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GRF Files

4 files

  1. Free

    GRF Sharper [Update Jan 26, 2012]

    Hello everyone this is my GRF Explorer tool,

    So why another GRF Tool you ask? well here are the reasons

    The current ones are old
    The current ones are un-maintained (not all of them)
    The current ones are written in C X_X;
    I want to make my own

    So what are the features gonna be?

    GRF Merge
    Fast GRF Filter and Search
    Open Multiple GRFs in another tab
    Transfer files between tabs
    Live preview of files in the grf ( even sprite , map , acts )
    On the spot editing of grf files (no need to extract, edit , put it back, just double click edit and save )
    Open sourced
    Well documented
    Its C#! So faster development speed( I made the UI 2 hours ago )
    It works on Linux , Mac and Windows

    Notes: It only supports 0x200 GRF version and the DES Decryption algorithm is still broken ( that means its not able to extract some files in data.grf yet , coming soon)

    Ok let me tell you the truth! This is a part of an effort called "Managed Athena Project or mAthena"

    the goal is to port the existing eAthena software and the Open-Ragnarok
    https://gitorious.org/open-ragnarok/ into managed C#/.NET/Mono Code

    This is just the beginning , I am not expecting to do this by myself. That is the reason I am posting this. To let everyone know about the project. And if your a skilled but totally bored programmer and want to build your own stuff for RO. then this is our chance

    I honestly dont think it will replace our beloved eAthena project, but this will be an alternative and hopefully a competition for eA in the future


    ROInt Project -
    https://gitorious.or...bs/master/grf.c(GRF Engine)

    KeyWorld for explaining to me the GRF File structure, DES Encryption and everything else

    scriptor has forked it on git hub and added the support for the following file formats. (SPR, PAL, TGA)
    @GreenBox for adding "file save support"

    don't forget to rate it 5 starts if you like it

    Git Hub:

    What are you waiting for? fork it now!



  2. Free

    Secure Grf

    includes GRF Encryptor and Game Client Decrypt Library)



  3. Free

    GRF Editor

    Hey everyone,
    This is a GRF tool I started to develop for my own personnal use, but I thought I'd share it since I've upgraded the UI. Its primary goal is to be easy to use while offering a wide variety of options and customizations. The software is quite stable and can handle large operations easily.
    How to install
    Download the zip archive provided from the download link at the bottom of this description or directly from there : http://www.mediafire.com/?aflylbhblrzpz0h Install the application with GRF Editor Installer.exe; if you are missing a .NET Framework you will be prompted to download it. Once you are done, you can start the program from the link on your desktop. Key features
    Overall speed is faster (or at least equal) than any GRF tool. Common operations : add, delete, merge, extract, preview, save. Undo and redo for any operation. It can open any GRF file. Clean and very interactive interface. Saving formats supported : 0x200, 0x103 and 0x102 (through the Settings page) and conversion to the Thor format. Instant filter and search options (example : "map .gat"). File association and context menus integration for .grf, .gpf, .rgz and .thor (through the Settings page). Can rebuild separated images into one file easily. Drag and drop (with the ALT key, can be modified in the Settings page). This is a big part of the software; most of the items can be moved around within the application itself or from/to Windows Explorer. Tools
    Sprite editor : a simple sprite editor with powerful features. Semi-transparent images can be added, you can easily change the order or replace images, etc. This tool can convert images in the wrong type by showing you multiple solutions (merging a new palette, dithering the image by using current palette, using the closest color, and a few more). Grf validation : allows you to validate a GRF with multiple settings. It can detect corrupted GRF entries, invalid sprites, empty files, non-GRF files, duplicate files and a lot more. Flat maps maker : generates flat maps from .gat and .rsw files. Useful to generate WoE maps or to fasten up the loading time. Patch maker : generates a GRF patch based on two different GRFs. Hash viewer : shows the hash code (both CRC32 and MD5) for files. Image converter : converts an image to any format requested (BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA). GrfCL : used to create batch files (.bat) which can automate tasks on GRF files. See the content in GrfCL.rar in the download for more information. This tool can be customized from the sources as well. Palette recolorer : creates new sprites by changing their colors (this tool is now deprecated). Client database editor : allows modifications of the database client files (txt and lua) with easy and simple tools. Work in progress. Grf encryption
    The encryption feature has been enabled again. It's similar to what it used to be and it has been tested on client versions ranging from 2012-08-01 to 2014-02-05. Some error messages will be displayed if necessary. If you have an issue, copy the error message (with the code, if there's one) and send me the client executable with the cps.dll file generated by GRF Editor. There shouldn't be compatibility issues anymore though! Thor files
    Thor files are patches used by Thor Patcher ( http://thor.aeomin.net/ ). Because of their similarity with the GRF file structure, they have been integrated within GRF Editor. The primary utility of this feature is that it allows you to add encrypted files to a Thor patch. All the other options can be achieved by using Thor Maker. You'll find the necessary steps below, but test your patches before sending them off to players (I've done a lot of testing on my end, but better be safe). If you're using SecureGRF, then make a new GRF, add the files and encrypt it. In GRF Editor, open the encrypted GRF you just made, use "Save as" and name the new file with a .thor extension. That's it, if you want to change the output directory, click on the root node of the project and select the tab "Container options". You can select the output mode and the GRF to merge the patch with. Simply save again if you change these properties. If you're using GRF Editor's encryption, then make a new Thor file (File > New > New Thor) and add the files you want to patch it with. Right-click on the files you want to encrypt and use Encryption > Encrypt. Technical stuff
    Requires .Net Framework 3.5 (SP1) Client Profile to run (3.5 or more will work as well). Automatically converts file name encoding to their proper values (you can change the encoding). Data virtualization is used as much as possible to preview files, meaning the files aren't completely loaded. Right-clicking an item will bring up the available options with that file. Preview file formats : txt, log, xml, lua, lub, bmp, png, tga, jpp, db, ebm, pal, gnd, rsw, gat, rsm, str, spr, act, imf, fna and wav. Services are "crash ready", meaning that you will be warned about a failed operation and no work will be lost (the application won't close and crash). It tries to continue operating even if it meets unsual conditions. Operations can be cancelled by clicking on the button near the progress bar. The warning level can be changed to avoid messages like "Please select a folder first." When prompted with an error, use Ctrl-C to copy the current dialog's content. Some screenshots!
    1) Previewing an act file, while showing the search feature

    2) Preview of a model file (rsm)

    3) Preview of GrfCL with the MakeGrf command

    4) Preview of maps

    5) Preview of Grf validation

    6) Search feature (press Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H to bring up within a text editor)

    Got a feedback? I'd gladly hear you out and fix issues you have with the program.



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