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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/14 in Posts

  1. Exactly, it act as the official client, it doesn't store players data somewhere. Little compilation of what's were done since the last time: Emoticons Support @monsterbig / @monstersmall Support for monster hp bar Support for teleport / warp portal window (also identify and autocast skill). Support for pet hunger bar Add discount and overcharge (correct display) Can now open users shop Now supporting Party System (and friends /hi, /invite, /leave, /organize, change leader, expel, change configs, casting skill on names, everythings.). Awesome memory optimization (can now render 5x more monsters on screen). And a lot of bugfixes and clean up. Maybe others things I forget through.
    4 points
  2. yes, each kill for each players..
    1 point
  3. killedrid // OnNPCKillEvent return mob id retrieve specific mob id ? you already have the answer.. O__O
    1 point
  4. It should work with usables too. I just made sure that i got the correct numbers and mapflags so it will ban what i wanted
    1 point
  5. First of all - checkings if(getgdskilllv(.@GID,10000) < 1) goto L_GSTL; if(strcharinfo(0)!=getguildmaster(.@GID)) goto L_NGM; query_sql "SELECT `guild_lv`,`max_member` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2)+"",@glvl,@max_member; if(@glvl < 10 || @max_member < 5) goto L_GLTL; L_GSTL: mes "Sorry, but without the Guildskill 'Guild Approval' you can't receive a GP!"; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, only the Guildleader can receive GP from me!"; close;
    1 point
  6. i have the same problem =( can u tell me how did you solve it please ? thanks anyway and waiting for answers T_T Yup, actually what Whathell said solved my problem o:
    1 point
  7. //Script by Normynator v1.1 prontera,140,180,5 script Item 80,{ function EndEvent; if(getgmlevel() >= 99){ .@s = select("Start:Stop:Chancel"); if(.@s == 1){ mes "Start"; set $giveaway, 0; announce "Give away has just started!!", 0; close; }else if(.@s == 2){ mes "Stop"; set $giveaway, 50; EndEvent; close; }else{ close; } } if($giveaway == 50){ mes "All items are gone!"; close; }else{ set .@left, 50 - $giveaway; mes "Hi"; mes .@left + " Items left."; //mes $giveaway; if (#AlreadyGot){ mes "You already got your item."; close; } set #AlreadyGot, 1; mes "An Apple for you"; getitem 512, 1; set $giveaway, $giveaway + 1; if($giveaway == 50){ EndEvent; } close; } EndEvent: announce "Give away has just ended!!", 0; query_sql "DELETE FROM `rathena`.`global_reg_value` WHERE `str`='#AlreadyGot'"; end; } Hope it works
    1 point
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