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Posts posted by FXFreitas

  1. Hi everyone ! :D


    Sorry if i'm in the wrong section, It may not be a database issue ...

    I've been searching for a long time today and I can't found a solution ....


    When my character job is 4061 : it means I'm Warlock rebirth, right ? So it's trans 3rd job, right ? Maximum Base lvl 175, Maximum Job Lvl 60.

    My Ribirth Warlock 175/60 try to wear diabolus Robe : "Cannot be worn".


    Item_db :

    2374,Diabolus_Robe,Diabolus Robe,4,20,,300,,57,,1,0x00098B1C,18,2,16,,55,1,0,{ bonus bMaxSP,150; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bHealPower,6; bonus bDelayRate,-10; },{},{}

    0x00098B1C is for job restriction, right ?

    It's hexadecimal sum ... In description it says that that robe can be worn by trans archer, mage, acolyte.


    Then I saw this :

    (S.) Novice (2^00): 0x00000001
    Swordman (2^01): 0x00000002
    Magician (2^02): 0x00000004
    Archer (2^03): 0x00000008
    Acolyte (2^04): 0x00000010
    Merchant (2^05): 0x00000020
    Thief (2^06): 0x00000040
    Knight (2^07): 0x00000080
    Priest (2^08): 0x00000100
    Wizard (2^09): 0x00000200
    Blacksmith (2^10): 0x00000400
    Hunter (2^11): 0x00000800
    Assassin (2^12): 0x00001000
    Unused (2^13): 0x00002000
    Crusader (2^14): 0x00004000
    Monk (2^15): 0x00008000
    Sage (2^16): 0x00010000
    Rogue (2^17): 0x00020000
    Alchemist (2^18): 0x00040000
    Bard/Dancer (2^19): 0x00080000
    Unused (2^20): 0x00100000
    Taekwon (2^21): 0x00200000
    Star Gladiator (2^22): 0x00400000
    Soul Linker (2^23): 0x00800000
    Gunslinger (2^24): 0x01000000
    Ninja (2^25): 0x02000000
    Gangsi (2^26): 0x04000000
    Death Knight (2^27): 0x08000000
    Dark Collector (2^28): 0x10000000
    Kagerou/Oboro (2^29): 0x20000000

    LOL ... x) Can you explain me where is the warlock here ? And show me the sum of the hexa values please because I don't understand.

    How can you find this result  : 0x00098B1C  #WarlockIsMagicPoof


    Refering to this :

    16 + 2 = 18 so it means Transcendent classes and transcendent 3rd classes ?

    Class: Equippable upper-types. Uses the following bitmasks:
         1: Normal classes (no Baby/Transcendent/Third classes)
         2: Transcendent classes (no Transcedent-Third classes)
         4: Baby classes (no Third-Baby classes)
         8: Third classes (no Transcedent-Third or Third-Baby classes)
        16: Transcedent-Third classes
        32: Third-Baby classes

    If 98B1C means trans archer and upper jobs, trans mage and upper jobs, trans acolyte and upper jobs.

    The result : Warlock should be able to wear it, right ? [i'm searching the headshot emot*]




    By the way I tried this to debug :


    in my C:\ServeRO\trunk\db\re\item_db.txt I changed the diabolus robe's line to this 

    2374,Diabolus_Robe,Diabolus Robe,4,20,,300,,57,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,16,,55,1,0,{ bonus bMaxSP,150; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bHealPower,6; bonus bDelayRate,-10; },{},{}

    And [ here comes the database ] in my item_db_re I did the same except for the hexa value, changed it to "4294967295" (It's the same but I converted the hexadecimal value).


    0xFFFFFFFF means all jobs

    63 is the sum of all

    Everyone should be able to wear it now ...


    After those changes I recompiled the server, refresh all, close the client etc ... Still cannot be worn.





    So what ? 4061 is not transcendant job ?


    Can you explain me please, where is the problem ? :/ And more important how to fix it ^^'


    Thanks if you can teach me :)



    EDIT: Wow super weird... I manually added exactly the same item : diabolus robe + banshee master card. And I can wear it... But the last Robe still can't be worn. x) what the ... Before the "can not be worn issue" I died. After that it was removed from equiped items, and un-wear-able ... Is this normal ?


    Edit 2 : This is why, I closed the client while I died... During the equiped item process the packet was not received... and voila ... I broke this item.


    To show the third jobs in rms you need to click in "renewal" button.




    Everything looks fine... tested here and worked

  2. Open you system/iteminfo.lua (if you don't have one, just download him here in rathena).


    Add in last line of the file (to make more easy to found, or you can add following the item id order)

    [<item id>] = {
    unidentifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when not magnified>,
    unidentifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when not magnified>,
    unidentifiedDescriptionName = { <comma separated list of strings>,<to get multiple lines>,<in item description> },
    identifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when magnified>,
    identifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when magnified>,
    identifiedDescriptionName = { <same format as unidentifiedDescriptionName but for magnified items> },
    slotCount = <number of slots>,
    ClassNum = <View ID - yes the same one that was there item_db>



        [20302] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Hat",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "ĸ",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000."
            identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Beelzebub Crown",
            identifiedResourceName = "Cº£¸£Á¦ºêºêÀÇ¿Õ°ü",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "A crown of MVP Beelzebub from nameless island. Its give noble atmosphere.",
                "Class: ^777777Costume^000000",
                "Defense: ^7777770^000000",
                "Location: ^777777Upper^000000",
                "Weight: ^7777770^000000",
                "Required Level: ^7777771^000000",
                "Jobs: ^777777All^000000"
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 1343


  3. its work only with command @hstyle in game. but at menu created game it keep max 23 only. like the client need to hex something not diff 64k only.


    In game  character creation only support the 23 standards. To use them in-game you need a stylist (in rathena you have one for standard)

  4. Pack Updated, 12 female heads added, 15 male heads added (old are female heads placed in male folder, it changed into unique heads), Sasuke head updated.


    this is sweet by the way how about the palette? btw +1 rep for you


    thx a bunch


    Works with all custom palletes, but most of them are incompetible with the 8 oficial colors.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Cronus e brathena estão com o banco de dados em ingles, o brA esta trabalhando na tradução.

    Alem disso traduzir na mob_db não vai traduzir o nome dos monstros nas fields, para conseguir precisa ir na pasta npc/(pre-)re/mobs e traduzir CADA UM DOS ARQUIVOS contidos nas pastas. Não acredito que vá conseguir tudo pronto, fazer por conta própria pode levar tempo mas é a opção mais viável.




    - @go command generates error.(To test type :@go).-- Check the atcommands, maybe a problem in go list when you type a invalid go.


    Any idea, how to fix for this client?





    Check if the go source is ok, when you type @go according to atcomands.c it send to player a message taken from help.txt

    File conf/help.txt (this file display the help messages to players like when you type @go without a number or map name)

    Above of "mapinfo" you can find the go message

    mapinfo: "Params: [<0-3> [map]] - Give information about a map (general info +: 0: no more, 1: players, 2: NPC, 3: chatrooms)."
    go: "Params: <city name|number>\n" "Warps you to a city.\n"
    	"  -3: (Memo point 2)  14: louyang         31: mora\n"
    	"  -2: (Memo point 1)  15: start point     32: dewata\n"
    	"  -1: (Memo point 0)  16: prison/jail     33: malangdo island\n"
    	"   0: prontera              17: jawaii             34: malaya port\n"
    	"   1: morocc                18: ayothaya       35: eclage\n"
    	"   2: geffen                  19: einbroch\n"
    	"   3: payon                  20: lighthalzen\n"
    	"   4: alberta                 21: einbech\n"
    	"   5: izlude                   22: hugel\n"
    	"   6: aldebaran           23: rachel\n"
    	"   7: xmas (lutie)        24: veins\n"
    	"   8: comodo               25: moscovia\n"
    	"   9: yuno                     26: midgard camp\n"
    	"  10: amatsu               27: manuk\n"
    	"  11: gonryun              28: splendide\n"
    	"  12: umbala               29: brasilis\n"
    	"  13: niflheim              30: el dicastes\n"



    i don't understand so you want me to re-edit in the conf/help.txt?



    Just check everything about the go command if ANYTHING is changed OR not look right you will found your problem.

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