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Posts posted by Start_

  1. 5 hours ago, MrColour_ said:

    Hi! Thank you for this work, it's really great and useful. However, I'm having trouble using it 😞 .

    Do you know why when i have my 'resourceName.txt' file like this;


    And then I compile my itemdb to item_info, I get a different resourceName. As you can see, the generated text for 501 is different from the one in the image above.


    I will have a look in 2-3 days. As Rynbef said it's encoder issue.

    You can try change in Notepad++ (Encoding, Language) try it many many ways maybe you will find a workaround.

  2. 2 hours ago, zeusc137 said:


    Hello there! thank you for this!!!

    Could you also point what *.sql files for guild emblem I need? I can't find anytyhing inside /sql-files in rathena repo!

    Thanks again!!! πŸ™‚Β 

    Also nowaday rAthena already did the work for you.

    No need my tutorial just use latest rAthena git. It's had Guild Emblem system embeded on it. (Make sure you changed IP on luafile)

  3. Try my WARP profile.

    (Create blank text and save it like Rynbef.yml)

    from: "C:/YOUR_EXE.exe"
    to: "C:/YOUR_OUTPUT.exe"
            data: 'ffff'
            display: 65535
            type: 2
            data: '00000000'
            display: 0
            type: 2
            data: ''
            display: "Inputs/Translations_EN.yml"
            type: 10
            data: '64'
            display: 100
            type: 2
            data: ''
                - type: 2
                  value: 640
                - type: 2
                  value: 480
            data: '54484520424f58203500'
            display: "RYNBEF"
            type: 10
            data: '64'
            display: 100
            type: 2
            data: ''
                - type: 2
                  value: -50
                - type: 2
                  value: 50
            data: '444154412e494e4900'
            display: "DATA.INI"
            type: 10
            data: '4f4b5f44454641554c5400'
            display: "OK_DEFAULT"
            type: 10
            data: '00fa0000'
            display: 64000
            type: 2
            data: ''
                - type: 10
                  value: "Battleground"
                - type: 10
                  value: "Quest"
                - type: 10
                  value: "Achievement"
                - type: 10
                  value: "Attendance"
                - type: 10
                  value: "Reputation"
        - NoGMSprite
        - RestoreModelCulling
        - AllowPL2Leave
        - AllowSkillSpam
        - AllowGuildInClan
        - IncrHairStyles
        - EnableWho
        - EnableShowName
        - NoDancerScream
        - NoBardFrostJoke
        - ZeroCinShop
        - DefShopBrowser
        - PreviewInShop
        - PreviewInTrader
        - HighCamAngle
        - ZoomMax
        - UseOldLogin
        - UnlimitedChatRepeat
        - CustomAdvAgencyLimits
        - EnableEotFonts
        - FixFontsCharset
        - AlwaysAscii
        - CustomSSQuality
        - CallKoreaClientInfo
        - DataFolderFirst
        - PlainTextDesc
        - LoadKrExtSettings
        - IncrViewID
        - No3DBoneLimit
        - IncrMapQuality
        - HideBuildInfo
        - NoCameraLock
        - FixArrowsCharset
        - BossDropIdentified
        - TranslateClient
        - NoGGuard
        - MsgStrings
        - GRFsFromIni
        - NoFilenameCheck
        - CustomMinResolution
        - IgnoreDebugger
        - EnableSysMenu
        - CustomWinTitle
        - BorderlessFSW
        - No1and1Arg
        - IgnoreAccArg
        - CustomIcon
        - Idle2NormalPriority
        - EnableDnsSupport
        - NoNagle
        - NoLoginOTP
        - NoHardCodedAddr
        - NoGNJoyLaunch
        - SendClientFlags
        - HidePacketsFromPEEK
        - NoSwearFilter
        - SkipServiceSelect
        - OpenToServiceSelect
        - GuildBrackets
        - FixChatAt
        - NoHourly
        - NoSerialDisplay
        - AllowSpaceInGName
        - NoHelpMsg
        - CustomFadeDelay
        - RelativeDelay4CharDel
        - HideZeroDateInGuildWin
        - ShortcutForAll
        - InsensitiveStorageSearch
        - InsensitiveShopSearch
        - NoGravityAds
        - NoGravityLogo
        - NoMsgBox
        - HideNewButtons
        - FixLatestNCWin
        - DisConnToLogin
        - NoCharnameLimit
        - NoUsernameLimit
        - NoPasswordLimit
        - HideLicense


    Also checkout your System folder maybe some file missing.


  4. 2 hours ago, Louis T Steinhil said:

    Hello thanks for the hardwork! I was wondering if you have korean resourcename? I tried encoding > charsets > korean > euc-kr but it's still not the same as the normal resourcename of iteminfo.

    Use GRF Editor -> Tools Text encoding -> Paste and set output to Korean.

  5. On 2/19/2023 at 11:22 PM, MyNoobScriptz said:

    Please Update to rAthena current Version

    Please provide any bug you found. I tried convert today on v.5.9 I'm still able to convert.

    Also today I had updated v.6.0 to support 2 new bonuses.

    • Love 1
  6. Just now, Kira76 said:

    Hello, I actually downloading latest files to create a new online server and a client.

    I did it 10 years ago,Β I hope this Ragexe is stable and my new RO server will run ?

    I willΒ  tell you if something goes wrong or listening if someone using it

    Thank you for your testing diff

    Sorry for my english speaking xD




    How do you use 2022 client on years 2012Β /omg

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