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Posts posted by Scylla

  1. forgive me if im in a wrong thread, i already did this 



    // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down



    change to:



     and this




    //if (skill == AS_SONICBLOW)

    //pc_stop_attack(sd); //Special case, Sonic Blow autospell should stop the player attacking.

    I also done recompiling please help me. And still sonic blow skill have a after cast delay what should i do?


    Have you tried increasing your aspd to like 190+

  2. So i was gonna re-make my custom class with a newer client and NEMO's Enable Custom Job patch.


    Stuffs that i did:


    - Downloaded latest NEMO on git

    - Hexed a 2013-08-07a client

    - Copy and pasted the necessary files inside NEMO/Support folder to my data folder


    And everytime i try inputting my login details and hit enter on the login screen, it just crashes afterwards (Gravity Error). No errors on map/char servers as well.


    I've also tried this on 2013-12-23 client and same thing is happening


    Anyone knows how to fix this issue?



    I've also looked on to NEMO's issues on git also used google and i found nothing that relates to my problem.


    My cousin is trying to connect to my server,  he can access the login-server, but after successful login, he can't direct to char-server(can't select character). In same router, he can connect with no problem.

    I'm using no-ip.



    // Login Server IP// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    char_ip: yxx.noip.me
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121


    // Character Server IP
    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    map_ip: yxx.noip.me
    // Map Server Port
    map_port: 5121


    // Subnet support file
    // Format is:
    // subnet: net-submask:char_ip:map_ip
    // you can add more than one subnet (max 16)
    // check is if((net-submask & char_ip ) == (net-submask & servip)) => ok

    all the port is opened since I check it with http://www.canyouseeme.org/


    He can login but after login he can't get through to character selection screen.

    Can someone help me on this? thanks~


    logserv.bat screen

    [Status]: Connection of the account 'Skellex' accepted.
    [Info]: Closed connection from ''.
    [Status]: Request for connection of Skellex (ip: version=51
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: Skellex, id: 2000012, ip: 120.138.93



    Try changing to




    do you have a screenshot of error that you got?

    This sir.attachicon.gifIMG_20160129_143618.jpg

    I cant seem to diff it properly with this patches.attachicon.gifScreenshot_2016-01-28-18-58-56.png


    The ' diffed ' client should be renamed with a patched in the end, thus you're opening an undiffed client and that error occurs to all client versions if it's not diffed.

    Yes its already diffed. I've applied some patches, but it seems to have missing patches like "Read datafolder first".

    By the way how can download 2010-07-28aRagexeRE.diff file?

    By the way how can I download 2010-07-28aRagexeRE.diff file? Bcoz when I click it, it only shows in text format.



    Use NEMO instead, you don't need diff file anymore for it to any client.



  5. The thing that drives me to play 255/100 (or 255/120) serves is the good contents of the server and the balance of the items.



    1. Quests - For me it doesn't really matter how easy / hard the quest is as long as the difficulty of the item requirements rhymes with the

    quest product.


    2. Custom Jobs - Not really necessary but i would love to try customized jobs.


    3. Challenge / Thrill - This is somehow very important to me as this is my motivation on playing a server.



    This is the most or probably the main issue on 255 servers, you have high aspd, spammable skills and high damage / hp pool. And because it's a high rate server, people always expect OP effects of items (e.g stats +10 - 15, 30% damage, 20% reduction etc etc) which is just very wrong if I'm to ask.



    Anyway, all of what I've said was based to my experiences, and to summarize it, I'm suggesting you to keep the customization to minimum specially the balancing.

  6. i need help about body relocation spam nodelay.. how to make it delay like 0.05 seconds i tried change it at skill_cast_db.txt  but its not working. THANKS


    First you need to set your skill_castnodex_db.txt:

    // <Skill id>,<Cast>,<Delay (optional)>
    // Cast:  0 - everything affects the skill's cast time
    //        1 - skill's cast time is not affected by dex
    //        2 - skill's cast time is not affected by statuses (Suffragium, etc)
    //        4 - skill's cast time is not affected by item bonuses (equip, cards)
    // Delay: 0 - everything affects the skill's delay
    //        1 - skill's delay is not affected by dex
    //        2 - skill's delay is not affected by Magic Strings / Bragi
    //        4 - skill's delay is not affected by item bonuses (equip, cards)
    // Note: Values are bit fields, add them up to combine their effects.
    // Note: Delay setting '1' only makes sense when delay_dependon_dex is enabled.
    // Example: 46,1,1 = Double Strafe's cast time and delay is not affected by dex.

    Now if you want a permanent delay, then add this line on anywhere in there:

    264,0,7 // Body Relocation

    Then set the delay again on your skill_cast_db.txt

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hi guys. I was trying to make some conditions on the PK Mode that the emulator has by default.


    So, on my server, i activated the PK Mode but i wanted to add some conditions:


    1. Only Rebirth Class (Champion, Lord Knights, etc...) can fight on the Fields and Dungeons.

    2. Only Expanded Class (Gunslinger, TaeKwon, Ninja) can also fight on the Fields and Dungeons.

    3. Novices, 1st Class and 2nd Class Can Not fight on the Fields and Dungeons.


    I've been searching this stuff on the SRC files and i found these lines, src/map/map.ph:

    		if( state&BCT_ENEMY && battle_config.pk_mode && !map_flag_gvg(m) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && t_bl->type == BL_PC )
    		{ // Prevent novice engagement on pk_mode (feature by Valaris)
    			TBL_PC *sd = (TBL_PC*)s_bl, *sd2 = (TBL_PC*)t_bl;
    			if (
    				(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE || 
    				(sd2->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE ||
    				(int)sd->status.base_level < battle_config.pk_min_level ||
    			  	(int)sd2->status.base_level < battle_config.pk_min_level ||
    				(battle_config.pk_level_range && abs((int)sd->status.base_level - (int)sd2->status.base_level) > battle_config.pk_level_range)
    				state &= ~BCT_ENEMY;

    So, because u have 0 knowledge about SRC, i couldn't do it by mself.


    I was hoping that someone of you guys could help me out with these, it will be much appreciated.


    Thank you guys.



    EDIT: Sorry guys, it was supposed to be on SRC Support section, my bad.  /pat


    I'm not sure if this is gonna work but back up your src in case it didn't.


    Simply add the following jobs you want below this line:

    				(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE || 
    				(sd2->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE ||

    So that'll be:

    				(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE || 
    				(sd2->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE ||
    				(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_MAGE ||
    				(sd2->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_MAGE ||

    Then go add the other jobs, after that recompile.

  8. Whats the most stable 2012 client? All I know and still using is 2012-04-10Ragexe. Is there any other clients that are stable and latest? And what about 2013 client? Thanks in advance. 


    I'm using 2015-09-16 client, so far no issues in-game.


    EDIT: And speaking of 2012 clients, 2012-04-10 would still be the stabled 2012 client for me.


    how to set zeny reward? /help TIA




    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9).
    set .Options, 1|8;
    // Rewards per castle.
    // -- when given directly: <itemID>,<amount>{,<itemID>,<amount>,...}
    // -- via mail (option 2): <itemID>,<amount>,<Zeny>
    setarray .Reward[0],14001,1;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------




    //  Reward options.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    //  [1] Enable rewards.
    //  [2] Mail all rewards.
    //      - If not set, players receive items in their inventory.
    //      - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny.
    //      - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards.
    //  [4] Only reward Guild Masters.
    //      - If not set, all guild members are rewarded.
    //      - If mailing is enabled (option 2), offline Guild Masters WILL receive rewards.
    //  [8] Duplicate IP check.
    //      - Members in a guild with the same IP address are not rewarded.
    //      - If Guild Masters is enabled (option 4), this feature is not used.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------

    Then the instructions says:

    // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9).
    	set .Options, 1|8;

    So therefore:

    // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9).
    	set .Options, 1|2|8;
    // Rewards per castle.
    	// -- when given directly: <itemID>,<amount>{,<itemID>,<amount>,...}
    	// -- via mail (option 2): <itemID>,<amount>,<Zeny>
    	setarray .Reward[0],ITEM_ID,AMOUNT,INPUT ZENY


    I don't use Euphy's WoE controller script and i dunno if i did it right on the option combination but i just did what i understood from reading the instructions in there.

  10. Does anyone have a version of the maps that work with the new starting area (the iz_int map + related ones). I think the ones in the latest update are too new.


    When I join my server, I see a black map (with NPCs) and can't move. I tried looking for some and found an older set of the maps, when I tried loading those - it wasn't black anymore...but there were no NPCs or warps (presumably because it wasn't the correct version of the map). If I warp to another map (izlude, prontera, etc...) everything works fine - it's just the starting area.


    Maybe you don't have the latest kRO?


    Try downloading this latest one:



  11. I wondering what emulator are you currently using ??


    You mentioned using rAmod, but then you applied source mod from Hercules, and trying to fix it by revert to rAthena ?


    do you actually know each of these rAmod / Hercules / rAthena have very big different for their source codes?


    She mentioned here that she's using 3CeAM.



    Anyway, 3CeAM is still an eAthena emulator, not rA or herc.


    3CeAM = 3rd Class eAthena Modification.


    Console Log:

    1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: map-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: login-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: char-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    3>  grammar.c
    3>  libconfig.c
    3>  scanctx.c
    3>  scanner.c
    3>  strbuf.c
    3>  mt19937ar.c
    3>  conf.c
    3>  core.c
    3>  db.c
    3>  ers.c
    3>  malloc.c
    3>  mapindex.c
    3>  mempool.c
    3>  mutex.c
    3>  nullpo.c
    3>  raconf.c
    3>  random.c
    3>  showmsg.c
    3>  socket.c
    3>  sql.c
    1>  grammar.c
    1>  libconfig.c
    1>  scanctx.c
    1>  scanner.c
    1>  strbuf.c
    1>  mt19937ar.c
    1>  conf.c
    1>  core.c
    1>  db.c
    1>  des.c
    1>  ers.c
    1>  grfio.c
    1>  malloc.c
    1>  mapindex.c
    1>  md5calc.c
    1>  mempool.c
    1>  mutex.c
    1>  nullpo.c
    1>  raconf.c
    2>  grammar.c
    2>  libconfig.c
    3>  strlib.c
    1>  random.c
    2>  scanctx.c
    2>  scanner.c
    2>  strbuf.c
    2>  mt19937ar.c
    2>  conf.c
    3>  thread.c
    2>  mempool.c
    2>  mutex.c
    2>  raconf.c
    2>  thread.c
    2>  core.c
    2>  db.c
    2>  ers.c
    2>  malloc.c
    2>  md5calc.c
    2>  nullpo.c
    2>  random.c
    2>  showmsg.c
    2>  socket.c
    3>  timer.c
    1>  showmsg.c
    1>  socket.c
    2>  sql.c
    2>  strlib.c
    1>  sql.c
    2>  timer.c
    1>  strlib.c
    3>  utils.c
    3>  msg_conf.c
    3>  cli.c
    1>  thread.c
    2>  utils.c
    3>  char.c
    1>  timer.c
    2>  msg_conf.c
    3>  char_clif.c
    2>  cli.c
    1>  utils.c
    2>  account.c
    3>  char_cnslif.c
    2>  ipban.c
    2>  login.c
    1>  msg_conf.c
    1>  cli.c
    2>  loginchrif.c
    1>  atcommand.c
    1>  battle.c
    1>  battleground.c
    2>  loginclif.c
    3>  char_logif.c
    3>  char_mapif.c
    3>  int_auction.c
    2>  logincnslif.c
    2>  loginlog.c
    3>  int_elemental.c
    1>  buyingstore.c
    3>  int_guild.c
    3>  int_homun.c
    3>  int_mail.c
    1>  cashshop.c
    1>  channel.c
    3>  int_mercenary.c
    3>  int_party.c
    3>  int_pet.c
    3>  int_quest.c
    1>  chat.c
    3>  int_storage.c
    1>  chrif.c
    3>  inter.c
    2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
    1>  clif.c
    1>  date.c
    1>  duel.c
    1>  elemental.c
    1>  guild.c
    1>  intif.c
    1>  itemdb.c
    3>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
    1>  log.c
    1>  mail.c
    1>  map.c
    1>  mapreg.c
    1>  homunculus.c
    1>  instance.c
    1>  mercenary.c
    1>  mob.c
    1>  npc.c
    1>  npc_chat.c
    1>  party.c
    1>  path.c
    1>  pc.c
    1>  pc_groups.c
    1>  pet.c
    1>  quest.c
    1>  script.c
    1>  searchstore.c
    1>  skill.c
    1>  status.c
    1>  storage.c
    1>  trade.c
    1>  unit.c
    1>  vending.c
    1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
    ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 skipped ==========


    Try this on your visual studio:


    - Project Properties

    -> Configuration Properties

    ->> Linker (General)

    ->>> Find Enable Incremental Linking and change it to No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)

  13. Can someone lend me some link for the latest DATA FOLDER for this server files

    Btw, I'm using 2013-08-07 packet.


    Please someone help me. because I'm having problems with the Official Headgears of the server,always have error SPRITE. But my Custom items is fine and works perfectly.



    This the error i got. when i use elven ears i got this error



    This is the link  where i downloaded my server files.



    For semi-latest kRO:



    For latest data folder lubs:


  14. Doesnt work in 3ceam :(


    Well there's another way, why don't you just make a box similar to OBB / OPB then just put the costume ID's desired, include it on the freebies and finally, input restrictions.


    Here's a guide how to make a custom box: https://rathena.org/board/topic/84440-how-to-make-custom-old-blue-box-random-item-with-mods/


    Or try this one:

    valkyrie,53,80,4	script	Newbies Npc	894,{
    if(##freebie == 1) goto L_1;
    mes "^C45AEC** Freebie **^000000";
    mes "Hello ^008080"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!!";
    mes "^C45AEC** Freebie **^000000";
    mes "Welcome to Ragnarok Online";
    getitem 674,9;
    getitem 14232,50;
    mes "^C45AEC** Freebie **^000000";
    mes "And for your random costume...";
    set @rand,rand(1,4);
    if (@rand == 1) goto R1;
    if (@rand == 2) goto R2;
    if (@rand == 3) goto R3;
    if (@rand == 4) goto R4;
    getitem 20159,1;
    getitem 20160,1;
    getitem 20161,1;
    getitem 19661,1;
    emotion e_thx;
    set ##freebie,1;
    //warp "valkyrie",48,76;
    mes "You had already received before the gift.";
    emotion e_bzz;
           waitingroom "FREEBIES!!!",0;
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