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Everything posted by chromus28

  1. awww what kind of error >.< im just patching the descript of the items
  2. i just wanna ask something about my thor patcher.. currently i have 1-15 patching list now and it runs fine.. then when i patch the 16th patch list then i run the patcher, after the patching and i click the start button the client didnt showed up and it said application erro T_T why is that? does anyone encounter this problem already? here is the error sorry its japanese im from japan >.< 問題の署名: 問題イベント名: APPCRASH アプリケーション名: Setsunairo.exe アプリケーションのバージョン: アプリケーションのタイムスタンプ: 4c52288f 障害モジュールの名前: Setsunairo.exe 障害モジュールのバージョン: 障害モジュールのタイムスタンプ: 4c52288f 例外コード: c0000005 例外オフセット: 002dcb8c OS バージョン: 6.1.7601. ロケール ID: 2057 追加情報 1: 5d7f 追加情報 2: 5d7f6bb7cf649d8cd3b7b358f1df5fa4 追加情報 3: f236 追加情報 4: f236fe9c74c4f44052c2d12d602c8411
  3. sir i think this dice event only pick number 1?? can you please check if this script is really fix?
  4. can anyone help me to change this woe prize giver? i want to make this woe prize giver that after woe only guild master can recieve the woe prize? or after woe there will be a room for a guild master only can enter to get the woe prize? brasilis,241,324,5 script WoE Personell 835,{ OnTouch: if(agitcheck() == 0) { mes "[WoE Personell]"; mes "WOE Sched: "; mes "~ Saturday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Kriemheld"; mes " "; mes "~ Monday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Cyr"; mes " "; mes "~ Tuesday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Himinn"; mes " "; mes "~ Wednesday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Swanhild"; mes " "; mes "~ Thursday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Mardol"; mes " "; mes "~ Friday(18:00-19:00)"; mes " -Andlangr"; menu "Get Prize",cas_prize; } if(#woeprize == 1) { set #woeprize, 0; message strcharinfo(0),"WoE is now open!"; menu "Warp to Castle",cas_warp; } message strcharinfo(0),"WoE is now open!"; menu "Warp to Castle",cas_warp; cas_warp: menu "Kriemhield",krim,"Swanhild",swan,"Himinn",him,"Andlangr",andl,"Mardol",mar,"Cyr",cyr; krim: warp "prt_gld",134,65; end; swan: warp "prt_gld",239,130; end; him: warp "sch_gld",293,100; end; andl: warp "sch_gld",288,246; end; mar: warp "aru_gld",158,272; end; cyr: warp "aru_gld",122,78; end; no_woe: message strcharinfo(0),"sorry but WOE is still off"; close; cas_prize: if(agitcheck() == 1) goto no_prize; else if(getcharid(2) == 0) goto no_guild; else if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(getcharid(2))) { if(#woeprize == 1) goto nomore_prize; else set @GIDwoe, getcharid(2); sleep2 100; if($@guildprize$ == getguildname(@GIDwoe)) { message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry but you're guild already get your prize"; } if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("arug_cas01",1)) { goto marprize; } else if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("schg_cas01",1)) { goto himprize; } else if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("prtg_cas01",1)) { goto krimprize; } else if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("arug_cas02",1)) { goto cyrprize; } else if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("prtg_cas02",1)) { goto swanprize; } else if(@GIDwoe == getcastledata("schg_cas02",1)) { goto andlprize; } else goto no_cas; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry only GM's are allowed!"; end; krimprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guild_masterkrim; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; himprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guild_masterhim; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; marprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guild_mastermar; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; cyrprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guild_mastercyr; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; swanprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guild_masterswan; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; andlprize: if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@GIDwoe)) goto guid_masterandl; else message strcharinfo(0),"Only Guild Masters can have a prize!"; end; guild_masterkrim: if ( #woeprizekrim == 1 ) { goto guild_mastermar; set #woeprizekrim, 0; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 1000; getitem 7074, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizekrim, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; guild_mastermar: if ( #woeprizemar == 1 ) { goto guild_masterhim; set #woeprizemar, 0; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 700; getitem 7086, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizemar, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; guild_masterhim: if ( #woeprizehim == 1 ) { goto guild_masterswan; set #woeprizehim, 0; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 700; getitem 7836, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizehim, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; guild_masterswan: if ( #woeprizeswan == 1 ) { goto guild_masterandl; set #woeprizeswan, 0; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 800; getitem 7086, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizeswan, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; guild_masterandl: if ( #woeprizeandl == 1 ) { goto guild_mastercyr; set #woeprizeandl, 1; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 600; getitem 7836, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizeandl, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; guild_mastercyr: if ( #woeprizecyr == 1 ) { goto guild_masterkrim; set #woeprizecyr, 0; end; } message strcharinfo(0),"There you go brave GuildMaster! Until the next WOE!"; getitem 674, 550; getitem 7089, 1; set #woeprize, 1; set #woeprizecyr, 1; set $@guildprize$, getguildname(@GIDwoe); end; no_prize: message strcharinfo(0),"War of Emperium is still running!"; end; no_guild: message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry but you don't have a guild!"; end; no_cas: message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry but you don't own a castle"; end; nomore_prize: message strcharinfo(0),"You have already your prize sir!"; end; } brasilis,246,322,5 script WoE Timer 835,{ OnTouch: end; OnAgitStart: if(agitcheck() == 1 | agitcheck2() == 1) { stopnpctimer; announce "War of Emperium has Begun!",0; enablenpc "WoE Timer"; initnpctimer; goto woetimer; end; } delwaitingroom; end; OnAgitEnd: stopnpctimer; disablenpc "WoE Timer"; end; woetimer: if((getnpctimer(0)/60000) < 59) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Time Left [00:"+(60-(getnpctimer(0)/60000))+"]",0; sleep2 1000; goto woetimer; end; } else delwaitingroom; stopnpctimer; announce "[WoE Timer]: Last 1 Minute!!!",0; disablenpc "WoE Timer"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "WoE Timer"; end; } - script WOEprizeDATA -1,{ OnMon1800: set $@woe_cascyr, 1; end; OnMon1900: set $@woe_cascyr, 0; end; OnTue1800: set $@woe_cashim, 1; end; OnTue1900: set $@woe_cashim, 0; end; OnWed1800: set $@woe_casswan, 1; end; OnWed1900: set $@woe_casswan, 0; end; OnThu1800: set $@woe_casmar, 1; end; OnThu1900: set $@woe_casmar, 0; end; OnFri1800: set $@woe_casand, 1; end; OnFri1900: set $@woe_casand, 0; end; OnSat1800: set $@woe_caskrim, 1; end; OnSat1900: set $@woe_caskrim, 0; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( $@woe_cascyr == 0 ) { if ( $@woe_cashim == 0 ) { if ( $@woe_casswan == 0 ) { if ( $@woe_casmar == 0 ) { if ( $@woe_casand == 0 ) { if ( $@woe_caskrim == 0 ) { end; } set #woeprizekrim, 0; end; } set #woeprizeandl, 0; end; } set #woeprizemar, 0; end; } set #woeprizeswan, 0; end; } set #woeprizehim, 0; end; } set #woeprizecyr, 0; end; } brasilis mapflag loadevent help please
  5. - script LMS#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Mr. Banker"; disablenpc "All Job Manager"; end; } - script LMS -1,{ OnClock0310: OnClock0610: OnClock0910: OnClock1210: OnClock1510: OnClock1810: OnClock2110: OnClock2310: goto startlmsevent; startlmsevent: announce "Mr. Manager: The Last Man Standing event will be starting shortly.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: Those who want to play, please proceed to Prontera and register.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: After 1 Minute the Registration will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: Please go to Prontera and Register now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "All Job Manager"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 30 seconds.",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Mr. Manager: If you want to join please Register in Prontera.",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 10 seconds.",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Mr. Manager: 5.",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Mr. Manager: 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Mr. Manager: 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Mr. Manager: 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Mr. Manager: 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Mr. Manager: Time's up.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "All Job Manager"; donpcevent "Mr. Banker::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } //---------All Job Registration--------------- prontera,155,169,5 script All Job Manager 106,{ mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "Hello What can I do for you?"; next; menu "Register",-,"What is LMS?",what,"Leave",leave; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "Thankyou for registering Mr. " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Have fun!"; warp "quiz_02",264,343; end; what: mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "LMS is also known as Last Man Standing Event"; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "LMS is also like a PvP."; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "That's all"; close; leave: mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "I hope you will register next time"; close; } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- guild_vs1,50,51,6 script Mr. Banker 56,{ mes "[Banker]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; next; announce "Mr. Manager: We have a winner! well done "+strcharinfo(0)+".",0; getitem item_id, amount; // Change This item id to what ever you want . item id,amount set class_s,class_s+8; mes "You will return now"; warp "prontera",0,0; disablenpc "Mr. Banker"; close; end; OnEnable: pvpoff "guild_vs1"; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:The Last Man Standing Event will start shortly",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:But before we start this is just a few reminders..",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:Using Cloaking , Hiding is strictly not allowed..",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager: Only the Last Man Standing will win this event!!",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!...",0; areawarp "quiz_02",252,357,275,334,"guild_vs1",0,0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) { goto L_nocontest; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 0) { goto L_None; } else { mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 5",0; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 4",0; sleep2 4000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 3",0; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 2",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 1",0; sleep2 1000; pvpon "guild_vs1"; goto timer; end; } timer: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: end; OnTimer1100: if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) goto L_Champ; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") > 2) goto timer; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 2) goto champ; stopnpctimer; end; champ: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 2 Brave warriors are still alive!",0; sleep2 10000; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) goto L_Champ; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") > 1) goto timer; end; L_Champ: mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Banker: Please talk to me to get your prize.. Im in the middle",0; pvpoff "guild_vs1"; enablenpc "Mr. Banker"; end; L_None: disablenpc "Banker"; pvpoff "guild_vs1"; end; L_nocontest: mapannounce "guild_vs1","Since only you joined, there will be no event. BUT you will be given 50 zeRO points!",0; enablenpc "Mr. Banker"; end; } //----- Die = warp prt ----- - script Killa_warp -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if(.@map$=="guild_vs1") { set #kill_point, 0; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" died, and out of the game!.",bc_all; warp "prontera",0,0; end; } end; } // == Mapflags guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nosave guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag pvp_noparty guild_vs1 mapflag restricted 1 guild_vs1 mapflag nocommand 90 quiz_02 mapflag nowarp quiz_02 mapflag nowarpto quiz_02 mapflag noteleport quiz_02 mapflag nosave quiz_02 mapflag nomemo quiz_02 mapflag nobranch quiz_02 mapflag pvp_noparty quiz_02 mapflag restricted 1 quiz_02 mapflag nocommand 90 try this one
  6. Change : set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+70; set class_s,class_s+3; dispbottom "Gained [70] zeRO points, you now have ["+#CASHPOINTS+"]"; warp "prontera",247,323; end; to : getitem item_id, amount; set class_s,class_s+3; warp "prontera",247,323; end; is this auto kick when they got the prize? sorry im not yet good on scripting >.<
  7. aww sorry wrong script... - script DiceHide -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; disablenpc "Prize Manager"; pvpoff "quiz_01"; end; } - script DICE#1 -1,{ OnClock0210: OnClock0410: OnClock0610: OnClock0810: OnClock1010: OnClock1210: OnClock1410: OnClock1610: OnClock1810: OnClock2010: OnClock2210: goto startdice; end; startdice: disablenpc "Prize Manager"; mapwarp "quiz_01","prontera",0,0; announce "The Dice Event will start soon",0; sleep2 2000; announce "If you want to participant warp to Prontera now",0; sleep2 2000; announce "You have 2 Minutes to register",0; enablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; sleep2 120000; announce "The registration has closed",0; disablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; donpcevent "Dice Manager#1::OnDiceStart"; end; } prontera,151,180,5 script Dice Manager#1 715,{ mes "Do you want to register to the dice event?"; menu "I want to register",L_yes,"Later",L_no; L_yes: warp "quiz_01" ,49,88; set #dice_play, 1; end; L_no: mes "Ok"; close; OnDiceStart: mapannounce "quiz_01","Go to the box 1,2,3,4 and no staying on the outside of box",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","This is the mechanic of the event",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","I will say a number between 1-4",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","If your box number is the same with my number, you're safe you will proceed to the next round",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","And if your box number is not the same will warp to brasilis",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Good Luck",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","I will pick in 30 seconds! good luck!",0; sleep2 30000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice Manager: OK! I will pick now a number",0; sleep2 2000; goto Start; Start: switch(rand(1,4)) { Case 1: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 1",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",247,323; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 2: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 2",0; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",247,323; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 3: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 3",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",247,323; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 4: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 4",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",247,323; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",247,323; goto Onwinner; end; break; } end; OnWinner: mapannounce "quiz_01","To those who are winner",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01"," Please go in the middle to claim you prize",0; enablenpc "Prize Manager"; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (#dice_play == 0) { warp "prontera",0,0; end; } end; OnPCLogOutEvent: if (#dice_play == 1 ) { set #dice_play, 1; end; } end; } quiz_01,49,90,1 script Prize Manager 715,{ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+70; set class_s,class_s+3; dispbottom "Gained [70] zeRO points, you now have ["+#CASHPOINTS+"]"; warp "prontera",247,323; end; } quiz_01 mapflag nowarp quiz_01 mapflag nowarpto quiz_01 mapflag loadevent quiz_01 mapflag nomemo quiz_01 mapflag nosave this one sir... coz the first script is bug
  8. Guys can anyone fix this script? i need to make the prize is CASH points into Items.. //= Info: // //= This event triggers every 15 minutes of the server time. //======================================= //= Mechanics: // //= Players have to run / choose a box between box 1 up to box 4 //= After that, that NPCs picks a number randomly //= (obviously,between 1-4) //= All players that are not inside the box that the NPC chose will //= all be eliminated. //= This event would run until there's only 1 player left. //= Winner would get an incrementation on its #EVENTPOINTS variable //= (users can simply just change the prize given.) // //======================================== - script DiceTrigger -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; disablenpc "Claim Your Prize!#dice"; end; OnMinute15: if(agitcheck() == 1 || $@diceon == 1) end; enablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; announce "Dice Event: We are going to have a Dice Event",bc_all; sleep2 1000; announce "Dice Event: For those who want to join, please warp @ middle of Main Town",bc_all; sleep2 1000; announce "Dice Event: The Warper would be open for 1 minute",bc_all; sleep2 30000; announce "Dice Event: Last 30 Seconds.",bc_all; sleep2 30000; announce "Dice Event: Warper Closed.",bc_all; disablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; donpcevent "DiceEvent::OnDiceStart"; set $@diceon,1; end; } prontera,155,172,4 script Dice Event Warper#dice 723,{ mes "Do you want to join the Dice Event?"; menu "Yes",-; warp "quiz_02",55,87; close; } quiz_02,55,90,3 script Got Stuck?#dice 779,{ mes "[ Got Stuck? ]"; mes "Do you wish to go back?"; menu "Yes",-; warp "prontera",155,195; close; } quiz_02,37,80,3 script Box 1 111,{ warp "quiz_02",37,70; close; } quiz_02,49,80,3 script Box 2 111,{ warp "quiz_02",49,70; close; } quiz_02,61,80,3 script Box 3 111,{ warp "quiz_02",61,70; close; } quiz_02,73,80,3 script Box 4 111,{ warp "quiz_02",73,70; close; } quiz_02,37,64,3 script Go Back#1 858,{ warp "quiz_02",55,76; close; } quiz_02,49,64,3 script Go Back#2 858,{ warp "quiz_02",55,76; close; } quiz_02,61,64,3 script Go Back#3 858,{ warp "quiz_02",55,76; close; } quiz_02,73,64,3 script Go Back#4 858,{ warp "quiz_02",55,76; close; } - script DiceEvent -1,{ OnDiceStart: mapannounce "quiz_02","We are about to start the Dice event.",bc_blue; sleep2 500; mapannounce "quiz_02","Rules are simple:",bc_blue; sleep2 400; mapannounce "quiz_02","I'm going to pick a number, 1 to 4. Then I'll do a countdown from 5 to 0",bc_blue; sleep2 300; mapannounce "quiz_02","All you have to do is go to box of the number you want",bc_blue; sleep2 200; mapannounce "quiz_02","Example, If I get the number 4, All players standing on number 1 to 3 loses.",bc_blue; sleep2 100; mapannounce "quiz_02","We'll do it again and again until we have 1 player left on this map.",bc_blue; sleep2 500; mapannounce "quiz_02","Before I forget, you must GO INSIDE THE BOX! because if you're caught standing outside the box you'll be automatically disqualified!",bc_blue; sleep2 400; mapannounce "quiz_02","That's it.. Now let's get it on!",bc_blue; sleep2 300; goto L_start; end; L_start: enablenpc "Go Back#1"; enablenpc "Go Back#2"; enablenpc "Go Back#3"; enablenpc "Go Back#4"; if(getmapusers("quiz_02") == 1) goto L_winner; enablenpc "Box 1"; enablenpc "Box 2"; enablenpc "Box 3"; enablenpc "Box 4"; if(getmapusers("quiz_02") == 0) goto L_noone; if(getmapusers("quiz_02") > 1) { set $@number,rand(1,4); sleep2 1000; mapannounce "quiz_02","I'm ready to pick a number. Please go to the box of the number you want! Go go go!",bc_blue; sleep2 20000; mapannounce "quiz_02","5",bc_blue; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "quiz_02","4",bc_blue; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "quiz_02","3",bc_blue; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "quiz_02","2",bc_blue; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "quiz_02","1",bc_blue; disablenpc "Box 1"; disablenpc "Box 2"; disablenpc "Box 3"; disablenpc "Box 4"; disablenpc "Go Back#1"; disablenpc "Go Back#2"; disablenpc "Go Back#3"; disablenpc "Go Back#4"; areawarp "quiz_02",32,95,79,76,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",80,85,80,76,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",31,85,31,76,"prontera",0,0; if(getmapusers("quiz_02") == 0) goto L_noone; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Time's Up. Winning number is "+$@number+"!",bc_blue; if($@number == 4) goto L_Lose1; if($@number == 3) goto L_Lose2; if($@number == 2) goto L_Lose3; if($@number == 1) goto L_Lose4; end; } L_Lose1: areawarp "quiz_02",33,73,41,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",45,73,53,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",57,73,65,52,"prontera",0,0; goto L_start; end; L_Lose2: areawarp "quiz_02",33,73,41,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",45,73,53,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",69,73,77,52,"prontera",0,0; goto L_start; end; L_Lose3: areawarp "quiz_02",33,73,41,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",57,73,65,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",69,73,77,52,"prontera",0,0; goto L_start; end; L_Lose4: areawarp "quiz_02",45,73,53,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",57,73,65,52,"prontera",0,0; areawarp "quiz_02",69,73,77,52,"prontera",0,0; goto L_start; end; L_noone: announce "No one won the Dice Event!",bc_all; disablenpc "Claim Your Prize!#dice"; disablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; set $@diceon,0; end; L_winner: enablenpc "Claim Your Prize!#dice"; disablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; end; } quiz_02,55,84,3 script Claim Your Prize!#dice 904,{ getitem 674,10; announce strcharinfo(0)+" won the Dice Event!",bc_all; disablenpc "Claim Your Prize!#dice"; disablenpc "Dice Event Warper#dice"; warp "prontera",0,0; set $@diceon,0; close; end; } quiz_02 mapflag noskill quiz_02 mapflag nosave SavePoint quiz_02 mapflag nomemo quiz_02 mapflag nobranch quiz_02 mapflag noexp quiz_02 mapflag nodrop quiz_02 mapflag nochat quiz_02 mapflag novending quiz_02 mapflag nowarp quiz_02 mapflag nowarpto quiz_02 mapflag noreturn
  9. hi there, anyone can help me on what is the script on item for "Reduce Magic Reflected Damage"??? thanks in advance
  10. Guys is there an Freebies NPC that you can choose your own job freebies? for example you are going to make an Lord Knight and in that freebies npc you can choose 1 box only for ur own job..
  11. what is this error/bug [Warning]: npc_event: player's event queue is full, can't add event 'PVPLADDER::OnPCLoginEvent' ! [Warning]: npc_event: player's event queue is full, can't add event 'healerdup::OnTouch' ! [Error]: npc_click: npc_id != 0
  12. guys can u please make this script that all new character can be instant lvl? coz i tried to change it to character base to instant lvl all and reload the script but nothing happen //==============================================================================// //= Script Release : Job Changer + Max Leveler [ Version 1.5 ] //==================================By==========================================// //= ManiacSociety //==============================================================================// //= Idea Came From : ManiacSociety //= Helper : Emistry & Kenpachi //==============================================================================// //= D E S C R I P T I O N S //==============================================================================// // -- 1. Character can choose a Job which he like to be. // -- 2. This NPC only have 1 Time Usage. // If it is set to Account Based then that account can use 1 times. // If it is set to Character Based then all new character can use 1 times. // -- 3. Complete skills / Skill Points will be given if it is set to be. // -- 4. Base Level and Job Level will be given upon Job Change. //==============================================================================// //= V E R S I O N S //==============================================================================// // -- [ 1.5 ] : Added Configuration for Account Based / Character Based Settings // -- [ 1.4 ] : Added Baby Classes + 3rd Job Classes. // -- [ 1.3 ] : Added Configuration Option , 4 Announce Option , Informations. // -- [ 1.2 ] : Simplified Scripts + Shorten the Scripts. // -- [ 1.1 ] : Added New Job Change Option. // -- [ 1.0 ] : Simple Login Auto Max Level + Job Changer. //==============================================================================// //= R U L E S //==============================================================================// // -- 1. Do not use for exchanging purpose. // -- 2. Do not claim it as yours. // -- 3. Do not change or remove the credits. // -- 4. Do not sell the script in order to get paid. // -- 5. Do not re-sharing upon modified without permission. //==============================================================================// - script ClassHelper -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: // -- Configuration Option set .npcname$,"[ ^0000FF Class Helper ^000000 ]"; set .InfoMenu,1; // Classes Informations Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .1stClassMenu,1; // First Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .2ndClassMenu,1; // Second Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .High1stClassMenu,1; // High 1st Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Trans2ndClassMenu,1; // Transcendent Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Trans3rdClassMenu,0; // Third Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .ExpandedClassMenu,1; // Expanded Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .BabyClassMenu,1; // Baby Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Baby3rdClassMenu,0; // Baby Third Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Allskills,1; // Complete Skills Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] // -- Usable for Only 1 Time set .Based,1; // [ 0 - Account Based / 1 - Character Based ] if( ClassHelper == 1 || #ClassHelper == 1 ) end; Main_Menu: mes .npcname$; mes "I am the Job Class Helper..."; mes "I am here to help you."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "Do you wish to become Stronger ?"; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you admire those who have a great power ? Do you wish to become a part of them ? If yes , then which classes that you admire the most ?"; next; switch(select(( .InfoMenu == 0 )?"":"^4EEE94Classes Information^000000", ( .1stClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFFirst Job Classes^000000", ( .2ndClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFSecond Job Classes^000000", ( .High1stClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFHigh First Job Classes^000000", ( .Trans2ndClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFTranscendent Job Classes^000000", ( .Trans3rdClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFThird Job Classes^000000", ( .ExpandedClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFEExpanded Job Classes^000000", ( .BabyClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFBaby Normal Job Classes^000000", ( .Baby3rdClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFBaby Third Job Classes^000000", "^FF0000Sorry, i admire nobody....^000000")) { Case 1: goto Classes_info; Case 2: goto FirstJob_Classes; Case 3: goto SecondJob_Classes; Case 4: goto HighFirstJob_Classes; Case 5: goto TransSecondJob_Classes; Case 6: goto TransThirdJob_Classes; Case 7: goto ExpandedJob_Classes; Case 8: goto BabyJob_Classes; Case 9: goto BabyThirdJob_Classes; Case 10: close; } FirstJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Swordman^000000", "^76EE00Magician^000000", "^76EE00Archer^000000", "^76EE00Acolyte^000000", "^76EE00Merchant^000000", "^76EE00Thief^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,1,99,50,60,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,2,99,50,60,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,3,99,50,60,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4,99,50,60,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,5,99,50,60,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,6,99,50,60,"All"; Case 7: goto Main_Menu; } HighFirstJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00High Swordman^000000", "^76EE00High Magician^000000", "^76EE00High Archer^000000", "^76EE00High Acolyte^000000", "^76EE00High Merchant^000000", "^76EE00High Thief^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4002,99,50,60,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4003,99,50,60,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4004,99,50,60,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4005,99,50,60,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4006,99,50,60,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4007,99,50,60,"All"; Case 7: goto Main_Menu; } SecondJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Knight^000000", "^76EE00Priest^000000", "^76EE00Wizard^000000", "^76EE00Blacksmith^000000", "^76EE00Hunter^000000", "^76EE00Assassin^000000", "^76EE00Crusader^000000", "^76EE00Monk^000000", "^76EE00Sage^000000", "^76EE00Rogue^000000", "^76EE00Alchemist^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^76EE00Dancer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^76EE00Bard^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,7,99,50,110,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,8,99,50,110,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,9,99,50,110,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,10,99,50,110,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,11,99,50,110,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,12,99,50,110,"All"; Case 7: callsub Job_Changing,14,99,50,110,"All"; Case 8: callsub Job_Changing,15,99,50,110,"All"; Case 9: callsub Job_Changing,16,99,50,110,"All"; Case 10: callsub Job_Changing,17,99,50,110,"All"; Case 11: callsub Job_Changing,18,99,50,110,"All"; Case 12: callsub Job_Changing,20,99,50,110,"All"; Case 13: callsub Job_Changing,19,99,50,110,"All"; Case 14: goto Main_Menu; } TransSecondJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Lord Knight^000000", "^76EE00High Priest^000000", "^76EE00High Wizard^000000", "^76EE00Whitesmith^000000", "^76EE00Sniper^000000", "^76EE00Assassin Cross^000000", "^76EE00Paladin^000000", "^76EE00Champion^000000", "^76EE00Professor^000000", "^76EE00Stalker^000000", "^76EE00Creator^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^76EE00Gypsy^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^76EE00Clowm^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4008,255,120,130,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4009,255,120,130,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4010,255,120,130,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4011,255,120,130,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4012,255,120,130,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4013,255,120,130,"All"; Case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4015,255,120,130,"All"; Case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4016,255,120,130,"All"; Case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4017,255,120,130,"All"; Case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4018,255,120,130,"All"; Case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4019,255,120,130,"All"; Case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4021,255,120,130,"All"; Case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4020,255,120,130,"All"; Case 14: goto Main_Menu; } TransThirdJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Rune Knight^000000", "^76EE00Warlock^000000", "^76EE00Ranger^000000", "^76EE00Arch Bishop^000000", "^76EE00Mechanic^000000", "^76EE00Guillotine Cross^000000", "^76EE00Royal Guard^000000", "^76EE00Sorcerer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^76EE00Wanderer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^76EE00Minstrel^000000", "^76EE00Shura^000000", "^76EE00Genetic^000000", "^76EE00Shadow Chaser^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4060,99,70,200,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4061,99,70,200,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4062,99,70,200,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4063,99,70,200,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4064,99,70,200,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4065,99,70,200,"All"; Case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4073,99,70,200,"All"; Case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4074,99,70,200,"All"; Case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4076,99,70,200,"All"; Case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4075,70,70,200,"All"; Case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4077,70,70,200,"All"; Case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4078,70,70,200,"All"; Case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4079,70,70,200,"All"; Case 14: goto Main_Menu; } ExpandedJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Super Novice^000000", "^76EE00Gunslinger^000000", "^76EE00Ninja^000000", "^76EE00Takewon^000000", "^76EE00Star Gladiator^000000", "^76EE00Soul Linker^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,23,255,120,110,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,24,255,120,600,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,25,255,120,60,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4046,255,120,60,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4047,255,120,110,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4049,255,120,110,"All"; Case 7: goto Main_Menu; } BabyJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Baby Swordman^000000", "^76EE00Baby Magician^000000", "^76EE00Baby Archer^000000", "^76EE00Baby Acolyte^000000", "^76EE00Baby Merchant^000000", "^76EE00Baby Thief^000000", "^76EE00Baby Knight^000000", "^76EE00Baby Priest^000000", "^76EE00Baby Wizard^000000", "^76EE00Baby Blacksmith^000000", "^76EE00Baby Hunter^000000", "^76EE00Baby Assassin^000000", "^76EE00Baby Crusader^000000", "^76EE00Baby Monk^000000", "^76EE00Baby Sage^000000", "^76EE00Baby Rogue^000000", "^76EE00Baby Alchemist^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^76EE00Baby Dancer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^76EE00Baby Bard^000000", "^76EE00Baby Baby^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4024,99,50,60,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4025,99,50,60,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4026,99,50,60,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4027,99,50,60,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4028,99,50,60,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4029,99,50,60,"All"; Case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4030,99,50,110,"All"; Case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4031,99,50,110,"All"; Case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4032,99,50,110,"All"; Case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4033,99,50,110,"All"; Case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4034,99,50,110,"All"; Case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4035,99,50,110,"All"; Case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4037,99,50,110,"All"; Case 14: callsub Job_Changing,4038,99,50,110,"All"; Case 15: callsub Job_Changing,4039,99,50,110,"All"; Case 16: callsub Job_Changing,4040,99,50,110,"All"; Case 17: callsub Job_Changing,4041,99,50,110,"All"; Case 18: callsub Job_Changing,4043,99,50,110,"All"; Case 19: callsub Job_Changing,4042,99,50,110,"All"; Case 20: callsub Job_Changing,4045,99,50,110,"All"; Case 21: goto Main_Menu; } BabyThirdJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^76EE00Baby Rune Knight^000000", "^76EE00Baby Warlock^000000", "^76EE00Baby Ranger^000000", "^76EE00Baby Arch Bishop^000000", "^76EE00Baby Mechanic^000000", "^76EE00Baby Guillotine Cross^000000", "^76EE00Baby Royal Guard^000000", "^76EE00Baby Sorcerer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^76EE00Baby Wanderer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^76EE00Baby Minstrel^000000", "^76EE00Baby Shura^000000", "^76EE00Baby Genetic^000000", "^76EE00Baby Shadow Chaser^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; Case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4096,99,70,200,"All"; Case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4097,99,70,200,"All"; Case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4098,99,70,200,"All"; Case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4099,99,70,200,"All"; Case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4100,99,70,200,"All"; Case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4101,99,70,200,"All"; Case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4102,99,70,200,"All"; Case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4103,99,70,200,"All"; Case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4105,99,70,200,"All"; Case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4104,99,70,200,"All"; Case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4106,99,70,200,"All"; Case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4107,99,70,200,"All"; Case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4108,99,70,200,"All"; Case 14: goto Main_Menu; } Job_Changing: mes .npcname$; mes "You are now a part of ^FF0000"+jobname(getarg(0))+"^000000."; if (compare(getarg(4),"All")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_all,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Map")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_map,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Area")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_area,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Self")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_self,0x76EE00; } jobchange getarg(0); set BaseLevel,getarg(1); set JobLevel,getarg(2); ResetSkill; ResetStatus; set SkillPoint,getarg(3); if ( .Allskills == 1 ){ atcommand "@allskills"; set SkillPoint,0; } percentheal 100,100; if ( .Based == 0 ){ set #ClassHelper,1; } if ( .Based == 1 ){ set ClassHelper,1; } close; Classes_info: mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Swordman Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Enthusiastic skills in sword fighting is a definite attraction to all teenagers. Easy to control and master character enables most players to be a great player."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Archer Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Long ranged attack ability and special techniques of archers in defeating enemy often lure players to try this."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Mage Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Fascinating element techniques involvement of nature in its abilities is truly amazing with their series of undefeatable magics."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Thief Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Poisoning and dodging abilities will defeat most of the enemy. Maximum defensive and offensive ability caused this character to fearsome one."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Acolyte Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A supportive character, most of the skills like helping will benefit to teammates who lead to teammates act like a terminator."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Merchant Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Involving communication with other players that emphasizes on battles, intelligence in business dealing. His versatility made him must not be look down."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Super Novice ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A job who are Advanced after Novice Class. It look alike like a Novice but it is not. Beside that, it can learn most of the skills for all 1st Job Class."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Gunslinger ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "The only Job class in RO who are using Gun as weapon. If are you a Gun Lover , there is no doubt you will choose this Job."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Ninja ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A mysterious Job Class , who alway processing Ancient Spells , look alike with Mage but not mage , good in PK , can evade very well during PK."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Taekwon ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Just like the name has mentioned. The only class in RO who are not using any Weapon. Attack enemy using barehand and foots. "; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Star Gladiator ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A class who can use the power of the Sun / Star / Moon. By processing the power of Universe to gain a stronger Power."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^76EE00 Soul Linker ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Class that work like a Shaman, who able to recalling the soul of the dead from the underworld to Boost other class ability."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; goto Main_Menu; } help please T_T i tried 0 and 1 but still cant level other characters
  13. Alright I forgot one thing in the function so the rate should be fixed now. To add items exclusive to the party leader use the first callfunc. prontera,150,150,5 script Tier 1 Award 100,{ if(getcharid(0)!=getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)) end; callfunc("package_func",3,7899,1,50); getpartymember(getcharid(1),2); set .mem, $@partymembercount; copyarray .mem_aid[0], $@partymemberaid[0], 128; while(.@i<.mem) { set(.@i,.@i+1); if(isloggedin(.mem_aid[.@i-1])){ attachrid(.mem_aid[.@i-1]); callfunc("package_func",3,12246,1,10); } } set @id,getcharid(1); warpparty "prontera",165,24,@id; disablenpc "Tier 1 Award"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "Tier 1 Award"; } /// callfunc("package_func",<length>,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,...}}}) function script package_func { set .@len, getarg(0)+1; set(.@i,1); while(.@i<.@len) { set(.@i,.@i+3); if(rand(101)<=getarg(.@i-1)) { set(.@a,.@a+1); set(@package_item[.@a-1],getarg(.@i-3)); set(@package_amount[.@a-1],getarg(.@i-2)); getitem(@package_item[.@a-1],@package_amount[.@a-1]); } } return .@a; } prontera,151,151,5 script Tier 1 106,{ if (getcharid(1) < 1) { mes "You're not in a party."; } else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { mes "You are not the party leader."; } else { getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set .mem, $@partymembercount; if (.mem < 2) { mes "You need at least 2 party members."; } else { mes "[Summon Man]"; mes "Hi There,"; mes "Welcome to Riot's Tier 1"; next; mes "[Summon Man]"; mes "This is a custom party quest of XXXX RO that you need party members to get through on this quest..."; next; mes "[Summon Man]"; mes "This is not a simple MVP Room remember all MVP here is"; mes "a Edited Stats by your Admin which 1 or 2 people"; mes "cannot defeat the MVP's Hope you enjoy and good-luck..."; next; mes "[Summon Man]"; mes "Would you like to summon the first Boss?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_ayaw; next; mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "before you summon the boss please bring me the following"; next; mes "[Summon Man]"; mes "10x Platinum Bullion"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_ayaw; next; mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "I'll be waiting for you chosen one!"; if(countitem(7230) < 10) goto koolang; if(countitem(7230) >= 10) goto k1; close; L_ayaw: mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "Just speak to me if you have the Requirements"; close; koolang: next; mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "As I said one missing material and all the others go to waste"; close; k1: next; mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "Very well done my friend you have finished the Tier 1 Quest"; mes "Get ready"; delitem 7230,10; next; monster "prontera",0,0,"Tier 1",1399,1,"Tier 1::OnDarkDead"; mes "[Tier 1]"; mes "Now go and kill the Great Baphomet"; close; OnDarkDead: announce "Party "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" has Finish the Tier 1",bc_all,0xFFFF00; enablenpc "Tier 1 Award"; end; L_Dead: announce "Summon Man: ",3; set $OnDarkDead,0; end; } } close; } whats is the 3 in >>callfunc("package_func",3,7899,1,50); ?? 7899 is item id 1 is how many items 50 is chance then the 3 is? Sir i tried this one >>> callfunc("package_func",3,7899,1,50,12246,2,100); but it didn't give me even 1 mca 3 is lenght?? what is lenght for? i've got it now..3 is exact only for 1 items if i make it 6 i can make it for 2 items Sir Skorm can i ask if you can add an auto kick member on the map if they leave the party
  14. So how about many maps? it should be like this. - script 1CastleDisable -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy(.@map$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0); if(.@map$ == "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas02"){ for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.itemcheck); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(countitem(.itemcheck[.@i])){ dispbottom "You cannot have any "+getitemname(.itemcheck[.@i])+" in your possession on this map."; warp "prontera",200,180; end; } } } end; OnInit: setarray .itemcheck[0],2383,4174,4047; end; } prtg_cas01 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas02 mapflag loadevent prtg_cas03 mapflag loadevent like this? ahh dont mind the "prtg_cas02","prtg_cas02" xD got wrong type
  15. Guys how can i make all bow into 2 handed? all of my bow is 1 handed T_T
  16. they say it has no problem if the debug was like that, i have the same problem and its okay i can interogate player but i don't understand about the bk_config, my botkiller not show up when i kill several monster, do you have the same prob?yeah same but i cant pm the npc:pcatchwhat is the use of npc:pcatch? if you want to make the botkiller enable just wisp npc:bkconfig right?yup
  17. they say it has no problem if the debug was like that, i have the same problem and its okay i can interogate player but i don't understand about the bk_config, my botkiller not show up when i kill several monster, do you have the same prob?yeah same but i cant pm the npc:pcatch
  18. guys can anyone help me on how can i reduce the time limit of my mvp room? mes " "; mes "Currently there are "+ getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) +" players"; mes "in that room."; set .@remaintime, getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner"); mes "It still has "+( .@remaintime /10 )+"mn "+( .@remaintime %10 )+"s left."; set .@nobodycounter, getvariableofnpc(.nobodycounter[.@room],"MVP Summoner"); if ( .@nobodycounter ) mes "And have left empty for "+( .@nobodycounter /10 )+"mn "+( .@nobodycounter %10 )+"s."; mes "Kick them ?"; next; if ( select ( "No:Yes" ) == 1 ) close; set getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner"), -1; mes "[Private MVP Room]"; mes "Room#"+ .@room +" is empty now."; close; i tried to make it 10mins only but it get worse default is 1 hour then it went to 2hours wew
  19. hi guys i tried CalciumKid's Flux CP CMS Addon 1.2 but when i installed already its asking me on my main website on password.. T_T what password is that? here is it T_T i dont know where to ask about this so sorry if i get in wrong thread
  20. guys can any one give me an guide or step by step on how to install the guild ranking by lllchrislll ?? http://llchrisll-scripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/released/sql-based/gld_ranker.txt <<<<<here is it
  21. yeah something like that yeeah it's like the item can warp you into one of your party member..
  22. Thank You for this, But on disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; just to correct you it is visible it was a portal here: prontera,155,173,0 warp PoringCatcher 2,2,poring_w01,105,128 That is why I need to disable it because it is a portal that's all thank you again FIXED: Just Change this Line: //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ - script GMCONTROL -1,{ OnInit: set $gmcontrol,60; end; } //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ //================ON WHISPER=========================\\ - script pcatch -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) { With This one I also updated the file now just waiting for approval //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ - script GMCONTROL -1,{ OnInit: set $gmcontrol,60; end; } //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ //================ON WHISPER=========================\\ - script pcatch -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) { i cant pm the npc:pcatch >.< whjy
  23. anyone have party warp? unlike to fly wing only can warp is 1 person.. but is there a script for item db that works for all party can be warp?
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