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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/14 in Posts

  1. E - Script Collection Last Update : September 10, 2013 Refine Function SQL Mission Board Monster Marching Vendor Control Advanced Stylist Coin Exchanger Doppelganger Race Of The Day Limited Items Multi Currency Shop Random News GM Online List Link Broken E-Inquiry DotA Runes Flower Counting Game Class Restriction Chain Quest Build Manager Misc Scripts : Freebies Script Card Trader Gold Room [ Pick Gold ] Gold Room [ Guild Tax ] Map Restriction [ GM Based ] Daily Reward Monthly Reward Monster Spawner Monster Summoner with Last Summoned Display Players Stats & Equipments 3rd Job Item Giver Exchanger [ Cashpoint to Coins ] Exchanger [ Poring Coin - Zeny ] Exchanger [ Points to Tickets ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Multi Item to 1 Item ] Party Match Auto Ban Over Stats Users Soul Link Buff Kill Players gain Cash Points Party Members All Get Items [ Snippet ] Message Board Stalker Class Skill Reproduce NPC Multiple Selection Quest [ Template ] In-Game Item Rewarder In-Game Points Rewarder Invasion Event Custom Item Rate Status Point Seller [ Snippet ] Anti Bot Security Script Anti Bot Script [ Code / Question ] Item Combo Restriction [ LHZ Card ] Drop Item Upon Death PVP Switcher + Announcer [ Guild Master ] Rotating Waitingroom Messages +10 Refiner [ Specific Items ] Random Rate Item Exchanger MVP Invasion Premium Users [ Boost Rates ] Display Cutin Image upon Login Custom Randomed Box Items Kick GM during WOE Custom Crafting NPC Restrict Same IP [ Certain Map ] Coloured Items Exchanger Guild Master Changer Party Team PK Match Gambling Game IRC Channel Crafting NPC Guild Storage Restriction Stage Game [ Version 4 ] Monster Wiki Event [ Version 3 ] Special Thank you for my Tutor : Notes : I am a bit lazy to write all those Script Descriptions, i do believe that all of you able to get how this script works. Anyway, i will still doing my best to write the Updated Changelog or informations about the script as detail as possible. All the Scripts above are uploaded to Pastebin . Abide the Following Rule : Scripts Error / Not Working , you have to Explain it in Details. ( Add in Images / Modified Scripts ) Do not SPAM / BUMP in my Topic. Do not ask for Support stuffs for other Scripts in this Topic. Link Down , then drop [ @Emistry ] a message. I Reserved the Right for NOT Answering your Posts if you did not abide my Topic's Rules. Keep This In Your Mind : All the Scripts i distribute here are NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USES . DO NOT remove my Credits if you are using part of the scripts to modify your own. DO NOT re-release the scripts in any form / way. If you ♥ these Scripts , Click on to Vote this Topic up. Or you may also click on at above the Topic
    1 point
  2. Hi everyone, i'm here to tell you that Green Peach is BACK ! OoooohYeaaaah Link : http://www.green-peach.net/ At the moment, there are not all that I created from the beginning because I put everything in order before sharing. Trickster Online mobs are very neat but I still have to manage some data. The novelty is the Pokemon Sprite section ! In short, the website will fill in with my old and new creations. See ya! Name : Bulbizarre Game : Pokemon File Size: 529 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Mob - Bulbizarre [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Herbizarre Game : Pokemon File Size: 536 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Mob - Herbizarre [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Addax Game : Trickster Online File Size: 668 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Mob - Addax [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net
    1 point
  3. Video Coming Soon 1st Step: go to: add your sprite for Example: Blood_Helm Blood_Helm 2nd Step: go to data Open idnum2itemdesctable idnum2itemdisplaynametable idnum2itemresnametable 3rd Step: Go to This file (¾ÆÀÌÅÛ) is for Drop item which is act. and spr. 4th Step: Go to Put the following files, This sign "¿©" is for Female Character. 5th Step: Go to Put the following files, This sign "¿©" is for Male Character. 6th Step: go to data\lua files\datainfo Open accessoryid.lua as Notepad Open accname.lua as notepad 7th Step: also config it to server, go to db/item_db2.txt at the last line of notepad or Wordpad for example <----You'll see "1001" at the last part,, that will be your View ID that you put on accessoryid.lua Hope this will help you, don't forget to hit green button, Have a good day
    1 point
  4. I'm currently working on a custom client and wanted to share some screenshots about the progress. Some of you might wonder why there is again another project like this one with the same goal as the others, and why not just join the others to speed up development? In fact, I thought about this opportunity. However, I'm still learning to work with virtual reality and I want to learn as much as possible. And that's why this projects main goal is not to be finished as fast as possible. But still, it looks like I'm at good pace. I still don't have a "good" name for this project, even though there's a proto-name. One of the other goals of this project is to provide a stable client that runs on both, unix and windows systems. It is being developed in C/C++ and Ogre3D, takes advantage of multithreading where it is appropriate, uses atlas textures to reduce batch count and some other fancy algorithms to improve performance. Even though the complete terrain is being loaded instantly, it takes some milliseconds to finish the objects. That's why I'm currently working on further algorithms, allowing caching and paging of objects. I will release a working demo in the style of RagCam as soon as the new algorithms are finished and working. Here's a list of things that are implemented so far: GND (Terrain) Lightning Shadowmaps Colormaps (with reduced colors to match the original client) Vertex diffuse color Walls Smooth Normals RSM (Objects) Smooth Normals (with smooth groups) Animations Transparency Two Sided Triangle Faces (with correct normal vectors for both sides) RSW (World) Water (with texture and wave animation) Objects Ambient and diffuse lightning Performance is always a very important part for me. A lot of things are optimized as good as possible. This project will stay closed-source providing plug-in functionality in the future. Most of the information that has been used in this project has been discovered through reverse engineering of the original client. Rendering a map is almost completely done using the same and some improved approaches done by the original client itself. The main focus after this will be the visual improvement of the maps themself, like BumpMapping, Cel Shading support, etc. blah blah. When this is done also, I will focus on implementing network functionality and a GUI. I have started in november and worked effectively 5-6 weeks on this project. I had to stop at the end of december and started to work again two days ago. Enough talked, here are some screenshots using OpenGL as renderer (the results in DirectX are the same): Vertex color mapping: Each tile can have a diffuse color. This color, however, is not being applied to all four corners of a tile, but only to the bottom left vertex and all vertices that share the same coordinate. Textures have been disabled in this image to show that diffuse colors are being applied correctly. The border of a map is also being rendered correctly when vertex diffuse colors are applied. Shadowmaps: Some devs are still wondering why their shadowmaps look a bit weird. The reason is plain simple: A lightmap consists (most of the time) of 8x8 tiles, where only the 7x7 pixels in the center are used. Nothing new. However, the tiles are combined into a large texture. If texture filtering is being applied, then the borders of the different textures interpolate into each other, fatal for colormaps when they have different colors. This is called texture bleeding. Because of this, Gravity added a padding of 1 pixel to each tile (resulting in 8x8, instead of 7x7) and filled them with colors that still look nice when they are interpolated. The image below shows the correct display of shadowmaps. Colormaps: They are the same as shadowmaps, but use RGB colors instead. When applied to the terrain, they look smooth. If you look into a dungeon, you will notice that colormaps are not smooth at all. In fact, they look like the colors were reduced. This process is also called posterization. The best result are done with 16 levels. The idea is basically to use float colors, multiply them with the amount of levels, convert the result to an integer (and so dropping the decimal part) and divide the result by the amount of levels. Done. This image displays correct colormaps. Notice the borders of the lightning. Prontera indoor: Transparency: I've used BrowEdit to compare my results and found an issue that was the same as in my project. Some models had wrong depth writing. Using the correct order, it is possible to render objects regardless of their transparency. You can try to open BrowEdit and compare dicastes01 with this image. Instancing: A lot of objects in a map reference the same model, so it makes common sense to combine them for reducing the batch count. This image shows pretty could FPS, even though all objects of yuno are rendered. Instancing in prontera: I would also like to show animations, but am too lazy to upload a video. I am not generating MipMaps yet, since this will be part 2 of this project. As you can see from the screenshots, rendering itself is almost complete. Only some minor issues that have to be done. If you want to see a screenshot of a specific map, don't hesitate to ask. I will upload one. I let you guess which of the posted screenshots are made on linux and which on windows.
    1 point
  5. mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "Here, let me open"; mes "your Guild Storage for you."; mes "Thank you for using"; mes "the Kafra Service."; close2; cutin "", 255; switch(guildopenstorage()){ case 1: mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "Oops, I'm sorry but another guild member is using the guild storage"; mes "right now. Please wait until that person is finished."; close; case 2: mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "Oops, I'm sorry, but you do not have a guild."; mes "You must belong to a guild in order to access the guild storage."; close; default: } end;
    1 point
  6. You are stealing material from different mappers (Including one of my maps) and offering/reselling it at your "services". You are even offering Kamishi's pallettes as a pack of your "services". May I ask if do you at least offer something original from you? made by you? How you dare to have the decency to even ask money for your "services" knowing you didn't make anything? For your information, we have rules and I'm really sorry to tell you but now you have to deal with the consequences of a heavy bad reputation you have just made. Which means, no customers for you sir. Anyway, I can assure that the proper report/black listing of you and your service is gonna be set up. I hope this staff takes action, beginning by for instance, applying the rule of not allowing you to promove your service at your signature, which btw, you are breaking a rule since you would or should not be able to have an approved paid service here by using materials of other authors. Edit: And if I can add something, I have to agree with the posts above. It would be really a joke if you even dare to continue running a service after all of this.
    1 point
  7. yeah it is, and it's clear that its a steal, i do not hate you that much but im just telling the truth xD, even though my maps are everywhere, the only thing is you show to the public that you have our maps and includes them to your services. still have credits to the owner? you don't even get a permission to distribute our maps. we cant see any credits though,
    1 point
  8. Here is the link: http://internalguard.ro-services.com/downloads/internal-guard-licensing/ Freeware freeware..., guys.. it cost only 25$. All freeware softwares like GameGuards are useless or completly sh@!. My opinion is, every "Project" always cost money. If you do your job good, you get the money back. Secure Server = Happy Player It is only my opionion. ^-^
    1 point
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