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Everything posted by Feilor

  1. Man.... I know this folders.... Like i said before "It isn't on mapflag folders" I'm not new with this... Thanks by the way
  2. Someone here know where can i disable this? It isn't on mapflag folders and I want to use this map and let my players teleport there Thanks!
  3. you can consider to use progressbar and not sleep2 Thanks to show me this option will be usefull I made alot of changes on the script hahaha I will show it to you soon, including the progressbar @Community I got answer for all my questions here they are: I did this to solve the problem: OnInit: bindatcmd("tokens" ,"TokensFunc::OnTokens",0,99); end; OnTokens: @opcao = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); @desc = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "entrar") @opcao = 1; if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "info") @opcao = 2; if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "trocar") @opcao = 3; if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "sair") @opcao = 4; switch(@opcao){ case 1: "script" end; FYI: dont use "case 0:" because the .@atcmd_parameters$[0] always come as 0 (idk why but it is okay) @Kurofly helped me with this and teach me this: - script pvpexit -1,{ OnInit: .TimeToExit = 5; //amount of time before exiting (in seconds) bindatcmd "exit",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnExit"; end; OnExit: dispbottom "You will exit the map after "+.TimeToExit+" seconds if you're not hurt."; @prev_hp = Hp; addtimer 100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTimer"; end; OnTimer: @exittimer++; if (Hp < @prev_hp) { dispbottom "You've been hit! exitting cancel..." ; end; } @prev_hp = Hp; if (@exittimer >= .TimeToExit*10) { @exittimer = 0 ; warp getsavepoint(0),getsavepoint(1),getsavepoint(2) ; end; } addtimer 100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTimer"; }
  4. I'm sorry I did the question by my cellphone, let me explain: I made a function to players get out of a pvp room, but they can use it to avoid others players... So I want to prevent it and know if is possible to cancel the event (actualy i'm using sleep2 to count down) and keeps player on the map.
  5. I did with script But used if instead of setarray (easier and noob ) and unfortunally I cant use 0 since @tokens keeps .@atcmd_parameters$[0] on 0 lol Can I know when someone get hit by script?
  6. I will try on my way... if not possible I will turn it a src based since the complexion to do with script, thanks!
  7. It is a room that i don't want to use NPC, so the players will use @token (the system is called token) and the token will have a bunch of commands like: @tokens entrar (entrar = enter) @tokens info @tokens trocar (trocar = change) or the player can use: @tokens 1 @tokens 2 @tokens 3 I want to use the both way so I used switch to do that (since switch on languages can do the same i thought I could here I have a command called @vip src mod that does the same but I really don't want to make this a src (since the script is easier to change). I'm Brazilian sorry for the bad english ;(
  8. I'm thinking something like this: @token 0 or @token entrar the code will be: OnInit: bindatcmd("tokens" ,"TokensFunc::OnTokens",0,99); end; OnTokens: switch(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]){ case 0: case "entrar": end; case 1: case "info" end;
  9. Solved it deleting and downloading NEMO again (idk why)
  10. I want to use bindatcommand and manipulate it with switch, my players will be able to use numbers or characters like: @command 1 msg or @command broadcast msg My doubts are: before use switch(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) will I need to use atoi to get number? can I use case "broadcast": on this? Thanks
  11. Hi guys, I'm trying to connect with 2013-08-14 client (I tried with 2013-03-20) and the problem is: When I use the clientinfo.xml inside the data folter I can log in the server and play, but when I compact in GRF it doesn't work, I just can't login, it fail, i tried to see what happen when I try to log in the login-server but the request even go there.... This is my patches, I'm using nemo to create it: my clientinfo: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>LoLRO</display> <desc>Servidor</desc> <balloon>500x/500x/100x</balloon> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>45</version> <langtype>12</langtype> <registrationweb>http://www.lolro.com.br/cp</registrationweb> <yellow> <!-- <admin>2000000</admin>--> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000004</admin> <admin>2000005</admin> </yellow> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> <image>loading07.jpg</image> <image>loading08.jpg</image> <image>loading09.jpg</image> <image>loading10.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo
  12. how can i add(or force) custome items on armors and weapons slots?
  13. i got it: status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC battle.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC battleground.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC intif.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC trade.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC party.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC vending.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC guild.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC pet.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC log.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC mail.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC date.c CC unit.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC homunculus.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC mercenary.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC quest.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC instance.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC buyingstore.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC searchstore.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC duel.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC pc_groups.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC elemental.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC cashshop.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC channel.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC mapreg_sql.c CC achievement.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC region.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used CC faction.c status.h:1831: warning: 'refine_bonus' defined but not used LD map-server
  14. Modify in clifc. but if u do it, you will lose the sshop of eAmod.
  15. When i open the patch it show the progress bar correct, but not the file that was getting Code of label: [Label:Status] AutoResize = false Width=352 Height=50 Left=105 Top=563 Alignment='left' FontColor=$000000 FontName ='' FontSize = Text='' Hook='StatusChange'
  16. Hello just to say to people that mod works fine yet, if it doesnt work to u try it: Search for: void clif_cashshop_ack(struct map_session_data* sd, int error) { int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD(fd, packet_len(0x289)); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x289; WFIFOL(fd,2) = sd->cashPoints; #if PACKETVER < 20070711 WFIFOW(fd,6) = TOW(error); #else WFIFOL(fd,6) = sd->kafraPoints; WFIFOW(fd,10) = TOW(error); #endif WFIFOSET(fd, packet_len(0x289)); } void clif_cashshop_result( struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 item_id, uint16 result ){ WFIFOHEAD( sd->fd, 16 ); WFIFOW( sd->fd, 0 ) = 0x849; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 2 ) = item_id; WFIFOW( sd->fd, 6 ) = result; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 8 ) = sd->cashPoints; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 12 ) = sd->kafraPoints; WFIFOSET( sd->fd, 16 ); } /// Request to buy item(s) from cash shop (CZ_PC_BUY_CASH_POINT_ITEM). /// 0288 <name id>.W <amount>.W /// 0288 <name id>.W <amount>.W <kafra points>.L (PACKETVER >= 20070711) /// 0288 <packet len>.W <kafra points>.L <count>.W { <amount>.W <name id>.W }.4B*count (PACKETVER >= 20100803) /// 0848 <packet len>.W <count>.W <packet len>.W <kafra points>.L <count>.W { <amount>.W <name id>.W <tab>.W }.6B*count (PACKETVER >= 20130000) void clif_parse_cashshop_buy(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd){ int fail = 0; struct s_packet_db* info; int cmd = RFIFOW(fd,0); nullpo_retv(sd); info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][cmd]; if( sd->state.trading || !sd->npc_shopid ) fail = 1; else { #if PACKETVER < 20101116 short nameid = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]); short amount = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[1]); int points = RFIFOL(fd,info->pos[2]); fail = npc_cashshop_buy(sd, nameid, amount, points); clif_cashshop_ack(sd,fail); #else int s_itl = (cmd==0x848)?10:4; //item _list size (depend on cmd even for 2013+) int len = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]); int points = RFIFOL(fd,info->pos[1]); int count = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[2]); unsigned short* item_list = (unsigned short*)RFIFOP(fd,info->pos[3]); if( len < 10 || len != 10 + count * s_itl){ ShowWarning("Player %u sent incorrect cash shop buy packet (len %u:%u)!\n", sd->status.char_id, len, 10 + count * s_itl); return; } if(cmd==0x848){ cashshop_buylist( sd, points, count, item_list); } else { fail = npc_cashshop_buylist(sd,points,count,item_list); } #endif } clif_cashshop_ack(sd,fail); } Change to: void clif_cashshop_ack(struct map_session_data* sd, int error) { int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD(fd, packet_len(0x289)); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x289; WFIFOL(fd,2) = sd->cashPoints; #if PACKETVER < 20070711 WFIFOW(fd,6) = TOW(error); #else WFIFOL(fd,6) = sd->kafraPoints; WFIFOW(fd,10) = TOW(error); #endif WFIFOSET(fd, packet_len(0x289)); } #if PACKETVER >= 20120410 void clif_parse_cashshop_buy( int fd, struct map_session_data *sd ){ struct s_packet_db* info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RFIFOW(fd,0)]; uint16 length = RFIFOW( fd, info->pos[0] ); uint16 count = RFIFOW( fd, info->pos[1] ); if( length < 10 || length < ( 10 + count * 6 ) ){ return; } cashshop_buylist( sd, RFIFOL( fd, info->pos[2] ), count, (uint16 *)RFIFOP( fd, info->pos[3] ) ); } #endif void clif_cashshop_result( struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 item_id, uint16 result ){ WFIFOHEAD( sd->fd, 16 ); WFIFOW( sd->fd, 0 ) = 0x849; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 2 ) = item_id; WFIFOW( sd->fd, 6 ) = result; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 8 ) = sd->cashPoints; WFIFOL( sd->fd, 12 ) = sd->kafraPoints; WFIFOSET( sd->fd, 16 ); } // TODO: find a more accurate date for this - Brynner #if PACKETVER < 20120410 /// Request to buy item(s) from cash shop (CZ_PC_BUY_CASH_POINT_ITEM). /// 0288 <name id>.W <amount>.W /// 0288 <name id>.W <amount>.W <kafra points>.L (PACKETVER >= 20070711) /// 0288 <packet len>.W <kafra points>.L <count>.W { <amount>.W <name id>.W }.4B*count (PACKETVER >= 20100803) /// 0848 <packet len>.W <count>.W <packet len>.W <kafra points>.L <count>.W { <amount>.W <name id>.W <tab>.W }.6B*count (PACKETVER >= 20130000) void clif_parse_cashshop_buy(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd){ int fail = 0; struct s_packet_db* info; int cmd = RFIFOW(fd,0); nullpo_retv(sd); info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][cmd]; if( sd->state.trading || !sd->npc_shopid ) fail = 1; else { #if PACKETVER < 20101116 short nameid = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]); short amount = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[1]); int points = RFIFOL(fd,info->pos[2]); fail = npc_cashshop_buy(sd, nameid, amount, points); clif_cashshop_ack(sd,fail); #else int s_itl = (cmd==0x848)?10:4; //item _list size (depend on cmd even for 2013+) int len = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]); int points = RFIFOL(fd,info->pos[1]); int count = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[2]); unsigned short* item_list = (unsigned short*)RFIFOP(fd,info->pos[3]); if( len < 10 || len != 10 + count * s_itl){ ShowWarning("Player %u sent incorrect cash shop buy packet (len %u:%u)!\n", sd->status.char_id, len, 10 + count * s_itl); return; } if(cmd==0x848){ cashshop_buylist( sd, points, count, item_list); } else { fail = npc_cashshop_buylist(sd,points,count,item_list); } #endif } clif_cashshop_ack(sd,fail); } #endif It will work fine with new revisions =) see ya ;* @edit1: Trying to solve problem with guild information.
  17. when i try to see information about some itens, i get error, someone know how fix it?
  18. @Brynner So, cash button dosnt work anymore? Do you know one more way to do?
  19. I do everything that the 1st topi say but still cant buy item on cash shop and doesnt change guild position, some1 know how fix it? (i read all topic too).
  20. Hello i trying to use 2012-04-20aragexe with cash shop button, i configured right in item_cash_db and packet_db (see it below) and I'm still unable to buy in cash shop button im tryed to use the official packet_db and it doesnt work (im disconnected of the server when try to use it) packet_db.txt Edit: ive problem with guilds too, when i try to change position i get that error [Warning]: int_guild: GuildMemberChange: Not found 1048917,2000001 in guild (2 - Equipe de GMS) [Warning]: int_guild: GuildMemberChange: Not found 1,1752629248 in guild (2 - Eq uipe de GMS)
  21. I tried with a hexed that i get of harmony and doesnot let me too
  22. When i try to diff hexed 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J with this weediff http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/Weediff2012Pack.7z and with this plugin http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/Bypass_Clients/Waeyan/ the diff generator doesnt let me diff with Skip Packet Header Obfuscation, some one know how fix it?
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