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Everything posted by rongrong

  1. I tried to use Nginx to listen those ports of Rathena servers. The login ports works, but the char port and map port were not go through nginx. Is it possible to use reverse proxy to hidden game server's real IP?
  2. status.cpp battle.cpp search SC_BERSERK
  3. make a filter event before put item into storage. so u can make any kind of storage.
  4. hi~ have u fixed the animation problem of sonic blow? EFID.EF_SONICBLOW_1,EFID.EF_SONICBLOW_2 i found there is no such EF in my skilleffectid.luai found there is no such EF in my skilleffectid.lua. can u share the id of them
  5. where to find the texture of that goldpc icon?
  6. the pacher remember my user and password but when i start in game,it shows user non-exist.
  7. When i transfer PNG to BMP for cutin or item image, there is a circle of white(pink) edge appeared. how to fix it in photoshop? is there any tool to make perfect BMP?
  8. is it possible to extend buyingstore like this?
  9. Thx! i have fixed it. int skill_vending(struct map_session_data *sd, t_itemid nameid) { std::shared_ptr<item_data> item; char output[1024]; nullpo_ret(sd); if (!pc_can_give_items(sd) || (item = item_db.find(nameid)) == NULL) { // it return -1 here but shows 4294967295 if (!pc_can_give_items(sd) || !nameid || !item_db.exists(nameid)) { // i fixed like this and it works well now
  10. the shop preparation menu still open, after i cancel select the currency. the mapserver shows that 65535 or 4294967295 does not exist. how to fix it?
  11. Bug Description: skill TF_STEAL ONLY obtain the first item on the mob's drop list (no matter how low the droprate is) Condition: 1. PRE-RENEWAL Server. 2. Bug occurred when char's DEX < mob's DEX, and get right when char‘s DEX >= mob's DEX. Possible Code: // base skill success chance (percentual) rate = (sd_status->dex - md_status->dex)/2 + skill_lv*6 + 4; // bug rate < 64 rate += sd->bonus.add_steal_rate; if( rate < 1 #ifdef RENEWAL || rnd()%100 >= rate #endif ) return false; // Try dropping one item, in the order from first to last possible slot. // Droprate is affected by the skill success rate. for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++ ) if( item_db.exists(md->db->dropitem[i].nameid) && !md->db->dropitem[i].steal_protected && rnd() % 10000 < md->db->dropitem[i].rate #ifndef RENEWAL * rate/100. // i cant find the bug #endif ) break; if( i == MAX_MOB_DROP ) return false; itemid = md->db->dropitem[i].nameid; struct item tmp_item = {}; tmp_item.nameid = itemid; tmp_item.amount = 1; tmp_item.identify = itemdb_isidentified(itemid); if( battle_config.skill_steal_random_options ){ mob_setdropitem_option( &tmp_item, &md->db->dropitem[i] ); } flag = pc_additem(sd,&tmp_item,1,LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_PLAYER);
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