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Everything posted by chriser

  1. sure if you want, i will have time to do this today evening or friday.
  2. No, you can only encrypt with the secure grf tool.
  3. mes "[Treasurer]"; mes "Alright I will now send you to the Treasure Room, Take Care!."; next; set Zeny,Zeny-1000000; atcommand "@alootid <type>"; warp "ordeal_2-2",156,155; emotion 21;
  4. This guys is not replying to my contact requests now since one month...
  5. then you have to encrypt your text file each time you are patching it.
  6. it does not matter if there are encrypted and normal files in the grf, i tested it manually by just merging the 2 grfs with gryff. Yea, I think i will try making another patcher and patch it locally. Thanks guys Got it working, if someone has the same question: I just uploded the encrypted grf file which the secure grf tool produced and listed it in the plist.txt (in my case: sdata27-10-13.grf) (important: grf, not thor!) Thor Patcher then merged this grf file with the standard grf file, now I just have a few files encrypted (some sprites and maps), the whole text and lua files stayed unencrypted which makes patching way easier. Of course you need to update your client and add the securegrflib.dll and so on, but that should be clear when using secure grf
  7. I think i got it, two different ways of what i understood: 1. Filling the slots up to the selected slot (select slot 3 -> make rune into 1,2,3 || select slot 2 -> make rune into 1,2) prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "Which Armor you want to Enchant ?"; mes "Make sure there is no Card / Rune in it."; next; setarray .EquipID[0],2301,2302,2303,2304,2305,2306,2307,2308,2309,2310; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .EquipID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@EquipMenu$,.@EquipMenu$ + getitemname( .EquipID[.@i] )+( !getitemslots(.EquipID[.@i])?"":"["+getitemslots(.EquipID[.@i])+"]" )+":"; } set .@Equip,select( .@EquipMenu$ ) - 1; if( !countitem( .EquipID[.@Equip] ) ){ mes "You didnt have this Equipment with you."; close; } mes "Equipment : ^FF0000"+getitemname( .EquipID[.@Equip] )+"^000000"; switch( select( "Strength:Intelligent:Dexterity:Agility:Vitality:Luck" )){ Case 1: setarray .RuneID[0],4700,4701,4702,4703,4704,4705,4706,4707,4708,4709; break; Case 2: setarray .RuneID[0],4710,4711,4712,4713,4714,4715,4716,4717,4718,4719; break; Case 3: setarray .RuneID[0],4720,4721,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4727,4728,4729; break; Case 4: setarray .RuneID[0],4730,4731,4732,4733,4734,4735,4736,4737,4738,4739; break; Case 5: setarray .RuneID[0],4740,4741,4742,4743,4744,4745,4746,4747,4748,4749; break; Case 6: setarray .RuneID[0],4750,4751,4752,4753,4754,4755,4756,4757,4758,4759; break; } for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .RuneID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@RuneMenu$,.@RuneMenu$ + getitemname( .RuneID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Rune,select( .@RuneMenu$ ) - 1; mes "Rune : ^FF0000"+getitemname( .RuneID[.@Rune] )+"^000000"; next; .@slot = select("Slot 1:Slot 2:Slot 3:Slot 4"); next; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){ delitem .EquipID[.@Equip],1; if(.@slot == 1) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],0,0,0; if(.@slot == 2) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune],0,0; if(.@slot == 3) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune],0; if(.@slot == 4) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune],.RuneID[.@Rune]; mes "Done."; mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .EquipID[.@Equip] )+"^000000"; mes "Enchanted with ^FF0000"+getitemname( .RuneID[.@Rune] )+"^000000"; } close; } 2. Keeping runes which are already enchanted is only possible if you have the item equipped which you want to enchant (with getequipcardid)
  8. Hi guys, does someone know if i can patch a grf file into my standard grf file? i am having an encrypted grf file which i want to patch into my standard grf file, but i don't know if thor patcher is then merging the 2 grfs or overwriting my standard grf with the one he should patch. I have no chance of testing if its works, i can only deploy the patch live, and if the patcher overwrites the standard grf with the encrypted one, every user will have to download like 80mb again, which is not acceptable. (the encrypted one only has some sprites and maps in it, like 1mb or sth, my standard grf has about 80) Greets chriser
  9. i dont understand what you mean
  10. save the file as png and upload it and change it in the css. it seems that when you want to change the bg image, you have to somehow rename it... i think i had the same problem, but its like 5 months ago i did this
  11. yea well... turned the stuff around
  12. Yes, IE supports css, but you should always test it with IE if you want to eliminate errors.
  13. chriser

    adding AFK!

    try to change ACMD_DEF(join), ACMD_DEF(channel), ACMD_DEF(fontcolor), ACMD_DEF(langtype), ACMD_DEF(reloadmsgconf) }; to ACMD_DEF(join), ACMD_DEF(channel), ACMD_DEF(fontcolor), ACMD_DEF(langtype), //ACMD_DEF(reloadmsgconf) };
  14. ah okay prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "Which Armor you want to Enchant ?"; mes "Make sure there is no Card / Rune in it."; next; setarray .EquipID[0],2301,2302,2303,2304,2305,2306,2307,2308,2309,2310; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .EquipID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@EquipMenu$,.@EquipMenu$ + getitemname( .EquipID[.@i] )+( !getitemslots(.EquipID[.@i])?"":"["+getitemslots(.EquipID[.@i])+"]" )+":"; } set .@Equip,select( .@EquipMenu$ ) - 1; if( !countitem( .EquipID[.@Equip] ) ){ mes "You didnt have this Equipment with you."; close; } mes "Equipment : ^FF0000"+getitemname( .EquipID[.@Equip] )+"^000000"; switch( select( "Strength:Intelligent:Dexterity:Agility:Vitality:Luck" )){ Case 1: setarray .RuneID[0],4700,4701,4702,4703,4704,4705,4706,4707,4708,4709; break; Case 2: setarray .RuneID[0],4710,4711,4712,4713,4714,4715,4716,4717,4718,4719; break; Case 3: setarray .RuneID[0],4720,4721,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4727,4728,4729; break; Case 4: setarray .RuneID[0],4730,4731,4732,4733,4734,4735,4736,4737,4738,4739; break; Case 5: setarray .RuneID[0],4740,4741,4742,4743,4744,4745,4746,4747,4748,4749; break; Case 6: setarray .RuneID[0],4750,4751,4752,4753,4754,4755,4756,4757,4758,4759; break; } for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .RuneID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@RuneMenu$,.@RuneMenu$ + getitemname( .RuneID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Rune,select( .@RuneMenu$ ) - 1; mes "Rune : ^FF0000"+getitemname( .RuneID[.@Rune] )+"^000000"; next; .@slot = select("Slot 1":"Slot 2":"Slot 3":"Slot 4"); next; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){ delitem .EquipID[.@Equip],1; if(.@slot == 1) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],0,0,0; if(.@slot == 2) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],0,0; if(.@slot == 3) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune],0; if(.@slot == 4) getitem2 .EquipID[.@Equip],1,1,0,0,0,0,0,.RuneID[.@Rune]; mes "Done."; mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .EquipID[.@Equip] )+"^000000"; mes "Enchanted with ^FF0000"+getitemname( .RuneID[.@Rune] )+"^000000"; } close; }
  15. http://rathena.org/wiki/Getitem2 account ID is optional. Your code already adds it to the 4th card slot. Or have I misunderstood your request?
  16. yea, thor only as internally IE, so when you want to have clickable links in your patcher, you have to make target="_blank" in your <a> tag
  17. if you havent done yet, try updating to newest version
  18. without case, just { callfunc "coinbag",0; } and for any other { callfunc "coinbag",1; } { callfunc "coinbag",2; } and so on...
  19. uhm, what you could do: patch your client that the client needs the -1sak1 option (or something similar, don't know exactly what its called) maybe you can also define your own option then configure your patcher to start your ro client with the -1sak1 option (or if you could select a custom, then that one). Now, the ro client only starts when the exe got run with the -1sak1 option, and user who dont know that have to run the patcher to open the ro.exe
  20. add this to your head tag <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> </HEAD because fuck IE, thats why xD
  21. i think links are done like this: <a href="<?php echo $this->url("<action>","<module>",array("<other param>" => "<other value>", ...)) ?> > text </a>
  22. chriser

    adding AFK!

    and whats the error?
  23. Have you tested it extensively? Bubble Gum does not make a 50% drop chance a 100% drop chance. It works like killing the same mob twice, so you have a 50% drop chance twice, so a 75% drop chance in total.
  24. chriser

    adding AFK!

    what error did you get? maybe I can help you with it.
  25. http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2769-restock-onpcconsumeevent/ This would be the label you were searching for, unfortunately you have to buy it. I tought there already was such a label implemented, but just check it. If you do not want to buy it, you can call a function in every script of the items which you want to count.
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