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Everything posted by chromus28

  1. oh thanks oh btw where can i find this script set .@item, groupranditem(IG_MagicCardAlbum); getitem .@item,1; announce "[ Mystical Card Album ]:"+ strcharinfo(0) +" get a "+ getitemname( .@item ),0; ????? thanks ms.capuche it's working now thank you so much Last request how can i make the announcement like >>> "Playername" got a "CardName" from "Mystical Card ALbum" ??
  2. Guys how can i add some announcement when they open (Something like Mystical Card Album) that will announce what they've got with their name and the card name..can you please help me?? need it really bad thanks
  3. which means u want them to have delay? try to go here trunk/db/skill_cast_db.txt sorry i cant show any 3rd job skill coz i dont have 3rd job on my server..
  4. oh nice thanks...can i ask one more thing? is it possible if there will be a random card every hour? the item trader wants a poring card then the next hour it will have a random card again..??is this possible?
  5. sorry im not really expert on scripting how should i change the points in each cards here?
  6. make a renewal casting time? can you give more further info about it?
  7. just go to the link that sir emistry gave to u and just delete the name of the undropable and untradable items then @reloaditemdb then your done
  8. Hi there.. I just wanna ask if there is some script that like card trader NPC,,BUT! in each card there is a different points in it..example if you trade the an MVP card you will recieve ah 50 Points,, and the normal cards is like 10points to 15 points something like that..if there is..can you please give me some of the script of this?
  9. can you give more further info about what you want to do? like do you want your stage game monster became MVP? or you just want to combine those script in one map only?
  10. I think there is no script for this yet..if they have it you are lucky bro..but im 70% sure there is no script for these
  11. Try this one.. Just change the X on your desired Level/Chance
  12. I think there is no script for that yet..
  13. try this one level 1 edp and 1% chance plitan mo nlgn ung 10 kng gsto mo taasan ng 5% -> 50.. sa server ko no prob nmn
  14. Eto bro this will help you.. http://rathena.org/board/topic/57792-soul-link-scrolls-with-client-files/ sundan mo lng yan guide yan for soul link scroll.. kng sa items hmmm tnry ko pero mukhang mag kaka bug ka lalo n sa HP kpag gnto nilgay mo ask k nlng sa iba bka may iba silang alam..
  15. this script command also do what i want? uhmm i dont know where should i put this script, or where should i start. help T_T
  16. this is about the script you gave me on blacksmith forged points..i dont know on how or where should i start...please can you give me an guide or step by step guide for it?
  17. where i should go to change that? Sir emistry please give me a guide and steps on this topic >.< i dont know where to start
  18. chromus28


    Hi team rAthena, Sorry maybe i went to wrong section on posting this topic. Do rAthena help about or giving steps on how to install Harmony on the server? coz i dont really know where to get this steps or guide.. I went to Harmonize site but i dont see that they have the steps on how to install the harmony..Or maybe i just dont know where to find it..
  19. Hi team rAthena. I just wanna ask if can make the forged weapon points become 1000 if they make it +10?
  20. Oh yeah!! thanks but the question is can i edit that script? so i can put the needed items for custom weapon?? Hi sir emistry, i try to edit the script just like this //---- One Handed Swords ----------------------- //-- Sword <-- BS_SWORD & 2 Iron 1101,1,99,1,998,2 //-- Falchion <-- BS_SWORD & 30 Iron 1104,1,99,1,998,30 //-- Blade <-- BS_SWORD & 45 Iron, 25 Tooth of Bat 1107,1,99,1,998,45,913,25 //-- Rapier <-- BS_SWORD & 20 Steel 1110,2,99,2,999,20 //-- Scimiter <-- BS_SWORD & 35 Steel 1113,2,99,2,999,35 //-- Ring Pommel Saber <-- BS_SWORD & 40 Steel, 50 Wolf Claw 1122,2,99,2,999,40,920,50 //-- Saber <-- BS_SWORD & 5 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Opal 1126,3,99,3,999,5,984,8,727,1 //-- Haedongum <-- BS_SWORD & 8 Oridecon, 10 Steel, 1 Topaz 1123,3,99,3,984,8,999,10,728,1 //-- Tsurugi <-- BS_SWORD & 8 Oridecon, 15 Steel, 1 Garnet 1119,3,99,3,984,8,999,15,718,1 //-- Flamberge <-- BS_SWORD & 16 Oridecon, 1 Cursed Ruby 1129,3,99,3,984,16,724,1 //-- Nexus Sword <-- BS_SWORD & 30 Oridecon, 100 Steel, 50 Opal 28000,4,99,3,984,30,999,100,727,50 //---------------------------------------------- but when im using oridecon hammer its doesnt show the Nexus Sword I tried to edit too the script of Oridecon hammer i tried this: 615,Oridecon_Hammer,Oridecon Hammer,2,5000,,400,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ produce 3; produce 4; },{},{} and this 615,Oridecon_Hammer,Oridecon Hammer,2,5000,,400,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ produce 4; },{},{} but still can't
  21. Ok i will try thanks for the help >.< thanks for the fast reply >.<
  22. pre-made i think... i dont really know may dev put this woe setter my*
  23. Hi Team rAthena, Im here again >.< can u please help me about setting my woe setter? It set for 1hour woe only but i want to make it 2hours //convert timestamps to readable format for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_woes; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@hrs, .woe_0[.@i] / 3600; set .@mins, .woe_0[.@i] % 3600 / 60; set .@output$, ((.@hrs % 12)?.@hrs%12:12) + ":" + ((.@mins < 10)?"0"+.@mins:.@mins) + " " + ((.@hrs > 12)?"PM":"AM"); set .woe_0_str$[.@i], .@output$; set .@hrs, .woe_1[.@i] / 3600; set .@mins, .woe_1[.@i] % 3600 / 60; set .@output$, ((.@hrs % 12)?.@hrs%12:12) + ":" + ((.@mins < 10)?"0"+.@mins:.@mins) + " " + ((.@hrs > 12)?"PM":"AM"); set .woe_1_str$[.@i], .@output$; } i make the 3600 time into 7200 but it change at 30mins lol...please help >.<
  24. Hi again team rAthena, I just wanna ask if i can make an custom forging on whitesmith? it's like i want to make an custom items that whitesmith can only forge it..if can, Please teach me how to do it >.<
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