,88; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,88,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else end; into this one ? OnPCDieEvent: //Add below getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y); if(.@m$!="koth01") end; if(!getcharid(1)) end; //Add above if(getcharid(1)==.pid[1])
  5. oh, I didn't notice it OnPCDieEvent: //Add below getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y); if(.@m$!="koth01") end; if(!getcharid(1)) end; //Add above if(getcharid(1)==.pid[1]) above is what for goddameit ?. coz original script is like this, OnPCDieEvent: if(getcharid(1)==.pid[1]) { warp "koth01",23,7; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,7,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else if(getcharid(1)==.pid[0]) { warp "koth01",23,88; sleep2 1000; unitskilluseid set(@z,bg_monster(0,"koth01",23,88,"",1002,"")),54,1,getcharid(3); }else end;
  6. why after died player will spawn back in the koth01 map although the game is over ?.
  7. the copy paste name will take time below 1hour if you are hard working man
  8. Make your custom wing just like official items robe archangel wings and fallen angel wings. What you need is : 1. data exture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º collection (image in description) item (image in inventory and equipment) 2. data\sprite ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ (drop items) ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® (image appear on the character) 3. inside data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® ¿© (female) ³² (male) 4. data\sprite\·Îºê (robe) bloodwings (this is my folder names for custom wing) you can change it,later we talk about it. 5. inside data\sprite\·Îºê\bloodwings ¿© (female) ³² (male) 6. data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo spriterobeid.lub or spriterobeid.lua spriterobename.lub or spriterobename.lua (read folder at data\sprite\·Îºê (robe) ) 7. data\cskroption.lub MORE DETAILS GUIDEs : 1. You can copy all names job from data\sprite\·Îºê\õ»ç³¯°³ (this is folder Fallen Angel Wings). NOTICE : male have 110 of act,110 of spr and female have 120 of act,120 of spr format from ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® folder. Can check picture at above on inside data\sprite\·Îºê\bloodwings. ?male ´ÑÀÚ_³² ¸¶¹ý»ç_³² ¸ùÅ©_³² ¸ùÅ©¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² ¿©¸§_³² ¿©¿ì¸¶¹ý»ç_³² ¿©¿ì¿ö·Ï_³² ¿©¿ì¼¼ÀÌÁö_³² ¿©¿ì¼Ò¼­·¯_³² ¿©¿ìÀ§Àúµå_³² ¿©¿ìÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­_³² ¿©¿ìÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå_³² ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç_³² ¿ö·Ï_³² ±¸ÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_³² ±×¸®Æù°¡µå_³² ±â»ç_³² ±Ã¼ö_³² ±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_³² ±Ç¼º_³² ±Ç¼ºÀ¶ÇÕ_³² ±Ç¼ºÆ÷¸µ_³² »çÀÚ±â»ç_³² »çÀڷ鳪ÀÌÆ®_³² »çÀڷε峪ÀÌÆ®_³² »çÀڷξⰡµå_³² »çÀÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_³² »çÀÚÆȶóµò_³² »êŸ_³² »óÀÎ_³² »óÀθäµÅÁö_³² °¡µå_³² °áÈ¥_³² °Ç³Ê_³² °Ë»ç_³² µµµÏ_³² µÎ²¨ºñ´ÑÀÚ_³² µÎ²¨ºñ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿_³² ·¹ÀÎÁ®_³² ·¹ÀÎÁ®´Á´ë_³² ·é³ªÀÌÆ®_³² ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì_³² ·Î±×_³² ·Îµå³ªÀÌÆ®_³² ·ÎµåÆäÄÚ_³² ¼¼ÀÌÁö_³² ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿_³² ¼Ò¼­·¯_³² ¼ºÁ÷ÀÚ_³² ½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­_³² ½´¶ó_³² ½´¶ó¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½º_³² ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ_³² ½ÅÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_³² ½º³ªÀÌÆÛ_³² ½ºÅäÄ¿_³² ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó_³² ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² ¾î¼¼½Å_³² ¾î½Ø½ÅÅ©·Î½º_³² ¹Î½ºÆ®·²_³² ¹ÌÄÉ´Ð_³² ¹ÌÄɴиäµÅÁö_³² ¹Ùµå_³² ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ_³² Á¦³×¸¯_³² Á¦Ã¶°ø_³² Á¦Ã¶°ø¸äµÅÁö_³² èÇÇ¿Â_³² èÇǿ¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² ŸÁ¶±Ã¼ö_³² ŸÁ¶·¹ÀÎÁ®_³² ŸÁ¶½º³ªÀÌÆÛ_³² ŸÁ¶¹Î½ºÆ®·²_³² ŸÁ¶¹Ùµå_³² ŸÁ¶Å©¶ó¿î_³² ŸÁ¶ÇåÅÍ_³² À§Àúµå_³² Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ_³² Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅ͸äµÅÁö_³² Å©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_³² Ŭ¶ó¿î_³² űǼҳâ_³² űǼҳâÆ÷¸µ_³² ÆäÄڰdzÊ_³² ÆäÄÚ°Ë»ç_³² ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç_³² ÆäÄÚÆȶóµò_³² Æȶóµò_³² Ãʺ¸ÀÚ_³² Ä̺£·Î½º±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_³² Ä̺£·Î½ºµµµÏ_³² Ä̺£·Î½º·Î±×_³² Ä̺£·Î½º½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­_³² Ä̺£·Î½º½ºÅäÄ¿_³² Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½Å_³² Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½ÅÅ©·Î½º_³² ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®_³² ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² ÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­_³² ÇåÅÍ_³² ÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå_³² ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸®_³² ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º_³² È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º¸äµÅÁö_³² frog_kagerou_³² kagerou_³² º¹»ç¾ËÆÄÄ«_³² female ´ÑÀÚ_¿© ¸¶µµ±â¾î_¿© ¸¶¹ý»ç_¿© ¸ùÅ©_¿© ¸ùÅ©¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© ¿©¸§_¿© ¿©¿ì¸¶¹ý»ç_¿© ¿©¿ì¿ö·Ï_¿© ¿©¿ì¼¼ÀÌÁö_¿© ¿©¿ì¼Ò¼­·¯_¿© ¿©¿ìÀ§Àúµå_¿© ¿©¿ìÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­_¿© ¿©¿ìÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå_¿© ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç_¿© ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç¸äµÅÁö_¿© ¿î¿µÀÚ_¿© ¿î¿µÀÚ2_¿© ¿ø´õ·¯_¿© ¿ö·Ï_¿© ¿þµù ±¸ÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_¿© ±×¸®Æù°¡µå_¿© ±â»ç_¿© ±Ã¼ö_¿© ±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_¿© ±Ç¼º_¿© ±Ç¼ºÀ¶ÇÕ_¿© ±Ç¼ºÆ÷¸µ_¿© »çÀÚ±â»ç_¿© »çÀڷ鳪ÀÌÆ®_¿© »çÀڷε峪ÀÌÆ®_¿© »çÀڷξⰡµå_¿© »çÀÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_¿© »çÀÚÆȶóµò_¿© »êŸ_¿© »óÀÎ_¿© »óÀθäµÅÁö_¿© °¡µå_¿© °áÈ¥_¿© °Ç³Ê_¿© °Ë»ç_¿© µµµÏ_¿© µÎ²¨ºñ´ÑÀÚ_¿© µÎ²¨ºñ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿_¿© ·¹ÀÎÁ®_¿© ·¹ÀÎÁ®´Á´ë_¿© ·é³ªÀÌÆ®_¿© ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì_¿© ·Î±×_¿© ·Îµå³ªÀÌÆ®_¿© ·ÎµåÆäÄÚ_¿© ¼¼ÀÌÁö_¿© ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿_¿© ¼Ò¼­·¯_¿© ¼ºÁ÷ÀÚ_¿© ½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­_¿© ½´¶ó_¿© ½´¶ó¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½º_¿© ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ_¿© ½ÅÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_¿© ½ÅÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_h_¿© ½º³ªÀÌÆÛ_¿© ½ºÅäÄ¿_¿© ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó_¿© ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© ¾î¼¼½Å_¿© ¾î½Ø½ÅÅ©·Î½º_¿© ¹«Èñ_¿© ¹«Èñ_¿©_¹ÙÁö ¹«Èñ¹ÙÁö_¿© ¹ÌÄÉ´Ð_¿© ¹ÌÄɴиäµÅÁö_¿© ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ_¿© Á¦³×¸¯_¿© Á¦³×¸¯¸äµÅÁö_¿© Á¦Ã¶°ø_¿© Á¦Ã¶°ø¸äµÅÁö_¿© èÇÇ¿Â_¿© èÇǿ¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© ŸÁ¶¿ø´õ·¯_¿© ŸÁ¶±Ã¼ö_¿© ŸÁ¶·¹ÀÎÁ®_¿© ŸÁ¶½º³ªÀÌÆÛ_¿© ŸÁ¶¹«Èñ_¿© ŸÁ¶Â¤½Ã_¿© ŸÁ¶ÇåÅÍ_¿© À§Àúµå_¿© À©´õ·¯_¿© Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ_¿© Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅ͸äµÅÁö_¿© Å©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_¿© űǼҳâ_¿© űǼҳâÆ÷¸µ_¿© ÆäÄڰdzÊ_¿© ÆäÄÚ°Ë»ç_¿© ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç_¿© ÆäÄÚÆȶóµò_¿© Æȶóµò_¿© Ãʺ¸ÀÚ_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_¿© Ä̺£·Î½ºµµµÏ_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º·Î±×_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º½ºÅäÄ¿_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½Å_¿© Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½ÅÅ©·Î½º_¿© Áý½Ã_¿© ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®_¿© ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© ÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­_¿© ÇåÅÍ_¿© ÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå_¿© ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸®_¿© ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º_¿© È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º¸äµÅÁö_¿© frog_oboro_¿© º¹»ç¾ËÆÄÄ«_¿© oboro_¿© 2. You copy and paste the act,spr files from data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® into data\sprite\·Îºê\bloodwings then rename it into job class. 3. You will need spriterobeid.lub/lua and spriterobename.lub/lua. Can find it at data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo. Add this stuff into your spriterobename.lub/lua ROBE_BLOODWINGS = 5 Notice : The end of word doesnt have "," Add this stuff into your spriterobename.lub/lua RobeNameTable = { [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BLOODWINGS] = "bloodwings", RobeNameTable_Eng = { [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BLOODWINGS] = "_bloodwings", Notice : The end of word need have "," 4. Last thing you need do is open data\cskroption.lub and add this stuff [29005] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Blood Wings", unidentifiedResourceName = "_bloodwings", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unidentified item, can be identified with [Magnifier].", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Blood Wings", identifiedResourceName = "_bloodwings", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Large, Blood Wings of a fallen dark angel.", "All Stats + 1.", "Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,", "-Str -> Attack + 1", "-Int -> Magic Attack + 1", "-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%", "-Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)", "-Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%", "-Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.", "Class : ^777777Garment^000000", "Defense : ^77777718^000000", "Weight : ^77777720^000000", "Required Level : ^7777771^000000", "Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000", }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 5 }, 5. my SS for Bloodwings
  9. 2453,0xeb, , 0, 1:1:2:2:3, 1000,enemy, 0x010 //SO_VACUUM_EXTREME how to do effect like this ? give stuck on enemy
  10. how to add custom monster ? mob_db2 // Renzo Gold Room Monster 3000,DOKEBI,Dokebi,Dokebi,68,2820,1,675,759,1,317,347,85,20,52,56,35,20,60,25,10,12,0,6,27,0x191,250,1156,456,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,969,9000,4098,1 npc\custom prontera,167,178,3 script Gold Room Manager 965,{ mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "I can warp you to the gold room."; next; if (select("Okay.:Not now.") == 2) { mes "[Gold Room Manager]"; mes "Come back to me if you've changed your mind."; close; } mes "[Gold Room Manager]"; mes "You'll be there quickly. c;"; next; mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "Enjoy."; close2; warp "guild_vs1",50,50; end; } // Mob Spawn guild_vs1,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Dokebi 3000,300,0,0,0 // Exit guild_vs1,49,49,5 script Exit#1 790,{ warp "prontera",155,181; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Prontera",0,0; end; } solve.
  11. Here i want to ask,how to make getitem is random ? make it 4 items but random prize will give to the winner //===== Link Script ======================================= //= http://rathena.org/board/topic/70963-monsterspawn-event/ //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Monster Spawn Event //===== By =================================================== //= WhiteEagle //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 //============================================================ - script MSE -1,{ set .gm,99; // GM Level OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >= .gm) { if (.mob_left) { mes "^FF0000[Monsterspawn Event CP]^000000"; mes "The Monsterspawn Event is already in progress!"; mes "Would you stop it?"; switch(select("Yes:No")){ case 1: close2; goto OnStop2; case 2: close; } } mes "^FF0000[Monsterspawn Event CP]^000000"; mes "This is the Control Panel for the Monster Spawn Event."; mes "How can I help you?"; next; switch(select("Start:Stop:Cancel")){ case 1: mes "^FF0000[Monsterspawn Event CP]^000000"; mes "The Monster Spawn Event will now start."; close2; goto OnStart; case 2: case 3: close; } } close; OnMinute30: OnStart: donpcevent "MSE::OnTimer1800000"; set (.mobid,1765); //Monster ID set (.mobname$,"EventMonster"); //Monster Name set (.moba,1); //Monster Anzahl set .@rand,rand(1,6); if (.@rand == 1) set .map$,"prontera"; if (.@rand == 2) set .map$,"geffen"; if (.@rand == 3) set .map$,"morocc"; if (.@rand == 4) set .map$,"payon"; if (.@rand == 5) set .map$,"izlude"; sleep2 1000; announce ("[Monsterspawn Event]: "+.moba+" "+.mobname$+" spawn at "+.map$+"",bc_all); monster(.map$,0,0,.mobname$,.mobid,.moba,"MSE::OnMyMobDead"); set .mob_left,.moba; sleep2 1798000; donpcevent "MSE::OnTimer1800000"; end; OnTimer1800000: killmonster .map$,"MSE::OnMyMobDead"; set .mob_left,0; end; OnStop2: killmonster .map$,"MSE::OnMyMobDead"; announce "The Event was stopped by an Admin.",bc_all; set .mob_left,0; end; OnStop: sleep2 2000; announce "The Event start every half and full hour.",bc_all; end; OnMyMobDead: getitem 29002,1; set .mob_left,.mob_left-1; if (.mob_left == 0) { announce "[Monsterspawn Event]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed the last "+.mobname$+".",bc_all; donpcevent "MSE::OnStop"; } else { announce "["+.mob_left+"/"+.moba+"] "+.mobname$+" left.",bc_all; } end; }
  12. i not see clearly at "setarray".. get it....change the set into setarray.its done
  13. i take this script from http://rathena.org/board/topic/62248-mysterious-collection/ guild prizer.txt
  14. i try already put like this @reward[0],671,1; but still error
  15. so thats mean change the mob_db and no need to put OnMobKilled... thanks
  16. click on the edit button on the #1 post. and change there.
  17. // Mob Spawn guild_vs1,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Dokebi 1110,1000,0,0,0,"Gold Room Manager::OnMobKilled" already try but still like this
  18. so which one is the translation for this ? °í´ë ½ÅÀüÀÇ ¼öÈ£ÀÚ¿´´ø °ÅÀεéÀÇ Ã¢À» Å©±â¸¸ ÁÙÀÎ »óÅÂ. ÁøÁ¤ÇÑ ÈûÀ» ²ø¾î³¾ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ÀÚ°¡ °ÅÀÇ ¾ø´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù.
  19. OnMyMobDead: set .mob_left,.mob_left-1; if (.mob_left == 0) { announce "[Monsterspawn Event]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed the last "+.mobname$+".",bc_all; donpcevent "MSE::OnStop"; } else { announce "["+.mob_left+"/"+.moba+"] "+.mobname$+" left.",bc_all; } end; } dont know how.
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