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Everything posted by LatSo

  1. open it on MS Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition not in Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. How to disable castle treasury drops?
  3. where will I put this? EDIT: Thanks! solved!
  4. My cash shop button is not english. I'm using 20120410ragexe please help!
  5. nope, not saying a thing. EDIT: problem solved! Now I just need to translate the buttons to english. How?
  6. HERE: before I buy When buying: after buying: plus how to translate things to english?
  7. How can I edit the effect of GTB to block only coma?
  8. try to back read the solution is posted there. don't worry it's free. tried it but still cant buy a thing. done recompile also.
  9. I tried it and at last I saw the items on cash shop. BUT I CANT BUY A THING. and the text are not english.
  10. can't understand a thing what to do here
  11. Do i really need to use rocred to launch this?
  12. Right now I am going to test 2013 clients uploaded by Shakto. But when I run my server map server says packet db table skipps packet ver 35 and 36.
  13. working now? it's just a tabbing problem in line 203.
  14. LatSo

    ASP question

    How can I set my ASP to 197 but players will only reach maximum of 195. Although if they've finish my custom ASP quest, they're ASP will be 197. Sorry I don't know if this is a script or not. so posted it here. thanks for those who will take time to answer this question!
  15. Please help, when I run my server. map-server is saying that my packet_db table has only support up to version 34 skipping packet_db ver 35 and 36 I am using latest rAthena revision. please help!
  16. How to activate the cash shop? Im now using 20120410 ragexe but I cant see the items in my cash shop
  17. same problem here, I saw the cashshop but no items
  18. LatSo

    Help, EXP bug

    so that reason I dont get any exp because I made my server a PK server?
  19. This is the problem: When I try to kill monster outside town, DUN/FILD, I cant get any exp. But when I kill monster inside towns I get exp. I tried replacing my SRC/DB files on my server folder with a fresh and clean files, still no EXP. please help!
  20. I am using 20120410aragexe , but I can't see the items i input on the cash shop. please help!
  21. when I @item the card, i get tanos katar instead. I tried search tanos katar but there is no such item so I dont think why I have this problem
  22. I cant add items on the cash shop. why?
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