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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/18 in Posts

  1. Hey guys, I'm working on a project that translates item scripts into item descriptions. The source is available at github. The idea is simple. For example, the item script from item id 1310 (Glorious Cleaver) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,75; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,75; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRaceRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRaceRate,RC_Player,20; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon; .@r = getrefine(); if(.@r>5) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,pow(min(14,.@r)-4,2); bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,pow(min(14,.@r)-4,2); bonus2 bIgnoreDefRaceRate,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRaceRate,RC_Player,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; } if(.@r>8) { bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_CRITICALWOUND",1,50; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"MC_MAMMONITE","NPC_CRITICALWOUND",2,200; } } is converted into Increase physical damage by 75% against demihuman enemies. Increase physical damage by 75% against player enemies. Pierce physical defense by 20% of demihuman enemies. Pierce physical defense by 20% of player enemies. Weapon is indestructible. [Refine Count is 6 - 15] Increase physical damage by 6% ~ 15% (Refine Count) against demihuman enemies. Increase physical damage by 6% ~ 15% (Refine Count) against player enemies. Pierce physical defense by 5% of demihuman enemies. Pierce physical defense by 5% of player enemies. Attack Speed +5% [Refine Count is 9 - 15] Attack Speed +5% Add a 5% chance to cast Critical Wounds of level 1 on each normal attack. Add a 20% chance to cast Critical Wounds of level 2 when using Mammonite. Another example, the item script from item id 1311 (Vecer Axe) { if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) { bonus bBaseAtk,20; } if(readparam(bDex)>=90) { bonus bCritical,5; } if(readparam(bDex)>=90&&readparam(bLuk)>=90) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MC_MAMMONITE",15; } } is converted into [LUK is 90 - 150] Base ATK +20 [DEX is 90 - 150] Critical +5 [DEX is 90 - 150 and LUK is 90 - 150] Increase damage of Mammonite by 15%. The tool has a few limitations regarding non-trivial code structures and unsupported statements, functions, and etc. However, the tool's one major advantage is that there is no mismatch between the server's item scripts and client's item descriptions. If this sounds familiar, then you may remember me from this thread. Unlike the previous project, you can translate the json data files into another language, which is used to generate item descriptions. Project Language: C License: Public Domain Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Dependency: jansson (MIT License) Build: Visual Studio 2017, makefile Support: rAthena (renewal) To Do lua format flavour text [optional] I Need Help I need multiple sources for flavor text in English. If you have any links or files, then feel free to send them to [email protected]. For example, the item id 1186 (Death Guidance) has the flavor text (from RMS). All present for the destruction of weapons that exist cursed. The sword is the curse of his master, and is the owner and make someone unhappy.
    1 point
  2. Hello guys! Here is another Christmas Prontera! If some of your guys seen my previous map of Christmas Prontera, It's kinda similar but this is has more effects and lights! Have a great Christmas! Hope you guys like it ?
    1 point
  3. You're talking about hyperlinks in the programming language HTML. <a href="https://www.google.com">Click me to go to Google</a> Good luck! Note: Also, this thread should be under Third Party Programs Support, not Client Support.
    1 point
  4. mes "warp me"; next; switch(select("Yes:No"){ case 1: if (countitem(item_id) < 1){ mes "You need XXX item to use our service"; close; } warp "prontera",156,182; end; case 2: close; }
    1 point
  5. For test (Remove all hat_effects and add selected effect to char) ID 0 = no effect prontera,170,180,1 script Test hat effect#test_effects 122,{ for(.@i = 0; .@i < 100; ++.@i){ hateffect .@i,false; } input .@ID; hateffect .@ID,true; end; } Script info: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt *hateffect(<Hat Effect ID>,<State>); This will set a Hat Effect onto the player. The state field allows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the effect on the player. The Hat Effect constants can be found in 'src/map/script_constants.h' starting with HAT_EF_*. Requires client 2015-05-13aRagEXE or newer. You can change effects in your data.grf (hateffectinfo.lub) hatEffectID = effect ID
    1 point
  6. You need to have sprite folder, texture folder for the custom item. also need to edit accname.lua and accessoryid.lua.
    1 point
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