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Everything posted by kasumy

  1. Version , the white city


    Livion is a white city ^^ I hope enjoy it xD
  2. Hi guys ^ ^ I finished my other map of scratch * - * - * was little hard to make this map because I had no idea what was going to doing xD It is a simple map of 150x150 ^ ^ it is a white map (i love white maps) and I hope you like it ^ ^ (a tiger's face was supposed to be a waterfall effect but by far not appeared = /) http://imageshack.us/a/img59/2665/screenflenionragnarokont.jpg[/img] Download here: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2916-livion-town/ (if a file is missing, let me know and I'll send ressource)
  3. Some models have a problem '-' textureless this things. I use some models of Arctures xD but i edited with photoshop. If you wanna user it, Edit it ^^
  4. Olrox a sugestion xD. You could make a tutorial about extracting objects 3D of online games wii games or other?? a doubt about animation model xD. Type if the model already had an animation, i could only import it for xarple convert and convert for (.rsm)? or i had make a animation in 3ds max?
  5. 586 dont have very bugs. Some versions of browedit have some problems.
  6. have a tutorial in youtube '-' only select the part of texture what you wanna modific and save ^^ add in your browedit open the rsm editor and put your custom texture. Have a time for you learn the user the photoshop and learn edit a custom model ^^
  7. Hi guys. I am working in maps of ragnarok some the time and i am trying learn something more advanced. I learned extract models 3D of world of warcraft and now i wanna learn extract models 3D of the leauge of legends, If anybody know how i do it, can tell me the programs and where i can download? I know what the forum of rathena is a forum about ragnarok not about models 3D sorry the nuisance. ( Close my other topics ^^ i dont wanna be adverted xD)
  8. hmmm... entendo xD outra duvida tipo um personagem criado do zero tipo aquele guerreiro, ele foi criado por voce? você mesmo criou as texturas dele com photoshop?
  9. outra coisa também é quando eu importo modelo de um jogo online e quando eu vou aplicar material nele. Aparecem 2 texturas extras e essas texturas não precisam ser ultilizadas no modelo. O browedit vai atrás delas quando elas forem importadas pra ele? outra coisa é a animação do modelo. Eu baixei um modelo que ele era um balão e ele se mexia porém quando importei pro browedit ele perdeu esse movimento ele fico sem movimentação alguma. Oque eu devo fazer ? Eu tenho que anima-lo novamente?
  10. è isso ai mesmo que você acabou de postar *-* agora eu preciso que editar com o photoshop??
  11. tipo... uma casa. Quando eu vou envolver ela com uma textura já existente ela ficará normal um exemplo é as casas de prontera se eu importar ela pro 3ds max e colocar a textura dela mesma, ela ficará bonitinha texturizada, porém se eu criar uma casa em 3d sem textura alguma como eu vou fazer as janelas portas essas coisas? eu vou ter que criar as portas janelas com editor de imagem? pegando imagens do google?
  12. have a mode of i see the how the texture will in browedit using the UV map Editor? type... I export the texture in 3D and color in photoshop?
  13. how you did the warrior texture? how do you envolved the object?
  14. Hello everybody ^ ^ I saw the tutorial on how to import Olrox map for 3ds max. I wonder if I would create a circle in the middle of a custom map. In browedit is only possible to make into squares and I wonder if it is possible to round in 3ds max. Another thing that I also would like to know is about texturing 3ds max. I wanted to model a bear but I thought I could texturing in max, however the tutorials I've seen the same had to create texture in photoshop or any image editor. Another question is about ROMAPcon. When I go to import a custom map he can not read the custom textures. Ahh another thing I saw in the tutorial was that the program had Olrox WowModel Viewer that allows to see the models of World of warcraft and I like it but would like a program to view models of the League of Legends. (You can mark as solved my last two posts please)
  15. my menu in 3ds max missed T_T how i do for it appears again?
  16. Hi guys ^^ i am new in use 3ds max.I know it has nothing to do I're posting things here on 3ds max. I was searching in google and i find some keys what could help-me. I have some questions. How i move the object in 3ds max and how i modify the size of object and other thing, my object have a animation but when i export for browedit, the animation not appears xD how i make it?
  17. kasumy


    Thank-you ^^ Tahnk- you ^^ but in game the client crash '-'
  18. kasumy


    hi guy ^^ again kk ! xD i have a little problem with water textures ^^ i did the waters texture in .jpg 33 frames and i put in the folder "¿öÅÍ " but in browedit the water appears white '-'
  19. mgo to the propery of the map and go to the Windows Global Lighting and put the numbers:
  20. how i do it? overlay the color?
  21. this is the problem : the pink color i dont wanna it T_T how i do for the pink color dont go with the texture?
  22. I lost the archive kkkk sorry ^^ i did other morroc are in download session ^^
  23. hold ctrl+alt and press the left botton of the mouse '-'
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