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Everything posted by chromus28

  1. sir im getting error on this part >> Zeny -= .prize_of_npc;
  2. does anyone have a simple monster hunting script? i know about the mob hunt of sir euphy but i just a simple script only like. they hunt then they can get prizes after killing all that monster??? btw not only 1 monster is needed to hunt i mean example they need to kill 100 poring and 100 drops to get the prize...i hope there is some script like this thanks
  3. guys does anyone knows how to make runes stone work? coz even though im using stone there is no effect.. i already look the db too and i get the effect from rms but still not working why?
  4. no error but the event is not starting prontera,156,219,4 script Disguise Event 794,{ //--- Basic Script Configuration Options ---// set .@npcname$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; //<- NPC Name. set $@GMLevel,80; //<- GM Level needed to be considered a GM. //--- The Script ---// if (getgmlevel()>=$@GMLevel){goto GM_Player;} if ($@EventON){end;} mes .@npcname$; mes "Welcome, how may i be of assistance."; menu "Information",iInfo,"Nothing, just passing through.",iNothing; iInfo: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "This event is actually quite simple"; mes "At the start of the event, I will disguise myself"; mes "into a monster randomly. You will then merely have to shout that monsters name outloud."; next; mes "If you get it correct, you get a prize. If not, then keep trying."; mes "Thatis all there is to know about this event."; close; iNothing: close; GM_Player: mes .@npcname$; mes "Please select an Option to modify."; menu "Turn ON/OFF Event",iEvent,"Event Settings",iSettings; iEvent: next; mes .@npcname$; if ($@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?";} if (!$@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it ON?";} menu "Yes",iYes,"No",iNothing; iYes: if ($@EventON) {set $@EventON,0; set $@Timer,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue; deletepset 1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",997; close;} set $@EventON,1; set $@Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; close; iSettings: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Please select a setting to modify."; menu "Monster Display",iMonster,"Number of Rounds",iRounds,"Prize Settings",iPrize; iMonster: callfunc "Monster_Display"; iRounds: callfunc "Rounds"; iPrize: callfunc "Prize"; OnInit: defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*OMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; set $@EventON,0; set $@Wait,0; set $@Winner,0; set $Points,$Points; set $@ResetCounter,0; set $Rounds,$Rounds; set $Prize,$Prize; set $PrizeAmt,$PrizeAmt; set $Rule,$Rule; setarray $@MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373, 1389,1399,1418,1492,1502,1511,1583,1623,1630,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1658,1685,1688, 1708,1719,1734,1751,1768,1779,1785,1802,1832,1871,1874,1885,1917,1980,2022,2068,2087,2131, 2156,2165; setarray $@BlackList[0], 1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168,1171,1172,1173,1181,1210,1217,1218, 1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228,1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001, 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035,2036, 2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049,2050,2051,2052,2053,2054, 2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063,2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079, 2080,2081,2083,2084,2085,2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098, 2099,2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113,2114,2115,2116, 2117,2118; setarray $@BlackList2[0],2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0030: OnClock0100: OnClock0130: set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1; set $@EventON,1; set $@Timer,1; set $@Wait,1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: if ($@Timer){end;} if ($@Change){end;} set $@Wait,0; goto iDisguise; //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise"; end; OnTimer30000: if ($@Timer){end;} set $@Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "You took too long to guess what i was. Please wait 10 seconds while i disguise again."; specialeffect 730; set $MonsterName$,"OMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!"; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; end;} OnTimer120000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; end;} OnTimer180000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; set $@Timer,0; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; goto iDisguise; //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise"; end;} announce "Something went wrong with the Disguise Event.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "Please notify a GM ASAP. Thank you.",bc_all | bc_blue; end; iDisguise: if ($Rule==1) {set $@Winner,0; set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,995); for(set .@BL,0; .@BL<getarraysize($@BlackList); set .@BL,.@BL+1) {if ($@Monster==$@BlackList[.@BL] || $@Monster==$@BlackList2[.@BL]) {goto iDisguise;}} if ($@Monster==$@LastMonster){goto iDisguise;} set $@LastMonster,$@Monster; set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0);} if ($Rule==2) {set $@Winner,0; set $@Monster,rand(49); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@MVP[$@Monster],0);} deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; if ($Rule==1){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@Monster;} if ($Rule==2){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@MVP[$@Monster];} set $@Change,1; setnpctimer 0; //Hint //npctalk ""+$@Monster+", "+$MonsterName$+""; end; iCorrect: if ($@Winner){dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end;} set $@Winner,1; set $@RoundCount,$@RoundCount+1; deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*\\sOMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iFailCheater"; activatepset 1; getitem $Prize,$PrizeAmt; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue; if ($@RoundCount>=$Rounds) {setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set $@RoundCount,0; set $@Change,0; set $@EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end;} setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",794; set $@Change,0; setnpctimer 0; end; iFailCheater: end; } //--- The Functions ---// function script Rounds { next; mes "Please Input the number of rounds you want the event to last."; mes "Current Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]"; input .@Rounds; set $Rounds,.@Rounds; next; mes "The number of rounds has been changed successfully."; mes "Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]"; mes "Come again."; close; } function script Prize { next; mes "Please Input the ItemID of the prize that will be given each round."; mes "Current Items is: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000] ItemID - ^0000FF"+$Prize+"^000000"; input .@Prize; if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") {next; mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close;} set $Prize,.@Prize; next; mes "Please Input the Ammount that is to be given."; input .@Ammount; if (.@Ammount<=0 || .@Ammount>=10000) {next; mes "That ammount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1.";} set $PrizeAmt,.@Ammount; next; mes "The Prize has been changed successfully."; mes "Prize: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000]x(^0000FF"+$PrizeAmt+"^000000)"; close; } function script Monster_Display { setarray .@Rule[0],0,1,2; setarray .@Desc$[0],"","Transform as all monsters.","Transform as MvP's only."; next; mes "Please select a Disguise Rule."; mes "Rule 1 - Transform as all monsters."; mes "Rule 2 - Transform as MvP's only."; menu "Rule 1:Rule 2",iRule; iRule: set $Rule,.@Rule[@menu]; next; mes "The Disguise Rule, has been changed successfully."; mes "Current Rule: ^0000FF"+$Rule+"^000000 - ^0000FF"+.@Desc$[@menu]+"^000000"; close; } i did just like this sorry it works but its like something wrong.. i will report again later
  5. does anyone have a script of all items needed on 3rd job shop? i dont know all the items needed for 3rd job.. does anyone have a fix shop of this?
  6. sis the event is not starting >.< sis patskie i tried to put the time of nanakiwurtz but the event is not starting...
  7. Oh Thanks!! uhm mam. is it possible for every 45 mins?
  8. Can anyone help me make this event every 2 Hours - script LMS#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Mr. Banker"; disablenpc "All Job Manager"; end; } - script LMS -1,{ OnClock0310: OnClock0610: OnClock0910: OnClock1210: OnClock1510: OnClock1810: OnClock2110: OnClock2310: goto startlmsevent; startlmsevent: announce "Mr. Manager: The Last Man Standing event will be starting shortly.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: Those who want to play, please proceed to prontera 149 225 and register.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: After 1 Minute the Registration will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Mr. Manager: Please go to prontera 149 225 and Register now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "All Job Manager"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 30 seconds.",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Mr. Manager: If you want to join please Register in prontera 149 225.",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 10 seconds.",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Mr. Manager: 5.",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Mr. Manager: 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Mr. Manager: 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Mr. Manager: 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Mr. Manager: 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Mr. Manager: Time's up.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "All Job Manager"; donpcevent "Mr. Banker::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } //---------All Job Registration--------------- prontera,149,225,5 script All Job Manager 106,{ mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "Hello What can I do for you?"; next; menu "Register",-,"What is LMS?",what,"Leave",leave; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "Thankyou for registering Mr. " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Have fun!"; warp "quiz_02",264,343; end; what: mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "LMS is also known as Last Man Standing Event"; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "LMS is also like a PvP."; next; mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "That's all"; close; leave: mes "[Mr. Manager]"; mes "I hope you will register next time"; close; } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- guild_vs1,50,51,6 script Mr. Banker 56,{ mes "[Banker]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; next; announce "Mr. Manager: We have a winner! well done "+strcharinfo(0)+".",0; getitem 27000, 10; // Change This item id to what ever you want . item id,amount set class_s,class_s+8; mes "You will return now"; warp "prontera",155,173; disablenpc "Mr. Banker"; close; end; OnEnable: pvpoff "guild_vs1"; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:The Last Man Standing Event will start shortly",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:But before we start this is just a few reminders..",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager:Using Cloaking , Hiding is strictly not allowed..",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager: Only the Last Man Standing will win this event!!",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!...",0; areawarp "quiz_02",252,357,275,334,"guild_vs1",0,0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) { goto L_nocontest; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 0) { goto L_None; } else { mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 5",0; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 4",0; sleep2 4000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 3",0; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 2",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Manager: 1",0; sleep2 1000; pvpon "guild_vs1"; goto timer; end; } timer: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: end; OnTimer1100: if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) goto L_Champ; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") > 2) goto timer; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 2) goto champ; stopnpctimer; end; champ: announce "Mr. Manager: Last 2 Brave warriors are still alive!",0; sleep2 10000; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") == 1) goto L_Champ; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") > 1) goto timer; end; L_Champ: mapannounce "guild_vs1","Mr. Banker: Please talk to me to get your prize.. Im in the middle",0; pvpoff "guild_vs1"; enablenpc "Mr. Banker"; end; L_None: disablenpc "Banker"; pvpoff "guild_vs1"; end; L_nocontest: mapannounce "guild_vs1","Since only you joined, there will be no event. BUT you will be given 10 Quest Tickets!",0; enablenpc "Mr. Banker"; end; } //----- Die = warp prt ----- - script Killa_warp -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if(.@map$=="guild_vs1") { set #kill_point, 0; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" died, and out of the game!.",bc_all; warp "prontera",155,173; end; } end; } // == Mapflags guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nosave guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag pvp_noparty guild_vs1 mapflag restricted 1 guild_vs1 mapflag nocommand 90 quiz_02 mapflag nowarp quiz_02 mapflag nowarpto quiz_02 mapflag noteleport quiz_02 mapflag nosave quiz_02 mapflag nomemo quiz_02 mapflag nobranch quiz_02 mapflag pvp_noparty quiz_02 mapflag restricted 1 quiz_02 mapflag nocommand 90 And this one for every Hour - script DiceHide -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; disablenpc "Prize Manager"; pvpoff "quiz_01"; end; } - script DICE#1 -1,{ OnClock0210: OnClock0410: OnClock0610: OnClock0810: OnClock1010: OnClock1210: OnClock1410: OnClock1610: OnClock1810: OnClock2010: OnClock2210: goto startdice; end; startdice: disablenpc "Prize Manager"; mapwarp "quiz_01","prontera",0,0; announce "The Dice Event will start soon",0; sleep2 2000; announce "If you want to participant warp to prontera 159 225 now",0; sleep2 2000; announce "You have 2 Minutes to register",0; enablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; sleep2 120000; announce "The registration has closed",0; disablenpc "Dice Manager#1"; donpcevent "Dice Manager#1::OnDiceStart"; end; } prontera,162,225,5 script Dice Manager#1 715,{ mes "Do you want to register to the dice event?"; menu "I want to register",L_yes,"Later",L_no; L_yes: warp "quiz_01" ,49,88; set #dice_play, 1; end; L_no: mes "Ok"; close; OnDiceStart: mapannounce "quiz_01","Go to the box 1,2,3,4 and no staying on the outside of box",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","This is the mechanic of the event",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","I will say a number between 1-4",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","If your box number is the same with my number, you're safe you will proceed to the next round",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","And if your box number is not the same will warp to brasilis",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Good Luck",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01","I will pick in 30 seconds! good luck!",0; sleep2 30000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice Manager: OK! I will pick now a number",0; sleep2 2000; goto Start; Start: switch(rand(1,4)) { Case 1: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 1",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",156,177; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 2: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 2",0; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",156,177; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 3: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 3",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",69,81,77,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",156,177; goto OnWinner; end; break; Case 4: mapannounce "quiz_01","The Winner is 4",0; areawarp "quiz_01",45,81,53,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",33,81,41,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",57,81,65,59,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",32,94,78,86,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",36,85,38,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",48,85,50,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",60,85,62,82,"prontera",156,177; areawarp "quiz_01",72,85,74,82,"prontera",156,177; goto Onwinner; end; break; } end; OnWinner: mapannounce "quiz_01","To those who are winner",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "quiz_01"," Please go in the middle to claim you prize",0; enablenpc "Prize Manager"; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (#dice_play == 0) { warp "prontera",0,0; end; } end; OnPCLogOutEvent: if (#dice_play == 1 ) { set #dice_play, 1; end; } end; } quiz_01,49,90,1 script Prize Manager 715,{ getitem 671, 1; set class_s,class_s+3; warp "prontera",156,177; end; } quiz_01 mapflag nowarp quiz_01 mapflag nowarpto quiz_01 mapflag loadevent quiz_01 mapflag nomemo quiz_01 mapflag nosave And this one for every 30mins only prontera,156,219,4 script Disguise Event 794,{ //--- Basic Script Configuration Options ---// set .@npcname$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; //<- NPC Name. set $@GMLevel,80; //<- GM Level needed to be considered a GM. //--- The Script ---// if (getgmlevel()>=$@GMLevel){goto GM_Player;} if ($@EventON){end;} mes .@npcname$; mes "Welcome, how may i be of assistance."; menu "Information",iInfo,"Nothing, just passing through.",iNothing; iInfo: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "This event is actually quite simple"; mes "At the start of the event, I will disguise myself"; mes "into a monster randomly. You will then merely have to shout that monsters name outloud."; next; mes "If you get it correct, you get a prize. If not, then keep trying."; mes "Thatis all there is to know about this event."; close; iNothing: close; GM_Player: mes .@npcname$; mes "Please select an Option to modify."; menu "Turn ON/OFF Event",iEvent,"Event Settings",iSettings; iEvent: next; mes .@npcname$; if ($@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?";} if (!$@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it ON?";} menu "Yes",iYes,"No",iNothing; iYes: if ($@EventON) {set $@EventON,0; set $@Timer,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue; deletepset 1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",997; close;} set $@EventON,1; set $@Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; close; iSettings: next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Please select a setting to modify."; menu "Monster Display",iMonster,"Number of Rounds",iRounds,"Prize Settings",iPrize; iMonster: callfunc "Monster_Display"; iRounds: callfunc "Rounds"; iPrize: callfunc "Prize"; OnInit: defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*OMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; set $@EventON,0; set $@Wait,0; set $@Winner,0; set $Points,$Points; set $@ResetCounter,0; set $Rounds,$Rounds; set $Prize,$Prize; set $PrizeAmt,$PrizeAmt; set $Rule,$Rule; setarray $@MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373, 1389,1399,1418,1492,1502,1511,1583,1623,1630,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1658,1685,1688, 1708,1719,1734,1751,1768,1779,1785,1802,1832,1871,1874,1885,1917,1980,2022,2068,2087,2131, 2156,2165; setarray $@BlackList[0], 1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168,1171,1172,1173,1181,1210,1217,1218, 1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228,1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001, 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035,2036, 2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049,2050,2051,2052,2053,2054, 2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063,2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079, 2080,2081,2083,2084,2085,2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098, 2099,2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113,2114,2115,2116, 2117,2118; setarray $@BlackList2[0],2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0200: OnClock0400: OnClock0600: OnClock0800: OnClock1000: OnClock1200: OnClock1400: OnClock1600: OnClock1800: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1; set $@EventON,1; set $@Timer,1; set $@Wait,1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: if ($@Timer){end;} if ($@Change){end;} set $@Wait,0; goto iDisguise; //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise"; end; OnTimer30000: if ($@Timer){end;} set $@Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "You took too long to guess what i was. Please wait 10 seconds while i disguise again."; specialeffect 730; set $MonsterName$,"OMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!"; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; end;} OnTimer120000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; end;} OnTimer180000: if ($@Timer!=1){end;} if ($@Timer==1) {announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",bc_all; announce "The Event is being held in prontera 156 223.",bc_all; set $@Timer,0; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; goto iDisguise; //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise"; end;} announce "Something went wrong with the Disguise Event.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "Please notify a GM ASAP. Thank you.",bc_all | bc_blue; end; iDisguise: if ($Rule==1) {set $@Winner,0; set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,995); for(set .@BL,0; .@BL<getarraysize($@BlackList); set .@BL,.@BL+1) {if ($@Monster==$@BlackList[.@BL] || $@Monster==$@BlackList2[.@BL]) {goto iDisguise;}} if ($@Monster==$@LastMonster){goto iDisguise;} set $@LastMonster,$@Monster; set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0);} if ($Rule==2) {set $@Winner,0; set $@Monster,rand(49); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@MVP[$@Monster],0);} deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; if ($Rule==1){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@Monster;} if ($Rule==2){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@MVP[$@Monster];} set $@Change,1; setnpctimer 0; //Hint //npctalk ""+$@Monster+", "+$MonsterName$+""; end; iCorrect: if ($@Winner){dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end;} set $@Winner,1; set $@RoundCount,$@RoundCount+1; deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*\\sOMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iFailCheater"; activatepset 1; getitem $Prize,$PrizeAmt; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue; if ($@RoundCount>=$Rounds) {setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set $@RoundCount,0; set $@Change,0; set $@EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end;} setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",794; set $@Change,0; setnpctimer 0; end; iFailCheater: end; } //--- The Functions ---// function script Rounds { next; mes "Please Input the number of rounds you want the event to last."; mes "Current Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]"; input .@Rounds; set $Rounds,.@Rounds; next; mes "The number of rounds has been changed successfully."; mes "Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]"; mes "Come again."; close; } function script Prize { next; mes "Please Input the ItemID of the prize that will be given each round."; mes "Current Items is: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000] ItemID - ^0000FF"+$Prize+"^000000"; input .@Prize; if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") {next; mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close;} set $Prize,.@Prize; next; mes "Please Input the Ammount that is to be given."; input .@Ammount; if (.@Ammount<=0 || .@Ammount>=10000) {next; mes "That ammount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1.";} set $PrizeAmt,.@Ammount; next; mes "The Prize has been changed successfully."; mes "Prize: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000]x(^0000FF"+$PrizeAmt+"^000000)"; close; } function script Monster_Display { setarray .@Rule[0],0,1,2; setarray .@Desc$[0],"","Transform as all monsters.","Transform as MvP's only."; next; mes "Please select a Disguise Rule."; mes "Rule 1 - Transform as all monsters."; mes "Rule 2 - Transform as MvP's only."; menu "Rule 1:Rule 2",iRule; iRule: set $Rule,.@Rule[@menu]; next; mes "The Disguise Rule, has been changed successfully."; mes "Current Rule: ^0000FF"+$Rule+"^000000 - ^0000FF"+.@Desc$[@menu]+"^000000"; close; } Thanks in advance
  9. can anyone have Mission board that i can edit it easily without using SQL? i mean it just a simple script that i can put some quest and there is no limit of time.. they can do it again after they finish it..
  10. what is the prob on my NPC if im having this error? [Error]: npc_event: event not found [Donate NPC ::OnExit] here is the script if in case //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Euphy's Quest Shop //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Description: ========================================= //= A dynamic quest shop based on Lunar's, with easier config. //= Includes support for multiple shops & cashpoints. //= Item Preview script by ToastOfDoom. //============================================================ prontera,139,225,6 script Donate NPC 719,{ function Add; function Chk; function Slot; function A_An; if(.Shops$ != "") set .@i,1; else { set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=getarraysize(.Shops$); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.Shops$[.@i]+":"; set .@i, select(.@menu$); } dispbottom "Select one item at a time."; callshop "5shop"+.@i,1; npcshopattach "5shop"+.@i; end; function Add { for(set .@n,5; 1; set .@n,.@n+2) if (!getarg(.@n,0)) break; for(set .@i,2; .@i<.@n; set .@i,.@i+1) set getd(".q_"+getarg(1)+"["+(.@i-2)+"]"), getarg(.@i); npcshopadditem "5shop"+getarg(0),getarg(1),((.ShowZeny)?getarg(3):0); return; } function Chk { if (getarg(0)<getarg(1)) { set @qf,1; return "^FF0000"; } else return "^00FF00"; } function Slot { set .@s$,getitemname(getarg(0)); switch(.ShowSlot){ case 1: if (!getitemslots(getarg(0))) return .@s$; case 2: if (getiteminfo(getarg(0),11)>0) return .@s$+" ["+getitemslots(getarg(0))+"]"; default: return .@s$; } } function A_An { setarray .@A$[0],"a","e","i","o","u"; set .@B$, "_"+getarg(0); for(set .@i,0; .@i<5; set .@i,.@i+1) if (compare(.@B$,"_"+.@A$[.@i])) return "an "+getarg(0); return "a "+getarg(0); } OnBuyItem: set .@q[0],@bought_nameid; copyarray .@q[1],getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"[0]")); if (!.@q[1]) { message strcharinfo(0),"An error has occurred."; end; } mes "[Quest Shop]"; mes "Reward: ^0055FF"+((.@q[1]>1)?.@q[1]+"x ":"")+Slot(.@q[0])+"^000000"; mes "Requirements:"; if (.@q[2]) mes " > "+Chk(Zeny,.@q[2])+.@q[2]+" Zeny^000000"; if (.@q[3]) mes " > "+Chk(getd(.Points$[0]),.@q[3])+.@q[3]+" "+.Points$[1]+" ("+getd(.Points$[0])+"/"+.@q[3]+")^000000"; if (.@q[4]) for(set .@i,4; .@i<getarraysize(.@q); set .@i,.@i+2) mes " > "+Chk(countitem(.@q[.@i]),.@q[.@i+1])+((.DisplayID)?"{"+.@q[.@i]+"} ":"")+Slot(.@q[.@i])+" ("+countitem(.@q[.@i])+"/"+.@q[.@i+1]+")^000000"; if (@qf) { set @qf,0; close; } next; if (!checkweight(.@q[0],.@q[1])) { mes "[Quest Shop]"; mes "^FF0000You need "+(((.@q[1]*getiteminfo(.@q[0],6))+Weight-MaxWeight)/10)+" additional weight capacity to complete this trade.^000000"; close; } set @qe1, getiteminfo(.@q[0],5); set @qe2, getiteminfo(.@q[0],11); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnExit"; while(1){ switch(select(" ~ Purchase ^0055FF"+getitemname(.@q[0])+"^000000:"+((((@qe1&1) || (@qe1&256) || (@qe1&512)) && @qe2>0 && !@qe6)?" ~ Preview...":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: if (.@q[2]) set Zeny, Zeny-.@q[2]; if (.@q[3]) setd .Points$[0], getd(.Points$[0])-.@q[3]; if (.@q[4]) for(set .@i,4; .@i<getarraysize(.@q); set .@i,.@i+2) delitem .@q[.@i],.@q[.@i+1]; getitem .@q[0],.@q[1]; if (.Announce) announce strcharinfo(0)+" has created "+A_An(getitemname(.@q[0]))+"!",0; specialeffect2 699; close; case 2: set @qe3, getlook(3); set @qe4, getlook(4); set @qe5, getlook(5); if (@qe1&1) atcommand "@changelook 3 "+@qe2; if (@qe1&256) atcommand "@changelook 1 "+@qe2; if (@qe1&512) atcommand "@changelook 2 "+@qe2; set @qe6,1; break; case 3: close; } } OnExit: if (@qe6) { atcommand "@changelook 3 "+@qe3; atcommand "@changelook 1 "+@qe4; atcommand "@changelook 2 "+@qe5; } for(set .@i,1; .@i<7; set .@i,.@i+1) setd "@qe"+.@i,0; end; OnInit: // --------------------- Config --------------------- // Custom points, if needed: "<variable>","<name to display>" setarray .Points$[0],"#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points"; set .Announce,0; // Announce quest completion? (1: yes / 0: no) set .ShowSlot,1; // Show item slots? (2: all equipment / 1: if slots > 0 / 0: never) set .DisplayID,0; // Show item IDs? (1: yes / 0: no) set .ShowZeny,0; // Show Zeny cost, if any? (1: yes / 0: no) // Shop categories, if needed: "<Shop 1>","<Shop 2>"{,...}; // Duplicate dummy data for any additional shops (bottom of script). // If no categories, use the second line instead (remove //). setarray .Shops$[1],"Armor","Shield","Garment","Accesories","Cards","Weapon's","Headgear's","Usable"; // set .Shops$,"n/a"; // Add(<shop number>,<reward ID>,<reward amount>,<Zeny cost>,<point cost>, // <required item ID>,<required item amount>{,...}); // Shop number corresponds with order above (default is 1). // Note: Do NOT use a reward item more than once! Add(1,2394,1,0,0,7179,30); Add(1,2345,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(1,2347,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(1,2349,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(1,2351,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(2,2137,1,0,0,7179,30); Add(2,2138,1,0,0,7179,18); Add(2,2130,1,0,0,7179,18); Add(3,2554,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(4,2772,1,0,0,7179,28); Add(4,2737,1,0,0,7179,18); Add(4,2733,1,0,0,7179,24); Add(5,4441,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(5,4429,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(5,4430,1,0,0,7179,30); Add(5,4427,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(5,4361,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(5,4365,1,0,0,7179,100); Add(5,4359,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(5,4357,1,0,0,7179,100); Add(5,4407,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(5,4408,1,0,0,7179,40); Add(5,4399,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(5,4128,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(5,4318,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(6,1279,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(6,1280,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(6,1281,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(6,1486,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(6,1546,1,0,0,7179,45); Add(6,1576,1,0,0,7179,55); Add(6,1577,1,0,0,7179,55); Add(6,1426,1,0,0,7179,55); Add(6,2002,1,0,0,7179,60); Add(6,13416,1,0,0,7179,60); Add(6,1826,1,0,0,7179,60); Add(6,1310,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(6,1981,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(6,1927,1,0,0,7179,35); Add(6,13176,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(6,13177,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(6,13178,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(6,13179,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(6,13110,1,0,0,7179,20); Add(6,1743,1,0,0,7179,25); Add(6,13306,1,0,0,7179,30); Add(6,13307,1,0,0,7179,30); Add(6,13412,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(6,13413,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5137,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5766,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5013,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,20261,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,30064,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,18503,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,20028,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,20030,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5401,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5767,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,2687,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,30067,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5389,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5521,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5800,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5304,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5591,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5170,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5518,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5374,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5476,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5822,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5138,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5753,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5751,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5483,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(7,5375,1,0,0,7179,15); Add(8,12246,1,0,0,7179,10); // -------------------------------------------------- for(set .@i,1; .@i<=getarraysize(.Shops$); set .@i,.@i+1) npcshopdelitem "5shop"+.@i,909; waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0; end; } // -------- Dummy data (duplicate as needed) -------- - shop 5shop1 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop2 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop3 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop4 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop5 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop6 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop7 -1,909:-1 - shop 5shop8 -1,909:-1 another help please on my v4p shop - shop vote_shop1 111,501:50 prontera,144,230,6 script Vote Shop#1 714,{ set @i,0; mes "[ Annie ]"; mes "Each item will cost you some ^008800Voting Proof Tickets^000000"; mes "Select only one."; callshop "vote_shop1",1; npcshopattach "vote_shop1"; end; OnBuyItem: if(.BuildQuest) { for(set .e,0; !compare(""+getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {} npcshopadditem "vote_shop1",getarg(.e+2),getarg(.e)*compare(""+getarg(.e+1),"SZeny"); setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2); set .i,.i+1; goto Quest_Setup; } if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } mes "[ Annie ]"; mes "I require the following:"; for(set @i,0; !compare(""+getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^880000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]"; if(getarg(@i)) mes "^880000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny"; mes "^000000In exchange, I will give you:^000088"; for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)); switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) { case 1: for(set @i,0; !compare(""+getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) { next; mes "You have " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + "."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000."; close; } if(Zeny < getarg(@i)) { next; mes "You do not have enough Zeny."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000."; close; } for(set @i,0; !compare(""+getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i); for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); if (compare(""+getarg(@i,0),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained " + getitemname(@bought_nameid) + "!",bc_all; close; case 2: set @bottomview, getlook(3); set @topview, getlook(4); set @midview, getlook(5); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave"; set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5); set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11); if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) { if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view; if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view; if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view; } next; goto OnBuyItem; case 3: close; } On_Leave: atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview; atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview; atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview; set @equip,0; set @view,0; set @topview,0; set @midview,0; set @bottomview,0; end; OnInit: waitingroom "V4P Shop",0; npcshopitem "vote_shop1",0,0; set .BuildQuest,1; set .i,1; Quest_Setup: switch(.i) { default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end; case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5274,1; case 2: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5274,1; case 3: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5275,1; case 4: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5276,1; case 5: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5298,1; } } and here is the error [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 0 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data. i dont know what it saying item id 0 does not exists but in the callsub there is no item 0 please help me with this 2 errors i have bump
  11. Sir emistry does this script only get the skull of the 1 player only?
  12. guys can anyone help me on my v4p script? this is showing up on my putty [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: number value=20 [Debug]: Function: compare [Debug]: Source (NPC): Vote Shop#1 at malaya (299,350) [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: number value=20 [Debug]: Function: compare [Debug]: Source (NPC): Vote Shop#1 at malaya (299,350) [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: number value=20 [Debug]: Function: compare [Debug]: Source (NPC): Vote Shop#1 at malaya (299,350) and this is the script i have //====CHANGER====// malaya,294,350,4 script Voting Proof::voteproof 435,{ //set .@cred2zen,10000000; //Set for you credits mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "Hi, I am Mr. Htnerb! Here to assist you in your everyday ^008800Voting Proof Ticket^000000 needs!"; next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "So, would you like to trade your Vote Points into ^008800Voting Proof Ticket^000000?"; menu "Inquire about Points",-,"Yes!",cred2zeny; next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "Ok, wait for a minute. Let me check my records!"; next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "You have ^000088"+ #KAFRAPOINTS +"^000000 Vote Points."; dispbottom "You currently have "+ #KAFRAPOINTS +" Vote Points."; close; cred2zeny: next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "Ok, how many ^000088Vote Points^000000 would you like to convert into ^008800Voting Proof Ticket/s^000000?"; mes "^FF0000Please be reminded that 1 Vote Point is equal to 1 Voting Proof Ticket^000000."; input .@vps; next; if ( .@vps < 1) goto zero; if ( .@vps > 30000) goto Toomeni; if((countitem(7227)+.@vps) >= 30000) goto Toomeni; //next; if ( #KAFRAPOINTS < .@vps) goto Tooless; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "Here you go."; set #KAFRAPOINTS,(#KAFRAPOINTS-.@vps); getitem 7227,.@vps; dispbottom "You were deducted by "+ .@vps +" Vote points. You now have a total of "+ #KAFRAPOINTS +" Vote Points."; next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "Enjoy your ^008800Voting Proof Tickets^000000."; donpcevent "voteproof::OnTHX"; close; Toomeni: next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "I'm sorry but you cannot hold more than ^FF00030,000^000000 items."; close; Tooless: next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "I'm sorry but you have insufficient ^000088Vote Points^000000."; close; zero: next; mes "[ Mr. Htnerb ]"; mes "I cannot work with a ^00FF000^000000!"; close; OnTHX: emotion e_thx,0; end; } //Made by Jod credits to Lunar //Version 1.6 //6.1.09 - shop vote_shop1 111,501:50 malaya,299,350,4 script Vote Shop#1 714,{ set @i,0; mes "[ Annie ]"; mes "Each item will cost you some ^008800Voting Proof Tickets^000000"; mes "Select only one."; callshop "vote_shop1",1; npcshopattach "vote_shop1"; end; OnBuyItem: if(.BuildQuest) { for(set .e,0; !compare(getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {} npcshopadditem "vote_shop1",getarg(.e+2),getarg(.e)*compare(getarg(.e+1),"SZeny"); setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2); set .i,.i+1; goto Quest_Setup; } if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } mes "[ Annie ]"; mes "I require the following:"; for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^880000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]"; if(getarg(@i)) mes "^880000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny"; mes "^000000In exchange, I will give you:^000088"; for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)); switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) { case 1: for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) { next; mes "You have " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + "."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000."; close; } if(Zeny < getarg(@i)) { next; mes "You do not have enough Zeny."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000."; close; } for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i); for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); if (compare(getarg(@i,0),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained " + getitemname(@bought_nameid) + "!",bc_all; close; case 2: set @bottomview, getlook(3); set @topview, getlook(4); set @midview, getlook(5); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave"; set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5); set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11); if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) { if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view; if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view; if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view; } next; goto OnBuyItem; case 3: close; } On_Leave: atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview; atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview; atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview; set @equip,0; set @view,0; set @topview,0; set @midview,0; set @bottomview,0; end; OnInit: npcshopitem "vote_shop1",0,0; set .BuildQuest,1; set .i,1; Quest_Setup: switch(.i) { default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end; case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5274,1; case 2: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5274,1; case 3: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5275,1; case 4: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5276,1; case 5: callsub OnBuyItem,7227,20,20,"SZeny",5298,1; } }
  13. Need the latest kRO or a Renewal Data Folder? hmm i am very sure that i have the latest KRO..T_T
  14. sorry i saw some 3rd job suit topics but i cant reply a topic on it so i decided to post new.. btw why when im trying to put the {},{ changebase 4054; },{} id of rune knight it make me error but when im trynig to change it into 4001 super novice there is no error? can anyone help me? they said i need an sprite on this where can i get that?
  15. Sir i tried to change into assasin but why even the skill changed??
  16. ok boss i will try later thanks
  17. uhm why i can't click the npc?? i mean nothing happen when im clicking the npc no error now but nothing happen when clicking the npc aww error [Error]: run_script: infinity loop ! [Debug]: Source (NPC): Yii Haruka at force_2-3 (96,190)
  18. ok i will check later on going to sleep xD bro here is now the error..
  19. yes,, i need more than 10 items
  20. oh thanks Sir, only 1 item can be traded in this script?
  21. does anyone have a script npc that can upgrade the armor? example: i want to upgrade the Sniper Suit's into a 2 slotted suit.. player will just bring the requirement to get the upgraded item on the npc.. does anyone have it?
  22. guys does anyone knows how to enable skill on pvp room? yeah gm can back slide or reloc but my players cant T_T how can i fix that? answered sorry and thanks
  23. guys how to activate this script? - script Sample -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" ){ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Cash Point. Total is "+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash Points."; end; } } i change already the mapname and the npc name by when im killing someone i dont earn any points
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