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GM Henry

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Everything posted by GM Henry

  1. Hello Since some time now i get these warnings in my server. Normaly its oke i can ignore it but sometimes it just blocks my server connection. Solved the problem myself. cheers.
  2. Yes check inside you phpmyadmin than the login table there should be account ID 1 give that account a password and username copy those also in your map and char_athena
  3. Hello, The SQL Table deviling_database is missing and also in your login sql change the s1/p1 to another password and change those in your char and map_athena
  4. Fixed but the timer isent working so there is no cooldown on the quests.
  5. There is still no translation? And its indeed not working atleast for me.. getting the same problem as above. But it wil not take my equip off.
  6. Hello, Is there any 1 with some new looks for the warlock spell summon water/fire/lightning/stone balls. They look kinda ugly now. Thanx in advance! Henry
  7. Thanx again for the replay. I went to the src\config\renewal.txt (h) added \\befor it but dident change anything it looks still active, Do you have any more advice i could do or try? or did i forget something
  8. Thank you for the replay. Is there something i can do to use the normal drop rates in my renewal server?
  9. Hello, I also have the same problems befor i updated my svn it worked now it dousent i tryd everything but also my drop% arent going higher than 50% Players ingame see wanderer card drop 1,4% i see 1% also very weird
  10. They are so nice all the rings! thanx for posting it.
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