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Posts posted by FXFreitas

  1. There is 2 options in the clients wich can affect the graphic, one is the sprite detail wich changes the anti-aliasing of the client and trilinear option wich push amd duplicate the pixels when zoom in/out your screen damaging the sprite, both can be found in basic options of client interface.

    And newer clients uses newer versions of resources, so the quality of the graphics might be improved.

    • Upvote 1
  2. eu estava usando o 2015-05-13, para testes, ele tambem tem bugs, mas como o próprio rytech disse:



    After seeing the success of the unpacking of the last 2 clients I felt its time to finally get a new one out. A very new one to help drive things in motion again. So here's a late xmas president to everyone. Packet lengths, shuffles, and encryption keys are provided in the text file.


    1. Due to a big change in how regular client are being packed by Gravity, its not possible to do a stable unpacking of them. Only RE clients can be done without issues. So please don't ask for regular ones.


    2. Because RE clients are sakray test clients, im only doing releases that I feel are stable and will only make them as needed. So maybe one or 2 clients will be released a year.

    1. Devido a grande mudança em como os clients são comprimidos pela Gravity, não é possível fazer uma extração estável deles. Apenas os clients RE podem ser feitos sem problemas. Então não pergunte pelos regulares.

    2. Porque os clients RE são clients de teste do Sakray, eu estou apenas fazendo lançamentos que eu sinto serem estáveis e apenas os farei se necessário. Então talvez apenas 1 ou 2 clients serão lançados no ano.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Yes they announced a sketch, the name and the basic skills ideas, job Names are Star Emperor and Soul Reaper. No sprite or oficial art yet... This will be a direct expansion (3rd job but without rebirth) you can expect so many skill for a small ammount of points.

  4. Yes it is interessing, Pets with offensive skills and active skills can be a good feature to PvM.

    The pet call a random function based on situation, like in the video, when the master get attacked the pat summon clones. When the master get chased the pet cast wide freeze.

  5. Talvez, alguma outra grf que está usando? Ou sua pasta data (caso seu client leia a pasta data primeiro). Se caso seu Hexed seja de 2012 (ou posterior) Pode ser o ItemInfo.lua (ou ItemInfo.lub) que está causando isso, o mesmo se encontra na pasta system.

  6. I believe its disguise 1022 by default.

    Not positive on phone.


    //1003,TESTEGG,Test Egg,Test Egg,2,100000,0,10,10,0,3,9,99,0,1,99,1,1,1,1,10,12,0,4,22,0x0,512,0,512,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    //1006,THIEF_BUG_LARVA,Thief Bug Larva,Thief Bug Larva,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0x651,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    1012,RODA_FROG,Roda Frog,Roda Frog,13,160,1,90,68,1,19,23,12,5,12,6,4,0,14,9,10,12,1,5,21,0x81,200,2016,816,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,918,9000,908,500,511,300,721,7,713,2000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4014,1
    1016,ARCHER_SKELETON,Archer Skeleton,Archer Skeleton,50,1646,1,405,455,9,90,113,47,10,30,29,20,10,32,5,10,12,1,1,29,0x2085,300,2864,864,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,932,4500,756,70,2285,3,1708,35,1752,1000,507,1800,1701,150,0,0,0,0,4094,1
    //1017,THIEF_BUG_FEMALE,Thief Bug Female,Thief Bug Female,10,170,0,35,18,1,33,40,5,5,1,15,10,5,23,5,10,12,1,4,27,0x651,200,988,288,768,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,955,3500,910,250,1108,15,928,200,507,400,716,50,1002,400,0,0,0,0,4026,1
    1019,PECOPECO,Peco Peco,Peco Peco,25,446,1,162,183,1,76,83,48,0,21,10,13,5,28,5,10,12,2,2,23,0x1089,200,1564,864,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,925,9000,2402,20,508,200,507,900,1604,100,0,0,582,1000,0,0,0,0,4031,1
    //1021,THIEF_BUG_MALE,Thief Bug Male,Thief Bug Male,19,583,0,223,93,1,76,88,15,5,1,29,16,5,36,1,10,12,1,4,27,0x653,300,988,288,768,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1011,40,928,5500,955,1500,1152,10,508,90,729,5,1116,50,0,0,0,0,4050,1
    1023,ORK_WARRIOR,Orc Warrior,Orc Warrior,44,1434,1,350,540,1,71,104,52,3,32,15,24,15,16,10,10,12,1,7,22,0x3885,200,1864,864,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,998,210,931,9000,756,40,2267,3,1352,10,1304,5,2147,3,0,0,0,0,4066,1
    1028,SOLDIER_SKELETON,Soldier Skeleton,Soldier Skeleton,34,804,1,216,243,1,84,98,53,5,14,10,32,5,29,3,10,12,1,1,29,0x3885,200,2276,576,432,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,932,5500,756,60,1214,12,507,700,934,10,2315,1,1216,50,0,0,0,0,4086,1


    Just remove the // from the front of the monster line.

  7. You can find him in any ragnarok data.grf this monster was canceled before the implementation (Just like raptice, scorpion King, hugeling, zombie dragon, soldier ants...), but they improved the Sprite later, with Atroce monster.

  8. You will need to diff "increase Max. Hairstyles". That should solve the Problem.



    He already Tried

    Do anyone knows how would I enable the custom hairstyles on 2011-11-02aRagexeRE.exe

    right now only 27 Hairstyles are working, when I exceed the all are same styles already, 

    Tried using WeeDiff and Nemo but I wan't able to make it work.


    Well try another RagExe.

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