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  1. Adding custom maps to RO server - Part 1. In this Part you will learn how to add your custom maps to your Ragnarok server. · Clientside: Download/create the map you want to add to your Ragnarok Server. a. You should have 3 files of the map. i. [mapname].gat ii. [mapname].rsw iii. [mapname].bmp Place your .gat and .rsw files inside your GRF within data\ as well as your .bmp file inside your data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map\ directory. Go to your data\mapnametable.txt and add the Area display name of your map in the following format “[mapname].rsw#Map Display Name#”, without the quotation marks. · Serverside: Now go to your server directory and do the following: a. Go to your db\import\ directory and open map_index.txt - (!) Do not confuse it with db\map_index.txt i. In the text file add at the bottom of the file [mapname]<tab>{index(1250+)} - Once done, Save and close the file. b. Now go to your conf\import\ directory and open map_conf.txt: i. Once there - add your maps like so: map: [mapname] - Once done, Save and close the file. Once the above steps are done. Download either WeeMapCache or MapCacheEditor in order to add your [map].gat file to your map_cache.dat a. Open your server Project and recompile it. Congratulations, you have now successfully added a new map to your server. In part 2 of the guide, we will be adding the custom map to your world map view. Adding custom maps to your RO server - Part 2. In Part 2 of the guide, you will be learning how to add your custom map to World map view and Kafra move animations - The good news is: It's all client-side. Go to data\mappostable.txt a) At the top of the file you should see #@ (probably 12@), change that to 13@ (That is the array size of the mappostable) b) Scroll down to the bottom of the file and add the the map you want to add (as well as its coordinates on the map where it should appear) in the following format [index]#[mapname].rsw#x¹#y¹#x²#y²# i) **x¹, y¹, x², y² stand for the start and end coordinates of the map box which gets drawn on the world map. Navigate to data\luafiles514\lua files\worldviewdata\ a) Find files worldviewdata_table.lub as well as worldviewdata_language.lub (if your files are inside a GRF, extract them). i) Open your worldviewdata_language.lub and add the following line: MSI_###_[MAPNAME] = "Map Display Name", (if you’re adding it at the end of the array, don’t forget to remove the comma, as it’s the last element of the array. ii) Now open your worldviewdata_table.lub and add the following line: {###, "[mapname].rsw", x¹, y¹, x², y², WORLD_MSGID.MSI_###_[MAPNAME], ""} (!) IMPORTANT - the ### number at the start of this array appears to be corresponding to a general “block” location on the map. e.g.: If you’re adding a map somewhere in the Payon area, you would want this number to be “111”, however if you’re adding it in the area of Rachel, you’d want the number to be “105”. – In short, whenever you’re adding maps, always take a look at the numbers of the maps close to your new map, use those numbers. If your map doesnt appear on the worldmap, this is more than often the culprit behind it! Go to data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\ - (Optional) This is where you will be adding the kafra teleporting service animations. b) Open the file kaframovemapservicelist.lub and add Kafra teleport service information to your map as well as KafraMinimapPos I am not certain what the parameters in this array do, if anyone has any idea, please let me know ? Adding custom maps to your RO server - Part 3. In Part 3 of this guide, you will be learning how to add links between your maps and/or NPCs within the maps for your navigation system! (!) Important - Before you can start with Part 3, you will be required to know how to: *navigate through your GRF, **Implement your custom maps, ***Add your custom maps to the Ragnarok world map! Firstly, what you want to do, is go to your data\luafiles514\lua files\ and extract your entire \navigation\ folder. Naturally - remember to make a backup of it before you start working on it. Once you have the folder extracted, what you want to do first of all is to add your custom map to the navi_map_krpri.lub. To do that, open up the file, scroll all the way down the list and add your map in the following format: { "[mapname]", "Display name", ID, xSize, ySize } (!) Important things to note - (!) The "Display name" is going to be name displayed over your map like so: (!)There are 3 values for the IDs (I am not 100% certain about what they are exactly, will need to research it more - then I will update the information here) 5001 is used for standard maps, such as Towns, Fields, Dungeons. 5002 appears to be used for maps which have clone counterparts? Lastly 5003 is used for indoor maps. (!) xSize and ySize correspond to thevalues of gat.Width as well as gat.Height Secondly, we will be adding connections between neighbouring maps. To do that, you want to open navi_link.lub and add connections to; as well as from the neighbouring maps in the following format: { "[yourmap]" , [index], 200, 99999, "[yourmapname]_[destmapname]_[index]", "", xCoord, yCoord, "payo2", destCoord_x, destCoord_y}, e.g.: { "pay_arche", 14056, 200, 99999, "pay_arche_payon_706", "", 81, 17, "payon", 228, 327 }, { "payon", 15327, 200, 99999, "payon_pay_arche_1977", "", 228, 329, "pay_arche", 81, 22 }, (i) - Because of the way the navi_link.lub is built I decided to write a small program which will make adding connections between new custom maps and old ones cleaner and hopefully easier ? - Perhaps I will also expand it to also editing the other navi files. P.S: If you believe that guide is useful, but could be improved upon, please do drop your suggestion. - You can also contact me either via PM on the forums or adding me on Discord - Shinsei#3451 I will be adding further parts of the navigation guide over the next couple of days. Hope it helps!
    1 point
  2. short description There are 3 different generations of laboratory monsters: 1. Egnigem, Wickebine, Laurell, Errende, Josephina, Kavach, Armeyer 2. Seyren, Eremes, Kathryne, Margaretha, Cecil, Howard 3. Randel, Gertie, Celia, Chen, Trentini, Alphoccio, Flamel I collect them, correct mistakes, add every possible class to each monster, recolor them in 3 official color sets and improve their aura. As a basis, I took the logic of the first implemented sprites at lhz_dun01-03 If you compare the following kRO sprites with corrections in the changelog you will notice that the logic has ceased to be respected and the sprites do not even have sounds! LINK TO FILE: https://mega.nz/file/tGFCxRSL#y5S8uLWw0cMCrLt059ycmZSeeFY1oLYTSVJwa0BoEWs [DONE] 1st class 2nd class advanced class 3rd class 3rd japan edition class 4th class latest expanded classes previous versions of some classes custom extended classes The total number of sprites in the pack: all classes from novice to 4th class (with different types of weapons) x 3 official color sets = 600 sprites changelog: (!) Below are the non-clean gifs recorded using GifCam.exe over the Act Editor (!) So these can brake or accelerate and do not serve as an accurate image. These gifs are added just for reference For clarity, the background of the laboratory is taken, and the sprites are shown in transparent blue 969F9EE7 and with improved aura Seyren Windsor Eremes Guile Kathryne Keyron Margaretha Sorin Cecil Damon Howard Alt-Eisen Randel Lawrence Gertie Wie Celia Alde Chen Lio Trentini Ilaria Alphoccio Basil Flamel Emure Egnigem Chenia Wickebine Tres Laurell Weinder Errende Ebecee Josephina Kavach Icarus Armeyer Dinze
    1 point
  3. I'm glad that people enjoyed reading it. When I started, I figured that maybe I'd somehow find a way to allow rebirth for the classes that couldn't do it (always my pet peeve with the original game), I never figured it would turn into this. Still, my journey is probably nearing its end. I know I've said that before, but with any project there does come a time when you have to say "it's done!". At a certain point, there's simply not much you can add any more that meaningfully adds to the game. And I've pretty much run out of stuff I can feasibly add. There are no more maps I can harvest from Renewal. I've used almost every distinct weapon sprite in the game. There aren't really that many more skills that can be added without compromising the identity of the classes. For a few months, updates on the server have slowed as we've approached something resembling "stability". However, there remains one final frontier to tackle, and that's Guild War. I've always considered Guild War to kind of be the glue that holds Ragnarok Online together as a game. Ragnarok (at least PRE-RE) does not really have any story of defined goal. Sure, you can grind your way to max level, and my server does include significantly expanded end-game content in the form of the past, but ultimately the grind on its own can feel a little hollow at times. One of my beta testers who is new to the game asked me "sure, we can kill some of these bosses now, but what do we really need their items for other than to kill more bosses?". Of course, we all know the answer is "TO CRUSH OUR ENEMIES WITH AN IRON FIST!". Ragnarok Online is an incredibly complex game with a nearly infinite number of possible builds you can make, but the complex interplay of these builds can only shine when they're pitted against each other. The War of Emperium is an incredibly deep and interesting mode that takes all of the elements of the game and gives them their own unique and interesting way to shine. It is also an absolute nightmare to balance. I'm not actually talking about the actual gameplay balance of the mode itself. That is a concern too, of course, but it's something I've had in mind since the very beginning when designing and tweaking skills, so I don't think it should actually be too bad. No, what I'm talking about are the rewards from the mode that serve as the incentive to play it. On the official servers, the main incentive to play WOE is to get the God Items. The God Items are deliberately monstrously overpowered, which is (somewhat) balanced out by the fact that you need rare items from many different castles to assemble them. (As an aside, I see that in recent patches the god items have actually been nerfed, but to me Mejingjord will always give +40 STR). This is a problem for smaller servers, though, because you need a massive population to run War of Emperium with many castles at once. What a lot of small servers do is they only open one castle at a time. This works well, but it makes the god items impossible to get, which, to be honest, is probably a good thing because they're so gamebreaking, but it also kind of feels lame since most of the other rewards are fairly common things that you can get easily. No one is really that excited by slotted chainmail anymore. It was clear from the start that Guild War was going to need new, exclusive rewards. This was not easy, because I already added a ton of new items to the game. Clearly, the rewards from the guild war have to be good enough that you actually want them, but not so strong that gaining control of the guild castles quickly becomes an insurmountable advantage. This is a very delicate balance. Beyond this, there's the question of how to distribute the rewards. If we're adding new weapons, different classes equip different weapon types. We don't want to intentionally favour certain classes or builds by mainly adding good equipment for a single class. Each castle can spawn 2 distinct treasure boxes, which are unique to that castle. If only one castle is used, this gives us a total of 16 item slots to work with, which is not even enough for 1 of every weapon type in the game (and we want some lesser rewards like eluniums and OCAs as well). 1 castle isn't enough. My clue for how to handle this came from the classes in the game. The game has 10 base classes: Swordman, Acolyte, Mage, Archer, Thief, Merchant, Taekwon, Ninja, Gunslinger, and Summoner. We can pair these up two classes to a castle, which allows for roughly one box per class. This sounds pretty good! Under this scheme, 5 castles would be needed, which would presumably be available on a rotating schedule. We're getting somewhere, but there's just one more problem. There are four different guild war realms, Prontera, Geffen, Al De Baran, and Payon (for now, we're leaving War of Emperium 2 out of the equation). It seems to make sense to pick one castle from each. But what about the fifth castle? Well, clearly a sane person would just pick a second castle from one of the realms, but you should know by now that's not going to happen. No, of course the answer is that we're going to create a totally new fifth castle in its own realm. The cats have been disrespected for too long, so it's finally time for Malangdo to get its own guild castle. Well, maybe "totally new" is overselling it a bit. It's more like a "significantly altered version of a castle that already exists". Of the castles I didn't pick, the castle with by far the most interesting layout was payg_cas04, so this will become the basis for malg_cas01. To the map editor! There's a few things I like about this layout, but I think the most interesting thing about it has got to be this Emperium room. It's huge, there's two routes you can take, you can snipe across the gaps, and there are little barriers that protect you in certain areas. The coolest thing about it though are those double entry warps at the top! Spamming spells and traps on warp points is a super strong strategy in WoE, so having a second warp in to the emperium room is a huge deal. However, in payg_cas04, only one of the warps is actually used! This won't do, so the first thing we needed to do was to add a new route that could let you get to the second warp point. Looking at the layout of the castle, which I wasn't planning to change too drastically, there was really only one feasible place that could lead to a new warp, and that's this corridor here at the bottom of this map (the red square indicates where the warp would go). So this is where the new route would start. However, this is actually the first interior room in the castle, the warp on the far left leads to another interior room, so clearly this can't just skip you right to the emperium room. A totally new room is needed that leads to the emperium room. I decided to keep things fairly simple. The new room is a kind of back hallway that leads to a storage room, with a staircase leading down to the emperium room. Rather deliberately, this room kinda sucks for the attackers. It's super narrow, and it's very easy to trap the one-cell passage by that little barricade, or camp behind it. You can hide in the storage room to avoid someone walking through the hallway with Sight and try to slip past, but it's not hard to check the storage room since it has only one exit. However, having a second route that leads to the emperium room is already very powerful, as the defenders now need to cover both routes if they don't just want to try to hold the final room. I think there's an interesting strategy tradeoff if this route is clearly worse than the other route. Do you check it less often because clearly people won't take the bad route? Then that kind of makes it actually the good route, because you might encounter much less opposition that way. In any case, I think this layout is interesting. Of course, I couldn't just slap in a new room and call it a day, I also had to Malangdo up the place. It now has much more of a tropical theme. Interestingly, there are actually some GATing errors on this map (the GAT defines where you can and can't walk). There's a wall on the lower side of this map that you can simply walk through on the official servers, as well as a few misplaced snipe tiles. I fixed them. Still, it kind of made me feel good in a way to know that the original map creators are human too. I also retextured the entire map and replaced all of the objects with Malangdo-themed ones, which no one will probably ever notice because you really don't have time to sit and enjoy the scenery in the middle of guild war. Putting all that food on those plates is a huge pain! Oh well. I feel like if you can't tell that I made something, it means I probably did a good job of it. The gold standard is for it to look like something that could have been in the game originally. I also continue to be impressed by the ingenuity of the original level designers. Did you know that those apples on the table beside the bananas are actually christmas tree ornaments from Lutie? You'd never guess. So we have our new map, all that remains is to rig it up to work in the game. Surprisingly, Rathena provides space in agit_controller for you to insert your own custom guild castles. Has anyone other than me ever used this? Adding the new castle is surprisingly easy, you just have to remember to put it into castle_db. And here we are! Shh, no one give away my awesome hiding spot. Oh, and of course, Malangdo also needs its own Guild Dungeon! Luckily, we happen to have an unused cat-themed dungeon left over in lasagna dungeon! It's like I planned it all along! This place also plays the unused track 175. Now let's all enjoy Cat on Bullet. Only one question remains. How the heck do we actually get here? Well, the first couple screenshots may have given a clue. See, it's an intentional balancing mechanic that the guild realms aren't just inside the town. The necessity to walk back to the entrance to the guild castle increases the length of time it takes the attackers to respawn, compared to the defenders who can simply warp into the castle. So we need a spot that takes a little bit of time to walk to. How about the otherwise pointless boat in the middle of Malangdo? (I don't apologize for this dialogue). And there we have it, 5 castles (or four castles and one cattsle). All that remains is the rewards. Here's a taste of a few of them (there's actually 30 new equipment items in total) Which one do you think is the most gamebreaking? (Incidentally, "Finale" mentioned in the Dancer weapon is Amp. Someone complained that calling it Amp made no sense, which is true). Actually, a key element of this is that most of the gear is significantly restricted in terms of which classes can use it, so even if an item like the Light Manteau maybe outclasses the Heavenly Wings (Dex +1, 3 Def), the fact that only a few classes can use it prevents it from making the other item useless. In any case, they're not really out of line with a lot of the gear that's already in the game (and I don't think they're nearly as bad as a lot of the nonsense that was added in renewal), but they are probably things you would actually want, which of course is the point. Anyway, that wraps it up for this time. it might be a long time before another update, if there even is one, but I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this thread.
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