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  1. @Functor How could add something like this but for self skill like a parry that just show Name and Effect Thanks in Advance
  2. I have the same problem actually i've used the lasted version of NEMO
  3. i actually taken the source from this link anyone could help me?
  4. Hi, rA today i have a little mistake about the parry, I've modified this skill allowing use with One-hand with Linked State everything i'ts working fine until i switch any equipment. see below the behavior rA version : 9389b //skill_check_condition_castbegin if (require.weapon && !(pc_check_weapontype(sd, require.weapon) || (skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT && sd->weapontype1 == W_1HSWORD))) { //skill_check_condition_castend if (require.weapon && !(pc_check_weapontype(sd, require.weapon) || (skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT && sd->weapontype1 == W_1HSWORD))) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return false; }
  5. I did some modifications at src but nothing work.
  6. has the same behavior whether set @Radian devotion_rdamage_skill_only: no
  7. Anyone has a solution for this mistake?
  8. It's work fine but the problem is when caster receives magic reflec trigger an animation i post above @dev LOOLP
  9. Hi rAthena Community, today i would like know how remove this animation. This animation Trigger when a caster receives magic reflec on devotion. You can see the scenario below ---Thanks in advance
  10. It's the Movement lock you know the sonic blow has a special motion
  11. Hello rA,I've Duplicated the Sonic blow special effects are working fine but the animation when cast it's different [SKID.AS_SONICBLOW2] = { beginMotionType = ACTOR_STATE.ST_ATTACK, effectNum = 2, effectID = {EFID.EF_SONICBLOW_1,EFID.EF_SONICBLOW_2}, LaunchZC_USE_SKILL = true } this is the code client side what could be missing Thanks in Advance Ragnarok Online 2020-01-26 10-01-55.mp4
  12. @MarkZD The parry with One Hand it's working fine but when switch items like helm,armor etc the skill goes away
  13. It's working fine thanks for everything @Litro Endemic @Mabuhay
  14. i got the next error when try to login the server and reject the session any idea? @Litro Endemic
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